How to start/stop a particular session connection - quickfix

My QuickFIX initiator may manage 5 sessions (targets). I can use ReconnectInterval to control the reconnect-try frequency.
Assume one session connection gives me a problem but I don't want to stop the other 4 connections. I also don't want the problematic session to keep on trying to connect.
Is there any way to stop and later to restart this particular session connection?

Quickfix does not provide an intuitive way to disable a session.
void Initiator::connect()
Locker l(m_mutex);
SessionIDs disconnected = m_disconnected;
SessionIDs::iterator i = disconnected.begin();
for ( ; i != disconnected.end(); ++i )
Session* pSession = Session::lookupSession( *i );
if ( pSession->isEnabled() && pSession->isSessionTime(UtcTimeStamp()) )
doConnect( *i, m_settings.get( *i ));
The code above is the loop that keeps trying to maintain all the sessions connected. Looking up to the code, there are two ways to avoid the connection of a session: 1. Disabling the session; 2. Limiting the session time range (there is no way to do it after session initialization, so it's not a valid option).
The method pSession->isEnabled basically returns Session.m_state.m_enabled, but there is no way to access the SessionState object properties, once m_state is private. The only way to set m_enabled to false and avoid the connection tries is by calling Session.logout():
FIX::SessionID session_id("FIX.4.2", "CLIENT1", "EXECUTOR");
FIX::Session* mysession = initiator->getSession(session_id);


HexChat Perl get network context instead of channel context

I have the following code in a channel message hook to get the server context and print to the server window:
my $network = HexChat::get_info('network');
my $networkContext = HexChat::find_context(undef, $network);
It works if I already have the server window open, or a channel on a different server, but if the current window is a channel on the server I request the context for I get the context of the current channel instead of the server. Is there any way to force find_context to always get the server context so 'test' is printed in the server window instead of the current channel's window
Translate this snippet from one of my scripts to perl basically:
for chan in hexchat.get_list('channels'):
if chan.type == 1 and == hexchat.get_prefs('id'):
SERVER_CONTEXT = chan.context
find_context() goes off of strings which not very smart since they are not unique. Going of the unique id of the network is always correct and using the context type always gets the server tab (though note users can disable that).
Here is the perl I ended up using:
sub get_server_context() {
foreach my $chan (HexChat::get_list("channels")) {
if ($chan->{"type"} == 1 && $chan->{"id"} == HexChat::get_prefs("id")) {
return $chan->{"context"};

WF4 InstancePersistenceCommand interrupted

I have a windows service, running workflows. The workflows are XAMLs loaded from database (users can define their own workflows using a rehosted designer). It is configured with one instance of the SQLWorkflowInstanceStore, to persist workflows when becoming idle. (It's basically derived from the example code in \ControllingWorkflowApplications from Microsoft's WCF/WF samples).
But sometimes I get an error like below:
System.Runtime.DurableInstancing.InstanceOwnerException: The execution of an InstancePersistenceCommand was interrupted because the instance owner registration for owner ID 'a426269a-be53-44e1-8580-4d0c396842e8' has become invalid. This error indicates that the in-memory copy of all instances locked by this owner have become stale and should be discarded, along with the InstanceHandles. Typically, this error is best handled by restarting the host.
I've been trying to find the cause, but it is hard to reproduce in development, on production servers however, I get it once in a while. One hint I found : when I look at the LockOwnersTable, I find the LockOnwersTable lockexpiration is set to 01/01/2000 0:0:0 and it's not getting updated anymore, while under normal circumstances the should be updated every x seconds according to the Host Lock Renewal period...
So , why whould SQLWorkflowInstanceStore stop renewing this LockExpiration and how can I detect the cause of it?
This happens because there are procedures running in the background and trying to extend the lock of the instance store every 30 seconds, and it seems that once the connection fail connecting to the SQL service it will mark this instance store as invalid.
you can see the same behaviour if you delete the instance store record from [LockOwnersTable] table.
The proposed solution is when this exception fires, you need to free the old instance store and initialize a new one
public class WorkflowInstanceStore : IWorkflowInstanceStore, IDisposable
public WorkflowInstanceStore(string connectionString)
_instanceStore = new SqlWorkflowInstanceStore(connectionString);
InstanceHandle handle = _instanceStore.CreateInstanceHandle();
InstanceView view = _instanceStore.Execute(handle,
new CreateWorkflowOwnerCommand(), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30));
_instanceStore.DefaultInstanceOwner = view.InstanceOwner;
public InstanceStore Store
get { return _instanceStore; }
public void Dispose()
if (null != _instanceStore)
var deleteOwner = new DeleteWorkflowOwnerCommand();
InstanceHandle handle = _instanceStore.CreateInstanceHandle();
_instanceStore.Execute(handle, deleteOwner, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
private InstanceStore _instanceStore;
you can find the best practices to create instance store handle in this link
Workflow Instance Store Best practices
This is an old thread but I just stumbled on the same issue.
Damir's Corner suggests to check if the instance handle is still valid before calling the instance store. I hereby quote the whole post:
Certain aspects of Workflow Foundation are still poorly documented; the persistence framework being one of them. The following snippet is typically used for setting up the instance store:
var instanceStore = new SqlWorkflowInstanceStore(connectionString);
instanceStore.HostLockRenewalPeriod = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30);
var instanceHandle = instanceStore.CreateInstanceHandle();
var view = instanceStore.Execute(instanceHandle,
new CreateWorkflowOwnerCommand(), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
instanceStore.DefaultInstanceOwner = view.InstanceOwner;
It's difficult to find a detailed explanation of what all of this
does; and to be honest, usually it's not necessary. At least not,
until you start encountering problems, such as InstanceOwnerException:
The execution of an InstancePersistenceCommand was interrupted because
the instance owner registration for owner ID
'9938cd6d-a9cb-49ad-a492-7c087dcc93af' has become invalid. This error
indicates that the in-memory copy of all instances locked by this
owner have become stale and should be discarded, along with the
InstanceHandles. Typically, this error is best handled by restarting
the host.
The error is closely related to the HostLockRenewalPeriod property
which defines how long obtained instance handle is valid without being
renewed. If you try monitoring the database while an instance store
with a valid instance handle is instantiated, you will notice
[System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[ExtendLock] being called
periodically. This stored procedure is responsible for renewing the
handle. If for some reason it fails to be called within the specified
HostLockRenewalPeriod, the above mentioned exception will be thrown
when attempting to persist a workflow. A typical reason for this would
be temporarily inaccessible database due to maintenance or networking
problems. It's not something that happens often, but it's bound to
happen if you have a long living instance store, e.g. in a constantly
running workflow host, such as a Windows service.
Fortunately it's not all that difficult to fix the problem, once you
know the cause of it. Before using the instance store you should
always check, if the handle is still valid; and renew it, if it's not:
if (!instanceHandle.IsValid)
instanceHandle = instanceStore.CreateInstanceHandle();
var view = instanceStore.Execute(instanceHandle,
new CreateWorkflowOwnerCommand(), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
instanceStore.DefaultInstanceOwner = view.InstanceOwner;
It's definitely less invasive than the restart of the host, suggested
by the error message.
you have to be sure about expiration of owner user
here how I am used to handle this issue
public SqlWorkflowInstanceStore SetupSqlpersistenceStore()
SqlWorkflowInstanceStore sqlWFInstanceStore = new SqlWorkflowInstanceStore(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DB_WWFConnectionString"].ConnectionString);
sqlWFInstanceStore.InstanceCompletionAction = InstanceCompletionAction.DeleteAll;
InstanceHandle handle = sqlWFInstanceStore.CreateInstanceHandle();
InstanceView view = sqlWFInstanceStore.Execute(handle, new CreateWorkflowOwnerCommand(), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30));
sqlWFInstanceStore.DefaultInstanceOwner = view.InstanceOwner;
return sqlWFInstanceStore;
and here how you can use this method
wfApp.InstanceStore = SetupSqlpersistenceStore();
wish this help

How to specify ADO.NET connection timeouts of less than a second?

Connection time outs are specified in the connectionString in web.config file like this:
"Data Source=dbs;Initial Catalog=db;"+"Integrated Security=SSPI;Connection Timeout=30"
The time is in seconds. I want to specify a connection timeout in milliseconds, say 500ms. How can I do that?
Edit 1: I want to do this to create a ping method which just checks if the database is reachable or not.
Edit 2: I have been searching for some similar solutions and this answer mentioned specifying timeout in milliseconds. So I was intrigued and wanted to find out how it can be done.
Firstly, please make sure that you are using non-pooled connections to ensure that you are always getting a fresh connection, you can do this by adding Pooling=false to your connection string. For both of these solutions I would also recommend adding Connection Timeout=1 just to ensure that ADO.NET does not needlessly continue to open the connection after you application has given up.
For .Net 4.5 you can use the new OpenAsync method and a CancellationToken to achieve a short timeout (e.g. 500ms):
using (var tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource())
using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
await connection.OpenAsync(tokenSource.Token);
When this times out you should see the Task returned by OpenAsync go to the canceled state, which will result in a TaskCanceledException
For .Net 4.0 you can wrap the connection open in a Task and wait on that for the desired time:
var openTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
openTask.ContinueWith(task =>
// Need to observe any exceptions here - perhaps you might log them?
var ignored = task.Exception;
}, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted);
if (!openTask.Wait(500))
// Didn't complete
In this example, openTask.Wait() will return a bool that indicates if the Task completed or not. Please be aware that in .Net 4.0 you must observe all exceptions thrown inside tasks, otherwise they will cause your program to crash.
If you need examples for versions of .Net prior to 4.0 please let me know.

Why does my CGI::Session keep emptying itself randomly?

The session loads fine for the most part but it is randomly clearing all of the data some times and I don't know why:
Create my new session:
$session = CGI::Session->new( "driver:file",undef,{Directory => '/tmp'} );
$session->param('logged_in', 1);
$session->expire('logged_in', '+10m');
Now when I go to another page and load the session I do:
$session = CGI::Session->load ( "driver:file", $sid, {Directory => '/tmp'} );
return 0 if $session->is_expired;
return 0 if !$session->param('logged_in');
return $session;
The problem I have is that sometimes, before the 10 minute mark is up the 'logged_in' param is empty when it should not be. Why could this be happening?
First, you do not seem to be using strict: You should. Second, don't use indirect object notation. I.e., use CGI::Session->new.
To find out what is going on, use the sequential id generator for debugging and make sure you are looking at the session you think you are looking at. Make sure you create the session on log on, but from that point on, you load it.
Check how you are keeping track of the session id: Are you using cookies, query string parameters or from parameters? Make sure the correct session id is available at all times.

SQLConnection Pooling - Handling InvalidOperationExceptions

I am designing a Highly Concurrent CCR Application in which it is imperative that I DO NOT Block or Send to sleep a Thread.
I am hitting SQLConnection Pool issues - Specifically getting InvalidOperationExceptions when trying to call SqlConnection.Open
I can potentially retry a hand full of times, but this isn't really solving the problem.
The ideal solution for me would be a method of periodically re-checking the connection for availablity that doesn't require a thread being tied up
Any ideas?
Here is a related problem/solution posted at another forum
The solution requires a manually managed connection pool. I'd rather have a solution which is more dynamic i.e. kicks in when needed
Harry, I've run into this as well, also whilst using the CCR. My experience was that having completely decoupled my dispatcher threads from blocking on any I/O, I could consume and process work items much faster than the SqlConnection pool could cope with. Once the maximum-pool-limit was hit, I ran into the sort of errors you are seeing.
The simplest solution is to pre-allocate a number of non-pooled asynchronous SqlConnection objects and post them to some central Port<SqlConnection> object. Then whenever you need to execute a command, do so within an iterator with something like this:
public IEnumerator<ITask> Execute(SqlCommand someCmd)
// Assume that 'connPort' has been posted with some open
// connection objects.
// Wait for a connection to become available and assign
// it to the command.
yield return connPort.Receive(item => someCmd.Connection = item);
// Wait for the async command to complete.
var iarPort = new Port<IAsyncResult>();
var iar = someCmd.BeginExecuteNonQuery(iarPort.Post, null);
yield return iarPort.Receive();
// Process the response.
var rc = someCmd.EndExecuteNonQuery(iar);
// ...
// Put the connection back in the 'connPort' pool
// when we're done.
if (someCmd.Connection != null)
The nice thing about using the Ccr is that it is trivial to add the following the features to this basic piece of code.
Timeout - just make the initial receive (for an available connection), a 'Choice' with a timeout port.
Adjust the pool size dynamically. To increase the size of the pool, just post a new open SqlConnection to 'connPort'. To decrease the size of the pool, yield a receive on the connPort, and then close the received connection and throw it away.
Yes, connections are kept open and out of the connection pool. In the above example, the port is the pool.