Error with migration postgress, i have two columns over, why? - postgresql

i have a migration, i only have four colums, id, name, last_name and email but when i do a query from postman it show me other colums over SELECT \"id\", \"name\", \"lastName\", \"email\", \"createdAt\", \"updatedAt\" FROM \"Users\" AS \"User\" what is the wrong?
module.exports = {
up: (queryInterface, Sequelize) => {
return queryInterface.createTable('User', {
id: {
allowNull: false,
autoIncrement: true,
primaryKey: true,
type: Sequelize.INTEGER
name: {
type: Sequelize.STRING,
allowNull: false,
last_name: {
type: Sequelize.STRING,
allowNull: false,
email: {
type: Sequelize.STRING,
allowNull: false,
down: (queryInterface) => {
return queryInterface.dropTable('User');
and when i used my service
static async getAllUsers() {
try {
const users = await database.User.findAll();
console.log('COnsOLE ', users)
return users
} catch (error) {
throw error;
i get this error from postman:
"status": "error",
"message": {
"name": "SequelizeDatabaseError",
"parent": {
"length": 104,
"name": "error",
"severity": "ERROR",
"code": "42P01",
"position": "73",
"file": "parse_relation.c",
"line": "1180",
"routine": "parserOpenTable",
"sql": "SELECT \"id\", \"name\", \"lastName\", \"email\", \"createdAt\", \"updatedAt\" FROM \"Users\" AS \"User\";"
"original": {
"length": 104,
"name": "error",
"severity": "ERROR",
"code": "42P01",
"position": "73",
"file": "parse_relation.c",
"line": "1180",
"routine": "parserOpenTable",
"sql": "SELECT \"id\", \"name\", \"lastName\", \"email\", \"createdAt\", \"updatedAt\" FROM \"Users\" AS \"User\";"
"sql": "SELECT \"id\", \"name\", \"lastName\", \"email\", \"createdAt\", \"updatedAt\" FROM \"Users\" AS \"User\";"
i before used this commands many times: sequelize db:migrate and sequelize db:migrate:undo
this is my git repository:
you should situate in server directory and write npm run dev

That's because your sequelize model instance have updatedAt and createdAt fields and because of that it queries the database to get these two fields too. But in your migration file there is no updatedAt and createdAt fields. So your database table does not have these columns.
You have two options, if you really don't want to use updatedAt and createdAt you should specify that while initializing your sequelize model instance. Check the api reference. You should see options.timestamps. You can set it to false.
class YourModel extends Sequelize.Model { }
name: {
type: Sequelize.DataTypes.STRING(100),
allowNull: false,
validate: {
notNull: true,
notEmpty: true,
len: [2, 100]
sequelize: sequelizeInstance,
timestamps: false // This is what you need.
If you want to use it however, check my answer here to generate correct migrations.


How to get Typeorm query from ManyToMany PostgreSQL relation with getRawMany() without duplicates?

I have JobEntity with ManyToMany relation, when I try to get a query with getRawMany() I have duplicates in output. Please, check pseudocode below
export class JobEntity {
#ManyToOne(() => StatusEntity, {
eager: true,
status: StatusEntity;
#ManyToMany(() => TaskEntity, { eager: true })
tasks: TaskEntity[];
export class TaskEntity {
#Column({ type: 'text' })
task: string;
I want to get Jobs with Tasks, and because I want to change status with alias I use getRawMany()
const jobs = await this.jobsRepository
.orderBy({ date: 'ASC' })
.leftJoinAndSelect('Jobs.status', 'JobStatus')
.leftJoinAndSelect('Jobs.tasks', 'Task')
' AS id',
'Jobs.status AS "jobStatus"',
' AS taskId',
'Task.task AS task',
But what I end up with is...
"id": 50,
"date": "2023.02.01",
"jobStatus": "ready",
"taskId": 103,
"task": "new task"
"id": 50,
"date": "2023.02.01",
"jobStatus": "ready",
"taskId": 102,
"task": "other task"
But I expect
"id": 50,
"jobStatus": "ready",
"tasks": [
"id": 103,
"task": "new task"
"id": 102,
"task": "other task"
So, my question is, how do I create a query correctly?

Best practices to escape string in AWS RDS DataService with Aurora postgres serverless

I read from:
The RDSDataService client also supports parameterized queries by allowing you to use placeholder parameters in SQL statements. Escaped input values permit the resolution of these parameters at runtime. Parameterized queries are useful to prevent SQL injection attacks.
But when I use it with Postgres, pass string: myname's and it breaks my SQL syntax. I don't sure how RDSDataService deal with SQL injection attacks as they written in document.
Could anyone can help me explain this? and how to deal safe SQL String in this case?
UPDATED: Sorry for my bad. RDSDataService already escaped string literal when using Parameterized queries.
Here is some basic code to take return values from Redshift or Aurora and transform it to insert into the database in a batch parameterSet:
Take your response including the metadata and pass that into this function. It will parse as strings or ints. If you need more datatypes supported you will have to create more if statements in the function below:
const data =
"ColumnMetadata": [
"isCaseSensitive": true,
"isCurrency": false,
"isSigned": false,
"label": "dealer_name",
"length": 0,
"name": "dealer_name",
"nullable": 1,
"precision": 255,
"scale": 0,
"schemaName": "raw_data",
"tableName": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"typeName": "varchar"
"isCaseSensitive": true,
"isCurrency": false,
"isSigned": false,
"label": "city",
"length": 0,
"name": "city",
"nullable": 1,
"precision": 255,
"scale": 0,
"schemaName": "raw_data",
"tableName": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"typeName": "varchar"
"isCaseSensitive": false,
"isCurrency": false,
"isSigned": true,
"label": "vehicle_count",
"length": 0,
"name": "vehicle_count",
"nullable": 1,
"precision": 19,
"scale": 0,
"schemaName": "",
"tableName": "",
"typeName": "int8"
"Records": [
"stringValue": "Grand Prairie Ford Inc."
"stringValue": "Grand Prairie"
"longValue": 18
"stringValue": "Currie Motors Ford of Valpo"
"stringValue": "Valparaiso"
"longValue": 16
"TotalNumRows": 2
const buildParameterSets = (res) => {
let columns = => [, c.typeName] );//get type and name of column
let data = => {
let arr =, i) => {
if (columns[i][1].includes("int")) {
return {
name: columns[i][0],
value: {
longValue: Object.values(v)[0]
} else {
return {
name: columns[i][0],
value: {
stringValue: Object.values(v)[0]
return arr;
return data;
Then you can insert using the BatchExecuteStatementCommand from the AWS SDK:
const rds_client = new RDSDataClient({ region: "us-east-2" });
let insert_sql = `INSERT INTO dealer_inventory (
try {
// insert data
const insert_params = {
database: "dev",
parameterSets: parameterSets,
sql: insert_sql,
secretArn: process.env.SECRET_ARN,
resourceArn: process.env.RESOURCE_ARN,
const insert_command = new RDSBatchExecuteStatementCommand(insert_params);
var insert_response = await rds_client.send(insert_command);
} catch (error) {
console.log("RDS INSERT ERROR");
} finally {
console.log("Inserted: ");

How to control document do not get or add additional property in loopbak?

I have a registration model in loopback over mongodb with fallowing properties:
"properties": {
"Fname": {
"type": "string",
"required": true
"Lname": {
"type": "string",
"required": true
"phone": {
"type": "string",
"required": true
"date": {
"type": "string",
"required": true
"time": {
"type": "string",
"required": true
in application I post some additional data with model required data, for controlling and processing in server side:
submitForm() {
let headers = new Headers(
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
let options = new RequestOptions({ headers: headers });
let data = JSON.stringify({
Fname: this.form.Fname,
Lname: this.form.Lname,
time: this.form.time,
uid: this.form.uid
let url = 'http://localhost:3000/api/registrations';
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {, data, options)
.then((response) => {
console.log('API Response : ', response.status);
.catch((error) => {
console.error('API Error : ', error.status);
console.error('API Error : ', JSON.stringify(error));
In server side I have this code:
Registration.observe('before save', function (ctx, next) {
if (ctx.instance) {
// When Create (POST)
// ctx.instance have the json properties
console.log("Triggers when create");
if (checkUID(ctx.instance) ==200 ){
} else {
// When Update (UPDATE)
// have the json properties
console.log("Triggers when update");
but after successfully registration I saw that uid that was added into document and regardless to model's properties, document contains addition properties.
"Fname": "Eram",
"Lname": "SA",
"phone": "1234567890",
"date": "2017/10/06",
"time": "17:37:46",
"id": "59d78e3f5e5e6704205038aa",
"uid": "38bc3241a43073a7b40d186f24923cc5"

Joi validate individual fields of nested schema

I have a nested schema setup like this:
var schema = Joi.object().keys({
first_name: Joi.string().required(),
last_name: Joi.string().required(),
address: Joi.object().keys({
street: Joi.string().required(),
zip: Joi.number().required(),
state: Joi.string().required(),
country: Joi.string().required()
var options = { abortEarly: false };
var result = Joi.validate({}, schema, options);
When running this, result.error will return the message:
{message: '"first_name" is required', path: 'first_name' },
{message: '"last_name" is required', path: 'last_name' },
{message: '"address" is required', path: 'address' }
As you see, the address field is not expanded. I don't want to get a message that the whole address field is missing. Instead, I want to be informed about the individual items in the address schema missing. When I don't make address explicitly required, the items in it don't get validated against required() at all. The nested field validation seems to work only on the entire nested schema object level, not on the individual items within the schema level. How do I make it work with the individual nested schema items?
Adding a "skeleton" object works.
Working example here.
import Joi, {
} from "joi";
var schema = object({
first_name: string().required(),
last_name: string().required(),
address: object({
street: string().required(),
zip: number().required(),
state: string().required(),
country: string().required()
})/*.required(), <= Not needed */
var skeleton = { address: {} };
var options = { abortEarly: false };
var validate = data => {
var newData = Object.assign({}, skeleton, data);
return Joi.validate( newData, schema, options);
JSON.stringify(validate({}).error.details, null, 2)
"message": "\"first_name\" is required",
"path": "first_name",
"type": "any.required",
"context": {
"key": "first_name"
"message": "\"last_name\" is required",
"path": "last_name",
"type": "any.required",
"context": {
"key": "last_name"
"message": "\"street\" is required",
"path": "address.street",
"type": "any.required",
"context": {
"key": "street"
"message": "\"zip\" is required",
"path": "",
"type": "any.required",
"context": {
"key": "zip"
"message": "\"state\" is required",
"path": "address.state",
"type": "any.required",
"context": {
"key": "state"
"message": "\"country\" is required",
"path": "",
"type": "any.required",
"context": {
"key": "country"

how to access postgresql database view using strongloop

Please help in accessing postgresql database view using strongloop.
im able to access table
{"name": "test",
"options": {
"idInjection": false,
"postgresql": {
"schema": "public",
"table": "test_data_v"
"properties": {
"assetid": {
"type": "String",
"required": false,
"length": 40,
"precision": null,
"scale": null,
"id": 1,
"postgresql": {
"columnName": "asset_id",
"dataType": "character varying",
"dataLength": 40,
"dataPrecision": null,
"dataScale": null,
"nullable": "YES"
in same way please suggest me how to access view
I am not installed postgresql but I tried in mysql, Its working fine.
IN your model you can do directly see this Example
In database I have created view that is
CREATE VIEW shareviews AS
SELECT id,name
FROM share where id = 1;
In model you can call viewname directly like this example
module.exports = function(Share) {
var server = require('../../server/server');
var ds = server.dataSources.MySQL; // use server.dataSources.postgres;
Share.list = function(optionalparam, cb) {
var sql = 'select * from shareviews';
ds.connector.execute(sql, function(err, data)
if(err) return err;
cb(null, data);
accepts: {arg: 'param', type: 'string'},
returns: {arg: 'result', type: 'object'},
http: {path: '/list', verb: 'get'}
You need to set data source in datasource.json
"db": {
"name": "db",
"connector": "memory"
"postgres": {
"host": "localhost",
"port": 5432,
"database": "postgres",
"username": "postgres",
"password": "*******",
"name": "postgres",
"connector": "postgresql"
Then in model-config.json you need to assign data source name to each
That is
"_meta": {
"sources": [
"mixins": [
"User": {
"dataSource": "db"
"AccessToken": {
"dataSource": "db",
"public": false
"ACL": {
"dataSource": "db",
"public": false
"RoleMapping": {
"dataSource": "db",
"public": false
"Role": {
"dataSource": "db",
"public": false
"yourmodelname": {
"dataSource": "postgres",
"public": true
"yourmodelname": {
"dataSource": "postgres",
"public": true
then you can access database in you model.js or Rest call(example localhost:3000/explorer) For Example my
model name Grocerylist
module.exports = function(Grocerylist) {
Grocerylist.beforeRemote('create', function(context, user, next) {
var req = context.req; =;
req.body.shopperId = req.accessToken.userId;
Grocerylist.complete = function(shopperId, cb) {
where: {
shopperId: shopperId,
}, function(err, list) {
var response;
if (typeof list === 'undefined' || list.length === 0) {
response = "All done shopping!"
else {
response = "Shopping is not done.";
cb(null, response);
accepts: {
arg: 'shopperId', type: 'string'
http: {
path: '/complete',
verb: 'get'
returns: {
arg: 'complete',
type: 'string'