"Cancel Enabled" option not present in Uninstaller Screen - install4j

While working on Uninstaller using install4j i came across a problem . In Installation screen there is one configuration field "Cancel enabled" ,which when enabled , we can cancel the Installation on "Installation in progress screen" (when components are getting installed).
In Uninstaller, on "Welcome Uninstallation" the cancel button works.
But on Uninstallation screen , there is no such field("Cancel enabled") present in configuration.This results that we cannot cancel the Uninstallation (when components are getting uninstalled). Is there any way to make this happen? (When we click on "Cancel" button it should exit uninstaller).
Thanks in advance!

Unlike the installer, the uninstaller has no rollback functionality, so cancelling the uninstallation would leave the installation in a broken state.


Disable Close button in Install4J

I am creating installer using install4j IDE. I want to disable close button on both installation finish screen and uninstallation success finish screen.
How Can I do that?
This is not supported. Clicking on the window close button on a "Finish" screen is the same as clicking on the "Finish" button in the screen.

How to stop project that is already running

It says app is already running, but I see no big red button to stop it. I'm assuming it the 'Terminate' button. Its greyed out.
screenshot after I reopened eclipse and hit big green arrow(RUN)
And after it ran:
no red button while it was running.
Its a while since I used eclipse, but I believe you can right click on the elements in the debug window and choose terminate from there.
There is a screen shot in my answer to a similar question which might help
Try right clicking on the debug launches name in the debug view and selecting 'Terminate and Disconnect'.
Is that available for selection in your state (it should be).

install4j - Events for Installation Components screen

Is there any event associated with Install Components Screen?
Something like Next button disabled initially, and upon selection of a component, Next gets enabled. I see this happening for the License screen. Why dont we have it for Installation Components screen?
You can execute arbitrary code by setting the "Selection script" property of the "Installation components" screen, for example to

The Eclipse "select workspace" dialog disappears when I switch to a different virtual desktop (VirtuaWin) - how to restore it?

When eclipse starts up, it first show its splash screen and then pops up a dialog for selecting the desired workspace to open. If at this point I switch to a different virtual desktop and then come back later, only the splash screen is visible but the dialog is gone and I haven't found a way to get it back. I have to kill the eclipse process and start again.
Is there a way to recover from that problem whithout killing eclipse?
My setup:
Windows XP
VirtualWin 4.0.1
Eclipse Helios
I'm not sure why it prompts you the first time Eclipse starts up but not after using a different virtual desktop. I assume you did not select "Use this as the default and do not ask again" on the "select workspace" dialog. If you don't mind waiting a bit, you can avoid killing Eclipse by loading the current workspace and then going to File > Switch Workspace.
Start Eclipse.
Invoke Window menu on Workspace Launcher window. For example by clicking the middle mouse button on the window title bar, see Setup Dialog's Enable middle button window menu activation setting in VirtuaWin Help.
Click Add Window Rule.
Leave class name there e.g.: #32770.
Erase Window name and Process name.
Select Always manage windows of this type.
Click Add button.

What is "Task scanning" in NetBeans and how to turn it off?

Sometimes when opening projects, NetBeans will display a "Task scanning" progress bar on the status bar. What exactly is it scanning for? Is it possible to turn it off as I noticed that sometimes it takes a while and maybe it's just my installation but sometimes I have to force it to stop when closing NetBeans.
It is a "Task List" plugin working. It does this:
Provides the Task List window, which lists places of interest in your project, such as lines that contain "TODO", "XXX", "PENDING", Java compilation errors, and so on. You can click an entry in the list to navigate to the corresponding place in your code.
You can remove it by going to "Tools > Plugins" menu, "Installed" tab, selecting "Task List" from the installed plugin list and clicking "Uninstall" button. (These instructions are for NetBeans 6.5, but should be somewhat alike for all the other versions).
But I would advise against removing it - I find it pretty useful. There are times when I forget about several TODO's, and Tasks window is a great way to look 'em up.
If you can't see that window, you can access it through "Window > Task" menu, or by pressing Ctrl+6 (again, these instructions are for NetBeans 6.5)
Using Neatbeans 7.2.1
You can go to Tools->Options->Miscellaneous then under the Files tab uncheck Enable auto-scanning of sources. Whenever you want to have Netbeans scan you project you can go to Source->Scan for External Changes.
Tools->options->C++, or whichever language you are working with, under the Other tab uncheck Reparse on File Change. Whenever you want to reparse right click your project Code Assistance->Reparse Project.
It is scanning for the // TODO blarblar and // FIXME .... alikes.
You can disable it by removing the plugin.
In Netbeans 7.0.1 you can't disable the Task List definitively.
Instead you can limit/avoid scan :
Right click in Tasks window
Filter -> Edit
Unselect all
You can also cancel the running "Task scanning" process :
Right click on the progress bar
Click Cancel process