Image metadata in blob storage to cosmos - metadata

What is the simplest way to transfer image metadata I have stored for each image in a container to cosmosDB on the Azure portal? For clarification I am trying to retrieve the image properties I have specified as key value pairs under metadata, not the default image metadata. I have attached an image of what I am referring to. enter image description here

I think using logic app is relatively simple, the design of logic app is as follows:
You can first use List blobs to list all your images, then use for each to traverse the blobs and use Create or update document to save the image metadata in cosmosDB.
I have tested it for you and found no problems.


What's the best way to save online Image in sqflite, flutter?

I'm using sqflite to create my SQL database and save the data I receive from the RESTful API locally. I get the image link from the API but I have no idea how to store it. should I heard I can use BLOB (Uint8List) and cached_network_image. which of these two (or another way!) would u suggest and how to do it exactly?
I tried to save the Image link as String, but it did not satisfy my needs because I need to load my images once and load them locally next times.
Last time I searched on this topic, storing the image as a file on the device and as a string with the filename in the db was the proposed solution

Copy image from REST to Blob using DataFacotry

In my scenario I need to consume an external REST api. One of the fields in the response is a url to an image. What I'm trying to achieve is to grab the pic behind that url and store it in the blob storage. This would be easy with a Function or WebJob but is there a way to do it with DataFactory on its own?
Based on my research,only Http Connector supports downloading file which could be used in the copy activity as source dataset.

addSnapshotListener swift firestore behaviour

I have a document in Cloud firestore to which I listen for updates. It has 2 fields, it has a field description and a field for a picture. The picture is approximately 0.2 mb and description is a few words. I wanted to know what would happen if I made changes to the description in the document, I wanted to know if addSnapshotListener actually downloads a fresh new copy of the document or just the field that has been changed.
I indeed see, by looking at how much data is being downloaded in Xcode, a new fresh copy of the document is downloaded.
This is not efficient at all, since the picture field is rarely changed, only the description might change in my application.
Is there a way to optimize this?
Is there a way to optimize this?
Yes! Don't do that.
Firestore (and the realtime database) is not intended to store images or large datasets per field.
You should explore Storage and keep a reference (url) to the item stored in storage in your Firebase.
Cloud Storage is built for app developers who need to store and serve
user-generated content, such as photos or videos.
By leveraging storage if you need to update or change a field in Firestore, you're only working with a small amount of data instead of an entire image worth.
To answer the question; if you read a document from Firebase, it does read the Document and it's child data.
Here's a link to the Storage Docs which shows how to capture a reference to the item uploaded to storage.
If you want to automatically sync the images to all clients and have them available offline, just put them in a separate document.
// Store your small, frequently changing text here:
// Store your image here:
db.collection('user_profile_pic').doc(userId).set({data: <imagedata>})

Connected Storage and enumerating GameSaveContainer

I have been looking through the Xbox Live Extensions SDK API Reference and cannot seem to find how to get an existing container by enumeration or by name. The GameSaveContainerInfo is what I can get from a CreateContainerInfoQuery, but that is informational metadata only. In order to load a game, I am assuming that I would need an existing container and query for the blobs on that one. I just cannot seem to find how to get the container.
I don't think CreateContainer is what I need because this creates a fresh one, but I could be wrong.
I am creating it under the Creators program, and checked the table which includes Title storage as well as Connected storage as available, but there is little to no information, much less for C#.
Can anyone help?
You do need to use the GameSaveProvider.CreateContainer(string name) function to access a previously made container. Putting in the same name you used to create the container initially will allow you to pull down that same container.
Take a look at the SaveData() and LoadData() functions in this Xbox Live Sample code to get an idea of how to save and retrieve data from Connected Storage.

efficient way to store cdn image path in database

we would like to store uploaded images on cdn server in our website. We are thinking to add fallback in our system if cdn service goes down. so images are start to upload on server hard disk in this case. we can manage this fallback using general setting option.
what is efficient way to store upload images path in our database ? we have to store full image url or image name in database. so we can recover easily in fallback situation.