scipy.special yields fluctuating result for confluent hypergeometric function - scipy

The scipy implementation of the confluent hypergeometric function gives me wrong results. This is a minimal code:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy import special
When I run it, it produces the following plot:
output of scipy.special.hyp1f1
I wonder if there is a way to fix these fluctuations, which are definitely not correct. In fact, the function should be strictly positive in that range.

Starting from the explanation at scipy.special.hyp1f1, here is an attempt to approximate the function with a polynomial.
Apparently, hyp1f1(-1/x) works nice between x=0 and about x=0.2. Note that at x exactly 0, the function isn't properly defined. The approximation with a 5th degree polynomial is much too large for x<0.4. With a 80th degree polynomial, the approximation seems correct starting at x>0.025 but quickly gets out of bounds for smaller x. (With more than 90 terms the polynomial can't be calculated in this way anymore.)
Probably the best solution would be to use a high degree polynomial for x>=0.1 and the original hyp1f1 when x is smaller.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy import special
x = np.linspace(0.001, 1, 1000)
f = special.hyp1f1(30, 60, -1 / x)
plt.scatter(x, f, s=1, color='r', label='hyp1f1')
for terms in range(80, 1, -10):
k10 = np.arange(terms)
c10 = special.poch(30, k10) / (special.poch(60, k10) * special.factorial(k10))
poly10 = np.poly1d(c10[::-1])
plt.scatter(x, poly10(-1 / x), s=1, label=f'{terms} terms', / 80))
plt.ylim(-3.5, 3.7)
plt.legend(scatterpoints=10, ncol=3)
Zoomed in:


How to correctly set the 'rtol' and 'atol' in scipy integration module 'solve_ivp' for solving a system of ODE with unknown analytic solution?

I was trying to reproduce some results of ode45 solver in Python using solve_ivp. Though all parameters, initial conditions, step size, and 'atol' and 'rtol' (which are 1e-6 and 1e-3) are same, I am getting different solutions. Both of the solutions are converging to a periodic solution but of different kind. As solve_ivp uses same rk4(5) method as ode45, this discrepancy in the final result is not quite understable. How can we know which one is the correct solution?
The code is included below
import sys
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
#from scipy import integrate
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Circle
# Pendulum rod lengths (m), bob masses (kg).
L1, L2, mu, a1 = 1, 1, 1/5, 1
m1, m2, B = 1, 1, 0.1
# The gravitational acceleration (m.s-2).
g = 9.81
# The forcing frequency,forcing amplitude
w, a_m =10, 4.5
def deriv(t, y, mu, a1, B, w, A): # beware of the order of the aruments
"""Return the first derivatives of y = theta1, z1, theta2, z2, z3."""
a, c, b, d, e = y
#c, s = np.cos(theta1-theta2), np.sin(theta1-theta2)
adot = c
cdot = (-(1-A*np.sin(e))*(((1+mu)*np.sin(a))-(mu*np.cos(a-b)*np.sin(b)))-((mu/a1)*((d**2)+(a1*np.cos(a-b)*c**2))*np.sin(a-b))-(2*B*(1+(np.sin(a-b))**2)*c)-((2*B*A/w)*(2*np.sin(a)-(np.cos(a-b)*np.sin(b)))*np.cos(e)))/(1+mu*(np.sin(a-b))**2)
bdot = d
ddot = ((-a1*(1+mu)*(1-A*np.sin(e))*(np.sin(b)-(np.cos(a-b)*np.sin(a))))+(((a1*(1+mu)*c**2)+(mu*np.cos(a-b)*d**2))*np.sin(a-b))-((2*B/mu)*(((1+mu*(np.sin(a-b))**2)*d)+(a1*(1-mu)*np.cos(a-b)*c)))-((2*B*a1*A/(w*mu))*(((1+mu)*np.sin(b))-(2*mu*np.cos(a-b)*np.sin(a)))*np.cos(e)))/(1+mu*(np.sin(a-b))**2)
edot = w
return adot, cdot, bdot, ddot, edot
# Initial conditions: theta1, dtheta1/dt, theta2, dtheta2/dt.
y0 = np.array([3.15, -0.1, 3.13, 0.1, 0])
# Do the numerical integration of the equations of motion
sol = integrate.solve_ivp(deriv,[0,40000], y0, args=(mu, a1, B, w, A), method='RK45',t_eval=np.arange(0, 40000, 0.005), dense_output=True, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-6)
T = sol.t
Y = sol.y
I am expecting similar result from ode45 in MATLAB and solve_ivp in Python. How can I exactly reproduce the result from ode45 in python? What is the reason of discrepancy?
Even if ode45and RK45use the same underlying scheme, they do not necessarily use the same exact strategy regarding the evolution of the time step and its adaptation to match the error tolerance. Thus, it is difficult to know which one is better.
The only thing you could is simply trying lower tolerances, e.g. 1e-10. Then, both solutions should end up being virtually identical... Here, your current error tolerance might be insufficiently low, so that small discrepancies in the fine details of both algorithms create a visible difference in the solution.

how to find out peak rise and decay

I have doing some siganl processing and I am new to it. I am using scipy.signal to do the calculations.
I am able to find the peak height, width, but I was wondering if I can also find the rise of peak time and decay time. That will be the distance from the left width point to the tallest peak point and then tallest peak point to right width point.
So, far I have this, which is from tutorial
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.misc import electrocardiogram
from scipy.signal import find_peaks
x = electrocardiogram()[2000:4000]
peaks, _ = find_peaks(x, height=0)
plt.plot(peaks, x[peaks], "x")
plt.plot(np.zeros_like(x), "--", color="gray")
esults_full = peak_widths(x, peaks, rel_height=1)
I think I am looking for the first moment or derivative
This is a thing that depends on the type of the signal, for this signal in particular an approach that worked is to find all peaks then filter the peaks by a prominence threshold defined by the the midpoint in the prominence ranges.
Once I have the peaks of interest I used the positions of the previous and next peaks.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.misc import electrocardiogram
from scipy.signal import find_peaks, peak_prominences
x = electrocardiogram()[2000:3500]
#b, a = butter(4, 0.001, 'high')
#x = lfilter(b, a, x)
peaks, _ = find_peaks(x)
prominences, _, _ = peak_prominences(x, peaks)
selected = prominences > 0.5 * (np.min(prominences) + np.max(prominences))
left = peaks[:-1][selected[1:]]
right = peaks[1:][selected[:-1]]
top = peaks[selected]
plt.figure(figsize=(14, 4))
plt.plot(top, x[top], "x")
plt.plot(left, x[left], ".", markersize=20)
plt.plot(right, x[right], ".", markersize=20)
If you want to use height threshold it is interesting to remove frequencies lower than the signal frequency.
from scipy.signal import butter, lfilter
x = electrocardiogram()
plt.figure(figsize=(14, 4))
b, a = butter(4, 0.01, 'high')
x = lfilter(b, a, x)
plt.legend(['original', 'highpass filtered'])
About coding style preference, if you coming from MATLAB you may be used to everything in the global scope, but I always say that modules are your friends :). I would simply import scipy.signal instead of importing their member functions as global variables, you can use some alias for the modules like import matplotlib.pyplot as plt, and you can find what alias is commong to be used for each module, but this is more for programmer interoperability, not mandatory, so it is that I wrote the code in your style.
The derivatives
You can use rise = (peaks[top] - peaks[left]) / (top - left), and fall = (peaks[top] - peaks[right]) / (top - right), this is not the actual value of the derivatives, but are related featueres features.
Also if you want to find the max de

Curve fitting of sine function in python using scipy is not yielding desired output

I'm trying to fit sine function on my data. No errors are shown but it doesn't seem to work.
def sin_fun(x,a,b):
return (a*np.sin(b*x))
This is the output I am getting:
I have simulated your data. There are 2 problems with your code as to why it isn't doing what you want. First is that your sin_fun needs a y-offset parameter, otherwise the function will always be symmetrical about y = 0. Secondly, the fit works better if you can provide curve_fit with a reasonable guess. This is done using the p0 argument. Have a look here:
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit as cf
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
# simulate your data
xdata = np.linspace(0, 25000, 256)
ydata = 15000 * np.sin(xdata/2000) + 22000
# add some noise
ydata += np.random.rand(xdata.size) * 2000
# sin function needs a y-offset -> c
def sin_fun(x,a,b,c):
return a*np.sin(b*x)+c
# need a reasonable guess -> note that the guess is not quite right but curve_fit still works
p_opt,p_cov=cf(sin_fun,xdata,ydata, p0=(10000, 1/2500, 15000))
plt.plot(xdata,ydata, 'r.', ms=1)
With these fixes you can get a good fit. You could also add a phase parameter to your function to help fit other sinusoids.

Why does the HMC sampler return negative values for hyperparameters that need to be positive? [older GPflow versions before 1.0]

I'd like to build a GP with marginalized hyperparameters.
I have seen that this is possible with the HMC sampler provided in gpflow from this notebook
However, when I tried to run the following code as a first step of this (NOTE this is on gpflow 0.5, an older version), the returned samples are negative, even though the lengthscale and variance need to be positive (negative values would be meaningless).
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import gpflow
from gpflow import hmc
X = np.linspace(-3, 3, 20)
Y = np.random.exponential(np.sin(X) ** 2)
Y = (Y - np.mean(Y)) / np.std(Y)
k = gpflow.kernels.Matern32(1, lengthscales=.2, ARD=False)
m = gpflow.gpr.GPR(X[:, None], Y[:, None], k)
m.kern.lengthscales.prior = gpflow.priors.Gamma(1., 1.)
m.kern.variance.prior = gpflow.priors.Gamma(1., 1.)
# dont want likelihood be a hyperparam now so fixed
m.likelihood.variance = 1e-6
m.likelihood.variance.fixed = True
samples = m.sample(500)
[[-0.43764571 -0.22753325]
[-0.50418501 -0.11070128]
[-0.5932655 0.00821438]
[-0.70217714 0.05077999]
[-0.77745654 0.09362291]
[-0.79404456 0.13649446]
[-0.83989415 0.27118385]
[-0.90355789 0.29589641]
I don't know too much in detail about HMC sampling but I would expect that the sampled posterior hyperparameters are positive, I've checked the code and it seems maybe related to the Log1pe transform, though I failed to figure it out myself.
Any hint on this?
It would be helpful if you specified which GPflow version you are using - especially given that from the output you posted it looks like you are using a really old version of GPflow (pre-1.0), and this is actually something that got improved since. What is happening here (in old GPflow) is that the sample() method returns a single array S x P, where S is the number of samples, and P is the number of free parameters [e.g. for a M x M matrix parameter with lower-triangular transform (such as the Cholesky of the covariance of the approximate posterior, q_sqrt), only M * (M - 1)/2 parameters are actually stored and optimised!]. These are the values in the unconstrained space, i.e. they can take any value whatsoever. Transforms (see gpflow.transforms module) provide the mapping between this value (between plus/minus infinity) and the constrained value (e.g. gpflow.transforms.positive for lengthscales and variances). In old GPflow, the model provides a get_samples_df() method that takes the S x P array returned by sample() and returns a pandas DataFrame with columns for all the trainable parameters which would be what you want. Or, ideally, you would just use a recent version of GPflow, in which the HMC sampler directly returns the DataFrame!

Minimal p-value for scipy.stats.pearsonr

I am running scipy.stats.pearsonr on my data, and I get
(0.9672434106763087, 0.0)
It is reasonable that the r-value is high and the p-value is very low.
However, p is obviously not 0, so I would like to know what p=0.0 means. Is it p<10^-10, p<10^-100 or what is the limit?
As pointed out by #MB-F in the comments it is calculated analytically.
In the code for the version 0.19.1, you could isolate that part of the code and plot the p-value in terms of r
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.special import betainc
r = np.linspace(-1, 1, 1000)*(1-1e-10);
for n in [10, 100, 1000]:
df = n - 2
t_squared = r**2 * (df / ((1.0 - r) * (1.0 + r)))
prob = betainc(0.5*df, 0.5, df/(df+t_squared))
plt.semilogy(r, prob, label=f'n={n}')
plt.axvline(0.9672434106763087, ls='--', color='black', label='r value')
The current stable version 1.9.3 uses a different formula
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.special import btdtr
r = np.linspace(-1, 1, 1000)*(1-1e-10);
for n in [10, 100, 1000]:
ab = 0.5*n
prob = btdtr(ab, ab, 0.5*(1-abs(r)))
plt.semilogy(r, prob, label=f'n={n}')
plt.axvline(0.9672434106763087, ls='--', color='black', label='r value')
But yield the same results.
You can see that if you have 1000 points and your correlation, the p value will be less than the minimum floating value.
The beta distribution
Scipy provides a collection of probability distributions, among them, the beta distribution.
The line
prob = btdtr(ab, ab, 0.5*(1-abs(r)))
could be replaced by
from scipy.stats import beta
prob = beta(ab, ab).cdf(0.5*(1-abs(r)))
There you can get much more information about it.