Too many files on my Databricks Community cluster, but where? - streaming

I started playing with streaming on my Community Edition Databricks but after some minutes of producing test events I encountered some problem. I believe it's somehow connected with the fact of some temporary small files produced during streaming process. I would like to find them and remove, but can't find where are they stored. My exception is
com.databricks.api.base.DatabricksServiceException: QUOTA_EXCEEDED: You have exceeded the maximum number of allowed files on Databricks Community Edition. To ensure free access, you are limited to 10000 files and 10 GB of storage in DBFS. Please use dbutils.fs to list and clean up files to restore service. You may have to wait a few minutes after cleaning up the files for the quota to be refreshed. (Files found: 11492);
And I have tried to run some shell script to find out the number of files per each folder but unfortunately I cannot find suspicious, mostly lib, usr and other folder containing system or python files are there, cannot find anything that could be produced by my streaming. This script I use
find / -maxdepth 2 -mindepth 1 -type d | while read dir; do
printf "%-25.25s : " "$dir"
find "$dir" -type f | wc -l
Where can I find the reason for too many files problem? Maybe it's not connected to Streaming at all?
To make it clear, I have not uploaded many custom files to /FileStore

It looks like you have only checked for files on the local filesystem and not DBFS itself. You can take a look at DBFS by running the following cell in a Databricks notebook:
fs ls /
You could check for files there and remove them with dbutils.fs.rm or fs rm. Also take a look at the /tmp folder on DBFS and delete any files there.


How to download all bucket files. (The issue with the -m flag gsutil)

I am trying to copy all files from cloud storage bucket recursively and I am having problem with the -m flag as I have investigated.
The command that I am running
gsutil -m cp -r gs://{{ src_bucket }} {{ bucket_backup }}
I am getting something like this:
CommandException: 1 file/object could not be transferred.
where the number of files/objects differs every time.
After investigation I have tried to reduce number of threads/processes which used with the -m option, but this has not helped, so I am looking for some advice about this. I have 170 MiB data on the bucket which is approximately 300k files. I need to download them as fast as possible
Logs with -L flag
[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '<path>/en_.gstmp' -> '<path>/en'
6 errors like that.
The root of the issue might be that both directory and file of the same name exist in the GCS bucket. Try executing the command with -L flag, so you will get additional logs on the execution and you will be able to find the file that is causing this error.
I would suggest you delete that file and make sure there is no directory in the bucket of that name and then upload this file to the bucket again.
Also check if any of the directory created with Jar name. Delete them and processed the copy files.
And check if the required file is already at destination and delete the file at destination and execute copy again.
There are alternatives to copy, for example, it is possible to transfer files using rsync, as described here.
You can also check similar threads: thread1 , thread2 & thread3

GSUTIL CP using file size

I am trying to copy files from a directory on my Google Compute Instance to Google Cloud Storage Bucket. I have it working, however there are ~35k files but only ~5k have an data in them.
Is there anyway to only copy files above a certain size?
I've not tried this but...
You should be able to do this using a resumable transfer and setting the threshold to 5k (defaults to 8Mib). See:
May be advisable to set BOTO_CONFIG specifically for this copy (a) to be intentional; (b) to remind yourself how it works. See:
Resumable uploads has the added benefit, of course, of resuming if there are any failures.
Recommend: try this on a small subset and confirm it works to your satisfaction.
While it's not possible to do it only with gsutil, it's possible to do it by parsing the names and use the -I flag on the cp command to process them. If you're using a Linux Compute Engine instance you can perform it by using the du and awk commands:
du * | awk '{if ($1 > 1000) print $2 }' | gsutil -m cp -I gs://bucket2
The command will get the filesize of the files inside the current directory on your compute engine with du * and will only copy the files which size are larger than 1000 bytes to bucket2, you can change that value to adjust it to your needs.

Nearline - Backup Solution - Versioning

I've setup some Nearline buckets and enabled versioning and object lifecycle management. The use-case is to replace my current backup solution, Crashplan.
Using gsutil I can see the different versions of a file using a command like gsutil ls -al gs://backup/test.txt.
First, is there any way of finding files that don't have a live version (e.g. deleted) but still have a version attached?
Second, is there any easier way of managing versions? For instance if I delete a file from my PC, it will no longer have a live version in my bucket but will still have the older versions associated. Say, if I didn't know the file name would I just have to do a recursive ls on the entire bucket and sift through the output?
Would love a UI that supported versioning.
To check if the object currently has no life version use x-goog-if-generation-match header equal to 0, for example :
gsutil -h x-goog-if-generation-match:0 cp file.txt gs://bucket/file.txt
will fail (PreconditionException: 412 Precondition Failed) if file has a live version and will succeed if it has only archived versions.
In order to automatically synchronize your local folder and folder in the bucket (or the other way around) use gcloud rsync:
gcloud rsync -r -d ./test gs://bucket/test/
notice the trailing / in gs://bucket/test/, without it you will receive
CommandException: arg (gs://graham-dest/test) does not name a directory, bucket, or bucket subdir.
-r synchronize all the directories in ./test recursively to gs://bucket/test/`
-d will delete all files from gs://bucket/test/that are not found in./test`
Regarding UI, there already exists a future request. I don't know anything about third party applications however.

Google Cloud Storage upload files modified today

I am trying to figure out if I can use the cp command of gsutil on the Windows platform to upload files to Google Cloud Storage. I have 6 folders on my local computer that get daily new pdf documents added to them. Each folder contains around 2,500 files. All files are currently on google storage in their respective folders. Right now I mainly upload all the new files using Google Cloud Storage Manager. Is there a way to create a batch file and schedule to run it automatically every night so it grabs only files that have been scanned today and uploads it to Google Storage?
I tried this format:
python c:\gsutil\gsutil cp "E:\PIECE POs\64954.pdf" "gs://dompro/piece pos"
and it uploaded the file perfectly fine.
This command
python c:\gsutil\gsutil cp "E:\PIECE POs\*.pdf" "gs://dompro/piece pos"
will upload all of the files into a bucket. But how do I only grab files that were changed or generated today? Is there a way to do it?
One solution would be to use the -n parameter on the gsutil cp command:
python c:\gsutil\gsutil cp -n "E:\PIECE POs\*" "gs://dompro/piece pos/"
That will skip any objects that already exist on the server. You may also want to look at using gsutil's -m flag and see if that speeds the process up for you:
python c:\gsutil\gsutil -m cp -n "E:\PIECE POs\*" "gs://dompro/piece pos/"
Since you have Python available to you, you could write a small Python script to find the ctime (creation time) or mtime (modification time) of each file in a directory, see if that date is today, and upload it if so. You can see an example in this question which could be adapted as follows:
import datetime
import os
local_path_to_storage_bucket = [
('<local-path-1>', 'gs://bucket1'),
('<local-path-2>', 'gs://bucket2'),
# ... add more here as needed
today =
for local_path, storage_bucket in local_path_to_storage_bucket:
for filename in os.listdir(local_path):
ctime =
mtime =
if today in (ctime, mtime):
# Using the 'subprocess' library would be better, but this is
# simpler to illustrate the example.
os.system('gsutil cp "%s" "%s"' % (filename, storage_bucket))
Alternatively, consider using Google Cloud Store Python API directly instead of shelling out to gsutil.

Why does grep hang when run against the / directory?

My question is in two parts :
1) Why does grep hang when I grep all files under "/" ?
for example :
grep -r 'h' ./
(note : right before the hang/crash, I note that I see some "no such device or address" messages , regarding sockets....
Of course, I know that grep shouldn't run against a socket, but I would think that since sockets are just files in Unix, it should return a negative result, rather than crashing.
2) Now, my follow up question : In any case -- how can I grep the whole filesystem? Are there certain *NIX directories which we should leave out when doing this ? In particular, I'm looking for all recently written log files.
As #ninjalj said, if you don't use -D skip, grep will try to read all your device files, socket files, and FIFO files. In particular, on a Linux system (and many Unix systems), it will try to read /dev/zero, which appears to be infinitely long.
You'll be waiting for a while.
If you're looking for a system log, starting from /var/log is probably the best approach.
If you're looking for something that really could be anywhere in your file system, you can do something like this:
find / -xdev -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep -H pattern
The -xdev argument to find tells it to stay within a single filesystem; this will avoid /proc and /dev (as well as any mounted filesystems). -type f limits the search to ordinary files. -print0 prints the file names separated by null characters rather than newlines; this avoid problems with files having spaces or other funny characters in their names.
xargs reads a list of file names (or anything else) on its standard input and invokes the specified command on everything in the list. The -0 option works with find's -print0.
The -H option to grep tells it to prefix each match with the file name. By default, grep does this only if there are two or more file names on its command line. Since xargs splits its arguments into batches, it's possible that the last batch will have just one file, which would give you inconsistent results.
Consider using find ... -name '*.log' to limit the search to files with names ending in .log (assuming your log files have such names), and/or using grep -I ... to skip binary files.
Note that all this depends on GNU-specific features. Some of these options might not be available on MacOS (which is based on BSD) or on other Unix systems. Consult your local documentation, and consider installing GNU findutils (for find and xargs) and/or GNU grep.
Before trying any of this, use df to see just how big your root filesystem is. Mine is currently 268 gigabytes; searching all of it would probably take several hours. A few minutes spent (a) restricting the files you search and (b) making sure the command is correct will be well worth the time you spend.
By default, grep tries to read every file. Use -D skip to skip device files, socket files and FIFO files.
If you keep seeing error messages, then grep is not hanging. Keep iotop open in a second window to see how hard your system is working to pull all the contents off its storage media into main memory, piece by piece. This operation should be slow, or you have a very barebones system.
Now, my follow up question : In any case -- how can I grep the whole filesystem? Are there certain *NIX directories which we should leave out when doing this ? In particular, Im looking for all recently written log files.
Grepping the whole FS is very rarely a good idea. Try grepping the directory where the log files should have been written; likely /var/log. Even better, if you know anything about the names of the files you're looking for (say, they have the extension .log), then do a find or locate and grep the files reported by those programs.