Interacting with windbg using an API on a hosted server - windbg

I'm just getting started with debugging and I want to know if there's a way to use windbg that is on a hosted server. For example, I want to load the memory dumb onto windbg and interact with the program by sending API requests like "!analyze" to it and get the output as a response. Thanks!


Can't run or debug the api locally

I am following the quick start here tutorial and the api works online as it should. However, when it comes to testing the api locally, the admin server runs as it should but the api itself, which i supposed should be http://localhost:8080/_ah/api/echo/v1/echo and any post message should work. All I'm getting is : bad runtime process port ['']. I would also like to know how to create a debug configuration in eclipse as well as the api-explorer similar to what we used to have in v1.

How Do I Send An Message To A Running Yarn Application?

I want to have my application already started on my YARN cluster and allow the users to send additional commands. I am still in the design phase, but I'm confused on the best way about going about this. Is this possible? Could the user send some sort of REST command to the Application Master or Resource Manager that could then be passed to the running YARN Application?
You can if you're willing to build a custom AM and write your own REST API but writing a custom AM is not trivial. As for the RM, you can kill your application or move to another queue via REST API calls but not much else.

Connect to console app running as a system task on Windows server

I run several game servers on a single windows-server-2012-r2. Many of the game servers run as console-application. I have created scheduled-tasks to run each on windows startup even if I'm not logged on. I would like to be able to attach to the consoles of those apps when logged on to the server, similar to what can be done in linux. Perhaps I'm going about this in the wrong way. Is there a way to attach to console apps running as tasks? Is there a software tool that accommodates this sort of thing?
Been searching high and low for a solution but haven't found anything yet. Have decided to write a wrapper for console app that will redirect Stdin, Stdout and Stderr of a process to a Telnet connection. Will use nssm to run the wrapper as a service.
I produced a solution:
Banjo will launch a specified console application and route its streams to and from a telnet connection.
Pull requests welcome.

Connect to JMX using PowerShell

I am not a developer so please keep that in mind when reading the following message:
I need to be able to use Windows PowerShell to connect to a JMX RMI agent on a host, is this even possible ?
The example string from the java client I have been given is as below:
JMXServiceURL url = new JMXServiceURL("service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:7979/jmxrmi");
The reason for this is that I am doing other work in my PowerShell script and would like to keep it all in one place.
Thanks !
This is an unusual mix of two technologies, but it is possible.
On the off-chance that you are attempting to connect to a JBoss server, the quickest way may be for you to call twiddle, a command tool that will dispatch JMX requests to the target JBoss server and return the results to standard out.
Another way is to implement the Jolokia agent on the target servers. This will allow you to issue JMX requests using REST. Responses will also be returned in REST format which you can process in PowerShell using one of these solutions.
Thirdly, you can also deploy the JMX-WS service on your target servers which will allow you to communicate with the JMX server using web-services. This document provides some VBScript examples of this.
None of the above actually uses the JMXServiceURL syntax you outlined, and I cannot think of a way you could actually cleanly integrate this RMI based protocol into PowerShell, but hopefully one of the above will work for you.
========== UPDATE ==========
There may be a way to use the RMI implementation. Take a look at IKVM. It is a Java Byte Code to .NET compiler. I have successfully compiled JMX/RMI java code into a .Net assembly and used it from C#. I think PowerShell will do the same thing.

PHP Slow to process soap request via browser but fine on the command line

I am trying to connect to an external SOAP service using PHP and have written a small php test script that just connects to the service and performs a simple request to check everything is working.
This all works correctly but when I run via a browser request, it is very slow taking somewhere in the region of 40s to establish the initial connection. When I do the same request using the exact same script on the command line, it goes through straight away.
Does anyone have any ideas as to why this might be?
PHP caches the wsdl in /tmp. If you run from the command line first, the cache file will be owned by whatever user you're running the script as, and apache won't be able to read the cache. The wsdl will have to be downloaded and parsed every time which will be slow.
Check the permissions of /tmp/wsdl*.
Maybe external SOAP service trying to check your IP, and your server has ICMP allowed, when your local network - not.
Anyway, this question might be answered more clearly by administrator of external SOAP service :)
Is there a difference between the php.inis that are being used?
On a standard ubuntu server installation:
diff /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini /etc/php5/cli/php.ini
Another difference might be in the include paths. Had this trouble myself on a local test server, it didn't actually use the soap class that was included (it didn't include anything, because the search paths weren't valid), but it included the built-in soap_client class.