Rename Vm Computer name using Bulk - powershell

I have Text file with number of local VM names in Hyper-v :
This is the names in my hyper-V environment , And i would like to change their computer name by using Powershell and bulk
I'm using this script
$computers = import-csv -Path C:\Users\Itay\Desktop\Servers.txt
foreach ($newname in $computers){
Invoke-Command -VMName $computers.newname -Credential administrator -ScriptBlock {Rename-Computer -NewName $computers.newname -Restart -Force}
But i receive this error
Invoke-Command : The input VMName IL-SRV does not resolve to a single virtual machine.
At line:11 char:1
+ Invoke-Command -VMName $computers.newname -Credential administrator - ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:) [Invoke-Command], ArgumentException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvalidVMNameNotSingle,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeCommandCommad

Each iteration you are processing the entire list of $computers.newname
In your loop you create variable $newname without ever using it. You should be very careful when running commands that make changes especially if you aren't familiar with how powershell works. The other glaring issue is you are using Invoke-Command on a remote computer but using a local variable. I am taking a guess that you're trying to do is this.
$CSVData = import-csv -Path C:\Users\Itay\Desktop\Servers.txt
foreach ($line in $CSVData){
Invoke-Command -VMName $line.newname -Credential administrator -ScriptBlock {Rename-Computer -NewName $using:line.newname -Restart -whatif}
Note the $using:line variable. This provides the contents of the local variable to the remote computer. Another way to handle it would be use the -Argumentlist. I recommend using named parameters when doing so, like this.
$CSVData = import-csv -Path C:\Users\Itay\Desktop\Servers.txt
foreach ($line in $CSVData){
Invoke-Command -VMName $line.newname -Credential administrator -ScriptBlock {
Rename-Computer -NewName $incomingname -Restart -whatif
} -ArgumentList $line.newname
The last thing you need to do AFTER confirming it's going to do what you desire is to remove the -WhatIf parameter from Rename-Computer. Rename-Computer has a -ComputerName parameter as well, fyi.
Either of these could also be written like this since there is only one property on $CSVData that we care about
$CSVData = import-csv -Path C:\Users\Itay\Desktop\Servers.txt
foreach ($name in $CSVData.newname){
Invoke-Command -VMName $name-Credential administrator -ScriptBlock {Rename-Computer -NewName $using:name -Restart -whatif}
$CSVData = import-csv -Path C:\Users\Itay\Desktop\Servers.txt
foreach ($name in $CSVData.newname){
Invoke-Command -VMName $name -Credential administrator -ScriptBlock {
Rename-Computer -NewName $incomingname -Restart -whatif
} -ArgumentList $name


PSWindowsUpdate gets Acces Denied on Remote Machienes while Domain Admin

I want to deploy Updates to Windows Servers in Our Domain.
To achieve this i want to use the Module "PSWindowsUpdate" Here is the Official Release.
I use this Module in combination with PSSessions and import it locally on all Servers outside of the default Module Path.
It should accept the updates and install them without rebooting. This Script is run using an Domain Administrator
After it Accepts the Updates it should start downloading where this happens: The Error of the Job
I started getting this error after the 2018 July Security Patch installed.
As I can't share all of the code because of Company reasons, here is the part that matters:
function invokeUpdate{
$job = Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock {Import-Module "C:\Scripts\updateModule\$($Using:My.ModuleVersion)\PSWindowsUpdate"; get-windowsupdate -install -AcceptAll} -AsJob
}else {
$job = Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock {Import-Module "C:\Scripts\updateModule\$($Using:My.ModuleVersion)\PSWindowsUpdate"; get-windowsupdate -install -ignoreReboot -AcceptAll} -AsJob
return $job
function initSession{
$ses = New-PSSession -Computername $serverHostname
if(!(Invoke-Command -Session $ses -ScriptBlock {Test-Path "C:\Scripts\updateModule\" })){
Copy-Item "$modpath\$($Script:My.ModuleVersion)" -Destination "C:\Scripts\updateModule\$($Script:My.ModuleVersion)" -ToSession $ses -Recurse
Invoke-Command -Session $ses -ScriptBlock {
if((Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Scripts\updateModule\").count -gt 1){
Get-ChildItem | Where-Object Name -NotLike "$($Using:My.ModuleVersion)" | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force
return $ses
$sessions = [System.Collections.ArrayList]#()
$Script:My.ModuleVersion = ""
foreach ( $server in $Script:My.ServerActive.Items){
$sessions.Add( (initSession -serverHostname $server) )
foreach ($ses in $sessions){
invokeUpdate -session $ses
$Script:My.ServerActive.Items :
contains a list of server fqdns
Any Ideas or Solutions would save me,
Edit 1:
Here is the Error Message:
Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-WindowsUpdate], UnauthorizedAccessException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.UnauthorizedAccessException,PSWindowsUpdate.GetWindowsUpdate
+ PSComputerName : fs02.azubi.netz
This will break my Sessions, but the output is $true
([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator")
Invoke-Command : Cannot bind parameter 'Session'. Cannot convert value "True" to type "System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSession". ...
To Fix This Problem I had to change the way of Copying to the other System and the Actual call of get-windowsupdate.
The Mooudle has to be in $env:PSModPath, so to fix it you have to copy into one of those folders.
Copy-Item "$modpath\$($Script:My.ModuleVersion)\" -Destination "$psmod\PSWindowsUpdate\$($Script:My.ModuleVersion)" -ToSession $ses -Recurse -ErrorAction Stop
the Update doesnt need to run Over Invoke Command.
Get-WindowsUpdate -AcceptAll -Install -IgnoreReboot -ComputerName $session.ComputerName
Hope this will Help if you get a similar Problem!

Powershell unregister-ScheduledTask

I'm trying to remove schedule task on remote servers.
Invoke-Command -ComputerName "name" {Unregister-ScheduledTask -TaskName $task -WhatIf}
I get the following error
Cannot validate argument on parameter 'TaskName'. The argument is null. Provide a valid value for the argument, and then try running the command again.
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (:) [Unregister-ScheduledTask], ParameterBindingValidationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ParameterArgumentValidationError,Unregister-ScheduledTask
+ PSComputerName : name
If I specify the "Taskname" in text and not variable it works.
Invoke-Command -ComputerName "name" {Unregister-ScheduledTask -TaskName "task" -WhatIf}
What if: Performing operation 'Delete' on Target '\task'.
To pass a named variable to a scriptblock, do:
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $Computer -ScriptBlock {param($task) Unregister-ScheduledTask -TaskName $task } -ArgumentList $TaskName
or use the $args Automatic variable like:
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $Computer -ScriptBlock { Unregister-ScheduledTask -TaskName $args[0] } -ArgumentList $TaskName
Create the unregister file like this one I use to clear unwanted scheduled tasks:
get-scheduledtask | where {$_.taskname -like "Optimize Start Menu Cache Files*"} | Unregister-ScheduledTask -Confirm:$false
get-scheduledtask | where {$_.taskname -like "GoogleUpdateTaskMachine*"} | Unregister-ScheduledTask -Confirm:$false
get-scheduledtask | where {$_.taskname -like "User_Feed*"} | Unregister-ScheduledTask -Confirm:$false
and then copy the file to the servers, like I do my $profile:
$serverListFile = gc .\yourinputfolder\serverlist.txt
$file_dir="driveletter$\whereyourfileis" #DO NOT put an ending "\"!!!
#$file_name="yourunregisterfile.ps1" #<-- put yours here and remove #
$dest="driveletter$\folderwhereyouwanttorunitfrom" #DO NOT put an ending "\"!!!
Foreach ($Server in $ServerListFile){
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 #<-- needed now since 2016
if ((test-path "\\$Server\driveletter$\folderwhereyouwanttorunitfrom") -ne $true){New-Item -ErrorAction Ignore -ItemType directory -Path "\\$server\driveletter$\folderwhereyouwanttorunitfrom" -Force -verbose}
Copy-Item -Path $from -Destination \\$Server\$dest\ -Force -Verbose
Write-Host " $server : copied $file_name to $dest"
...after that run your invoke using the file you sent...

Unable to execute some commands in ps1 file from powershell

I have a windows service running on one of the Azure VMs.
So whenever a deployment has to be done, we copy the binaries manually. So now, I'm writing a script to do that.
Besically the binaries are in the form of a zip folder in MachineA. That zip folder is copied to MachineB (where windows service is running).After copying, the files are extracted and then zip folder is deleted. Then after the service is started.
To do this I have the below script.
#get session details
$UserName = "$IPAddress\$adminUsername"
$Password = ConvertTo-SecureString $adminPassword -AsPlainText -Force
$psCred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($UserName, $Password)
$s = New-PSSession -ComputerName $IPAddress -Credential $psCred
#stop the service
Invoke-Command -Session $s -ScriptBlock {Stop-Service -Name "ServiceName" -Force}
#delete existing binaries in destination machine
$tempDestPath = $destinationPath + "\*"
Invoke-Command -Session $s -ScriptBlock {param($tempDestPath)Remove-Item $tempDestPath -Recurse} -ArgumentList $tempDestPath
#copy binaries zip folder in destination machine
Copy-Item -Path $sourcePath -Destination $destinationPath -ToSession $s -Recurse
#extract zipfolder in destination machine
$zipFilePath = $destinationPath + "\" + $fileName
Invoke-Command -Session $s -ScriptBlock {param($zipFilePath,$destinationPath) Expand-Archive $zipFilePath -DestinationPath $destinationPath}-ArgumentList $zipFilePath,$destinationPath
#delete zipfolder in destination machine after extraction
Invoke-Command -Session $s -ScriptBlock {param($zipFilePath)Remove-Item –path $zipFilePath}-ArgumentList $zipFilePath
#start the service
Invoke-Command -Session $s -ScriptBlock {Start-Service -Name "ServiceName"}
This is working fine when I open Windows powershell in MachineA and execute these commands one by one.
But when I put the exact same commands in a ps1 file and execute that file, I'm getting the below error:
At C:\ScriptTest\test.ps1:13 char:95
+ ... -ScriptBlock {Start-Service -Name "ServiceName"}
+ ~~
The string is missing the terminator: ".
At C:\ScriptTest\test.ps1:11 char:42
+ Invoke-Command -Session $s -ScriptBlock {param($zipFilePath)Remov ...
+ ~
Missing closing '}' in statement block or type definition.
+ CategoryInfo : ParserError: (:) [], ParseException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : TerminatorExpectedAtEndOfString
Where am I missing this terminator. I'm not able to figure out. Any help is highly appreciated.
Turns out a - in one of the commands is wrong.
I have replaced this line
Invoke-Command -Session $s -ScriptBlock {param($zipFilePath)Remove-Item –path $zipFilePath}-ArgumentList $zipFilePath
with this line
Invoke-Command -Session $s -ScriptBlock {param($zipFilePath)Remove-Item -path $zipFilePath}-ArgumentList $zipFilePath
The hyphen in from of the path is slightly different.I was able to figure out from this answer

How to remotely rename a list of computers via PowerShell?

I have a largish set of Windows 10 workstations that need to be renamed. I've tried running the script below, but get errors that are beyond my current PS level.
$computers = Import-Csv "c:\rename-computers\computers.csv"
foreach ($oldname in $computers){
#Write-Host "EmpID=" + $computers.NewName
Rename-Computer -ComputerName $computers.OldName -NewName $computers.NewName -DomainCredential hole\inwall -Force -Restart
Rename-Computer : Cannot convert 'System.Object[]' to the type
'System.String' required by parameter 'ComputerName'. Specified
method is not supported. At
+ Rename-Computer -ComputerName $computers.OldName -NewName $computers.NewName ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:) [Rename-Computer], ParameterBindingException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CannotConvertArgument,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.RenameComputerCommand
I've seen similar closed threads on this topic elsewhere without mention of the error I'm receiving.
You mistakenly used the collection variable $computers instead of the loop-iteration variable $oldname inside your loop, and since $computers.NewName expanded to an array of names rather than a single one, you got the error you saw.
That said, you don't need a loop at all - a single pipeline will do:
Import-Csv "c:\rename-computers\computers.csv" |
Rename-Computer -ComputerName { $_.OldName } -DomainCredential hole\inwall -Force -Restart
Rename-Computer will implicitly bind the NewName property of each input object to the -NewName parameter.
The -ComputerName parameter, by contrast, must be told what property on the input objects to access, given that the input objects have no ComputerName property.
This is what script block { $_.OldName } does, inside which automatic variable $_ represents the input object at hand.
To see which parameters accept pipeline input, examine the output from
Get-Help -full Rename-Computer; for details and a programmatic alternative, see this answer of mine.
You are iterating but not using the singular:
Instead of this:
foreach ($oldname in $computers){
#Write-Host "EmpID=" + $computers.NewName
Rename-Computer -ComputerName $computers.OldName -NewName $computers.NewName -DomainCredential hole\inwall -Force -Restart
Try this:
foreach ($oldname in $computers){
Rename-Computer -ComputerName $oldname.OldName -NewName $oldname.NewName -DomainCredential hole\inwall -Force -Restart
Note: $oldname is holding one value at a point. So the number of computers present in $computers will come one by one to $oldname and will perform the activity inside the loop.
You should use the singular $oldname inside the loop to iterate one by one.
Bulk rename computers in AD
Powershell bulk rename computers in AD with test if pc is online and if new name is already taken and log "not-renamed" PC.
Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Force;
$computers = import-csv -Path ".\adc.csv"
$Credential = Get-Credential
$nisuprosli=".\notrenamed $(get-date -f dd-MM-yyyy-HHMM).csv"
$makecsv="oldname,newname" | Out-File $nisuprosli -Encoding utf8 -Append
foreach ($pc in $computers){
$IsOldPCalive=Test-Connection -ComputerName $pc.oldname -Quiet -Count 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$IsNewPCalive=Test-Connection -ComputerName $pc.newname -Quiet -Count 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($IsOldPCalive -eq $True -and $IsNewPCalive -eq $False) {
write-host "Rename PC $($pc.oldname) u $($pc.newname)" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Rename-computer -computername $pc.oldname -newname $pc.newname -domaincredential $Credential -PassThru -force -restart #-WhatIf
else {
write-host "PC $($pc.oldname) is not available or already exists $($pc.newname)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$makecsv="$($pc.oldname),$($pc.newname)" | Out-File $nisuprosli -Encoding utf8 -Append

Trouble using Invoke-Command with ScriptBlock and -ArgumentList

I'm new to powershell and can't figure why I get the following error
Invoke-Command : A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument
At D:\source\Scripts\Build-Deploy\Build-Deploy\ServersDeploy.ps1:105 char:5
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $servers -ScriptBlock {
CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:) [Invoke-Command], ParameterBindingException
FullyQualifiedErrorId : PositionalParameterNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeCommandCommand
This is the script being run
params([string[[]]$servers, [string]$dest_package_path, [string]$src_package_path,[string]$deploy_script)
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $servers -ScriptBlock {
Write-Output "Destination path = $dest_package_path"
Write-Output "Copying zip $src_package_path to the destination host"
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $dest_package_path
Write-Output "Directory Created"
Copy-Item -Path $src_package_path -Destination $dest_package_path -Force
Write-Host "Copying remote deploy scripts to the destination host"
Copy-Item -Path $deploy_script -Destination $dest_package_path -Force
} -ArgumentList $dest_package_path $src_package_path $deploy_script
Because you separated the arguments with spaces instead of a comma. That makes them new arguments to Invoke-Command.
-ArgumentList a single parameter that takes an array:
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $servers -ScriptBlock {
# Stuff
} -ArgumentList $dest_package_path,$src_package_path,$deploy_script