Converting number of years to date using dart - date

I've been trying to convert number of years to date using dart. The format has to be YYYY-MM-DD. There is 19 years for example and I'm trying to get 2001-02-12 programmatically.
I've also tried looking for a library here but I can't find any that can help me In this case. Thank you.

for date format you can use DateFormatter fomatter = 'yyyy-MM-dd'; , DateTime date = DateTime(year: year); to create the date with the correct year. Then you can format the date. String formattedDate = formatter.format(date);.
Choose appropriate string format value for formatter and type for formattedDate and done.


Invalid date format [Flutter] [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I convert a date/time string to a DateTime object in Dart?
(8 answers)
Closed 9 months ago.
I've been trying convert a String to DateTime in dart using DateTime.parse(dateStart), where 'dateStart' is my variable that I use to get the date, for example in the next format '24/12/2022', but I catch invalid date format, I would like to known which are the validates formats to use in dart.
You need to use intl package to parse string date to datetime object. Please check sample Datetime parse example as below.
DateTime tempDate = new DateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy").parse(savedDateString);
You can format '24/12/2022' to DateTime like this:
final dateTime = DateFormat('dd/MM/yyyy').parse('24/12/2022');

How to convert dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm to millisecond in Angular 6

I want to convert a date which is in dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm format to millisecond.
this.startDate = 02-12-2019 13:15;
that is 2nd dec 2019.
How to convert that to millisecond.
Can anyone please help me.
Date cannot be converted to millisecond but you can get millisecond by using getTime()
This is a plain javascript function which will give you the time out of date. In case you want to display date in specific format you can use date pipe and I hope i=you know that
{{ yourDate | date: 'mediumTime' }}

Convert a date in string YYYY-MM-DD to MM/DD in JSTL [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Convert and format a Date in JSP
(6 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I have a string field that is shown as a date in YYYY-MM-DD format. I am trying to convert this field on my JSP to MM/DD date format. Here is the JSTL code I have now:
<fmt:parseDate var="taxFromDate" value="${a8spt214.fromDate}" pattern="MM-dd"/>
<fmt:parseDate var="taxToDate" value="${a8spt214.toDate}" pattern="MM-dd"/>
When I try running this I get a compile error saying the following
In <parseDate>, value attribute can not be parsed: "2017-06-30"] with root cause java.text.ParseException: Unparseable date: "2017-06-30"
is it possible to convert a string to a date filed in JSP without actually using the year in the format? Or is the pattern invalid?
You can use this Code to show this type of date MM/DD/YY
<p>Formatted Date : <fmt:formatDate type = "both"
dateStyle = "short" timeStyle = "short" value = "${now}" /></p>
The Code above will Print this result:
Formatted Date : 23/09/10 14:27
I hope to help you solve problem.

Format date and add month to it

I'm currently working with embarcadero c++, this is the first time I'm working with it so it's completely new to me.
What I'm trying to achieve is to get the current date, make sure the date has the "dd/MM/yyyy" format. When I'm sure this is the case I want to add a month to the current date.
So let's say the current date is 08/18/2016 this has to be changed to 18/08/2016 and then the end result should be 18/09/2016.
I've found that there is a method for this in embarcardero however I'm not sure how to use this.
currently I've only been able to get the current date like this.
TDateTime currentDate = Date();
I hope someone will be able to help me out here.
I figured it out.
After I've searched some more I found the way to use the IncMonth method on this page.
The example given my problem is as follows:
void __fastcall TForm1::edtMonthsExit(TObject *Sender)
TDateTime StartDate = edtStartDate->Text;
int Months = edtMonths->Text.ToInt();
TDateTime NextPeriod = IncMonth(StartDate, Months);
edtNextPeriod->Text = NextPeriod;
After looking at I changed my code accordingly to this
TDateTime CurrentDate = Date();
TDateTime EndDate = IncMonth(CurrentDate, 1);
A date object doesn't have a format like "dd/MM/yyyy". A date object is internally simply represented as a number (or possibly some other form of representation that really isn't your problem or responsibility).
So you don't have to check if it's in this format because no date objects will ever be in this format, they simply don't have a format.
You will have to do additions/subtractions on the Date object that the language or library gives you, THEN (optionally) you can format it to a human-readable string so it looks like 18/08/2016 or 18th of August 2016 or whatever other readable format that you choose.
It might be that the TRANSFER of a date between 2 systems is in a similar format, but then formatting the date like that is entirely up to you.
As for how to do that, the link you posted seems like a possible way (or alternatively, I'm afraid I can't give you an example as I'm not familiar with the tool/language involved, I'm just speaking generically about Date manipulations and they should ALWAYS be on the raw object.

Why does ExtJS subtract a day when formatting a date?

Using ExtJS 4.0.2, I can type the following into the console:'2012-01-13', "m-d-Y");
I get 01-12-2012
I can correct it with:'2012-01-13 00:00:00', "m-d-Y"); in Ext 4.0.2 uses a Date object or a String (your case). This string is parsed using the native Date.parse() using the UTC time zone.
Try to explicitly parse it using Ext.Date.parse:
var dt = Ext.Date.parse("2012-01-13", "Y-m-d");, "m-d-Y");
This problem exists in Ext3, but the solution is slightly different:
var dt = '2012-01-31'; //date string
dt = Date.parseDate(dt, "Y-m-d");, 'm/d/Y'); //returns 01/31/2012
If you're unable to use Gregor's answer (e.g. filling a grid), note that changing the input to a non ISO 8601 date format will avoid the UTC parsing as well. For example'01/13/2012', "Y-m-d");
will give 2012-01-13