What licenses apply to JRE bundles created with install4j 7? - install4j

Assume I install a JRE, and run the createbundle tool of install4j version 7 on it.
Does the bundle contain artifacts made by EJ Technology?
If yes, what license do these come with?
(The bundle would also be under the license of the original JRE, obviously.)
This question is about what additional licenses I might have to observe if I redistribute a bundle as part of my application.
Also, some configuration and integration tasks will be easier because I can skip the red tape for license checking, but I need an official statement from the Copyright owner to open that easy route.

There are no additional artifacts in a JRE bundle created by install4j. Only the license of the bundled JRE applies.


Does install4j need a jre on the clients system?

I don't want to be dependent on that java is installed on the system or not
Our product already ships internally with a vm so the user doesn't have to install any java or need to have any java installed.
But this i also want for my installer of our product, there should be no need to have java there on the system to install the product, is this possible with Launch4J?
Because it is always tricky when reading the docs, you can bundle a jre, but what does that mean? Does the installer use that itself?
Yes, a JRE is necessary to run the installer, but you can bundle a JRE with install4j, so no "global installation" of a JRE is requried.

What does the bundle pool option in the Eclipse installer has to offer?

The Mars release of Eclipse IDE introduces the Oomph installer to manage Eclipse setup. It has an advanced mode where you can select a directory as "Bundle Pool", create "Agents", etc.
So, what is the concept behind all that and wherein lies the benefit?
Ian Bull has a good writeup:
"You can choose ‘bundle pool‘, to share Eclipse plugins between installations. This means that if you install another package, all the common bits will be shared."
Also, Eike Stepper says:
Oomph's underlying infrastructure supports bundle pooling for all aspects of the installation (and, optionally, even of the target platform), i.e., when installing multiple products using Oomph or when provisioning multiple target platforms, the installations and target platforms can share all the common bundles and will download each bundle only once. This dramatically reduces disk space as well as speeding up installation and target platform provisioning time. Of course one can disable bundle pooling to produce an installation exactly like you get with an unzipped package download. You can also see there is a dialog to manage the bundle pools.
Bundle Pooling is, simply put, a mechanism that allows multiple Eclipse applications to share a common set of plug-ins (bundles). Without it (ie, with the traditional Eclipse IDE downloads), each Eclipse application has it's own self-contained set of bundles and in practice that means there is a lot of duplicated storage of those bundles (since many Eclipse-based applications contain many of the same bundles).
More details are available here.

How do I bundle a Solaris JRE with install4j without running the install4j application on Solaris?

The JRE download wizard in install4j only offers Linux and Windows JREs. I need to build a media file that bundles a Solaris JRE. install4j supports building custom JRE bundles but it's JRE Bundle wizard states:
"Please note that the JRE Bundle wizard can only create JRE bundles
for the platform you're running on."
This seems like a serious omission as compared to the other multi-platform install buliders (i.e. InstallAnywhere and InstallBuilder) both of which provide bundled Solaris JREs.
Can I not just unzip/tar a Solaris JRE on my Linux build box and bundle it? Or is there a limitation of the mechanism used to bundle it?
Even though we support Solaris, Solaris boxes are in limited supply.
Can I not just unzip/tar a Solaris JRE on my Linux build box and bundle it?
You would have to create the tar.gz file for the bundle manually as explained here (at the bottom of the page).
However, I would rather suggest adding a requirement that Java is installed on the Solaris box. Bundling a JRE on Solaris is somewhat risky since particular JRE versions require certain OS patches.

packaging and running a third party installer with my install4j installer

Sorry for asking a question so similar to the last install4j question, but I have a similar problem. I need to package third party installers with my install4j installer that need to run before my application is installed. I'm currently unable to host the other packages, so the only option I see is to package them with my installer. Is there a way to do this?
Add the third-party installers on "Installer->Custom Code & Resources"
Add "Run executable" actions in your installer and reference the third-party installers with ${installer:sys.resourceDir}/executable.exe

How to find list of installed Eclipse features from external program?

I am preparing windows installer for my Eclipse plugin. I want install it into target eclipse product using P2 director. I am targetting only Eclipse 3.5 for now.
Installer should check that prerequisite features/plugins are already installed. I am not sure how to do this check. (Other reason for this check is to choose what other features to install, as I will bundle some prerequisites in the installer).
Easy solution is to look into eclipse/features/ and eclipse/plugins/ directories, but plugins may be installed elsewhere too: dropins directory and linked via links directory.
I would like to get list of installed fetures and plugins from P2 (profile?), if possible. Is there any way to do this? Any better solutions?
Have a look at the P2 agent, it does what you are after. Browse the source code to see how it interacts with the repository. You can use the p2 director to streamline the actual installation.
The Equinox Incubator also has a number of useful links
At http://wiki.eclipse.org/Equinox_p2_Getting_Started, they talk about eclipse/configuration/org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator/bundles.info file:
The file bundles.info contains a list of all the plug-ins installed in the current system. On startup, all the plug-ins listed in this file are given to OSGi as the exact set of plug-ins to run with. Any extra plug-ins in the plugins directory or elsewhere are ignored. ... However, it's useful to know about this file so you can see exactly what is installed in the system you are running.
Well, it's not list of features, but list of plugins is good too.