Authentication Practices with Node Express - mongodb

I built a simple authentication system for my backend API with Express using Cookie-Parser and/or sending the Token to the front end.
It works like this: the user makes a post request to the login route with the username and password, and if it matches, he gets back both a .json response with the token and a cookie set with the token.
I thought it would be nice for the frontend development and authorization purposes to have the current user available in every successive request after the login. So, I set a middleware that searches if there is a token, tries to find a user in database with the corresponding ID, and set the user info (without the password) as a parameter in the request object (req.user).
What I wanted to know is:
Is it a bad practice to put the user info in the request? Does it lead to security problems? Or maybe the database query in every request could overload the server if the app scales to much?
This is my first backend API, I'm trying out different ways of doing things, but I'm not aware of the best practices in the field. Any help is very much appreciated!

That is why there is encryption and in this context it is an ssl ticket. If you add login details to the request you NEED to make sure that the http response is encrypted. Once it is encrypted it is ok to do what you are doing. If it is not, an eaves dropper can snatch up that data from sniffing on your network.


JWT default GET action limitation?

I've successfully used cookies before and I'd like to begin using JWT. My biggest question is how to pass your token to a website during the initial GET operation, for example when a user types your domain into their address bar or clicks on a link from some other website like google.
When using cookies for example, if you type into your web browser, the persistent cookie is sent to the website which seamlessly allows your own stackoverflow session to be automatically authorized.
I am aware that I can programatically pass my JWT token via a javascript GET through the HTTP headers but how do you pass the token when a visitor types in your URL into their web browser?
Possible solution #1
My thoughts have been to have javascript code check if 'authorized'. If not, check for a JWT token in local storage. If found, redirect to the same address. The problem of course would be that there is no way to pass the token during a redirect.
Possible solution #2
Similar to above but not issuing a redirect, I would update the current page to reflect the 'authorized' state.
Possible solution #3
Use a permanent cookie containing the JWT token. I am thinking that this 3rd option would be the best. If I did this, there would be no need to pass the JWT via an HTTP header.
I've thought about this for a few days, read up on JWT and here are my conclusions for avoiding JWT in my particular case:
No easy way to authorize a user who opens their browser and types in your website. With cookies, your server immediately knows how to respond to this headerless GET request.
No way to easily change the JWT token signature. All users are immediately affected by such a change, essentially forcing everyone to authenticate again.
No way to easily invalidate a specific JWT token. The best you can do is to maintain and check a banned signature list on the server. This of course would require a centralized or distributed server method almost identical to a cookie session management system. This would force a coupling between the token and the server, no longer stateless as intended by JWT.
Cookie management requires more server infrastructure but you have much greater session control. State is seamless (in the case of #1 above). You can instantly invalidate state. For example, the user can log out (deleting the session at the server level) or the session can be instantly banned by an administrator by simply deleting the session.
I also see the benefits to JWS:
no need to hit the db or cache system when authorizing.
simple authorization between multiple servers having the secret key.
simple authorization, no session management programming and no db session state storage required.
...but the drawbacks stated previously are too great for my particular needs.

Restrict front client connexion with groups / roles in a realm

I'm looking for a way to restrict user access to specific clients in a realm.
I know I can do it with client where Authorization is enabled (fine-grained authorization support) but it doesn't work when trying to connect from front (client need to be public and not confidential).
I'm using a javascript application to login from front-end.
Is there a way to enable Authorization for public client or a work around ?
I'm not sure if this will totally answer your question because it's still not specific enougth but it may give you some further help.
In case you're new to the topic, please see difference between public and confidential clients here.
The current best practice for public clients like HTML/Javascipt applications is to use OpenId Connect with the Authorization Code Flow + PKCE. HTTPS is of course a must have. I recommend you use a javascript openid connect adapter for this like the following for example:
Basically your authentication / authorization flow is shown here:
When the user wants to login from your frontend client application first a unique verifier is generated which is only available to the exact user / browser session. This value get's hashed as a code challege. Then the user gets redirected to the login page of your authorization server (Keycloak for example) passing some parameters like a redirect uri and the challenge.
With successful login the user get's a session at the keycloak server which also stores the hashed challenge. Then the user gets redirected to given redirect uri (a path in your application) together with a code to obtain an access token. Back in your application you application uses the original value together with the code to get the actual token. The authorization server ckecks the value against the stored challenge and geturns the access token if it matches. You see the extra verifier is to prevent that anybody compromises your code fragment to obtain a token on your behalf.
Now you have an encoded access token in your browser app. Note the token itself is normally only encoded not encrypted but it can be signed. Those signatures can later be used from your backend to ckeck the token integrity but we will come to that soon. Roles, claimes, scopes and so on included in your access token tell you the privileges of the user/identity. You can of course use them to enable/disable functions in your app, block routes etc. but in the end client protection is never really effective so your real authorization ande resource protection happens at your resource server which is your backend (node, .net core, java etc.) maybe a restful Web Api. You pass your access token as a part of the http request header with every request to the backend. Now your backend checks the token integrity (optional) expiration time etc. analyzes scopes, claimes and roles to restrict the resource access.
For example a simple GET myapi/car/{1} may only need a token or can even be annonymous while a POST myapi/cars or PUT myapi/car/{1} may need a special role or higher privileges.
Does that help you out?

Questions regarding authentication workflow with REST, and Backbone

I am currently working on a website built with Backbone.js. The site has a RESTful API built in Symfony with FOSRestBundle. Developing was going fine, until I stumbled in to some user-related tickets.
From what I understand, the best way to handle this type of problem is with a token based system, where the user gets an access token after an approved login. I will describe my current perception of the workflow, and ask questions along the way. More importantly, please correct me if I have misunderstood.
First, the user the accesses the login form, then the user types in credentials, and an AJAX request is send to the server. From what I understand this should all be handled with SSL, but with Backbonejs, you can't simply say that the login page should be accessed with HTTPS, as Backbone is a one-page framework. So will this force me to use HTTPS through out the application?
In the next step, the REST server validates the credentials, and they are approved, then the REST server sends an access token to the client. Is this token saved (on the client-side) in local storage or a cookie?
Also is the login stored at the server, so that the REST server can log the user out after a certain amount of time?
Now, the client sends this access token along with other request, so that the server can identify the client, and approve the request or not. So the access token is also stored on the REST server?
Lastly is this what the smart people call "oauth", or does it relate to it?
Thank you.
Let's take your questions one at a time.
From what I understand this should all be handled with SSL, but with Backbonejs, you can't
simply say that the login page should be accessed with HTTPS, as Backbone is a one-page
framework. So will this force me to use HTTPS through out the application?
Ok, there's a lot to unpack there. Let's start with SSL/HTTPS. HTTPS is a protocol; in other words it defines how you send packets to/from the server. It has nothing whatsoever to do with whether your application is single or multi-page; either type of site can use either HTTP or HTTPS.
Now, that being said, sending login info (or anything else containing passwords) over HTTP is a very bad idea, because it makes it very easy for "bad people" to steal your users' passwords. Thus, whether you're doing a single-page or a multi-page app, you should always use HTTPS when you are sending login info. Since it's a pain to have to support both HTTP and HTTPS, and since other, non-login data can be sensitive too, many people choose to just do all of their requests through HTTPS (but you don't have to).
So, to answer your actual question, Backbone isn't forcing you to use HTTPS for your login at all; protecting your users' passwords is forcing you.
In the next step, the REST server validates the credentials, and they are approved, then
the REST server sends an access token to the client. Is this token saved (on the
client-side) in local storage or a cookie?
While any given framework might do it differently, the vast majority use cookies to save the token locally. For a variety of reasons, they're the best tool for that sort of thing.
Also is the login stored at the server, so that the REST server can log the user out
after a certain amount of time?
You've got the basic right idea, but the server doesn't exactly store the login ... it's more like the server logs the user in and creates a "session". It gives that session an ID, and then whenever the user makes a new request that session ID comes with the request (because that's how cookies work). The server is then able to say "oh this is Bob's session" and serve the appropriate content for Bob.
Now, the client sends this access token along with other request, so that the server can
identify the client, and approve the request or not. So the access token is also stored
on the REST server?
If you're running two separate servers they're not going to magically communicate; you have to make them talk to each other. For this reason your life will be easier if you can just have one (probably REST-ful) server for your whole app. If you can't, then your REST server is going to have to ask your other server "hey tell me about session SESSION ID" every time it gets a request.
Lastly is this what the smart people call "oauth", or does it relate to it?
Kind of, sort of, not really. OAuth is an authorization standard, so it's sort of tangentially related, but unless your login system involves a whole separate server you have no reason to use it. You could use OAuth to solve your "two servers, one REST-ful one not" problem, but that would probably be overkill (and regardless it's outside the scope of what I can explain in this one Stack Overflow post).
Hope that helps.

How to design a RESTful API to check for user's credentials?

I'm designing an API for a mobile app, and I hope to keep it RESTful.
API's are authorized using Basic HTTP Auth, however, When the user open the app for the first time, he need to login first, so I need to design an API to check for user's credentials, which will accept a pair of username and password, return success or fail accordingly.
the problem is what the url should be so it is restful? I don't think /login is a good one.
It's typically viewed as poor practice to pass sensitive data via an HTTP GET request.
Password information is sensitive data and is one of the exceptions that breaks the rule that idempotent operations should be GET requests.
Why is this an exception? Browser History and Server Logs will store GET requests. Meaning that this sensitive information is visible as plain text in both places. So if someone gets a hold of either - then that information is now in their hands.
You should use an HTTP POST request to pass this sensitive information to the RESTful API as browsers will not store them and servers will not log them. However, the first line of defense is to use Secure HTTP (HTTPS) to ensure that this information is protected from outsiders.
So pass this information in the body of an HTTP request to an HTTPS URL.
A good approach is to perform a GET request for the account/profile info of the current user. and have it return the username, settings, avatar url, etc. me is a frequently used as a shorthand identifier of the authenticating user.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"username": "bob",
"id": "xyz",
"created_at": 123,
"image_url": ""
From wikipedia:
The client–server communication is further constrained by no client
context being stored on the server between requests. Each request from
any client contains all of the information necessary to service the
request, and any session state is held in the client.
Because the server stores no session state from the client, your API shouldn't expose any login/logout capability: In each request you should send user credentials, and the server should validate them each time.
Check this discussion in SO, it claryfies this concept.
I agree with Carlos - in a normal restful API, there is no session so you can't authenticate once and then reuse the session, you would actually need to pass the credential set on every call (not ideal).
In this scenario it sounds like you would be better of using one of the openAuth ( - this works by authenticating when the app is first run and then generating an access token to allow access within every call (+a refresh token).
(you could argue that the access token is state - which it kind of is - however, at least it's generally significantly longer lived).
With Authorization header set.

How do I implement authentication the restful way?

I'm building a picture diary on web application google app engine using python. Users can sign up and post pictures to their diary.
Also, I'm trying to conform as much as I can to the REST architecture of doing things.
The authentication scheme is based like this for the web application:
1. Post username/password from the frontend
2. Backend sets up a cookie if authentication is successful
3. The rest of the AJAX calls made are authenticated using this cookie.
Is there any way to conform to REST without using cookies ?
Now, I'm also building an android application where users can sign in and post/view their picture diary. I need to expose the data from web application's datastore so I'll be building a webservice to fetch data from the datastore.
The authentication scheme for the android client:
1. Post username/password over https to the web service
2. Web service returns a unique authorization token (store the token in the username/pwd table on the datastore)
3. Request subsequent services by adding this token to the Request Header of the request
4. Server maps the token to the username/pwd table and returns data if token is found
5. Authorization token expires after a certain period of time
1. Set up a secret key on the client and server side
2. Use "username:hash of password and secret key" in the authorization header of every request
3. server generates the password by extracting the password from the hash value using the same hash algorithm ; if successful returns data
btw, I didn't wanna use basic authorization because of its security vulnerabilities.
Which is better ?
Are there other significantly better ways to accomplish what I'm trying to do ? Security is quite a concern for me btw.
I'd appreciate if anyone has any insight into this issue. thanks.
I've been doing some research myself as to what would be the best solution. I think the 2-legged oauth might work in my case as Leonm suggested.
In this case the server has to provide the client with a consumer key/secret which in my case is hardcoded in the app.
The steps now would be:
1. Generate a signature using the oauth_parameters(consumer_key, signature_method, timestamp), request url, request parameters, and the SECRET.
2. Include the signature, oauth parameters when making a request.
3. Server verifies the request by generating the signature again except in this case it uses the SECRET that corresponds to the key
I think this way I am pretty much confirming to the REST principles. The server is statless as I far I understand now.
What are the pros/cons on doing things this way?
If "security is a concern" then I would say that you'd be a lot better off using open standards and a library to achieve what you want. The main reason for this is that if you do it yourself, you're very likely to forget something; these standards have had a lot of eyes looking at them, looking for holes.
Your options include (in increasing level of complexity)
Basic authentication and HTTPS
Everything is encrypted, which makes it impossible to compress or look into, it increases the overhead somewhat, using more horsepower on the server, and more perhaps battery power on the client. Simple to implement, since it's well supported by libraries.
Digest authentication
Unencrypted messages pass the wire, but the authentication is securely managed in the Authorization headers. See the wikipedia entry for more information.
See how Google is providing OAuth for installed applications. I believe it isn't what you're looking for, since you're not asking to share data between applications, just authenticating users.
Roll your own
If you want to roll your own, I suggest looking at e.g. how Google's (now deprecated ?) ClientLogin used to work.
Clients would GET a protected resource, and get a 401 with instructions to perform a GoogleLogin authentication, including a URI for where to perform the login itself
Clients (knowing how to do this) POST a request in a specific manner to that URI
The server responds with a specific response including a (long) token
The client can now perform GET requests to the protected resource with that token.
You cite REST, which dictates that requests should not specifically depend on prior interaction: "... each request from client to server must contain all of the information necessary to understand the request, and cannot take advantage of any stored context on the server." (fielding) This means that a server shouldn't store conversational context (like an authentication token) in a table.
One way of fixing this is by using any of the token based approaches (where the server tells the client about a token it should use for future requests) where the token is not a random number, but a message to the server itself. To protect yourself from client tampering, it can be signed, and if you're afraid of clients looking at it, you can encrypt it.
Edit: Although I'm not certain, it seems unlikely that Google has a table of all authentication tokens ever issued; The length of their tokens suggests that the token is some encrypted message proving that whoever holds this token actually provided real credentials in some realm at some time.
OAuth does exactly what you want to do in a standard way.
You could use a combination of HTTPS and HTTP Basic Auth. Both are existing standards and should be secure enough when used together.