Delete data from other paths in folder resources - anylogic

I saved databases on my desktop and delete them but I dont know that I get a problem to copy my model to another laptop. So for now they are in my anylogic folder resources. I cant delete the databases. The delete buttons are grey.
Is there a way to delete the connected data? I dont have the paths on my desktop anymore.

Check the help on what the colors mean. Gray means that the file is still in the model folder but not actually used by the model. So no problem (but obviously you cannot delete it here as it must be deleted in the model folder itself by your OS)


Export to Java application deletes files

When I wanted to export the model I was working on as a Java application, I encountered an error regarding the databases I loaded into the model. When I said OK to the error, I realized that all the files in the folder I wanted to create the Java application were deleted. That folder was desktop by the way.
Right now all the files (i mean all of them!) on my desktop are deleted and they don't even show up in the recycle bin. How are we going to solve this situation? How can AnyLogic have the authority to delete all files in that folder? How is this authority not shared with me and not warned beforehand?
When you work with software in general, you need to have a version control in place that will allow you to recover your information. These problems occur, and if AnyLogic has access to your computer it's because you grant the permission and it needs the permission. If you make your desktop your project folder, then i would say you are to blame.. why would you do that...
Using GIT as Ben commented, is always a good idea... but it requires you to be conscious about when you commit a version.
What I do, is I use dropbox and all my projects are done in a dropbox folder... the good thing is that dropbox always saves automatically all the files on the folder... this has saved my life multiple times and I suggest you to do something like that in the future. So on one hand you have the autosaving features, which is useful, but sometimes you erase everything by mistake, and the autosave is not useful, but dropbox saves no matter what.

Is it possible to remove mondodb.lock files, .wt files, etc. from computer?

Hoping somebody might have some tips. I was doing a LinkedIn Learning class that included a project with MongoDB. The exercise files they provided included some of the database files. I am now trying to delete these, which include index files, collection files, .wt extensions and the .lock files. However, every time I delete them they simply reappear on my computer. Does anyone have any suggestions?
If you don't need your database anymore:
Stop MongoDB.
Uninstall MongoDB.
If any files are left over, manually delete them.

Renamed Files Still Exist in Xcode

I'm making an iphone app that displays a random picture chosen from pictures in Resources.
I have renamed some files for categorization,
but running console shows that file with a new name and file with old name both exist as separate files.
Of course, I can't see the file with the old name in my Resource folder, nor in the original folder where the pictures are.
Kinda freaky...
How could I remove the files with old names and make it a norm to not keep another file with the old name whenever I rename a file?
Please help me out.
Expand your Target and remove the images from Copy Bundle Resources.
I'm not sure I understand your question correctly, but I recommend cleaning your targets from the project menu and resetting the simulator.
You can also select all the new files in XCode, right click and select compile.

XIB Files in Classes folder, is it a problem?

So in my XCode project I have a handful of XIB files that for one reason or another are physically in the Classes folder on the filesystem, but show in the Resources folder in XCode. Is there any problem with that? Should I bother trying to move them?
The code is working fine, runs on simulator and device, so my main concern is whether it will cause any problems when I submit to Apple, or anywhere else down the road.
It's absolutely meaningless - the only thing that affects your final product (and therefore what you submit to Apple) is which stage of your Target the different files appear under, and in my experience those rarely end up wrong.
However, for tidiness' sake if nothing else, it might be worth fixing the problem. Move the files to the right place*, which will turn the filename red in XCode. Choose Get Info on each red file and click the "Choose" button to locate it.
(* if you're using Subversion, use the svn move command for this, not the Finder)
All the resource files are stored in a flat directory in app bundle. You can control click on .app file and see the flat directory by selecting reveal in finder. It really does not matter where the file is physically present in source. If you don't have any problem with the management of the code by placing some resource files in class directory, then there will be no problem. That means Apple will not mind.
However if you are planning to maintain the project for a long time with multiple people then I think it is better to have well organized source.

iPhone Documents directory and UIFileSharingEnabled, hiding certain documents

I want the user to be able to access the files in the documents directory but am using core data and dont want the user to be able to access the store (the sqllite db), can i hide it from the user while still allowing file sharing, or can i put it in another directory where it will still get backed up?
The answer given by FrenchKiss Dev is not correct. The user will still be able to see the ".data" directory in iTunes and save that locally with all the files inside it.
Instead, store private documents in Library/Preferences
According to Apple:
In addition to the directories documented previously, the entire
/Library directory has always been preserved during
updates and backups, except for /Library/Caches.
Because of this, applications can create their own directories in
/Library/ and those directories will be preserved in
backups and across updates. To minimize the risk of name collisions,
we recommend that you name this directory carefully. For example, a
directory named Private Documents would be a good choice. You should
store any files you don't want to share to Library/Preferences.
In the documents directory, create a subdirectory which name starts with a dot. For example:
EDIT: Please stop downgrading this answer !
This answer was correct at the time (remember that it was before the iPad was actually available! And there was a lot of confusion on the matter, we were still hoping for the iPad to appear in the shared devices in the Finder...).
Today (April 2012) it is still working on the Mac but not on Windows (starting a directory name with a dot means nothing in Windows).
Anyway, this Shared Document feature is a mess. Later they fixed it by saying that "Private Documents" should be stored in the Library Folder not in the Documents folder. But remember that developers were already using the Document folder before the iPad came.
Don't blame me for Apple mistakes.
Stack Overflow should have a way to mark an answer as obsolete.
API changes, get fixed, and it renders answers obsolete.