Kubernates pod memory limit using metrics - kubernetes

I am trying to fetch the actual and total amount of memory allocated to a pod using API.
While I am able to fetch actual memory consumption using metrics server api.
How can I fetch total memory assigned to pod using metrics server API?
I am developing a dashboard in which I need to showcase pod memory and cpu.The ui graph has input actual and total amout. I can fetch actual memory used by command kubectl get --raw /apis/metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1/namespaces/default/pods/ but how can I get total memory of pod?

All the available APIs are described at Kubernetes API Guide. It is available for the different K8s versions (just pay attention to URL).
Nick, How can I fetch this value using API ?
At a first glance even /api/v1/namespaces/<namespace>/pods/ will do the job.
Please see my example (I have decided to tet it myself).
$ cat pod.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: server-go-lim
- image: nkolchenko/enea:server_go_latest
memory: 1024Mi # Here is the Limit
$ kubectl create -f pod.yaml
pod/server-go-lim created
$ kubectl get --raw /api/v1/namespaces/default/pods/server-go-lim | json_pp
"spec" : {
"containers" : [
"resources" :
"limits" : {
"memory" : "1Gi"
As we can see, API returns Limits for pod.
Let me know if that's the one you've been looking for.

You simply run kubectl describe pod <pod> and look under .Containers.<container>.Limits
The total amount of memory allocated to a pod is bounded by the memory limit you assign to the pod's containers. https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/assign-memory-resource/#specify-a-memory-request-and-a-memory-limit
To specify a memory request for a Container, include the resources:requests field in the Container's resource manifest. To specify a memory limit, include resources:limits.
If you don't specify a memory limit, the container has no upper bound. https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/assign-memory-resource/#if-you-do-not-specify-a-memory-limit
If you do not specify a memory limit for a Container, one of the following situations applies:
• The Container has no upper bound on the amount of memory it uses. The Container could use all of the memory available on the Node where it is running which in turn could invoke the OOM Killer. Further, in case of an OOM Kill, a container with no resource limits will have a greater chance of being killed.
• The Container is running in a namespace that has a default memory limit, and the Container is automatically assigned the default limit. Cluster administrators can use a LimitRange to specify a default value for the memory limit.


My kubernetes pods are Evicting with ephemeral-storage issue

I am running a k8 cluster with 8 workers and 3 master nodes. And my pods are evicting repetively with the ephemeral storage issues.
Below is the error I am getting on Evicted pods:
Message: The node was low on resource: ephemeral-storage. Container xpaas-logger was using 30108Ki, which exceeds its request of 0. Container wso2am-gateway-am was using 406468Ki, which exceeds its request of 0.
To overcome the above error, I have added ephemeral storage limits and request to my namespace.
apiVersion: v1
kind: LimitRange
name: ephemeral-storage-limit-range
- default:
ephemeral-storage: 2Gi
ephemeral-storage: 130Mi
type: Container
Even after adding the above limits and requests to my namespace, my pod is reaching its limits and then evicting.
Message: Pod ephemeral local storage usage exceeds the total limit of containers 2Gi.
How can I monitor my ephemeral storage, where does it store on my instance?
How can I set the docker logrotate to my ephemeral storage based on size? Any suggestions?
"Ephemeral storage" here refers to space being used in the container filesystem that's not in a volume. Something inside your process is using a lot of local disk space. In the abstract this is relatively easy to debug: use kubectl exec to get a shell in the pod, and then use normal Unix commands like du to find where the space is going. Since it's space inside the pod, it's not directly accessible from the nodes, and you probably can't use tools like logrotate to try to manage it.
One specific cause of this I've run into in the past is processes configured to log to a file. In Kubernetes you should generally set your logging setup to log to stdout instead. This avoids this specific ephemeral-storage problem, but also avoids a number of practical issues around actually getting the log file out of the pod. kubectl logs will show you these logs and you can set up cluster-level tooling to export them to another system.

What is the default memory allocated for a pod

I am setting up a pod say test-pod on my google kubernetes engine. When I deploy the pod and see in workloads using google console, I am able to see 100m CPU getting allocated to my pod by default, but I am not able to see how much memory my pod has consumed. The memory requested section always shows 0 there. I know we can restrict memory limits and initial allocation in the deployment YAML. But I want to know how much default memory a pod gets allocated when no values are specified through YAML and what is the maximum limit it can avail?
If you have no resource requests on your pod, it can be scheduled anywhere at all, even the busiest node in your cluster, as though you requested 0 memory and 0 CPU. If you have no resource limits and can consume all available memory and CPU on its node.
(If it’s not obvious, realistic resource requests and limits are a best practice!)
You can set limits on individual pods
If not , you can set limits on the overall namespace
Defaults , no limits
But there are some ticks:
Here is a very nice view of this:
When deploying a pod in a Kubernetes cluster, you normally have 2
choices when it comes to resources allotment:
defining CPU/memory resource requests and limits at the pod level
defining default CPU/memory requests and limits at the namespace level
using a LimitRange
From Docker documentation ( assuming u are using docker runtime ):
By default, a container has no resource constraints and can use as
much of a given resource as the host’s kernel scheduler will allow
Kubernetes pods' CPU and memory usage can be seen using the metrics-server service and the kubectl top pod command:
$ kubectl top --help
Available Commands:
pod Display Resource (CPU/Memory/Storage) usage of pods
Example in Minikube below:
minikube addons enable metrics-server
# wait 5 minutes for metrics-server to be up and running
$ kubectl top pod -n=kube-system
NAME CPU(cores) MEMORY(bytes)
coredns-fb8b8dccf-6t5k8 6m 10Mi
coredns-fb8b8dccf-sjkvc 5m 10Mi
etcd-minikube 37m 60Mi
kube-addon-manager-minikube 17m 20Mi
kube-apiserver-minikube 55m 201Mi
kube-controller-manager-minikube 30m 46Mi
kube-proxy-bsddk 1m 11Mi
kube-scheduler-minikube 2m 12Mi
metrics-server-77fddcc57b-x2jx6 1m 12Mi
storage-provisioner 0m 15Mi
tiller-deploy-66b7dd976-d8hbk 0m 13Mi
This link has more information.
Kubernetes doesn’t provide default resource limits out-of-the-box. This means that unless you explicitly define limits, your containers can consume unlimited CPU and memory.
More details here: https://medium.com/#reuvenharrison/kubernetes-resource-limits-defaults-and-limitranges-f1eed8655474
The real problem in many of these cases is not that the nodes are too small, but that we have not accurately specified resource limits for the pods.
Resource limits are set on a per-container basis using the resources property of a containerSpec, which is a v1 api object of type ResourceRequirements. Each object specifies both “limits” and “requests” for the types of resources.
If you do not specify a memory limit for a container, one of the following situations applies:
The container has no upper bound on the amount of memory it uses. The container could use all of the memory available on the Node where it is running which in turn could invoke the OOM Killer. Further, in case of an OOM Kill, a container with no resource limits will have a greater chance of being killed.
The container is running in a namespace that has a default memory limit, and the container is automatically assigned the default limit. Cluster administrators can use a LimitRange to specify a default value for the memory limit.
When you set a limit, but not a request, kubernetes defaults the request to the limit. If you think about it from the scheduler’s perspective it makes sense.
It is important to set correct resource requests, setting them too low makes that nodes can get overloaded; too high makes that nodes will stuck idle.
Useful article: memory-limits.
Kubernetes doesn’t provide default resource limits out-of-the-box. This means that unless you explicitly define limits, your containers can consume unlimited CPU and memory.

Using Horizontal Pod Autoscaling along with resource requests and limits

Say we have the following deployment:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
replicas: 2
- image: ...
cpu: 100m
memory: 50Mi
cpu: 500m
memory: 300Mi
And we also create a HorizontalPodAutoscaler object which automatically scales up/down the number of pods based on CPU average utilization. I know that the HPA will compute the number of pods based on the resource requests, but what if I want the containers to be able to request more resources before scaling horizontally?
I have two questions:
1) Are resource limits even used by K8s when a HPA is defined?
2) Can I tell the HPA to scale based on resource limits rather than requests? Or as a means of implementing such a control, can I set the targetUtilization value to be more than 100%?
No, HPA is not looking at limits at all. You can specify target utilization to any value even higher than 100%.
Hi in deployment we have resources requests and limits. As per documentation here those parameters acts before HPA gets main role as autoscaler:
When you create a Pod, the Kubernetes scheduler selects a node for
the Pod to run on. Each node has a maximum capacity for each of the
resource types: the amount of CPU and memory it can provide for
Then the kubelet starts a Container of a Pod, it passes the CPU and memory limits to the container runtime.
If a Container exceeds its memory limit, it might be terminated. If it is restartable, the kubelet will restart it, as with any other type of runtime failure.
If a Container exceeds its memory request, it is likely that its Pod will be evicted whenever the node runs out of memory.
On the other hand:
The Horizontal Pod Autoscaler is implemented as a control loop, with a period controlled by the controller manager’s (with default value of 15 seconds).
The controller manager queries the resource utilization against the metrics specified in each HorizontalPodAutoscaler definition.
Please note that if some of the pod’s containers do not have the relevant resource request set, CPU utilization for the pod will not be defined and the autoscaler will not take any action for that metric.
Hope this help

"Limits" property ignored when deploying a container in a Kubernetes cluster

I am deploying a container in Google Kubernetes Engine with this YAML fragment:
- name: service
image: registry/service-go:latest
memory: "20Mi"
cpu: "20m"
memory: "100Mi"
cpu: "50m"
But it keeps taking 120m. Why is "limits" property being ignored? Everything else is working correctly. If I request 200m, 200m are being reserved, but limit keeps being ignored.
My Kubernetes version is 1.10.7-gke.1
I only have the default namespace and when executing
kubectl describe namespace default
Name: default
Labels: <none>
Annotations: <none>
Status: Active
No resource quota.
Resource Limits
Type Resource Min Max Default Request Default Limit Max Limit/Request Ratio
---- -------- --- --- --------------- ------------- -----------------------
Container cpu - - 100m - -
Considering Resources Request Only
The google cloud console works well, I think you have multiple containers in your pod, this is why. The value shown above is the sum of resources requests declared in your truncated YAML file. You can verify easily with kubectl.
First verify the number of containers in you pod.
kubectl describe pod service-85cc4df46d-t6wc9
Then, look the description of the node via kubectl, you should have the same informations as the console says.
kubectl describe node gke-default-pool-abcdefgh...
What is the difference between resources request and limit ?
You can imagine your cluster as a big square box. This is the total of your allocatable resources. When you drop a Pod in the big box, Kubernetes will check if there is an empty space for the requested resources of the pod (is the small box fits in the big box?). If there is enough space available, then it will schedule your workload on the selected node.
Resources limits are not taken into account by the scheduler. All is done at the kernel level with CGroups. The goal is to restrict workloads to take all the CPU or Memory on the node they are scheduled on.
If your resources requests == resources limits then, workloads cannot escape their "box" and are not able to use available CPU/Memory next to them. In other terms, your resource are guaranteed for the pod.
But, if the limits are greater than your requests, this is called overcommiting resources. You bet that all the workloads on the same node are not fully loaded at the same time (generally the case).
I recommend to not overcommiting the memory resource, do not let the pod escape the "box" in term of memory, it can leads to OOMKilling.
You can try logging into the node running your pod and run:
ps -Af | grep docker
You'll see the full command line that kubelet sends to docker. Representing the memory limit it should have something like --memory. Note that the request value for memory is only used by the Kubernetes scheduler to determine whether it has exceeded all pods/containers running on a node.
Representing the requests for CPUs you'll see the --cpu-shares flag. In this case the limit is not a hard limit but again it's a way for the Kubernetes scheduler to not allocate containers/pod passed that limit when running multiple containers/pods on a specific node. You can learn more about cpu-shares here and from the Kubernetes side here. So in essence, if you don't have enough workloads on the node, it will always go over its CPU share if it needs to and that's what you are probably seeing.
Docker has other ways of restricting the CPUs such as cpu-period/cpu-quota and cpuset-cpus but not used bu Kubernetes as of this writing. In this, I believe mesos does somehow better when dealing with CPU/memory reservations and quotas imo.
Hope it helps.

how can i found that the pod was recreate by out of limits memory

If a pod run out of limits memory, which define as follows:
memory: 80Gi
cpu: 10
The kubernetes will recreate the pod but how can I found that the pod was recreate by out of limits memory?
Any logs record this situation?
The simplest way is to use Heapster for monitoring cluster resource usage.
Using a Grafana setup with InfluxDB as storage backends for Heapster gives you the CPU and Memory usage of the entire cluster, individual pods and containers.
When a Pod gets restarted due to reaching memory limit, you should see a sawtooth wave on memory graph for this pod.
More useful information about monitoring tools and how to set it up can be found here.