Kaspersky Anti-Banner System is blocking AdSense in my website - adsense

Recently I noticed that Kaspersky Anti-Banner system is blocking all adds inside my website. For this reason I am loosing my ad-revenue.
Is there any fix for this issue?
I am already checking Ad-blockers successfully, but that code is not working with Kaspersky Anti-Banner.

That's the whole idea behind the good anti-banner systems — to block the banners.
You can enable detailed logger inside the Kaspersky product (e.g. KIS/KTS/KCS) and see which requests are blocked, perhaps, it can help you.
P.S. The built-in Kaspersky Anti-Banner is not the cutting edge solution on the market, uBlock Origin is far more advanced and is capable not only blocking the AD loading, but also manipulating the DOM to hide the already loaded un-wnated content.


51 Degrees Mobi keeps doing unwanted redirects. How to stop?

I just recently installed the 51 Degrees Mobi Nuget packages to Visual Studio 2015. I have come across an annoying feature that I am not able to figure out how to turn off. When I browse to my site with a mobile device, it automatically redirects the device to /Mobile/Default.aspx.
I don't want this. I want the device to go to the requested URL. Per the documentation found Here, it says
This element determines how mobile devices should be redirected. If it is omitted, redirection will be disabled.
This is simply not working as described. I have removed that element in the 51Degrees.config file along with its SectionGroup, yet this unwanted redirection continues. How do I actually disable this annoying feature?
Ok, a little less frustrated now and can think a bit clearly. I read in another post about a cookie being set with a redirect value. After I cleared the cookies on the clients, this problem went away.

Black windows issue

I develop a web browser based on gtk+ and webkit2gtk in Rust and sometimes, all GTK+ windows become black.
Even the gtk inspector window that we get with the environment variable GTK_DEBUG=interactive is black.
Even thought the windows are black, the UI is still responsive since I can navigate the web with the keyboard (I see the window title updating, showing the new page URL and load progress).
Here are two actions that triggers this issue everytime they happen:
Destroying the web view
When running the application a second time, it sends a message via Unix Domain Socket to the first process so that it creates a new web view.
I have unfortunately no small example to reproduce the issue. If you want, I can show you the code of the project, but it is big, non-trivial and uses many abstraction layers over gtk+.
I know I don't give you a lot to help me, but if you can give me some explanations about how the rendering works and how to debug that, it would be very appreciated.
Can you give me some hints on how to debug this issue?
Is there a global OpenGL (or whatever) context for the GTK+ windows?
Are there some debuging tools to help me? (Setting G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=all does not show anything relevant.)
With strace, I was able to debug this issue:
I found out the FD used for IPC communication was still polled after being closed, so it was returning POLLNVAL.
Removing the FD with g_source_remove_unix_fd() fixed this issue.

Packaging a GWT app to run completely offline NOT installed via a "marketplace"

Theres a few questions similar to this, so I'll try to be clear as possible.
We have an existing, fairly large and complex, GWT webgame I have been asked to make work offline. It has to be offline in pretty much the strictest sense.
Imagine we have been told to make it work off a CD Rom.
So installation is allowed, but we cant expect the users to go to a Chrome/Firefox store and install it from there. It would need to be off the disc.
Likewise, altering of the browsers start-up flags would be unreasonable to expect of users.
Ideally, it would be nice if they just clicked a HTML file for the start page and it opened in their browsers of choice.
We successfully got it working this way in Firefox by adding;
"<add-linker name='xsiframe' />"
To our gwt.xml settings. This seems to solve any security issues FF has with local file access.
However, this does not solve the problem for Chrome.
The main game starts up, but various file requests are blocked due to security issues like these;
XMLHttpRequest cannot load file:///E:/Game%20projects/[Thorn]%20Game/ThornGame/text/messages_en.properties. Cross origin requests are only supported for protocol schemes: http, data, chrome, chrome-extension, https, chrome-extension-resource.MyApplication-0.js:34053 com_google_gwt_http_client_RequestBuilder_$doSend__Lcom_google_gwt_http_client_RequestBuilder_2Ljava_lang_String_2Lcom_google_gwt_http_client_RequestCallback_2Lcom_google_gwt_http_client_Request_2 MyApplication-0.js:34053
Now I was aware same origin policy issues might popup as during development we often tested locally using flags in chrome to bi-pass them.
Thing is...now I dont know how to get around them when we cant use startup flags.
Obviously in the example given its just the .properties file GWT uses to get some language related text. I could dump that inline in one way or another.
However, its only one of many,many,many files being blocked.
The whole game was made to run off *.txt game scripts on the sever - to allow easy updating by non-coders. Really the actual GWT code is just an "engine" and all the XMLHttpRequested files supply the actual "game".
These files are of various types; csv, txt, ntlist, jam.
The last two being custom extensions for what are really just txt files.
All these files are blocked by chromes security. It seems from what I can make out only images are allowed to be accessed locally.
Having all these files compiled in would just be impossible, as they are not fixed in number (ie, one central .txt file determains various scene .txt files which in turn determain various object files and directory's...).
Putting all this into a bundle would be nightmare to create and maintain.
So in essence I need some way to supply a offline version of a GWT project that can access a large number of various files in its subdirectories without security issues.
So far all I can think of is;
A) Theres something I can tell chrome via html or gwt that allows these files to be read in Chrome like FF can. (I suspect this isn't possible).
An alternative to XMLHttpRequest maybe?
B) I need to somehow package a game+a webbrowser in a executable package that has permission to access files in its directory's. (http://www.appcelerator.com/titanium ? ?? ).
C) I need to package and have the user run a full webserver that can then deliver all these files in a XMLHttp accessible way.
D) Bit of a funny one...we cant tell the user to add flags to browser start up...but Maybe I could write a game installer which just detects if they have Chrome or Firefox. It then opens up the games html in their browser with the correct flags for them? This would open up security issues if they browse elsewhere with that instance though, so Id presumably need other flags to disable the url bar if that's possible.
I am happy to make various changes to our code to achieve any of this - but as mentioned above theres no way to determain all the files needing to be accessed at compile time.
And finally, of course, it all has to be as easy as possible for the end user.
Ideally just clicking a html file, or installing something no more complex then a standard windows program.
Thanks for reading this rather long explanation, any pointers and ideas would be very welcome. I especially will appreciate multiple different options or feedback from anyone that's done this.
I accepted the suggestion to use Chromiumembedded below.
This works and does what I need (and much much more)
To help others that might want to use it, I specifically made two critical changes to the example project;
Because CEF needs a absolute path to the web apps local html, I wrote a c++ function to get the directory the .exe was launched from. This was a platform specific implementation, so if supporting a few OS's (which CEF does) be sure to write dedicated code for each.
Because my webapp will make use of local files, I enabled the Chrome flag for this by changing the browser settings;
browser_settings.file_access_from_file_urls = STATE_ENABLED;
These two changes were enough to get my app working, but it is obviously the bare minimum to make a application. Hopefully my finding will help others.
I'd suggest going the wrapper route. That is, provide a minimal browser implementation that opens your files directly. Options are Chromium Embedded[1]. If the nature of the application absolutely requires the files to be served as non-file urls then bundle a minimal webserver, have the on-disk executable start the server and open the bundled browser with whatever startup arguments you want.
[1] https://bitbucket.org/chromiumembedded/cef

How to remove codes generated by plugins from Chrome browser developers tool?

I'm using Google Chrome Developers tool and console while developing and debugging my web applications.
I've some Chrome plugins/extensions installed. These plugins/extensions add extra markups and scripts in the pages while rendering them in the browser, and when I view my codes in the developers tool, makes it a lot messy.
I want a clean way to view my codes without those extra markups.
So is there a way to toggle (disable/enable) the plugins quickly, or in the best way, to disable them in a particular tab? I've several plugins/extensions installed and I don't think it's a good idea to disable and then re-enable them manually.
Besides, I may want to use a plugin/extension while I'm browsing other websites on other tabs simultaneously.
There's no mechanism to disable an extension for a specific tab, or specific host. You could hack something together via the management API that would disable extensions when you hit a specific URL, but that disabled state would be global, not local.
Extensions don't, however, run in Incognito mode (unless you explicitly whitelist them via a checkbox at chrome://extensions): that might be a decent workaround for you. Load your in-development site in Incognito, work with it there in a clean environment, and pop back into your regular window for normal browsing.
You could, of course, accomplish the same thing by setting up a specific profile for development in which you simply didn't install extensions.
These are workarounds, of course. You should feel free to file a feature request for more granular user-side control over when extensions are loaded: http://new.crbug.com/
Would running 2 separate instances of Chrome be of help for you?
(You can start 2 unrelated Chrome browser instances from a command line specifying different user directories: chrome --user-data-dir=userdata1 & chrome --user-data-dir=userdata2 )
I haven't tried it for your usecase, but it sounds reasonable.

Benefits and concerns with Google Chrome Frame

Is this a technology I should spend much time evaluating?
Chrome Frame is a plugin for Internet Explorer (IE6-IE8) that gives it, well, what all the other major browsers have.
Biggies for me are the Canvas tag and a fast JavaScript.
As I do a lot of JavaScript dataset visualization, IE6 is a perpetual thorn in my side, and I often have to write extra code for it, and I often have to slow down the frame rate of user-driven real-time visualizations. Using Google Chrome Frame will allow me to produce a much more responsive experience for IE6 users.
But I wonder if IE6 users may be in situations where their computers are under some kind of IT lockdown hell where they aren't even allowed to install a plugin (why else would they be using IE6?)
So I'd still be left with what to do with the last poor souls in IE6.
Still, IE8 lacks Canvas and the JavaScript is slow, so some of my users would see increased performance, maybe even up to Google Chrome and Safari levels.
So again, my real question: Is this a technology I should spend time evaluating?
Note: Google will be throwing up alerts to IE users to encourage them to download Google Chrome Frame for Google Wave. So maybe Google will get enough Google Chrome Frames out there on IE machines that I can just detect it and use it if it's there, and warn the user that experience may suffer without it. I hate to demand anything of my user. http://googlewavedev.blogspot.com/2009/09/google-wave-in-internet-explorer.html
Given the visualizations you're working on, I'd definitely evaluate it. The potential upside for you as a developer and for your users is significant. You do not have to force all Internet Explorer users to use Chrome Frame. You can simply include the meta tag and the users that choose to install the plugin will almost certainly have a better experience.
That said, in my evaluation of Chrome Frame I have encountered some pretty big caveats that might be showstoppers for your project:
Older versions Chrome Frame can't print (see bug list). Depending on what kind of visualizations you're doing, this might be a real deal killer.
Downloads work but appear to the user like nothing has happened (see bug list again).
Chrome Frame is basically the Google Chrome browser shoehorned into the IE browser chrome. As such, any interaction with the browser inside the frame is with Chrome, not IE. If you right click and select Inspect Element you will get the Chrome developer tools window with its Vista-like look and feel. You'll need to make a judgment call as to whether your users will be comfortable with that.
In my testing, it appears like Chrome Frame is only looking at the meta tag:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible"
I was unable to get Chrome Frame to activate by setting the X-UA-Compatible HTTP Header as you would with EmulateIE7 mode:
Header set X-UA-Compatible "chrome=1"
It is also worth noting that this meta tag will override EmulateIE7 mode if you have that setting configured and I believe the inverse is also true too. They are both setting X-UA-Compatible. The last tag to set this will take precedence.
One power testing tip that will help save you from having to go in and edit your pages, is that you don't have to do anything to your site to test it with Chrome Frame. Once you have the Chrome Frame plugin installed in IE, simply prepend gcf: to the any URL and it will load it in Chrome Frame (e.g. gcf:http://dshaw.com ).
Happy coding,
- #dshaw
Think you should really spend some time on it since i just tested it and it works very well !
It gives you ie6 with the chromium speed !
And google will surely have enough power to spread it a little. Also you can advice your users to install chrome frame for your application if you really need it.
If you can install flash on ie6, you'll be able to install chrome frame.
Some users that can't install google chrome, will be able to install chrome frame.
I agree with you when you say that you don't like to demand anything of your users. That's generally a good philosophy. I would recommend evaluating how much you need the Canvas and how slow JavaScript really is.
Considering that IE is still the most popular browser (well, the most widely used, anyway), if your web-application is going to be used, you have to take IE into account (as you already are). The real question to ask is, "How much is the user's experience going to suffer if they use IE 'as is'?" If it really will degrade performance, and it will hurt your user base, then, yes, I would check out Google Chrome Frame.
I think it is a good alternative to sites which are considering not maintaining support for IE6.
Recently some big sites stopped working in IE6, they could ask for chrome frame instead of showing you can't access that site in your browser.
Is something good also for improving performance for google chrome frame users.
I'd say no. It is a waste to spend time evaluating it.
Whoever can and want to install extensions to IE6/7/8 can and should install a modern browser (Firefox/Safari/Chrome). The benefit would be both better performance and better support of standards across the board, more than a plugin for IE can provide.