How to move file on remote server to another location on the same remote server using PowerShell - powershell

Currently, I run the following command to fetch the files to my local system.
-ComputerName $server
-Credential $credential
-RemoteFile ($origin + $target + ".csv")
-LocalFile ($destination + $target + ".csv")
It works as I'd like (although it sucks that I can't copy multiple files by regex and/or wildcard). However, after the operation has been carried out, I'd like to move the remote files to another directory on the remote server so instead of residing in $origin at $server, I want them to be placed in $origin + "/done" at the same server. Today, I have to use PuTTY for that but it would be so much more convenient to do that from PS.
Googling gave me a lot of material but I couldn't make it work. At the moment, I'm not sure if I'm specifying the path incorrectly somehow or if it's not possible to use the plain commands when working against an external, secured, Unix-server.
For copying files, I can't use Copy-Item, hence the function Get-SCPFile. I can imagine that remote moving, renaming and listing the items isn't possible neither for the same reason (whatever that reason is).
This example as well as this one produce error cannot find path despite the value being used for copying the file successfully with the script at the top. I'm pretty sure it's a misleading error message (not being enitrely sure, though).
$file = "\\" + $server + "" + $origin + "" + $target + ".csv"
# \\
Remove-Item $file -force
Many answers (like this) are very simple, which supports my theory that the combination of Unix and secure raise an extra challenge. Perhaps I'm wording the question insufficiently well.
There's also more advanced examples, still not working, just hanging up the window with no error messages. I feel my competence prevents me from estimating the degree of screwuppiness in this approach.

In PowerShell you can create a PowerShell Session (PSSession) from your System remotly on another System (and into another Session on your System but thats details... ) and execute your commands there.
You can create a PSSession with New-PSSession but a lot of cmdlets have a-ComputerName parameter (or something similar) so that they can be executed remotley without creating a PSSession first.
A PSSession can be used with Enter-PSSession to get an interactive Session or with Invoke-Command to execute a ScriptBlock. That way you could test your Remove-Item command directly on the target server. Depending on the setup you might need to use Linux syntax within the remote session.
Here are some more infos about_PSSessions and using it with SSH to connect to Linux


I am trying to create a shortcut in Powershell from one server to another

$PrivateDrive = "Sharedrivepath1"
$ScanDrive = "ScanDrivePath2"
New-Item -Itemtype SymbolicLink -Path $PrivateDrive -Name ScanDrive -Value $ScanDrive
I am trying to create a shortcut from the ScanDrive to the PrivateDrive, I have a full filepath and have access to both locations.
These both exist.
But I get the error "New-Item : Symbolic Links are not supported for the specified path"
EDIT: This is how I declare my Private and Scan Drives
$SamaccountName = ($name).Givenname + '.' + ($name.Surname)
$PrivateDrive = '\\SERVER1\private\home folders\' + $SamaccountName
$ScanDrive = "\\SERVER2\Shares_2\" + $SamaccountName
The error message is PowerShell's, in response to the underlying CreateSymbolicLink() WinAPI function reporting error code 1 (INVALID_FUNCTION).
There are two possible causes that I'm aware of:
A configuration problem: R2R (Remote-to-Remote) symlink evaluation is disabled (which is true by default.
To query the current configuration, run the following:
fsutil behavior get SymLinkEvaluation
To modify the configuration, you must call from an elevated (run as admin) session. The following enables R2R symlink evaluation:
# Requires an ELEVATED session.
fsutil behavior set SymLinkEvaluation R2R:1
(Less likely) A fundamental limitation:
The remote link path (the target path too?) is not exposed vie one of the following technologies, which are the ones listed as supported in the linked WinAPI help topic:
Server Message Block (SMB) 3.0 protocol
SMB 3.0 Transparent Failover (TFO)
Resilient File System (ReFS)

Script to Add a Computer to Our Domain Is Failing

I am just trying out Powershell scripting for the first time and am having a hard time figuring out the issue with a script that is failing when adding a computer to our domain. The majority of the script is pulled from a functional one we already use in our environment, and I modified it to change the name of the computer when adding it. Here is the relevant code:
$DeptName = "JACCSV"
$NewName = $DeptName + $($env:computername)
Add-Computer -Domain "notareal.domain" -Credential $joinCred -NewName $NewName -Restart
Edit: After more testing, the script works if it is run in an elevated powershell instance, but I am unsure why this doesn't work when pushed from Altiris, while our other script to add to our domain does.

Execute an Uninstall-Setup from server on remote computers via PowerShell

This is my first question here and I am also quite new on PowerShell, so I hope I am doing everything alright.
My problem is the following: I want to uninstall a programm on several computers, check if the registry-key is deleted and then install a new version of the programm.
The setup is located on a server within the same domain as the computers.
I want my Script to loop through the computers and execute the setup from the server for every computer. As I am quite new with PowerShell, I have no idea how to do this. I was thinking to maybe use Copy-Item, but I dont want to really move the setup, but simply execute it from the server to the computers? Any idea how to do this?
Best regards
You can try the following approach.
Note that the need to provide credentials explicitly is a workaround for the infamous double-hop problem.
# The list of computers on which to run the setup program.
$remoteComputers = 'computer1', 'computer2' # ...
# The full UNC path of the setup program.
$setupExePath = '\\server\somepath\setup.exe'
# Obtain credentials that can be used on the
# remote computers to access the share on which
# the setup program is located.
$creds = Get-Credential
# Run the setup program on all remote computers.
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $remoteComputers {
# Map the target network share as a dummy PS drive using the passed-through
# credentials.
# You may - but needn't - use this drive; the mere fact of having established
# a drive with valid credentials makes the network location accessible in the
# session, even with direct use of UNC paths.
$null = New-PSDrive -Credential $using:cred dummy -Root (Split-Path -Parent $using:$setupExePath) -PSProvider FileSystem
# Invoke the setup program from the UNC share.
& $using:$setupExePath
# ... do other things

How to list folder permissions located on a different server

I'm fairly new to PowerShell and am running into a problem.
I want to do the following:
Get list of permissions/users on a single folder on a different server than where I am running my PowerShell window from.
Current command failing:
Get-acl -path "\\servername\folder"
Error Message:
Get-acl : Cannot find path '\\servername\folder' because it does not exist
Does this command only work on the local machine?
It turns out with the way permissions/authentications are setup in my environment prevented my code from working.
Here are the steps I took to verify if I could connect to the server:
Test-Path \\server\folder
This returned "False", which is why my code was breaking.
The work around I used was this:
#Step 1: remotely connect to server
Enter-PSSession -ComputerName servernamegoeshere
#Step 2: get list of permissions on folder and save to csv
get-acl E:\foldernamehere |
select -expand access |
export-csv C:\Users\usernamegoeshere\Documents\listofperms.csv |
#Step 3: close remote connection
I still had to remote into the server and copy the csv to the location I wanted because again, any copy command to another server/share in PowerShell would not work due to permission/authentication issues.
This article explains authentication/permissions a bit better than I can:
Second way to do this with less code and not having to create a remote session thanks to user Ansgar Wiechers:
Invoke-Command -Computer server -ScriptBlock {get-acl E:\folder |
select -expand access } |
export-csv \\server\folder\accesslist.csv
With PowerShell, there are many ways to do one thing...I think this way is best/most simple! Thanks!
The command works on UNC paths as well, but UNC paths are slightly different from local paths. You need an access point to enter the file system of a remote host. For SMB/CIFS access (via UNC paths) that access point is a shared folder, so you need a path \\server\share or \\server\share\path\to\subfolder.
With an admin account you could use the administrative shares (e.g. \\server\C$\Users\Administrator), otherwise you need to create a share first.

Starting an exe file with parameters on a remote PC

We have a program running on about 400 PCs (All W7). This program is called Wisa.
We receive regular updates for this program, named something like wisa_update1.0.exe, wisa_update1.1.exe, wisa_update2.0.exe, etc. The users can not do the update themself due to account restrictions.
We manage to do the update once and distribute it with a copy-item to all PCs. Then with Enter-PSSession I can go to each PC and update the program with the following command:
wisa_update3.0 /verysilent
(with the argument /verysilent no questions are asked)
This is already a major gain in time, but I want to do the update more automatically.
I have a file "pc.txt" with all 400 PCs in it. I use this file already for the Copy-Item via Get-Content. Now I want to use this file to do the updates with the above command, but I can't find a good way to use a remote executable with a parameter in PowerShell.
What you want to do is load get-content -Path $PClist and then run your script actions in a foreach. You'll want to adapt this example to your own script:
$PClist = 'c:\pc.txt'
$aComputers = Get-Content -Path $PClist
foreach ($Computer in $aComputers)
code actions to perform
Also you can use multithreading and get it over with fraction of time (provided you have a good machine). The below mentioned link explains how to do it well.