Integrate PayPal Payment with user paying to another user (PHP) - paypal

I need to integrate PayPal Payment in my website, but I need that an user pay a product to another user. How can I do that?
Note: I never did nothing related to PayPal payments, so if you someone can give me a clear help I appreciate.

Integrate a version of PayPal Checkout, and set the custom payee variable


PayPal sandbox takes me to live site when trying to change Payment Solution to Website Payments Standard

When I am trying to change the payment solution from from 'PayPal Digital Goods (PayPal Express Checkout)' to 'Website payments Standard' in the sandbox, I get redirected to the live paypal site.
I have seen a similar question asked here which was resolved by adding the payment solution to the account by a paypal developer team member.
Any idea on how I can add the desired payment solution added?
Thanks in advance

Use PayPal From Website Form

Requirements state that I build a form that collects user's PayPal login info and charges the user's PayPal account a fixed price without having the user leave the website.
I am beginning to think this is not possible. Can someone kindly suggest a solution that comes close to meeting the requirements? I am not certain what's possible and what's not possible with PayPal.
There isn't a solution for what you are trying to do. In order for the buyer to login and pay with PayPal, they would have to leave your site and go to the PayPal login page. You could set up a billing agreement so that they only have to log into PayPal once. With a billing agreement, you would be able to charge the buyer's PayPal account when you are needing to. You would just need to have the buyer go through the flow initially and get sent over to PayPal to login and agreen to the billing agreement. Then when you want to charge them again in the future, you would just need to reference the billing agreement id.
The closest solution to having the user pay without leaving the website is PayPal digital goods express checkout.
Here is an example to show you how it works:

Paypal integration to accept credit card payment directly

I have a question regarding PayPal integration with my website. I have a Premier account with PayPal. I tried integrating it with my website by adding a 'Buy Now' button. When I click on it it asks the end user to create a PayPal account. However, I want the users to be able to make a payment directly with their credit/debit card without creating a PayPal account.
I am not a technical guy, so I might have missed out on something. I want to know if it is possible to integrate paypal without me having to code something technically. Kindly advise.
According to PayPal, buyers do not need a PayPal account to pay you:
They can pay with their credit/debit card (Visa, MasterCard, American
Express, and Discover) — all without having a PayPal account.
Sources: Do my buyers need a PayPal account to pay me? and Buttons for single purchases
To create the button, simply visit PayPal's button creator wizard and supply the required information. Once submitted, PayPal will autogenerate the HTML for you. See: Create PayPal payment button
This happened because the account was a PayPal account in UAE, and this feature is not enabled there yet.

PayPal API to pay via credit card

I need to allow users to pay via Credit Card on my site. I'm trying to find suitable API option but can't find it. I have implemented payment via PayPal so far, but now I need to allow users to pay via credit card without account on PayPal.
Anyone knows what specific payment type that is?
Here is one way:
First, you'll need a Website Payments Pro merchant account with PayPal. Then, become familiar with the DoDirectPayment API, which will allow you to
process transactions on your site with PayPal working in the background. Customers will be able to fill out their credit card information, etc., on your site without visiting PayPal directly.
This also means that customers will not be required to have a PayPal account in order to make a transaction on your site.
If you proceed this way, you will need SSL certificates, and are required to implement Express Checkout for customers who do not want to make their transaction on your site.
Sample Code to get your feet wet. Good luck!

integrating paypal check without leaving your site

I want to integrate paypal in my website. But my requirement is, I dont want my customers to go into paypal site for payment. (I know it is not a secure way, but it is my requirements) Is there a way such that I can do credit card checks in backend using paypal APIs ? If so, which method to be used? I want it for "singapore" country and SGD as currency.
Waiting for your suggestions!!!
Thanks in advance. :)
Are you trying to avoid your users having to navigate to PayPal or are you trying to 'hide' the use of PayPal?
The prior should be easy enough to resolve. PayPay provide several tools (and instructions) on how to build a "Pay Now" button, which you can manipulate server side to include a dynamic amount and order ID etc. This would forward the user to a PayPal page to login and confirm payment, then return them to your site (any page you specify) on completion. You can also link this to an IPN. The PayPal payment page can be skinned / branded to an extent.
What you are looking is called Direct Payment. Here is more info about it:
Maybe you are looking for this Paypal product