How to run %cd using a variable on ipython (google colab)? - ipython

I want to access folders shared to me on drive, I have created a shortcut on my drive and I wanna access it from there.
The problem I'm facing is I want to change directory using variable. But when I use this code:
for boxNo in range(109):
boxStr = "/gdrive/My Drive/Box Set {}".format(boxNo)
%cd -q setStr # The problem is here
url = !pwd
print("I have to use this url: " + url[0])
I get this error:
[Errno 0] No such file or directory: 'setStr'
SIDE-NOTE: echo or !echo both don't work either as I write echo url[0] it displays url[0] on the output. But inside parenthesis, as in print, print(url[0]), it
works. My guess is if I could change directory keeping the variable inside parenthesis it
would work but I seem to find no way of doing so.

Use $ before the variable name
%cd -q $setStr


Windows Powershell Basic Questions - new user

When trying to open a file with text editor VIM, I am unable to open the file unless VIM (shortcut) is in my current working directory. As an example, I am able to write start firefox to open a firefox window. However, start vim C:\filepath\filename.txt does not work unless a vim shortcut is in my current directory. How do I get around this?
Also, is there a way to have a program execute a file in the current working directory without having to reference the entire file path? For example instead of Start-Process vim C:\Users\User\Desktop\File\file.txt is there an available path shortcut like Start-Process vim ~\file.txt with ~ representing the current working directory?
The OS need to determine the full path of the exe, no matter what.
There's 2 ways that it will happen.
You're calling the executable from it's working directory
The executable location is in the Windows environment variable.
You can view the PATH variable content through this simple statement
$env:Path -split ';' | sort
You sill see that the Firefox path is listed there, but not the one from VIM.
That's why the former can be started by it's executable name and the latter require the full path.
You need to add VIM directory to your PATH variable if you want to be able to call it just by typing vim
Otherwise, if you have restricted access or don't want to edit that variable, you can also set a $vim variable, then invoke it whenever you want to call the executable.
Regarding the second part of your question
Powershell use the dot as a reference to the current directory .\file.txt.
You can also just specify the filename without anything else file.txt.
Both backslash \ & slash / work for filepath so .\file.txt and ./file.txt are both valid ways to reference the file.
Use ..\ to reference the parent directory (e.g. ..\file.txt)
$Vim = "c:\Path\To\Vim.exe"
& $vim "file.txt"
& $vim ".\file.txt"
#Forward slash also work for paths
& $vim "./file.txt"

I can't make the mv command work on a Mac terminal

I am trying to move a file from Downloads to a folder on my desktop.
I keep getting this:
Why does the usage message appear afterwards?
It looks like your file has a space in it, so it needs to be escaped. Otherwise, mv tries to find a file named "Tres", one named "Beijos_C.pdf" and move them into that directory.
# Either...
mv Tres\ Beijos_C.pdf ~/Desktop/choro/
# ...or...
mv "Tres Beijos_C.pdf" ~/Desktop/choro/
If your file name contains spaces, you should surround it with " like this:
mv "my file name.txt" /home/user/Desktop

Running a script in bash

I have a script in one of my application folders.Usually I just cd into that locatin in Unix box and run the script e.g.
UNIX> cd My\Folder\
My\Folder> MyScript
This prints the required result.
I am not sure how do I do this in Bash script.I have done the following
cd $mydir
echo $(pwd)
This basically puts me in the right folder to run the required script . But I am not sure how to run the script in the code?
If you can call MyScript (as opposed to ./MyScript), obviously the current directory (".") is part of your PATH. (Which, by the way, isn't a good idea.)
That means you can call MyScript in your script just like that:
cd $mydir
echo $(pwd)
As I said, ./MyScript would be better (not as ambiguous). See Michael Wild's comment about directory separators.
Generally speaking, Bash considers everything that does not resolve to a builtin keyword (like if, while, do etc.) as a call to an executable or script (*) located somewhere in your PATH. It will check each directory in the PATH, in turn, for a so-named executable / script, and execute the first one it finds (which might or might not be the MyScript you are intending to run). That's why specifying that you mean the very MyScript in this directory (./) is the better choice.
(*): Unless, of course, there is a function of that name defined.
cd $mydir
echo $(pwd)
I would rather put the name in quotes. This makes it easier to read and save against mistakes.
mydir="My Folder"
cd "$mydir"
echo $(pwd)
Your nickname says it all ;-)
When a command is entered at the prompt that doesn't contain a /, Bash first checks whether it is a alias or a function. Then it checks whether it is a built-in command, and only then it starts searching on the PATH. This is a shell variable that contains a list of directories to search for commands. It appears that in your case . (i.e. the current directory) is in the PATH, which is generally considered to be a pretty bad idea.
If the command contains a /, no look-up in the PATH is performed. Instead an exact match is required. If starting with a / it is an absolute path, and the file must exist. Otherwise it is a relative path, and the file must exist relative to the current working directory.
So, you have two acceptable options:
Put your script in some directory that is on your PATH. Alternatively, add the directory containing the script to the PATH variable.
Use an absolute or relative path to invoke your script.

How to trace which enviroment variable is coming from

My colleague has created an JAVA_HOME variable somewhere but he could not remember.
I have check /etc/profile, /etc/bashrc, /root/.bash_profile, /root/.bashrc. All these files does not have a line to set JAVA_HOME, but it still keep coming back with old values.
So, is there a way to find out where is it coming from?
Here's one crude but effective way:
cd /
grep -r "JAVA_HOME" .
This will recursively search all subdirectories under the starting point (the UNIX root directory, in this example) for any file containing the string 'JAVA_HOME'.
You can use grep -r --include="*.ext" "JAVA_HOME" . if you want to restrict your searches to files having the extension .ext.

prevent the problem of space in windows folders in the command line

As we know that windows, we can create folders with a name contains spaces(Hello World,New Folder,My Programs). In the commandline if we use start c:\Hello World\mygame.exe , it gives error called Hello is not found. it split the word from the space, to avoid this we can use thid start c:\"Hello World"\mygame.exe. my problem is this set x=%cd% (Here cd is "c:\Hello World" ) and we execute mygame.exe using this command "start %cd%\mygame.exe" which gives error of Hello is not found. Anyone knows solution for this?
Instead of putting quotes around just part of the path, put quotes around the entire path. If you do that, you should be fine.
start "%cd%\mygame.exe"
In the set command put quotes around the whole assignment:
set "x=%cd%"
In the start command, use quotes as well:
start "%x%\mygame.exe"
for example, if you have a folder name FOO FOO with a space and you want to access from cmd yo just do:
cd "FOO FOO"
That's all