Rasa Fall back policy for faq chatbot - chatbot

I am working on Rasa Faq chatbot using retrieval actions. For there I want to implement fall back policy , but I implemented in many ways suggested on net but fallback policy is not working.
The reason I found for that is I have faq intent specified in NLU.md file and responses written in responses.md for the faq.
Every time i give out of scope question it catches the faq intent and gives first answer in that faq responses.md but not default answer I mentioned in domain file.
Can anybody suggest any method in which fallback can work specifically in FAQ chatbot for Rasa

You seem to be asking two questions:
To your first, if you're using response selector, fallback will kick in as normal if confidence is below the threshold you set. Giving an "out of scope" question will not necessarily simulate this.
Secondly, the responses in responses.md are always the ones referred to by the response selector; those you set in the domain are not relevant to response selector in Rasa 1.x


How to create corpid-2 service and bind it to my app. Invalid UAA client config

I would like to create a corpid-2 service to be able to allow certain person to a simple web app in python.
I'm facing the problem about some parameters that needs to be given.
I am not able to find these parameters in the swisscom documentation https://coders.swisscom.com/docs/browse/iAPC/services/corproot-identity-v2
More Swisscom internal question. I will continue the discussion on internal tool
you have to provide the required -c parameters. You can find an example of it in the docs:
Depending on your use case.
Please be aware that the Stackoverflow channel is meant for public information only - Swisscom internal questions like corpid should not land here; I suggest to delete the question or ask it again on Askthebrain, I'll happily answer there as well.

Using "speechBiasingHints" with Dialogflow Webhook

First time posting, so feel free to give me feedback if I could improve something about this post... Now on to my question.
I am currently developing a Google Action, the Action will allow the user to define important events, such as Bob's Birthday or Fred's Graduation, and save data about said events. Later, the user will be able to ask for info about the event and get it returned back to them.
I am using the Dialogflow API with "Inline Editor" fulfillment to keep it as simple as possible for right now. The problem I am running into is this, the event has an entity type of #sys.any, so anything the user says is excepted as valid input. I would like some way to bias towards events I already have stored for the user however, so that they are more likely to find the event they are looking for.
I found another answer on here discussing speech biasing (What is meant by speech bias and how to use speechBiasHints in google-actions appResponse) which defined speech biasing as the ability to"influence the speech to text recognition," which is exactly what I believe I want. While that answer provided sample code, it was for the Actions SDK, not the Dialogflow SDK, which I am using.
Can anyone provide an example of how to fill the "speechBiasingHints" section of the ExpectedInput response of the Conversation Webhook using the DialogFlow Webkook?
Note: This is for a student project, and I'm new to developing Google Actions and still very much learning about everything that is capable with Google Actions. Any feedback or suggestions are very welcome.
The question you link to does quite a few things differently than the approach you're taking. The Action SDK provides more low-level control, but doesn't have much Natural Language Processing (NLP) capabilities, which Dialogflow provides.
Dialogflow handles biasing a little differently through the use of Entities, so you don't need to control the speech biasing directly, Dialogflow can handle that for you, to some extent.
Since each user may have a different event name, you'll probably want to use a User Entity, which is an entity you define and then populate on a user-by-user basis through Dialogflow's API. In your sample phrases, you can then use this entity name instead of #sys:any, or create another set of phrases that use this entity in addition.

Cakephp 3.1 REST - Filtering data

I have setup my application for REST access as per documentation. The default routes are working well. I am able to retrieve, update and delete records, however, I am not sure how I could filter data sending parameters to the controller. I wonder if I can do that using querystring or if there is a better way to accomplish that. Please can someone give me directions?
Reads about the Request object in the manual. And use the Search Plugin for filtering.
The search plugin comes with a lot of documentation that explains how to use it as well.
Your question is so generic that a proper answer would end up in a whole article - which I'm obviously not going to write, there is enough information available on HTTP requests and query params. Use Google or read these links:

Google Analytics for Rest APIs WSO2 Cloud API

I was following the below blog and was trying to execute the POC but no luck. i did follow all the steps as suggested however I could not see any report in google analytics after saving the content. No user is shown in report. Please suggest what could be wrong in my implementation.
Reference Link
It is very hard to give a generic answer without looking into the configuration. I just followed the tutorial myself and it all worked fine (to test, I was making curl calls in the terminal window at my laptop and watching Real-Time / Overview report in Google Analytics.)
First and foremost, please check that _system/governance/apimgt/statistics/ga-config.xml has Enabled set to true, and TrackingID set to the UA- tracking code you got from GA.
One thing to check is whether you are looking at Real-Time report or historical. When you just implemented the change - look at Real-Time / Overview report initially as it starts showing data much faster.
Also, since API Cloud has multiple gateway nodes, it takes time for the configuration changes to propagate. So one thing to try is to wait 15 minutes or so from the time you applied configuration changes in the cloud, and then try invoking the API and see if the sessions are reflected in Google Analytics.
Finally, if these do not help, just submit the support ticket in API Cloud - support is included for free with the cloud service.

IBM SmartCloud Control Desk REST API

I'm trying to write a program to access the SCCD REST API, but can't find any documentation online. I'd like to know the URLs I have to call. So for example to access a persons details I call :
But I can't find any other URIs or any documentation of that API. The only thing I found, doesn't mention the URLs. I want something like this just for SCCD.
I know it's been a loooong time and it's probably not relevant for this person, but I did find a better answer than "no".
Here's the link:
After talking to the IBM Support, it seems there is indeed no documentation available.