Can I close terminal while waiting waiting for App Store Connect to finish processing the new build? - fastlane

I am using fastlane to build and upload ipa to iTC with submitting for review flag true.
when complete uploading,iTC need time to process the ipa.Normally,it takes one hour.Then Fastlane will request submitting for review.
My question is,when fastlane continuously output 'Waiting for App Store Connect to finish processing the new build',can I close the terminal,or I must keep it alive?
Here is my fastlane action
lane :build_app_store do
export_method: "app-store",
output_directory: OUTPUT_DIRECTORY,
silent: true,
clean: true,)
appstore(force: true, # Skip HTMl report verification
skip_metadata: true,
app_identifier: "",
submit_for_review: false,
phased_release: true)

Yes you can close the terminal and you can use this action to be notified when the process is finished:
It's not a replacement for deliver or pilot, it's just a utility which triggers a notification when the process is finished


Rundeck and Hipchat Plugin

I am configuring Rundeck in my work and I want to receive all notifications from jobs via Hipchat. I have found this plugin:
I copied .jar file in Rundeck libext directory and now I see Hipchat option in Job notification. Despite the fact that I wrote the room ID and I get a token to allow Rundeck sends notifications to this room, nothing happens..
I saw this topic:
Also I am getting this logs:
2018-01-31 15:15:12,122 [quartzScheduler_Worker-3] INFO - Execution successful: 13 in project proyecto_prueba
2018-01-31 15:15:12,501 [quartzScheduler_Worker-3] INFO - updated scheduled Execution
2018-01-31 15:15:31,088 [quartzScheduler_Worker-4] ERROR - Notification: configuration was not valid for plugin 'HipChatNotification': apiAuthToken: required
is Hipchat plugin working wrong because last update was in 2016 or Am I configuring something wrong?
Thanks beforehand.
I found the issue. Hipchat API Token has to have next scopes: Send notification y View Room. With these scopes, I have to specify next lines in Rundeck config files:
configure framework:
configure project:

boofuzz - Target connection reset, skip error

I am using boofuzz to try to fuzz a specific application. While creating the blocks etc and some testing i noticed that the target sometimes closes the connection. This causes procmon to terminate the target process and restarts it. However this is totally unnecessary for this target.
Can i somehow tell boofuzz to not handle this as an Error (so target is not restarted)
[2017-11-04 17:09:07,012] Info: Receiving...
[2017-11-04 17:09:07,093] Check Failed: Target connection reset.
[2017-11-04 17:09:07,093] Test Step: Calling post_send function:
[2017-11-04 17:09:07,093] Info: No post_send callback registered.
[2017-11-04 17:09:07,093] Test Step: Sleep between tests.
[2017-11-04 17:09:07,094] Info: sleeping for 0.100000 seconds
[2017-11-04 17:09:07,194] Test Step: Contact process monitor
[2017-11-04 17:09:07,194] Check: procmon.post_send()
[2017-11-04 17:09:07,196] Check OK: No crash detected.
Excellent question! There isn't (wasn't) any way to do this, but there really should be. A reset connection does not always mean a failure.
I just added ignore_connection_reset and ignore_connection_aborted options to the Session class to ignore ECONNRESET and ECONNABORTED errors respectively. Available in version 0.0.10.
Description of arguments available in the docs:
You may find the commit that added these arguments informative for how some of the boofuzz internals work (relevant lines 182-183, 213-214, 741-756):
Thank you for the solid question.

fastlane existing file at resultBundlePath

When I run my fast lane build it fails with
xcodebuild: error: Existing file at -resultBundlePath "/Users/dude/workspace/testMe/output/testMe.result"
My lane actions are
I know I can just add an action to delete this file specifically, but it seems more likely that I'm doing something wrong.
I had the same problem until I browsed fastlane code and found a workaround. Setting result_bundle to false helped in my case, e.g.
desc "Submit a new build to App Store"
lane :production do
setup_jenkins(result_bundle: false)

Buildbot has too many pending jobs and has stopped building at all

I encountered a problem in which buildbot has too many pending jobs and has stopped doing any more builds. Even when I restart the buildbot, the pending jobs do not go away. I want to be able to do the build and remove the pending jobs. How can i do that?
To be able to cancel pending builds you must have this feature enabled in the
authz.Authz setting in the master.cfg file of your buildmaster,e.g.
# change any of these to True to enable; see the manual for more
# options
gracefulShutdown = False,
forceBuild = True,
forceAllBuilds = False,
pingBuilder = False,
stopBuild = True,
stopAllBuilds = False,
cancelPendingBuild = True,
Documentation here
Once you've done that you'll need to restart your buildmaster. Then, on the web-status
page of any builder, you'll see buttons to cancel any pending builds as well
as the running build.

How to tell gruntfile to just test phantomJS on a pull request

I have been having pull request failing on Travis/SauceLabs while the merge build works good. When I get a pull request Travis fails with this code:
ERROR [launcher.sauce]: Can not start chrome (linux)
Failed to start Sauce Connect:
Could not start Sauce Connect. Exit code 1 signal: null
How can I test incoming pull requests just on Travis and test a merge on SauceLabs?
It's not possible yet to run pull requests on Sauce Labs when the sauce key/pass are encrypted. This is for safety reasons to not expose the credentials in case the PR has malicious code.
So what is possible is to use the
process.env.TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST // (string)
to distinguish a pull request from a push/merge triggered test.
So, since this enviroment variable gives you a string with the pull request number or with "false", its possible to use it as a flag. So I used this on my Gruntfile:
var pullRequest = process.env.TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST;
tasks = pullRequest != 'false' ? 'karma:continuous' : 'karma:sauceTask';
grunt.registerTask('default:travis', tasks);
and in my :continuous task I have only PhantomJS
continuous: {
browsers: ['PhantomJS']