bigbluebutton setting.yml viewersInWebcam parameter is not working as expected - bigbluebutton

The parameter viewersInWebcam placed under /usr/share/meteor/bundle/programs/server/assets/app/config/settings.yml is not working as expected. What is the role of this parameter? As the name suggested it is controlling number of viewers webcam in a meeting. I set it 2 but all 6 viewers who joined the meetings were able to see the webcam of the other users.
Is there any setting where we can say only the current user and the presenter webcam will be streamed? If yes, where we can do that (filename and path).
These parameters are set as follows:
enableLimitOfViewersInWebcam: true viewersInWebcam: 2

You should set enableLimitOfViewersInWebcam = true


Why does the Google Tag Manager automaticalls has a Trigger event for gtm.load for my custom variables?

So I want to Trigger my Tags when the user accept cookies, obviously.
I tried different approaches, JSVariable, Custom JS, First party cookie and datalayer variable.
Now I have them all set in Triggers, for example if the JSVariable is true or if the first party cookie contains the cookie value I set, or the datalayer variable contains filled.
Now in Debug mode these Triggers actually seem to work. They all get Ticks under firing triggers, but the Tags don't seem to Trigger because I get another Trigger for some reason which states
gtm.load equals [variableName] (for example: gtm.load equals myJSVariable) and it always has this red X.
I just don't seem to find an answer to this problem.
Thank you all very much
So if anyone experienceses something similar (in case I am not the only dummy):
When you type in the eventname, it is about WHEN to look for your variable basically.
So for example you would enter gtm.load, when the site has been completely loaded. Then GTM would look for your CustomVariable

testcase failed when getting variable output from bot using botium box

I am using botium-box. I have the following convo file:
Here the date is a variable and changes everyday so I have to change it everyday in convo file otherwise the testcase is failing.
I have tried few solutions:
setting SCRIPTING_ENABLE_MEMORY to true in advance settings and using
placeholder for variables. For eg.
I tried setting INTENT_CONFIDENCE to 70 in advance settings and using
in convo file. For eg:
I tried INTENT_CONFIDENCE directly in convo file without setting it in advance capabilities. For eg.
I tried using %s in place of variable. For eg.
Testcases are still failing. Is it a bug? Do I have to change any Botium settings? How can I do partial matching of responses?
Solution 1 should be working (see here and here). If it doesn't work, please attach log file for analysis.
Options 2 and 3 are for something totally different (verification of intent resolution confidence), and Option 4 is not a Botium feature.
What you can try as well: Botium by default does substring matching for assertions, so your convo file could look something like this:
what is the date today ?
Today is

How to show to the user that a file is attached to an element

We are currently using a stereotype with an attached shape script to show that files are linked to an element
However, going this route means that our users cannot use another stereotype, or it will overwrite (Even if multiple stereotypes can be applied, only one will be shown and only one shape script will be applied)
I tried using the "A" icon for when a linked document has been created for an element by modifying the style property of the element, but setting MDoc=1 without a linked document will not show the icon.
What would be an effective way of showing there are files linked to a document without using stereotypes(if any)?
You are out of luck here. The Link to Element Feature on Notes works for many things, but not for the related files.
In case you could link <<files>> stereotyped Notes to the elements and run a batch script that looks into the Related/Files and fills them in the Notes. Basically that would be something like:
for dia in all diagrams:
for diaobj in dia.diagramobjects:
obj = rep.GetElementByID(diaObj.ElementID)
if obj.Type == "Note" and obj.Stereotype == "files":
con = obj.connectors.getAt(0) # assume there's only one connected
ident = con.clientId
if ident == obj.ElementId: ident = obj.sourceId
fObj = rep.GetElementByID(ident) # element connected to the note
# parse fObj's files and write them as string to obj's Note attribute

Can I enable / Disable an Azure Service Bus Topic using Powershell

I have spent a couple of hours search for a solution to disable my Azure Service Bus Topics using Powershell.
The background for this is we want to force a manual failover to our other region.
Obviously I could click in the Portal:
but I want to have a script to do this.
Here is my current attempt:
Any help would be great.
Assuming you're sure your $topic contains the full description, modify the status parameter in the array and then splat it back using the UpdateTopic method. I'm afraid I can't test this at present.
$topic.Status = "Disabled"
$topicdesc = $NamespaceManager.UpdateTopic($topic)
I don't think you'll need to set the entity type for the Status, nor do you require semi-colons after each line of code in your loop.
PowerShell Service Bus creation sample script (which this appears to be based off):
UpdateTopic method:
Additional note: please don't screenshot the code - paste it in. I'd rather copy-and-paste than type things out.

Show orion context broker poi in map viewer

For learning porpoises I am trying to run the default map viewer set up and show the POIs stored in the orion public instance ( but it does not work at all.
Following screenshots with the default provided configurations. It should show a bunch of Santander POIs if I understood well.
1.-Wired mashups schema:
2.- NGSI Source default settings:
3.- NGSI entity to POI default settings:
4.- Map viewer default settings:
5.- Map viewer result (No results at all :(( ):
Everything looks pretty straight forward but nothing is shown. Without understanding why it is not working I can not moving forward and work in my own implementation.
thanks in advance.
It looks to me like you have not obtained an authorization token (or you are not showing it in your question?). Without one you are not able to retrieve information from
One way to get a token is running this python script:
Of course, you do need a FIWARE Lab account to get it.
The problem seems to be in the configuration of the "NGSI entity to POI". The Node, AMMS and Regulators entities provide their coordinates using the Latitud (latitude) and Longitud (longitude) attributes.
The final value for the "Coordinate attribute" setting should be: Latitud, Longitud