Failure in creating service when using "topologySpreadConstraints" in Deployment definition - kubernetes

We are running an application inside a cluster we created in GKE. We have created required yamls (consisting of Service and Deployment definition). We recently have decided to use Pod Topology for that I have added following piece in my Deployment yaml file under spec section-
- maxSkew: 1
topologyKey: node
whenUnsatisfiable: DoNotSchedule
app: foo-app
This change is working as expected when I am running the service inside a minikube cluster while the same change is not working inside a GKE cluster. It throws an error-
Error: UPGRADE FAILED: error validating "": error validating data: ValidationError(Deployment.spec.template.spec): unknown field "topologySpreadConstraints" in io.k8s.api.core.v1.PodSpec
I searched a lot but could not find a satisfactory answer. Has anybody faced this problem? Please help me understand the problem and its resolution.
Thanks in Advance.

I assume you are running 1.17.7-gke.17 on your GKE cluster. Unfortunately this is the latest version you can upgrade to, through the rapid channel, at the time of this post.
topologySpreadConstraints is available in Kubernetes v1.18 FEATURE STATE: [beta]


Error Prometheus endpoint for checking AlertManager

I installed Prometheus (follow in this link:
But, when checking status of Targets, it shows "Down" for AlertManager service, every another endpoint are up, please see the attached file
Then, I check Service Discovery, the discovered labels shows:
But Target Labels show another port (8080), I don't know why:
First, if you want to install prometheus and grafana without getting sick, you need to do it though helm.
First install helm
And then
helm install installationWhatEverName stable/prometheus-operator
I've reproduced your issue on GCE.
If you are using version 1.16+ you have probably changed apiVersion as in tutorial you have Deployment in extensions/v1beta1. Since K8s 1.16+ you need to change it to apiVersion: apps/v1. Otherwise you will get error like:
error: unable to recognize "STDIN": no matches for kind "Deployment" in version "extensions/v1beta1"
Second thing, in 1.16+ you need to specify selector. If you will not do it you will receive another error:
`error: error validating "STDIN": error validating data: ValidationError(Deployment.spec): missing required field "selector" in io.k8s.api.apps.v1.DeploymentSpec; if you choose to ignore these errors, turn validation off with --validate=false`
It would look like:
replicas: 1
app: prometheus-server
app: prometheus-server
Regarding port 8080 please check this article with example.
Port: Port is the port number which makes a service visible to
other services running within the same K8s cluster. In other words,
in case a service wants to invoke another service running within the
same Kubernetes cluster, it will be able to do so using port specified
against “port” in the service spec file.
It worked for my environment in GCE. Did you configure firewall for your endpoints?
In addition. In Helm 3 some hooks were deprecated. You can find this information here.
If you still have issue please provide your YAMLs witch applied changes to version 1.16+.

How to inject istio to deployments which are deployed using helm

I am trying to move our app deployment to helm and facing a obstacle with injecting istio in it. We do not have namespaces wide istio enabled, so have to inject only for specfic apps.
Tried googling and nothing came up. Did anyone came through this issue.
So far, we was running a shell script directly through ansible for injecting and deploying the app which cannot be used with helm.
I am not Istio expert but what i have found:
1 - Installing the Sidecar/More control, it can be helpful in this case to reuse specific helm labels:
policy: enabled
- matchExpressions:
- {key:, operator: Exists}
2 - Dynamic Admission Webhooks in order to change the default settings during deployments,
3 - Helm templating customization + annotation, posprocessing (labeling),
annotations: "true"
4 - Helm Inject Plugin,
Please let me know if it helped.

Gitlab Autodevops How to always keep one pod alive

I'm using Gitlab Autodevops to deploy app on my kubernetes cluster. That app should always have only one instance running.
Problem is, during the update process, Helm kills currently running pod before the new pod is ready. This causes downtime period, when old version is already killed and new one isn't ready yet. To make it worse, app need significant time to start (2+ minutes).
I have tried to set minAvailable: 1 in PodDisruptionBudget, but no help.
Any idea how can i tell helm to wait for readiness of updated pod before killing old one? (Having 2 instances running simultaneously for several second is not such a problem for me)
You can release a new application version in few ways, it's necessary to choose the one that fit your needs.
I would recommend one of the following:
Ramped - slow rollout
A ramped deployment updates pods in a rolling update fashion, a secondary ReplicaSet is created with the new version of the application, then the number of replicas of the old version is decreased and the new version is increased until the correct number of replicas is reached.
replicas: 3
type: RollingUpdate
maxSurge: 2 # how many pods we can add at a time
maxUnavailable: 0 # maxUnavailable define how many pods can be unavailable
# during the rolling update
Full example and steps can be found here.
Blue/Green - best to avoid API versioning issues
A blue/green deployment differs from a ramped deployment because the “green” version of the application is deployed alongside the “blue” version. After testing that the new version meets the requirements, we update the Kubernetes Service object that plays the role of load balancer to send traffic to the new version by replacing the version label in the selector field.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: my-app
app: my-app
type: NodePort
- name: http
port: 8080
targetPort: 8080
# Note here that we match both the app and the version.
# When switching traffic, we update the label “version” with
# the appropriate value, ie: v2.0.0
app: my-app
version: v1.0.0
Full example and steps can be found here.
Canary - for testing
A canary deployment consists of routing a subset of users to a new functionality. In Kubernetes, a canary deployment can be done using two Deployments with common pod labels. One replica of the new version is released alongside the old version. Then after some time and if no error is detected, scale up the number of replicas of the new version and delete the old deployment.
Using this ReplicaSet technique requires spinning-up as many pods as necessary to get the right percentage of traffic. That said, if you want to send 1% of traffic to version B, you need to have one pod running with version B and 99 pods running with version A. This can be pretty inconvenient to manage so if you are looking for a better managed traffic distribution, look at load balancers such as HAProxy or service meshes like Linkerd, which provide greater controls over traffic.
Manifest for version A:
replicas: 3
Manifest for version B:
replicas: 1
Full example and steps can be found here.
You can also play with Interactive Tutorial - Updating Your App on Kubernetes.
I recommend reading Deploy, Scale And Upgrade An Application On Kubernetes With Helm.

Error when deploying kube-dns: No configuration has been provided

I have just installed a basic kubernetes cluster the manual way, to better understand the components, and to later automate this installation. I followed this guide:
The cluster is completely empty without addons after this. I've already deployed kubernetes-dashboard succesfully, however, when trying to deploy kube-dns, it fails with the log:
2017-01-11T15:09:35.982973000Z F0111 15:09:35.978104 1 server.go:55]
Failed to create a kubernetes client:
invalid configuration: no configuration has been provided
I used the following yaml template for kube-dns without modification, only filling in the cluster IP:
What did I do wrong?
Experimenting with kubedns arguments, I added --kube-master-url=http://mykubemaster.mydomain:8080 to the yaml file, and suddenly it reported in green.
How did this solve it? Was the container not aware of the master for some reason?
In my case, I had to put numeric IP on "--kube-master-url=http://X.X.X.X:8080". It's on yaml file of RC (ReplicationController), just like:
- name: kubedns
# command = "/kube-dns"
- --domain=cluster.local
- --dns-port=10053
- --kube-master-url=

Make Kubernetes wait for Pod termination before removing from Service endpoints

According to Termination of Pods, step 7 occurs simultaneously with 3. Is there any way I can prevent this from happening and have 7 occur only after the Pod's graceful termination (or expiration of the grace period)?
The reason why I need this is that my Pod's termination routine requires to resolve to the Pod's IP during the whole process, but the corresponding Endpoint gets removed as soon as I run kubectl delete on the Pod / Deployment.
Note: In case it helps making this clear, I'm running a bunch of clustered VerneMQ (Erlang) nodes which, on termination, dump their contents to other nodes on the cluster — hence the need for the nodenames to resolve correctly during the whole termination process. Only then should the corresponding Endpoints be removed.
Unfortunately kubernetes was designed to remove the Pod from the endpoints at the same time as the prestop hook is started (see link in question to kubernetes docs):
At the same time as the kubelet is starting graceful shutdown, the
control plane removes that shutting-down Pod from Endpoints
This google kubernetes docs says it even more clearly:
Pod is set to the “Terminating” State and removed from the
endpoints list of all Services
There also was also a feature request for that. which was not recognized.
Solution for helm users
But if you are using helm, you can use hooks (e.g. pre-delete,pre-upgrade,pre-rollback). Unfortunately this helm hook is an extra pod which can not access all pod resources.
This is an example for a hook:
apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
name: graceful-shutdown-hook
"": pre-delete,pre-upgrade,pre-rollback
labels: graceful-shutdown-hook
- name: graceful-shutdown
image: busybox:1.28.2
command: ['sh', '-cx', '/bin/sleep 15']
restartPolicy: Never
backoffLimit: 0
Maybe you should consider using headless service instead of using ClusterIP one. That way your apps will discover using the actual endpoint IPs and the removal from endpoint list will not break the availability during shutdown, but will remove from discovery (or from ie. ingress controller backends in nginx contrib)