I'm using NuGet Package Explorer to create nugget packages, but when I want to save a package in any folder in my PC it throw me a error that says: The file exists and in the folder there is no other nuget package.
How can I solve this?
It's look like a temporal file problem,you can try cleaning the windows cache, using for example CCleaner
After getting a new server up and running, I tried to get a dnx project working. I ran dnu restore on a project, and get this error.
Errors in C:\apps\ElasticIndexer\app\project.json
Unable to locate Dependency TestApplication >= 1.0.1
Feeds used:
My issue is that I am unable to change the nuget feed used, as we host our nuget packages on a different server. I searched in %appdata% and there was no folder for nuget. I then decided I would do a search for nuget.config on the whole server and there was no nuget.config file.
I don't want to install Visual Studio on this server, but is there a reason why I don't have a nuget folder in my %appdata% folder? How does dnu know to search api.nuget.org by default? When installing latest dnvm is it supposed to create the nuget location as well, or do I need to manually create the folder and config file?
If there isn't a nuget.config file on your server you could try running nuget install. If that doesn't work try updating the sources via the command line:
NuGet.exe Sources Add -Name <feedName> -Source <pathToPackageSource>
I followed this blog post and I expected Nuget to just work. It obviously has not. I get errors on all of my third party dll's that I expect NuGet to update automatically:
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v11.0\WebApplications\
Microsoft.WebApplication.targets (182): Could not copy the file "bin\AutoMapper.dll"
because it was not found.
I have set everything up correctly and I have ensured that the solution has Package restore enabled. If I delete a package locally and build, NuGet restores that package for me.
I am not sure why it is not fuctioning on the build server though.
Any Suggestions?
Try to add NugetRestore Activity to the TFS workfolw
For Team Foundation Build 2013 on-premises and Visual Studio Team Services (formerly Team Foundation Service), the default Build Process Templates already implement the NuGet Package Restore workflow without any special configuration.
I came across a similar error for log4net nuget package and I solved it in a different way. May be this will be useful to someone some day.
The error from TFS Team Build 2015
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v14.0\WebApplications\
Microsoft.WebApplication.targets (182): Could not copy the file "bin\Log4net.dll"
because it was not found.
The path to the nuget package in the .csproj file for referencing the package in the project cannot be found
Edit the .csproj file of the project that has the error.
Look for the node ItemGroupin the .csproj file
You will see the HintPath pointing to a folder, most like the folder contain the name of solution as where it will file the DLL.
Replace the HintPath with <HintPath>..\..\Assemblies\3rd party\log4net\\2.0\log4net.dll</HintPath>
You nuget package library may not be log4net but a different library. A very easy way would be to be edit the .csproj file of a project in the solution that contains the same nuget package library, copy the reference of the nuget in the ItemGroup and replace in the project that has the error. The reference should start contain ...\Assemblies\3rd party\ ... instead of a physical file location on your machine
I have a C# solution containing several projects. Some of projects has referenced nuget packages. Whole solution (but no downloaded dlls) is tracked by git repository.
After cloning it to other place and trying to build nuget asks if it should download missing packages. After downloading there are still several referenced library missing.
I can fix it one by one doing following steps:
Remove reference
Remove package in packages.config file
Install this package again by nuget
Is there any better way to do this? I tried reinstalling all nuget packages, but my Visual Studion crashes. After restarting and retrying it left me with more missing packages.
Another way to do this is running:
PM> Uninstall-Package {Name}
PM> Install-Package {Name}
for each missing package. By missing package I mean all packages with yellow mark. I can't install it without uninstall command, becasue nuget says it is already referenced.
If you try running the following from the command line does it restore all the packages?
nuget.exe restore YourSolution.sln
If not then it sounds like there's some packages that are missing from your project's packages.config file.
You could try the updating the packages with the reinstall parameter from the PowerShell console.
Update-Package –reinstall <packageName>
You can also restrict this to one project if you want to by using the -ProjectName parameter.
This is probably because of the incorrect path of the .dll in your .csproj. The package restore downloads the packages to the local directory.
It doesn't change the reference path of the assembly in the .csproj, meaning that the project will still try to locate dlls on the local directory. The yellow mark means the project is unable to locate the assembly.
Unload the project, right click on project and select "Edit .csproj", and verify the path of missing dlls.
For example - If you have NUnit,
<Reference Include="nunit.framework">
verify if the dll is present inside "\packages\NUnit.3.6.1\lib\net45" directory.
I have been using NuGet to manage my internally created assemblies for a few months, and it's working very well. I recently 'discovered' portable class libraries, which has also been great - until it's time to install the packages.
Say I have a PCL that targets .NET 4.5, SL5 and .NET for Windows Store Apps. I run nuget spec to create the .nuspec file, edit the values, package it up, and add the .nupkg to our internal feed. If I open the .nupkg file in the Package Explorer, I see one content folder under lib called portable-win+net45+sl50.
When I try to install the package from any compatible project in another solution, I get the following message:
"'Project.PCL' could not be installed because it is not compatible with any project in the solution. The package doesn't target any framework."
If I manually create the .nupkg in the Package Explorer, updating the version number, adding a lib folder for each targeted framework (not a portable folder) and added the Project.PCL.dll to each folder, I can add the package to the compatible projects in the solution. But to do this process every time I want to update a PCl is somewhat tedious (I had been creating a little .cmd file in the project root folder to quickly package and deploy).
Do other people have this problem? How can I package PCL's in the same way as other types of projects?
Note - I'm using VS 2012 Ultimate and NuGet 2.2
It sounds like maybe nuget spec doesn't work for Portable Class Libraries - that's worth starting a thread or filing an issue on the NuGet site.
However, you can also create a .nuspec file from NuGet Package Explorer. Just create the package as you already did, but then choose "Save Metadata As..." to save it as a .nuspec. Afterwards you may need to edit the source paths in the nuspec file manually, but you should be able to automate the creation of the package.
For me nuget spec and nuget pack worked fine with a portable project while creating the package and installing it on a compatible project.
Do you want to check if you have the latest nuget.exe (2.2), it can be downloaded from http://nuget.org/nuget.exe or can be updated by running nuget update -self
How can I download NuGet Packages outside of visual studio? so it can be used to create offline packages.
How to download NuGet Package without Visual Studio or Nuget Package Manager:
Search your desired package at NuGet Official Site.
Copy the end of the URL of the package page.
For Example: http://nuget.org/packages/EntityFramework => Package Name is "EntityFramework"
Enter the URL: http://packages.nuget.org/api/v1/package/{Package Name}
For Example: http://packages.nuget.org/api/v1/package/EntityFramework
You can download NuGet packages outside of Visual Studio using:
NuGet Package Explorer
NuGet Package Explorer is a ClickOnce application which allows
creating and exploring NuGet packages easily. After installing it, you
can double click on a .nupkg file to view the package content. You can
also load packages directly from the official NuGet feed.
Open a package from online feed:
And export the package to the desired location:
Install the NuGet command line program:
The NuGet command line may be installed onto a machine in a few possible ways.
Direct download of the executable from https://dist.nuget.org/win-x86-commandline/latest/nuget.exe. The executable may be placed anywhere on the file system, and in most cases should be placed in a directory that is listed in the PATH environment variable.
Install the NuGet.CommandLine package from the NuGet Visual Studio client and either move nuget.exe to a common location or execute it in the context of your project.
Install the NuGet.CommandLine Chocolatey package using the Chocolatey client. More information on Chocolatey can be found at [http://chocolatey.org].
Then run nuget install package to download and install package in the current directory.
More about the NuGet command line program:
Command Line Reference
Chrome Plugin "NuTake" provides a direct download link.
Rename extension to .zip and extract
You can download nuget packages using - vnuget.org.
On this website you can also view content of nuget package - http://vnuget.org/packages/Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc/5.2.3.
Here are a few examples that can add to DeePak's answer:
This one downloads AutoMapper from NuGet.org
nuget.exe install AutoMapper -OutputDirectory c:\Temp\LotsOfPackages -Version 6.2.2
This one downloads MyCustomPackage from an internal TFS Nuget feed
nuget.exe install MyCustomPackage -OutputDirectory c:\Temp\LotsOfPackages -Source "http://tfs.myCompany.com:8080/tfs/TFSArea/_packaging/FeedName/nuget/v3/index.json" -Version
Keep in mind that the install command will get the package in question AND all its NuGet dependencies. So, be careful about just dumping this into the directory where you running. Thus, I added OutputDirectory to the command.
For internal Nuget packages/feeds, the Source URL is available via TFS. Go to your packages tab and find your specific feed URL. If it has any spaces that have been encoded with %20, you need to replace them with spaces.
CLI command reference
Copy packages from one NuGet feed to another