Skip step if file input resource does not exist - spring-batch

I have 12 Steps in a single job in which steps are reading from csv and txt files. I'm trying to add the functionality of skipping the step if the file corresponding to the step doesn't exist in the directory using JobExecutionDecider following this It'is working fine when the files are not present in the directory. Instead if the files are present it stops at the first from.
.listener( new ImportFileJobListener() )
.incrementer( new RunIdIncrementer() )
.start( truncateAnagraficheTableStep( QUERY_TRUNCATE_INTERFACE_IN_ANAGRAFICHE ) )
.next( new Decider( directory, file01Prefix ) ).on( "FAILED" ).to( truncateContrattiTableStep( QUERY_TRUNCATE_INTERFACE_IN_CONTRATTI ) )
.from( new Decider( directory, file01Prefix ) ).on( "COMPLETED" ).to( anagraficheStep( QUERY_INSERT_INTERFACE_IN_ANAGRAFICHE ) )
.next( truncateContrattiTableStep( QUERY_TRUNCATE_INTERFACE_IN_CONTRATTI ) )
.next( new Decider( directory, file02Prefix ) ).on( "FAILED" ).to( truncateCapitalLimitTableStep( QUERY_TRUNCATE_INTERFACE_IN_CAPITAL_LIMIT ) )
.from( new Decider( directory, file02Prefix ) ).on( "COMPLETED" ).to( contrattiStep( QUERY_INSERT_INTERFACE_IN_CONTRATTI ) )
.next( truncateCapitalLimitTableStep( QUERY_TRUNCATE_INTERFACE_IN_CAPITAL_LIMIT ))
.next( new Decider( directory, file03Prefix ) ).on( "FAILED" ).to( truncateEsitiPefTableStep( QUERY_TRUNCATE_INTERFACE_IN_ESITI_PEF ) )
.from( new Decider( directory, file03Prefix ) ).on( "COMPLETED" ).to( capitalLimitStep( QUERY_INSERT_INTERFACE_IN_CAPITAL_LIMIT ) )
.next( moveTextFilesStep() )
.next( truncateEsitiPefTableStep( QUERY_TRUNCATE_INTERFACE_IN_ESITI_PEF ) )
.next( new Decider( directory, file04Prefix ) ).on( "FAILED" ).to( truncateStatoOperazioniTableStep( QUERY_TRUNCATE_INTERFACE_IN_STATO_OPERAZIONI ) )
.from( new Decider( directory, file04Prefix ) ).on( "COMPLETED" ).to( esitiPefStep() )
.next( truncateStatoOperazioniTableStep( QUERY_TRUNCATE_INTERFACE_IN_STATO_OPERAZIONI ) )
.next( new Decider( directory, file05Prefix ) ).on( "FAILED" ).fail()
.from( new Decider( directory, file05Prefix ) ).on( "COMPLETED" ).to( statoOperazioniStep() )
.next( statoOperazioniStep() )
.next( moveExcelFilesStep() )
Here is the code of the decider
public class Decider implements JobExecutionDecider {
private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("techLog");
private File directory;
private String filePrefix;
public Decider(File directory, String filePrefix) {
super(); = directory;
this.filePrefix = filePrefix;
public FlowExecutionStatus decide(JobExecution jobExecution, StepExecution stepExecution) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
String status;
File[] inputFiles = directory.listFiles((dir, name) -> name.startsWith(filePrefix) );
if ( inputFiles.length == 0 ) {
logger.error( "Input resource does not exist file " + directory + "\\" + filePrefix );
status = "FAILED";
else {
status = "COMPLETED";
return new FlowExecutionStatus(status);

That's an issue with your decider implementation. It is up to you to specify the FlowExecutionStatus to return according to the presence/absence of the file.


How to execute "org.eclipse.ui.file.closeAll" command?

I tried
IHandlerService handlerService = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getService( IHandlerService.class ) ;
ICommandService commandService = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getService( ICommandService.class ) ;
Command command = commandService.getCommand( "org.eclipse.ui.file.closeAll" ) ;
command.executeWithChecks( handlerService.createExecutionEvent( command, new Event() ) ) ;
but it throws org.eclipse.core.commands.NotEnabledException.
There is a method org.eclipse.core.commands.Command.setEnabled(Object), I tried
command.setEnabled( null ) ;
but it still didn't work. If the parameter is not passed null, what is passed ?
In addition, I tried
IHandlerService handlerService = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getService( IHandlerService.class ) ;
handlerService.executeCommand( "org.eclipse.ui.file.closeAll", new Event() ) ;
It didn't work out either.

Salesforce Trigger - Prevent Parent Case Closure if Parent Case has open Child Cases

I have the following Apex trigger which should prevent a Parent Case from closing if the parent case has open child cases. Kindly assist with trouble shooting as the Apex Trigger is not firing.
trigger CaseTriggerCloseChild on Case ( before update ) {
Set < Id > setCaseIds = new Set < Id >();
Map < Id, Integer > mapOpenCaseCount = new Map < Id, Integer >();
for ( Case objCase : ) {
if ( objCase.Status == 'Closed' ) {
setCaseIds.add( objCase.Id );
for ( Case objCase : [ SELECT ParentId FROM Case WHERE ParentId IN: setCaseIds AND IsClosed = false ] ) {
if ( mapOpenCaseCount.containsKey( objCase.ParentId ) ) {
mapOpenCaseCount.put( objCase.ParentId, mapOpenCaseCount.get( objCase.ParentId ) + 1 );
} else {
mapOpenCaseCount.put( objCase.ParentId, 1 );
for ( Case objCase : ) {
if ( objCase.Status == 'Closed' ) {
if ( mapOpenCaseCount.containsKey( objCase.Id ) ) {
objCase.addError( 'You cannot close this Case. It has ' + mapOpenCaseCount.get( objCase.Id ) + ' open Child Cases.' );
Looks like your map of open cases is keyed on the parent ID and you are using the current case ID to look for open cases. You'll need to restructure it some.

Import a huge among of data from Elasticsearch 2 to Mongodb fails on memory limit

I need help with import about 25 millions items from Elasticsearch to Mongodb. I wrote php script to do it but when the script reaches 16 millions items it fails on memory limit and throws me an error: VirtualAlloc() failed: [0x000005af] The paging file is too small for this operation to complete. I changed the system settings - virtual memory (paging file) to 100 000 according this web, but it is still not enough. I dont understand why it allocates so much memory. To get data from Elasticsearch I use scroll api. Look at the script:
error_reporting( E_ALL );
ini_set( 'memory_limit', -1 );
ini_set( 'max_execution_time', -1 );
/** #var \Nette\DI\Container $container */
$container = require( __DIR__ . '/../app/bootstrap.php' );
echo "----------------------------------------------------------------\n";
echo "--------------------- EVENT INDEX IMPORT -----------------------\n";
echo "----------------------------------------------------------------\n";
echo 'memory_limit: ' . ini_get( 'memory_limit' ) . "\n";
/** #var MongoConnect $mongo */
$mongo = $container->getService( 'mongo' );
/** #var \MongoDB\Collection $eventsCollection */
$eventsCollection = $mongo->selectCollection( 'Events', 'events' );
/** #var Elastica\Client $elastic */
$elastic = new Elastica\Client();
/** #var Elastica\Index $elasticIndex */
$elasticScrollData = $elastic->getIndex( 'event' )->request( '_search?scroll=10s', 'GET', ['size' => 250, 'sort' => ['_doc']] )->getData();
$countAll = $elasticScrollData['hits']['total'];
echo 'ES ALL ITEMS COUNT ' . $countAll . "\n";
$offset = 0;
saveToMongo( $elasticScrollData, $countAll, $offset, $elastic, $eventsCollection );
function saveToMongo( $scrollData, $countAll, $offset, \Elastica\Client $elastic, \MongoDB\Collection $mongoCollection )
$documents = [];
foreach ( $scrollData['hits']['hits'] as $item )
$doc = [];
$doc['ico'] = (array)$item['_source']['ico'];
$doc['data'] = $item['_source'];
if( isset( $item['_type'] ) ) $doc['type'] = $item['_type'];
if( isset( $item['_source']['key'] ) ) $doc['key'] = $item['_source']['key'];
if( isset( $item['_source']['action'] ) ) $doc['action'] = $item['_source']['action'];
if( isset( $item['_source']['publishDate'] ) ) $doc['publishDate'] = stringToDate( $item['_source']['publishDate'] );
if( isset( $item['_source']['generateDate'] ) ) $doc['generateDate'] = stringToDate( $item['_source']['generateDate'] );
if( isset( $item['_source']['eventDate'] ) ) $doc['eventDate'] = stringToDate( $item['_source']['eventDate'] );
$documents[] = $doc;
$mongoCollection->insertMany( $documents, ['ordered' => FALSE] );
echo '--- offest ' . ( $offset ) . ' OK' . "\n";
catch( \Exception $e )
echo '+++ insert exception: ' . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
if( $offset < $countAll )
$scrollData = $elastic->request( '_search/scroll', 'GET', ['scroll' => '10s', 'scroll_id' => $scrollData['_scroll_id']] )->getData();
saveToMongo( $scrollData, $countAll, $offset, $elastic, $mongoCollection );
function stringToDate( $string )
if( preg_match( '/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d+\+[\d:]+$/', $string ) ) $format = 'Y-m-d\TH:i:s.uT';
elseif( preg_match( '/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d+$/', $string ) ) $format = 'Y-m-d\TH:i:s.u';
elseif ( preg_match( '/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\+[\d:]+$/', $string ) ) $format = 'Y-m-d\TH:i:sT';
elseif ( preg_match( '/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/', $string ) ) $format = 'Y-m-d\TH:i:s';
elseif ( preg_match( '/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\+[\d:]+$/', $string ) ) $format = 'Y-m-dT';
elseif ( preg_match( '/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$/', $string ) ) $format = 'Y-m-d';
return DateTime::createFromFormat( $format, $string );
echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
echo "------------------------- EVERYTHING IS DONE ---------------------------\n";
echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";

Its giving unexpected Indentation error.Any Idea ?Any one?

Below is my coffee Script .Its giving "Unexpected Indentation" error.
Any one can guess whats the errror is?
evaluateContainerRules: ( rules, containerType ) ->
deferred = Ext.create( 'Deft.promise.Deferred' )
searchCriteria = []
for rule in rules
if rule.searchTerms? and rule.searchTerms.length > 0
searchCriteria.push( rule )
console.log 'rule'
console.log 'searchCriteria'
if searchCriteria.length <= 0
emptyRules =
searchOption: 'EMPTY_RULE'
searchTerms: true
console.log 'emptyRules'
searchCriteria.push( emptyRules )
console.log 'searchCriteria'
store = Ext.create( '',
searchCriterias: searchCriteria
traverseTypeEnums: if containerType is 'device' then [ Traverse.core.enumeration.TraverseType.DEVICE ] else [ Traverse.core.enumeration.TraverseType.TEST ]
complete = false
( records, operation, success ) ->
# NOTE: callback is fired multiple times for a paging store, only execute logic during the first call
if complete
complete = true
if success
deferred.resolve( store )
#showError( operation.getError() )
deferred.reject( operation.getError() )
scope: #
return deferred.promise
This seems a reasonable re-indentation of your code that compiles
evaluateContainerRules: ( rules, containerType ) ->
deferred = Ext.create( 'Deft.promise.Deferred' )
searchCriteria = []
for rule in rules
if rule.searchTerms? and rule.searchTerms.length > 0
searchCriteria.push( rule )
console.log 'rule'
console.log 'searchCriteria'
if searchCriteria.length <= 0
emptyRules =
searchOption: 'EMPTY_RULE'
searchTerms: true
console.log 'emptyRules'
searchCriteria.push( emptyRules )
console.log 'searchCriteria'
store = Ext.create( '',
searchCriterias: searchCriteria
traverseTypeEnums: if containerType is 'device' then [ Traverse.core.enumeration.TraverseType.DEVICE ] else [ Traverse.core.enumeration.TraverseType.TEST ]
complete = false
( records, operation, success ) ->
# NOTE: callback is fired multiple times for a paging store, only execute logic during the first call
if complete
complete = true
if success
deferred.resolve( store )
#showError( operation.getError() )
deferred.reject( operation.getError() )
scope: #
Hope this helps

Fixing "no rules expected the token" macro error

I'm trying to write a macro for destructuring BSON data which looks like this:
let bson: Document = ...;
let (id, hash, name, path, modification_time, size, metadata, commit_data) = bson_destructure! {
get id = from (bson), optional, name ("_id"), as ObjectId;
get hash = from (bson), as String, through (|s| ContentHash::from_str(&s));
get name = from (bson), as String;
get path = from (bson), as Bson, through (PathBuf::from_bson);
get modification_time = from (bson), as UtcDatetime, through (FileTime);
get size = from (bson), as I64, through (|n| n as u64);
get metadata = from (bson), as Document, through (Metadata::from_bson);
get commit_data = from (bson), optional, as Document, through (CommitData::from_bson);
ret (id, hash, name, path, modification_time, size, metadata, commit_data)
I've written the following macro (pretty large) for it:
macro_rules! bson_destructure {
// required field
#collect req,
[$target:ident, $source:expr, $field:expr, Bson, $f:expr],
) => {{
let $target = try!(match $source.remove($field) {
Some(v) => $f(v),
None => Err(BsonDestructureError::MissingField {
field_name: $field,
expected: "Bson"
#collect req,
[$target:ident, $source:expr, $field:expr, $variant:ident, $f:expr],
) => {{
let $target = try!(match $source.remove($field) {
Some(v) => match v {
::ejdb::bson::Bson::$variant(v) => $f(v),
v => Err(BsonDestructureError::InvalidType {
field_name: $field,
expected: stringify!($variant),
actual: v
None => Err(BsonDestructureError::MissingField {
field_name: $field,
expected: stringify!($variant)
// optional field
#collect opt,
[$target:ident, $source:expr, $field:expr, Bson, $f:expr],
) => {{
let $target = try!(match $source.remove($field) {
Some(v) => $f(v).map(Some),
None => Ok(None),
#collect opt,
[$target:ident, $source:expr, $field:expr, $variant:ident, $f:expr],
) => {{
let $target = try!(match $source.remove($field) {
Some(v) => match v {
::ejdb::bson::Bson::$variant(v) => $f(v).map(Some),
v => Err(BsonDestructureError::InvalidType {
field_name: $field,
expected: stringify!($variant),
actual: v
None => Ok(None),
// change variant name
#collect $k:tt,
[$target:ident, $source:expr, $field:expr, $variant:ident, $f:expr],
[as $nv:ident, $($word:ident $arg:tt),*];
) => {
#collect $k,
[$target, $source, $field, $nv, $f],
[$($word $arg),*];
// change final mapping function
#collect $k:tt,
[$target:ident, $source:expr, $field:expr, $variant:ident, $f:expr],
[through ($nf:expr), $($word:ident $arg:tt),*];
) => {
#collect $k,
[$target, $source, $field, $variant, $nf],
[$($word $arg),*];
// change field name
#collect $k:tt,
[$target:ident, $source:expr, $field:expr, $variant:ident, $f:expr],
[name ($nn:expr), $($word:ident $arg:tt),*];
) => {
#collect $k,
[$target, $source, $nn, $variant, $f],
[$($word $arg),*];
// main forms
(get $target:ident = from ($source:expr), $($word:ident $arg:tt),*; $($rest:tt)*) => {
#collect req,
[$target, $source, stringify!($target), Bson, Ok],
[$($word $arg),*];
(get $target:ident = from ($source:expr), optional, $($word:ident $arg:tt),*; $($rest:tt)*) => {
#collect opt,
[$target, $source, stringify!($target), Bson, Ok],
[$($word $arg),*];
// final form
(ret $e:expr) => { $e }
However, the first example above results in the following compilation error:
src/db/ 345:25 error: no rules expected the token `opt`
src/db/ #collect opt,
I'm somewhat surprised that it doesn't show the error location as usual (that is, there is no indication where expansion happens), however, the error vanishes when I comment the piece of code which uses the macro out.
I can't see why it says that no rules expected this token because there is such a rule, but maybe I don't understand something.
I'm pretty sure that this is possible because that's roughly what quick_error crate does, but it seems that my macro writing skills are still lacking.
How should I fix the macro so it would work as I expect?
For completeness, the following is the definition of BsonDestructureError:
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum BsonDestructureError {
InvalidType {
field_name: &'static str,
expected: &'static str,
actual: Bson
InvalidArrayItemType {
index: usize,
expected: &'static str,
actual: Bson
MissingField {
field_name: &'static str,
expected: &'static str
I'm also using bson crate reexported from ejdb crate. Here is a minimal example, runnable with cargo script on stable Rust.
Both cargo script, a recursive muncher, and my favourite internal rule syntax; how can I not?
First, the exact problem can be identified by running cargo rustc -- -Z trace-macros. This will output each rule as it gets expanded, giving us a "backtrace" which, after some manual reformatting, comes out looking like so:
bson_destructure! {
get id = from ( bson ) , optional , name ( "_id" ) , as ObjectId ;
get hash = from ( bson ) , as String ;
get name = from ( bson ) , as String ;
get path = from ( bson ) , as Bson ;
get modification_time = from ( bson ) , as UtcDatetime ;
get size = from ( bson ) , as I64 , through ( | n | n as u64 ) ;
get metadata = from ( bson ) , as Document ;
get commit_data = from ( bson ) , optional , as Document ;
ret ( id , hash , name , path , modification_time , size , metadata , commit_data )
bson_destructure! {
# collect opt ,
[ id , bson , stringify ! ( id ) , Bson , Ok ] ,
[ name ( "_id" ) , as ObjectId ] ;
get hash = from ( bson ) , as String ;
get name = from ( bson ) , as String ;
get path = from ( bson ) , as Bson ;
get modification_time = from ( bson ) , as UtcDatetime ;
get size = from ( bson ) , as I64 , through ( | n | n as u64 ) ;
get metadata = from ( bson ) , as Document ;
get commit_data = from ( bson ) , optional , as Document ;
ret ( id , hash , name , path , modification_time , size , metadata , commit_data )
bson_destructure! {
# collect opt ,
[ id , bson , "_id" , Bson , Ok ] , [ as ObjectId ] ;
get hash = from ( bson ) , as String ;
get name = from ( bson ) , as String ;
get path = from ( bson ) , as Bson ;
get modification_time = from ( bson ) , as UtcDatetime ;
get size = from ( bson ) , as I64 , through ( | n | n as u64 ) ;
get metadata = from ( bson ) , as Document ;
get commit_data = from ( bson ) , optional , as Document ;
ret ( id , hash , name , path , modification_time , size , metadata , commit_data )
A careful perusal of the rules in bson_destructure! shows the issue: there is no rule which matches the third expansion. macro_rules! is, frankly, rubbish at reporting sane error locations when it comes to recursive rules; that it's pointing to the opt token is irrelevant. The real problem is that it couldn't find a matching rule.
In particular, the offending rule is this one:
// change variant name
#collect $k:tt,
[$target:ident, $source:expr, $field:expr, $variant:ident, $f:expr],
[as $nv:ident, $($word:ident $arg:tt),*];
) => {
Note the presence of a comma immediately after $nv:ident. Also note that there is no such comma in the input. This can be solved by moving the comma inside the repetition, like so:
// change field name
#collect $k:tt,
[$target:ident, $source:expr, $field:expr, $variant:ident, $f:expr],
[name ($nn:expr) $(, $word:ident $arg:tt)*];
) => {
Another alternative (and the one I ususally go with), is to simply mutate the input when it is first encountered to make sure there is always a trailing comma in place.
The code won't actually compile on my machine, due to a native dependency, but I did verify that making this change (both here, and to the other rules with a similar issue) allows it to complete macro expansion. You can check the output looks correct using cargo rustc -- -Z unstable-options --pretty=expanded.