vscode display documentation in new tab/window - visual-studio-code

I have been using kite(python) for the past few months and I really like how I can just glance at my other monitor to view all the documentation of a function. The main thing that I like about it is that it updates pretty much instantly when my cursor moves to another function(-call) and that I can span it over a large area on my display so I see all the documentation at once.
I was wondering if this or something similar can be done within visual studio code itself. It can show a preview/the entire documentation of a function in a small popup so it must be possible to show it in a separate tab that also updates when your cursor moves to another function, right?
TL;DR: I want to view the documentation of the function under my cursor in a separate window.
Is this possible? How can I configure this?


How to re-order Listeners for OnClick in the Inspector?

I'm currently having an issue with unity UI.
I have some buttons to who I've added an instruction in OnClick directly in the editor, but because it is in the last position in the list of instructions, it is executed at a poor time.
I would like to know if there is a way to move these instructions up and down, as to change the order in which they are executed ?
I've tried to slide them up and down to no avail, and no amount of google searches seem to help.
Feel free to ask any questions if you need more specific information !
Edit : Added a screenshot. I want to move the items in the circled area up and down if possible without having to delete it all and restart...
Screenshot of the hierarchy with concerned area circled:
Even if you were able to reorder events, order doesn't mean execution order.

In a Jupyter notebook, how can I scroll past the last cell?

This is a simple ergonomics question. There's an option in the editor Geany than enables the user to scroll past the last line displayed. This allows the user to, for example, bring the last line of code up to eye-level on a vertically-oriented display.
How can I do something similar in a Jupyter notebook? I don't want my head pointed downward all the time. How can I scroll past the last cell?
I'd expect the result to be someway comparable to using the Chromium extension More Page Space.
I was just looking for the same feature. I'm not sure if there is an official solution, but you can accomplish something similar to what you want by customizing the css. Try adding the following block to ~/.jupyter/custom/custom.css:
.end_space {
height: 75vh;

When using a browser in my progress application the scroll bars never work correctly

When using a browser in my progress application the scroll bars never work correctly. It will show that I can only scroll down a little but then keeping going. Is this a bug in progress or is there something I can do to fix this problem?
define query browse-4 for customer.
custNum name
/* ENABLE name */
open query browse-4 preselect each customer no-lock.
enable browse-4.
wait-for window-close of current-window.
You can adjust the MAX-DATA-GUESS property for the browse. You can get the value from NUM-RESULTS after the preselect query has been opened. Or you can set it to a suitable guesstimate without using preselect.
Keep in mind that using preselect causes every record to be read instead of just enough to fill the first browse window. That is potentially a lot of extra DB reads and network traffic just to get the scrollbars correct.
You may be confusing the scrollbar on the containing frame with the scrolling of the browse.
Do you see two boxes outlining the browse? If you add "with no-box" to your "enable" does the scrollbar that is bothering you go away?
If it does then the problem is that your containing frame (which is the default un-named frame because you have not specified a frame phrase with the ENABLE) is smaller than the browse viewport. So you are seeing a scrollbar on the FRAME, not on the BROWSE, that is trying to tell you that you can scroll the frame up and down to see the complete viewport of the browse. The browse may also scroll within that containing frame depending on how much data there is.
If you are running this code in a character (Unix) environment you should also be aware that many GUI features of the BROWSE are not available. Especially anything related to appearance. Like scrollbars.
This is a known "feature" of Openedge GUI, unfortunately.
The position of the slider on the right of the browse is not directly related to the number of records in the query, but to the "Max Data Guess" property of the browse.
You can set this value yourself in the property dialogue for the browse widget (it's just below the "query" editor, in v10 at least).
Just set it to a really big number (say 10,000) and the browse will behave as it should.
the main problem for my question is mainly ,i am deleting temptable before completing the excecution,that is the main reason for the vertical-scrollbar is not working,after eleminating this temp-table deletion statements .automatically vertical-scrollbar is working.
for each ttdummy:
delete ttdummy.

How do I get a chart to redraw itself when the model is paused?

I have a Time Stack Chart whose data set can be changed by clicking on a radio button. While the model is running, the chart instantaneously updates its appearance when a radio button is clicked. When the model is paused, however, the chart's area becomes blank when a radio button is clicked; the legend, in contrast, updates automatically. How do I manually force the chart area to redraw itself?
When you pause a model, only a part of Anylogic is actually paused. The thread that handles the GUI keeps running, which is why you can navigate around in the model while it is paused.
This also means that if you try to update a chart's data while the simulation is paused, the appearance will refresh but -- as your data is being updated in another thread that is currently paused -- it will not have received that data.
If you want to pause the simulation and still be able to switch the data being displayed in a chart, you could take a look at the Airport example model. It provides a good method to switch between different charts by making them visible/invisible and adjusting the width, height, x and y. Essentially, you make all of the charts you need, overlap them perfectly, and then make visible the one that is currently of interest to you.
If you want to create the charts programmatically, on top of creating the chart with, e.g., new TimeStackChart(...), you also have to add it to the top level presentation group with main.presenation.add(...). If you don't do this, the chart will never appear in the model as the model won't have anything to display! To find more information on how to create a chart programmatically, make a chart in Main and then open Main in the Java editor. Find the chart you created, take a look at it's constructor (there are a lot of arguments!), and use it as rough template for the charts you wish to create. The Help documentation will further make sense of the parameters you see.
have you tried the chart.refresh(); method?
Also try to update the embedding agent using agent.onChange().
hope that helps
I encountered the exact same problem, and came up with workaround.
Try this, which I know works in AnyLogic v7:
if (getEngine.getState() == getEngine().PAUSED ){
dynChart.setSelectedItemIndices( new int[]{0} );
dynChart.setSelectedItemIndices( null );
I was able to get the chart to refresh manually when paused or finished by selecting/deselecting one of the legend items. I spent a few hours try out API variations to no avail, so I just emulated what was actually working in the UI and it worked.
I am dynamically generating a text item as the chart title, but I have not had the same luck getting the text to refresh when paused like the chart. Any ideas on that one?

Arrange GUI elements in WPF in a similar way to the applications on the iPhone

I would like to arrange UIControls in WPF in a similar way to the applications on the iPhone. They should be positioned on a grid, but a user should be able to drag them somewhere else, after releasing the mouse button (or the finger in case of an iPhone) the selected UIControl should snap back to the next position in the grid. The other UIElements should be rearranged automatically.
Further the user should also be connect two elements with a line or something.
I'm not experienced with WPF. The first question is if there is a container which is suitable for something (System.Windows.Controls.Grid ?) or if I have to extend canvas or somethig else for this.
I would like to know which elements from the WPF framework can be used and which elements I have to write myself.
For people who do not own an iPhone: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3omhu2AUWC8
I've looked at AnimatedTilePanel in the BangOTricks examples (see below), this one explains how to create your own Panel and how to let it arrange things there.. However I still need an idea how to implement drag and drop correctly in this example..
Unfortunately, you'll have to write a lot of things yourself, as WPF doesn't automatically do what you're looking for.
For positioning the controls, you can use either UniformGrid or Grid. Assuming it's much like the iPhone video you showed, you can just use the UniformGrid with 4 columns and however many rows you need.
For the dragging animation, layout-wise, you could start by manipulating the RenderTransform property on whatever is being dragged, but you'll have to set a handler to check once you've met whatever threshold necessary to move into the another "cell" -- and at that point, you'll have to changed the order of the items in the tree.
Take a look at AnimatedTilePanel from Kevin's Bag-o-Tricks at:
It doesn't do everything you want but it will show you how to write a panel that animates its children when changing size or order.
New input to this old post in 09. Earlier this year (2012) someone has wrote a FluidWrapPanel and open sourced it. I tried it and it works like a charm - just like that on the iPhone menu.
You can also apply to other UI Elements or UserControl.