Modify table dynamically in dbSet - entity-framework-core

I am using EF Core 3.0 and have a requirement to change table name dynamically for which I am thinking to create an extensiion method.
Exact requirement:
I have two tables 'Sample' & 'Sample_History' and I want to acheive somthing like this:
To get records from 'Sample' table: DbContext.Samples.ToList();
To get records from 'Sample_History' table: DbContext.Samples.AsHistory().ToList();
Here, i want to dynamically change name of table from 'Sample' to 'Sample_History' using extension method 'AsHistory'. The obvious way is to get the SQL and change it which i want to aviod. Is there some way I can change entity in dbSet itself?

If i understand your requirement correct then you can try this:
public static class DbSetExtensions
public static DbSet<SampleHistory> AsHistory(this DbSet<Sample> sample)
return sample.GetService<DatabaseContext>().SampleHistory;
And for make your extension method generic:
public static class DbSetExtensions
public static DbSet<T> ToDbSet<T>(DbSet<Sample> dbSet) where T : class
return dbSet.GetService<DatabaseContext>().Set<T>();


Support for Table Valued Functions in EF6 Code First?

Is it possible to call a TVF in EF6 Code First?
I started a new project using EF6 Database first and EF was able to import a TVF into the model and call it just fine.
But updating the model became very time consuming and problematic with the large read-only db with no RI that I'm stuck dealing with.
So I tried to convert to EF6 code first using the Power Tools Reverse Engineering tool to generate a context and model classes.
Unfortunately the Reverse Engineering tool didn't import the TVFs.
Next I tried to copy the DBFunctions from my old Database First DbContext to the new Code First DbContext, but that gave me an error that my TVF:
"cannot be resolved into a valid type or function".
Is it possible to create a code first Fluent mapping for TVFs?
If not, is there a work-around?
I guess I could use SPs instead of TVFs, but was hoping I could use mostly TVFs to deal with the problematic DB I'm stuck with.
Thanks for any work-around ideas
This is now possible. I created a custom model convention which allows using store functions in CodeFirst in EF6.1. The convention is available on NuGet Here is the link to the blogpost containing all the details:
Install-Package EntityFramework.CodeFirstStoreFunctions
Declare a class for output result:
public class MyCustomObject
public int Id { get; set; }
public int Rank { get; set; }
Create a method in your DbContext class
[DbFunction("MyContextType", "SearchSomething")]
public virtual IQueryable<MyCustomObject> SearchSomething(string keywords)
var keywordsParam = new ObjectParameter("keywords", typeof(string))
Value = keywords
return (this as IObjectContextAdapter).ObjectContext
"MyContextType.SearchSomething(#keywords)", keywordsParam);
public DbSet<MyCustomObject> SearchResults { get; set; }
to your DbContext class
Add in the overriden OnModelCreating method:
modelBuilder.Conventions.Add(new FunctionsConvention<MyContextType>("dbo"));
And now you can call/join with
a table values function like this:
#keywords nvarchar(4000)
FROM MyTable
LEFT JOIN freetexttable(MyTable , ([MyColumn1],[MyColumn2]), #keywords) AS KEY_TBL
ON MyTable.Id = KEY_TBL.[KEY]
I was able to access TVF with the code below. This works in EF6. The model property names have to match the database column names.
List<MyModel> data =
"select * from dbo.my_function(#p1, #p2, #p3)",
new SqlParameter("#p1", new System.DateTime(2015,1,1)),
new SqlParameter("#p2", new System.DateTime(2015, 8, 1)),
new SqlParameter("#p3", 12))
I actually started looking into it in EF6.1 and have something that is working on nightly builds. Check this and this out.
I have developed a library for this functionality. You can review my article on
You can use your function without writing SQL query.
First of all you have to add reference to the above mentioned library and then you have to create parameter class for your function. This class can contain any number and type of parameter
public class TestFunctionParams
public int Id { get; set; }
Now you have to add following property in your DbContext to call function and map to the property.
[CodeFunctionAttributes.Schema("dbo")] // This is optional as it is set as dbo as default if not provided.
[CodeFunctionAttributes.Name("ufn_MyFunction")] // Name of function in database.
public TableValueFunction<TestFunctionParams> CustomerFunction { get; set; }
Then you can call your function as below.
using (var db = new DataContext())
var funcParams = new TestFunctionParams() { Id = 1 };
var entity = db.CustomerFunction.ExecuteFunction(funcParams).ToList<Customer>();
This will call your user defined function and map to the entity.

Summary column on EF

Is it possible to add summary properties(no database column) according LINQ from another property(column) in EF generated class from database and this property don't update(delete or remove from class) when update model from database(because this property(cloumn) is not on database)
Yes, it is. Classed generated by Entity Framework as an Entitied are always marked partial. It lets you extend the functionality with your own properties or method.
Let say your entity class is named Post. You can extend it with code like that:
public partial class Post
public int Average
return this.Items.Average();
Because it's not a part of designer-generated file it won't be overwritten when it's regenerated. However, there is one requirement to make it work: your custom part of Post class has to be in exactly the same namespace as code generated by EF.
Try using the [NotMapped] attribute on a property in a partial class. This will be ignored by Entity Framework.
public partial class EntityName
public int CalculatedProperty
return Numbers.Sum();

How to solve field wrapping in Entity Framework database-first

When I use database first, after creating the edmx file, all the conceptual models have already been generated. But I want to do some special operations on certain fields. For example, there's a field named 'price'; I want the matching property 'Price' to return double of the 'price'. How can I do that? If I modify the getter in the code, every time I update the model from database, all of the modifications go away.
What's the correct way to do this?
What you can do is create a partial class for entity which contains the Price Property and put a getter like this (A property with double price will be meaningful ),
Public partial class YourEntity{
Public float DoublePrice{
get { return Price*2;}
Or you can create a class inherited from the entity,
Public partial class Entity:YourEntity{
Public override float Price{
get { return base.Price*2;}

Can I write a generic repository with the db first scenario to dynamically get me an entity by id?

I'd like to know how to create a method that will allow me to generically do this...
public class Repo<T> : IGenericRepo<T> where T : class
protected PteDotNetEntities db;
public T Get(int id)
//how do I dynamically get to the correct entity object and select it by
Yes you can. If you know that all your entities will have simple primary key property of type int and name Id you can do simply this:
public interface IEntity
int Id { get; }
All your entities must implement this interface. Next you can simply do:
public class Repo<T> : IGenericRepo<T> where T : class, IEntity
protected PteDotNetEntities db;
public T Get(int id)
return db.CreateObjectSet<T>().FirstOrDefault(e => e.Id == id);
This is the simplest possible solution. There are better solutions using GetObjectByKey but they are more complex. The difference between FirstOrDefault and GetObjectByKey is repeatable execution. FirstOrDefault always executes DB query whereas GetObjectByKey first checks if the entity with the same key was already loaded / attached to the context and returns it without querying the database. As reference for version using GetObjectByKey you can check similar questions:
Entity Framework Simple Generic GetByID but has differents PK Name
Generic GetById for complex PK
You can simplify those examples if you know the name of the key property upfront (forced by the interface).
In case of using code first / DbContext API you can also check this question:
Generic repository EF4 CTP5 getById

Entity Framework 3.5: change constructor of entities class

The default constructor in a generated Entity Framework Entities file is like this:
public ProjectEntities() : base("name=ProjectEntities", "ProjectEntities")
I want to change it to:
public ProjectEntities() : base(UtilClass.GetEnvDependantConnectionStringName(), "ProjectEntities")
This is because I want to have a different connection string for all the dev environments and the production environment, and have no chance they are mixed up (which is what my custom method checks).
How do I do that? This code is thrown away every time the designer file is regenerated.
You need to create another file alongside the auto-created ProjectEntities.Designer.cs, say ProjectEntities.cs. In that you use partial to extend the functionality of your entities class like this:
public partial class ProjectEntities : ObjectContext
partial void OnContextCreated()
this.Connection.ConnectionString = UtilClass.GetEnvDependantConnectionString();
The file won't then get changed when you regenerate the .Designer.cs file. You'll have to fetch the connection string yourself...
We fixed it by calling our entities ProjectEntitiesPrivate, and what was partial class ProjectEntities before, is now a non partial class ProjectEntities : ProjectEntitiesPrivate, with the constructor I need:
public class ProjectEntities: ProjectEntitiesPrivate
public ProjectEntities():base(UtilClass.GetEnvDependantConnectionStringName())