Skipping previously passed test in pytest - pytest

How do I skip previously passed test in pytest? It seems simple and certain plugins such as flake8 do it. I looked at the command line arguments and it doesn't seem that there is an easy flag, am I missing something? Thank you!
Edit: looks like flake8 have their own ignore cache that is used. I guess i'll need to write my own plugin that caches which files were checked.. unless somebody wrote such a plugin already?


How to load ini.vim after all plugins in neovim?

Code in init.vim does not work as expected until I run
source init.vim
Looks like some of it is overwritten by other plugins. I did not find anything like .vim/after.
Plugins are managed using vundle.
What is the proper way to execute custom configuration after all plugins or other built in configuration.
Issue was resolved with this hack.
alias nvim='nvim -c "source .config/nvim/init.vim"'
I am sure there are better way to do it. Or something else I am doing wrong.

Microsoft.Quantum.Canon.nuspec missing

I am playing around with Microsoft's Q# library, and I've gone through the install, however the build is failing and I am having a tough time figuring out the problem. My first suspicion is Microsoft.Quantum.Canon
EXEC : error QS1001: Assembly E:\Projects\Quantum\Microsoft.Quantum.Canon\bin\Debug\Microsoft.Quantum.Canon.dll not found
I also have noticed Microsoft.Quantum.Canon.nuspec is missing. I've tried to do a Nuget.exe restore on the solutions but that did not work.
Has anyone worked through this?
It's been reported on GitHub already, although it appears to be intentional. See the comments in the .gitignore file:
# These files are generated by bootstrap from a .v.template (version template).
# Any changes must be done to the corresponding the .v.template file directly
I can't find any info on this .v.template file, probably it's part of internal Microsoft build tooling. You can copy the template file and fill in the missing parameters if you wish, but the file not existing doesn't make the build fail , does it?

Start a MAMP server with Grunt.js

I want to set my Grunt.js file to launch my MAMP server on grunt serve.
I have been trying to use this tutorial here to do this:
I was then planning to use this tutorial to set up grunt watch:
Now I am having trouble with step one. I have successfully installed grunt exec. However, grunt claims not to be able to find the task 'serverup'.
Here is my code:[
If you followed the examples at the link, it looks like your targets should be exec:serverup and exec:serverdown for the tasks to work.
The problem here and with many other Grunt related questions is that without the full Gruntfile, "answers" are largely guesses. Configuration, task loading, and task registration are all related and without seeing all three, it is difficult to say "this is the answer".
Given that, here's a checklist I use for problems like this when using Grunt and packages from NPM:
Is the code that supports the task installed? Did I forget npm install? Did I miss
errors on install (check npm-debug.log if it exists)?
Have I correctly used grunt.loadNpmTasks for the plugin? Is the line in my Gruntfile and
did I get the plugin name spelled correctly? Did I or my IDE accidentally use to
grunt.loadTasks when I need loadNpmTasks?
Have I correctly named/used grunt.registerTask for the task? If I need to call a
specific target for a task, do I have the the name correctly specified?
If there are paths involved and things are broken, do I have my globbing patterns correctly specified? If a cwd
is involved, do I have the other paths or files correctly specified?
Did I get the configuration right? (This is where things get too plugin-specific for a

Problems using netbeans 7.01 with CMake 2.8.6

so once again, I'm having a little problem I can't figure out myself. Meaning, I'm pretty sure I know what the problem is, I just can't fix it.
I'm developing in C++ using Netbeans 7.01 with CMake 2.8.6. However, when I'm trying to build a project, I get the following error from CMake:
CMake Error: The path to the source directory:
contains unsupported character '='.
Please use a different source directory name.
Please note, that "CONF=Release" isn't a folder. It seems to be a configuration flag set by Netbeans, as it changes when I'm trying a debug build. So, my guess here is, that theres a space missing, or something similar. Unfortunately, I can't figure out where to change that. There are no options in any related Netbeans window, I can't find anything related in the configuration files for netbeans itself or the project either.
Did anyone here have experienced the same problem and found a solution to it? I would be very glad to hear it. If there's any information missing, let me know, I will add them as fast as possible.
Just noticed there is already version 7.1 of netbeans, nice to know. However, even with this version, the same problem occurs.
You must specify the command you ran to allow for the error to be identified. However, it looks like you missed the "source-path" parameter.
The cmake command ends with the path to source and should be something like:
cmake -D CONF=Release <path to source>

Using user-defined ADD_EXECUTABLE in CMake with KDevelop 4

We have defined our own ADD_EXECUTABLE macro (TDS_ADD_EXECUTABLE) for our cmake files which handles some nice internal functionality for us.
The problem is, when I load up our project in KDevelop 4 (linux) while it finds and builds our entire system, it does not add any of the executables to the Project Targets list for configuring the launches. This makes it a real management nightmare to do any work in KDevelop since we have to manually add all of our executables.
Is there a way to tell KDevelop our TDS_ADD_EXECUTABLE performs an ADD_EXECUTABLE... or something like this? I was actually surprised it was unable to fathom this on it's own since it's all scripted.
Any help is appreciated, thank you!
Do I understand this correctly - TDS_ADD_EXECUTABLE is just a macro around ADD_EXECUTABLE? If so, KDevelop should figure that out automagically. Post a small testcase to the correct place: