Error: Could not find or load main class Folder.confluent-5.5.1-2.12.tar.confluent-5.5.1-2.12.confluent-5.5.1.logs - apache-kafka

I am using cygwin on window.
and Running follows command on cygwin for starting ksql server.
bash ksql-server-start .properties
Error: Could not find or load main class Folder.confluent-5.5.1-2.12.tar.confluent-5.5.1-2.12.confluent-5.5.1.logs

No Windows compatible scripts are provided with ksqlDB. You may be able to 'fix' the scripts that do come with it to work on windows. Alternatively, you can just run ksqlDB and the CLI in docker, which is the supported routed for Microsoft windows. See the ksqlDB microsite for instructions on how to get something up and running in docker, or the Kafka examples microsite.


Are there any way to load another version of `libc` library into a pwntools script?

I'm trying to run an executable using pwntools using a different version of libc than the one I installed locally. Is there any way I can do that?
I tried this way, but it doesn't seem to work.
I will attach a picture with the script and also with what error I got.
io = process(BIN, env={"LD_PRELOAD": "./"})
I am running this on Ubuntu 20.04 using python 3.8.

Need to Install Concourse(CI/CD) on windows system

I need to install Concourse(CI/CD) on my Local windows machine
Below process I followed :
Install Bosh on local system.
It was successfully install and while executing command at command prompt
then it show version all "bosh" -- "version 3.0.1-712bfd7-2018-03-13T23:26:43Z".
Try Download the concourse-lite deployment manifest file but it fails it shows below error.
Follow the below link to install Concourse : --- section For Windows:
I don't reccomend doing this at all because you'll be swimming so far out of the main stream that you'll find tons of issues and no one is going to care enough to want to fix them.
Even if you didn't find any issues, resources require a linux worker for anything to work so your going to need linux anyways.
I recommend running your db, web and linux worker on linux and then running windows workers as needed.

Why the Kafka 0.9.0.x windows version do not have kafka-consumer-groups.bat?

Having problem in getting list of Consumers currently running on kafka using java code. Some how came across various answers but then i also came across an answer to look into "".
As i am using kafka Windows version i could not find .bat file for it.
Why the Kafka 0.9.0.x windows version do not have kafka-consumer-groups.bat, is it discarded intentionally or renamed?
I prefer to think kafka-dev forgets to create a corresponding .bat script. Anyway, you could create your own:
%~dp0kafka-run-class.bat kafka.admin.ConsumerGroupCommand %*

IPython starting ipclusters

I'm using this amazing IPython notebook. I'm very interested into parallel computing right now and would like to use MPI with IPython (and MPI4py). But I can't start a cluster with
ipcluster start -n 4
on Windows7. I just get back "failed to create process". If I use the notebook and start a cluster in the "Clusters" register it's all working fine. But with cmd (even with admin rights) I just get this message. Same with all attempts of using MPI (MPICH2). All path vars are set. Maybe this problem has no connection to Python at all...
I can't say anything about IPython's parallel features, but if you're having problems with MPI in Windows in general, I would offer these suggestions. I've had quite a few issues in the past in trying to get MPI working in Windows. The most convenient method for me in the past has been to use an OpenMPI Windows binary These are now only available in previous releases. And even then, you might have to try more than one before you find one that works. I don't know why, but the latest didn't work on my machine. The release before that one did, however. After this, you have to call mpicc and mpiexec from the Microsoft Visual Studio Command Prompt or it won't work (without a lot of other stuff).
After you have verified that MPI is working, you can try installing mpi4py separately and see if that works. In my experience, sometimes this has worked fine and sometimes I've had to wrestle with configurations. You might just try your luck with an unofficial, prepackaged binary (for example,
Hope this helps!

pecl not working on php CLI mode (involving mongoDB in Gearman)

For test purposes I have gearman running on localhost. So I run the gearman worker.php file from php command line. When I test this in normal apache mode, mongoDB works just fine, but when it runs from the gearman worker file I get the error "fatal error: class 'Mongo' not found". Now the Mongo class comes from pecl and the extension in php.ini. SO yeah, trying to figure out why a php file run from CLI is different. Does it use a separate php.ini file?
You can check which .ini files are being loaded by the CLI version by doing php --ini. If your PHP was provided by a distro, it's very possible for it to have two seperate .ini sets, one for web-based and one for CLI. You can get the equivalent info from phpinfo() when it's running online as well.
To force it to load a particular .ini, you can use php -c /path/to/file.ini.
Well a simple find / -name php.ini answered that question for me. So yes, there is a separate php.ini file. Where I needed to add the line
It sounds like either you're loading different ini files or you've got multiple instances of php installed on your machine and apache is using a different one. Make the script v.php:
<?php phpinfo();
then try running it from CLI and then viewing it via localhost. EG:
php v.php