Wanted to get middle text from PSObject in Powershell - powershell

I have a PSObject which contains the following Values
I need only the VM name stored in a new PS-Object, how can I do that.
The list should return like below.

a simple way can be to use -replace operator:
$list = #('AZREUS/MYVM-0.mydomain.com','AZREUS/MYVM-1.mydomain.com')
$list -replace 'AZREUS/'-replace '\.mydomain\.com'

YannCha's answer is an efficient answer if your strings always begin with AZREUS/ and end with .mydomain.com. You can use a single -replace to get the desired result.
$obj = 'AZREUS/MYVM-0.mydomain.com','AZREUS/MYVM-1.mydomain.com'
$obj -replace '^AZREUS/(.*)\.mydomain\.com$','$1'
$1 represents capture group 1, which was created by the first parentheses grouping (). It contains .* contents. See Regex for regex explanation.
Taking the same approach further dynamically, you can use pattern matching. This removes all beginning characters including the first /. Then removes the first . and all characters after it.
$obj -replace '^.*/(.*?)\..*$','$1'
See Regex for regex explanation.
Note that if your object items are not strings, they will need to support being converted to strings or you will have to do that yourself before applying -replace.

Or using -match. Do them one at a time.
'AZREUS/MYVM-0.mydomain.com' -match 'AZREUS/(.*).mydomain.com' > $null; $matches[1]
'AZREUS/MYVM-1.mydomain.com' -match 'AZREUS/(.*).mydomain.com' > $null; $matches[1]


Is it possible to alter part of a variable based on its value?

I have a script that grabs a list of AD usernames for members of a student group and allocates those as an array of $students
Later the script will need to take those usernames and input them into a URL
$students = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity "GG_LHS All Students" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty SamAccountName | Sort-Object SamAccountName
foreach ($student in $students)
foreach ($OneDriveAdmin in $OneDriveAdmins)
Set-SPOUser -Site https://mydomain-my.sharepoint.com/personal/$($student)_mydomain_co_uk
In the cases where we have duplicate usernames, our naming scheme adds increments in the format of .1 and .2, but I need to change the ".1" to a "_1" to work in the URL.
My initial thinking is an IF statement during the $students declaration
IF SamAccountName is like '.1' replace '.1' with '_1'
Is this possible to do via powershell?
To offer a streamlined alternative to Santiago Squarzon's helpful answer, using the (also regex-based) -replace operator:
# Sample student account names
$students = 'jdoe.1', 'jsixpack', 'jroe.2'
# Transform all names, if necessary, and loop over them.
foreach ($student in $students -replace '\.(?=\d+$)', '_') {
Regex notes: \. matches a verbatim ., and (?=...) is a look-ahead assertion that matches one or more (+) digits (\d) at the end ($) of the string. What the look-ahead assertion matches doesn't become part of the overall match, so it is sufficient to replace only the . char.
-replace - like -match accepts an array as its LHS, in which case the operation is performed on each element, and a (usually transformed) new array is returned.
If the regex on the RHS in a given replacement operation doesn't match, the input string is passed through (returned as-is), so it is safe to attempt replacement on strings that don't match the pattern of interest.
You could add this check in your loop, if student matches a dot followed by any amount of digits (\.(\d+)), replace for the same digits but prepending and underscore instead (-replace $Matches[0], "_$($Matches[1])"):
foreach($student in $students) {
if($student -match '\.(\d+)$') {
$student = $student -replace $Matches[0], "_$($Matches[1])"
# rest of your code here
See https://regex101.com/r/fZAOur/1 for more info.

Extract string between two special characters in powershell

I need to extract a list with strings that are between two special characters (= and ;).
Below is an example of the file with line types and the needed strings in bold.
File is a quite big one, type is xml.
<type="string">data source=**HOL4624**;integrated sec>
<type="string">data source=**HOL4625**;integrated sec>
I managed to find the lines matching “data source=”, but how to get the name after?
Used code is below.
Get-content regsrvr.txt | select-string -pattern "data source="
Thank you very much!
<RegisteredServers:ConnectionStringWithEncryptedPassword type="string">data source=HOL4624;integrated security=True;pooling=False;multipleactiveresultsets=False;connect timeout=30;encrypt=False;trustservercertificate=False;packet size=4096</RegisteredServers:ConnectionStringWithEncryptedPassword>
<RegisteredServers:ConnectionStringWithEncryptedPassword type="string">data source=HOL4625;integrated security=True;pooling=False;multipleactiveresultsets=False;connect timeout=30;encrypt=False;trustservercertificate=False;packet size=4096</RegisteredServers:ConnectionStringWithEncryptedPassword>
The XML is not valid, so it's not a clean parse, anyway you can use string split with regex match:
$html = #"
<RegisteredServers:ConnectionStringWithEncryptedPassword type="string">data source=HOL4624;integrated security=True;pooling=False;multipleactiveresultsets=False;connect timeout=30;encrypt=False;trustservercertificate=False;packet size=4096</RegisteredServers:ConnectionStringWithEncryptedPassword>
<RegisteredServers:ConnectionStringWithEncryptedPassword type="string">data source=HOL4625;integrated security=True;pooling=False;multipleactiveresultsets=False;connect timeout=30;encrypt=False;trustservercertificate=False;packet size=4096</RegisteredServers:ConnectionStringWithEncryptedPassword>
$html -split '\n' | % {$null = $_ -match 'data source=.*?;';$Matches[0]} |
% {($_ -split '=')[1] -replace ';'}
Since the connectionstring is for SQL Server, let's use .Net's SqlConnectionStringBuilder to do all the work for us. Like so,
# Test data, XML extraction is left as an exercise
$str = 'data source=HOL4624;integrated security=True;pooling=False;multipleactiveresultsets=False;connect timeout=30;encrypt=False;trustservercertificate=False;packet size=4096'
$builder = new-object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder($str)
# Check some parameters
You can expand your try at using Select-String with a better use of regex. Also, you don't need to use Get-Content first. Instead you can use the -Path parameter of Select-String.
The following Code will read the given file and return the value between the = and ;:
(Select-String -Path "regsrvr.txt" -pattern "(?:data source=)(.*?)(?:;)").Matches | % {$_.groups[1].Value}
Pattern Explanation (RegEx):
You can use -pattern to capture an String given a matching RegEx. The Regex can be describe as such:
(?: opens an non-capturing Group
data source= matches the charactes data source=
) closes the non-capturing Group
(.*?) matches any amount of characters and saves them in a Group. The ? is the lazy operator. This will stop the matching part at the first occurence of the following group (in this case the ;).
(?:;) is the final non-capturing Group for the closing ;
Structuring the Output
Select-String returns a Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.MatchInfo-Object.
You can find the matched Strings (the whole String and all captured groups) in there. We can also loop through this Output and return the Value of the captured Groups: | % {$_.groups[1].Value}
% is just an Alias for For-Each.
For more Informations look at the Select-String-Documentation and try your luck with some RegEx.

String coming with an extra new line

Below is the code where I am taking server names from a text file and concatenating with comma.
But when I am printing the value, it is coming with an extra new line after the values.
I tried doing $erversToReboot.Trim(), but didn't helped.
$ServerList = Get-Content "D:\ServerName.txt"
foreach($Server in $ServerList)
$Servers += $Server + ","
[string]$ServersToReboot= $Servers.TrimEnd(",")
The output coming as
---one extra line here---
Please let me know what is going wrong here.
Best as I can tell, you're attempting to comma separate your servers. I'd skip the Foreach construct myself and simply use the join operator.
$ServerList = Get-Content -Path 'D:\ServerName.txt'
$ServerList -join ','
This can be done in a single statement, as well.
$ServerList = (Get-Content -Path 'D:\ServerName.txt') -join ','
As others have noted, it's in general much simpler to use the -join operator to join the input lines with a specifiable separator.
As for the problem of an extra empty line: Gert Jan Kraaijeveld plausibly suggests that your input file has an extra empty line at the end, while noting that it is actually not what would happen with the code you've posted, which should work fine (despite its inefficiency).
Perhaps the extra line is an artifact of how you're printing the resulting value.
To answer the related question of how to ignore empty lines in the input file:
Assuming that it is OK to simply remove all empty lines from the input, the simplest PowerShell-idiomatic solution is:
#(Get-Content D:\ServerName.txt) -ne '' -join ','
#(Get-Content D:\ServerName.txt) returns the input lines as an array[1] of strings, from which -ne '' then removes empty lines, and the result of which -join joins with separator ,
[1] Get-Content D:\ServerName.txt would return a scalar (single string), if the input file happened to contain only 1 line, because PowerShell generally reports a single output object as itself rather than as a single-element array when pipeline output is collected.
Because of that, #(...), the array-subexpression operator - instead of just (...) - is needed in the above command: it ensures that the output from Get-Command is treated as an array, because the -ne operator acts differently with a scalar LHS and returns a Boolean rather than filtering the LHS's elements: compare 'foo' -ne '' to #('foo') -ne ''.
By contrast, the #(...) is not necessary if you pass the result (directly) to -join (which simply is a no-op with a scalar LHS):
(Get-Content D:\ServerName.txt) -join ','

Count number of spaces, and split at the last one

I have a string simliar to:
c:/folder name/somewhere/application.exe instanceName
(n.b. the space in "folder name" is intentional) I need a way to split this into:
[0]c:/folder name/somewhere/application.exe
I was going to use split-path, but apparently there is a bug in powershell v2 that stops me doing this:
Split-Path : Cannot find drive. A drive with the name '
So, I figured if I count how many spaces there are, and then simply use -split() to split it at the last space.
But, I can't see how to count the number of spaces.
I've found lots of examples that talk about using regex to count complex strings, but I just want to count spaces!
Tonnes of ways to do this I imagine but to use your split idea you could do the following.
$split = "c:/folder name/somewhere/application.exe instanceName".Split(" ")
$path = $split[0..($split.count -2)] -Join " "
$instance = $split[-1]
Split the sting by spaces. The number of spaces is represented by the count of strings in the array $split. We join all the strings in the array accept the last intp $path then we take the last entry and assign it to $instance
You could also use .substring and .lastindexof
$string = "c:/folder name/somewhere/application.exe instanceName"
$index = $string.LastIndexOf(" ")
$string.Substring($index + 1)
I can't see a way to split this directly into an array at this time but outputing as an array would not be a big deal.
$path, $instance
$array = #($path,$instance)
You can use a regular expression for this:
$s = "c:/folder name/somewhere/application.exe instanceName"
$s -match '(.*) (.*)$'
The special variable $matches is populated if the -match operation is true.
$matches[0] contains the original string, and other indexes will exist for the number of groups (patterns in parenthesis) in the regex. In this case: (.*) (.*)$ we have two groups.

Change specific part of a string

I've got a .txt-File with some text in it:
So now, is there a way to replace those *'s with e.g. numbers or sth. ?
If so, may you tell me how to do it?
Much like Rahul I would use RegEx as well. Considering the application I'd run Get-Content through a ForEach loop, and replace text as needed on a line-by-line basis.
Get-Content C:\Path\To\File.txt | ForEach{$_ -replace "(PKG_DOMAINJOIN_PASSWD;`")([^`"]+?)(`")", "`${1}12345678`$3"}
That would output:
On second thought, I don't know if I'd do that. I might import it as a CSV, update the property, and export the CSV again.
Import-CSV C:\Path\To\File.txt -Delimiter ";" |%{if($_.Property -eq "PKG_DOMAINJOIN_PASSWD"){$_.value = "12345678";$_}else{$_}|export-csv c:\path\to\newfile.txt -delimiter ";" -notype
If You are using Powershell V2.0 (Hopefully) you can try something like below. gc is short hand for get-content commandlet.
(gc D:\SO_Test\test.txt) -replace '\*+','12345678'
With this the resultant data would be as below (notice the last line)
<Rest of the lines here>
PKG_DOMAINJOIN_PASSWD;"12345678" <-- Notice here; *'s changed to numbers
Rahul's answer was good, I just wanted to mention that *+ will replace all instances of a single * character or more, so it would match any other place there is at least one star. If what you posted is all you would ever expect for you sample data though this would be fine.
You could alter the regex match to make it more specific if it was needed by changing it to something like
which would match 3 or more stars, or very specific would be
which would replace 3 or more stars which are surrounded by double quotes.
Here's a function that uses regex lookahead and lookbehind zero-length assertions to replace named parameters in a string similar to your example:
function replace-x( $string, $name, $value ) {
$regex = "(?<=$([regex]::Escape($name));`").*(?=`")"
$string -replace $regex, $value
Its reusable for different settings in your file, e.g:
$settings = get-content $filename
$settings = replace-x $settings PKG_DOMAINJOIN_USER foo
$settings = replace-x $settings PKG_DOMAINJOIN_PASSWD bar