How to change a default separator for postgresql arrays? - postgresql

I want to import csv with Postgres' arrays into a Postgres table.
This is my table:
create table dbo.countries (
id char(2) primary key,
name text not null,
elements text[]
CONSTRAINT const_dbo_countries_unique1 unique (id),
CONSTRAINT const_dbo_countries_unique2 unique (name)
and I want to insert into that a csv which looks like this:
AC,ac,{xx yy}
When I type copy dbo.mytable FROM '/home/file.csv' delimiter ',' csv; then the array is read as a one string: {"xx yy"}.
How to change a deafault separator for arrays from , to ?

You cannot to change array's separator symbol. You can read data to table, and later you can run a update on this table:
UPDATE dbo.countries
SET elements = string_to_array(elements[1], ' ')
WHERE strpos(elements[1], ' ') > 0;


insert string into text [] column

I have the following issue.
I will receive input as a text from a webservice to insert into a certain psql table. assume
create table test ( id serial, myvalues text[])
the recieved input will be:
insert into test(myvalues) values ('this,is,an,array');
I want to create a trigger before insert that will be able to convert this string to a text [] and insert it
first Idea that came in my mind was to create a trigger before insert
create function test_convert() returns trigger as $BODY%
new.myvalues = string_to_array(new.myvalues,',')
END; $BODY$ language plpgsql
but this did not work
You can use the string_to_array function to convert your string into an string array within your insert query:
INSERT INTO test ( myvalues )
VALUES ( string_to_array( 'this,is,an,array', ',' ) );
Suppose you receive text in the following format this is an array and you want to convert it to this,is,an,array then you can use string_to_array('this is an array', ' ') and it will be converted. However if you are receiving comma separated then you can just used it.
Creating the Table Schema Like this,
name VARCHAR(36),
twitter_id VARCHAR(40),
coin_supported text[],
start_date TIMESTAMP,
followers BIGINT,
Inserting values like this will help you to insert array,
insert into expert(id, name, twitter_id, coin_supported, start_date, followers) values('9ed1cdf2-564c-423e-b8e2-137eg', 'dev1', 'dev1#twitter', '{"btc","eth"}', current_timestamp, 12);

postgresql use column name value when quoted with single quotes

I'm trying to update hstore key value with another table reference column. Syntax as simple as
SET misc = misc || ('domain' => temp.domain)
But I get error because everything in parenthesis should be quoted:
SET misc = misc || ('domain=>temp.domain')::hstore
But this actually inserts temp.domain as a string and not its value. How can I pass temp.domain value instead?
You can concatenate text with a subquery, and cast the result to type hstore.
create temp table temp (
temp_id integer primary key,
domain text
insert into temp values (1, 'wibble');
select ('domain => ' || (select domain from temp where temp_id = 1) )::hstore as key_value
from temp
Updates would work in a similar way.

Cassandra CQL ALTER Table with timeuuid column

I tried ALTER TABLE with a valid timeuuid column name -
cqlsh:dbase> ALTER TABLE jdata ADD 4f8eca60-1498-11e4-b6e6-ed7706c00c12 timeuuid;
Bad Request: line 1:24 no viable alternative at input '4f8eca60-1498-11e4-b6e6-ed7706c00c12'
So, I next tried with quotes and it worked -
cqlsh:dbase> ALTER TABLE jdata ADD "4f8eca60-1498-11e4-b6e6-ed7706c00c12" timeuuid;
But the table description now looks ugly with column name in quotes -
cqlsh:dbase> describe columnfamily jdata;
abc text,
"4f8eca60-1498-11e4-b6e6-ed7706c00c12" timeuuid,
xyz text,
PRIMARY KEY ((abc), xyz)
bloom_filter_fp_chance=0.010000 AND
blah blah;
So I need help with a ALTER command to create timeuuid column using CQL without quotes.
The NAME of the column is a String by definition.
So you can't put anything different from a String as column name.
create table invalidnames (2 text primary key, 5 int);
**Bad Request**: line 1:47 mismatched input '5' expecting ')'
while with strings works
create table validnames (two text primary key, five int);
The name of the column and the type of the column are not related in any way

PostgreSQL Text column to integer column

I have to convert one text column to integer column.
Showed code work when I have text (all numbers) in fields but now I find some empty strings '' where query stops.
ALTER COLUMN mycolumn TYPE integer USING (TRIM(mycolumn)::integer);
Can here be done so that empty strings be converted to integer 0 so this query will pass?
How to do this?
You can update your values before altering table:
UPDATE mytable SET mycolumn = '0' WHERE mycolumn = '';

Import CSV text array into PostgreSQL 9.2

I have data something like this:
Akhoond,1,Akhoond,"{""Akhund"", ""Akhwan""}",0
pgAdmin's import is rejecting this. What format does the text[] need to be in the CSV?
I also tried this:
Akhoond,1,Akhoond,"{Akhund, Akhwan}",0
Here's the table create:
CREATE TABLE private."Titles"
"Abbrev" text NOT NULL,
"LangID" smallint NOT NULL REFERENCES private."Languages" ("LangID"),
"Full" text NOT NULL,
"Alt" text[],
"Affix" bit
ALTER TABLE private."Titles" ADD PRIMARY KEY ("Abbrev", "LangID");
CREATE INDEX ix_titles_alt ON private."Titles" USING GIN ("Alt");
ALTER TABLE private."Titles"
OWNER TO postgres;
The best way to find out is to create a table with the desired values and COPY ... TO STDOUT to see:
craig=> CREATE TABLE copyarray(a text, b integer, c text[], d integer);
craig=> insert into copyarray(a,b,c,d) values ('Akhoond',1,ARRAY['Akhund','Akhwan'],0);
craig=> insert into copyarray(a,b,c,d) values ('Akhoond',1,ARRAY['blah with spaces','blah,with,commas''and"quotes'],0);
craig=> \copy copyarray TO stdout WITH (FORMAT CSV)
Akhoond,1,"{""blah with spaces"",""blah,with,commas'and\""quotes""}",0
So it looks like "{Akhund,Akhwan}" is fine. Note the second example I added showing how to handle commas, quotes spaces in the array text.
This works with the psql \copy command; if it doesn't work with PgAdmin-III then I'd suggest using psql and \copy.