Github action update re run for a tag - github

I have this github action that I think is wrong and didn't run for tags.
name: CI
- master
- /^v[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$/
I think that should be:
name: CI
- master
- v.*
My question is, after I update this ci config, how can I re-run this CI so that it runs on the tags? Or should I create a new tag just because I want this CI to run on it (I think this sounds bad since it means I created another release/tag without any actual updates, only CI config)?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Since July 2020, you could add a workflow_dispatch event and trigger manually your GitHub ACtion
(the workflow must exist on the default branch for the "Run workflow" button to appear)
That way, you can try and see if it does run based on your new tag criteria.


Google Cloud Build/Run trigger upon Pull Request on merge with specific branch

I'm trying to use a Google Cloud Build Trigger to trigger a Cloud Build and then deploy to Cloud Run upon a Pull Request to Github repo Branch. My console looks as follows:
My questions:
Is it possible to only trigger once the PR is approved or merged? Right now it triggers upon creation of the PR. I'd prefer to only build and deploy once my inevitable mistakes in the PR are corrected.
It seems to build the feature branch I'm attempting to merge, not the main. Am I misunderstanding what Base branch means? Is that not the branch that it should build once I merge to it?
Inline YAML from the trigger:
- name:
- build
- '--no-cache'
- '-t'
- .
- '-f'
- Dockerfile
id: Build
- name:
- push
id: Push
- name: ''
- run
- services
- update
- '--platform=managed'
- >-
- '--region=$_DEPLOY_REGION'
- '--quiet'
id: Deploy
entrypoint: gcloud
substitutionOption: ALLOW_LOOSE
_DEPLOY_REGION: europe-west1
_LABELS: gcb-trigger-id=c764048b-0347-4f67-8a6f-93a91f4b05af
_TRIGGER_ID: c764048b-0347-4f67-8a6f-93a91f4b05af
_PLATFORM: managed
_SERVICE_NAME: myservice
- gcp-cloud-build-deploy-cloud-run
- gcp-cloud-build-deploy-cloud-run-managed
- myservice
Make a trigger that triggers on the "Push to a branch" event
Set the branch to ^main$
That's pretty much it. Then whenever you merge a pull request it will trigger the build.
To answer your questions:
Is it possible to only trigger once the PR is approved or merged? Right now it triggers upon creation of the PR. I'd prefer to only build and deploy once my inevitable mistakes in the PR are corrected.
It is possible by using manual approvals. The user must have a Cloud Build Approver role in order to update a trigger to require or not require approval, meaning the user can approve or reject builds. You can check this documentation on gate builds on approval.
Another option is defining an organizational policy to control which external services can invoke build triggers. You can specify any number of allowed or denied values for your organization or project. You can check this documentation on gate builds on organizational policy.
Comment control must also be set to required so that builds will only be executed after an owner or collaborator comments /gcbrun so that builds won't be automatically executed by triggers. You can check the full steps here on creating a GitHub trigger.
It seems to build the feature branch I'm attempting to merge, not the main. Am I misunderstanding what Base branch means? Is that not the branch that it should build once I merge to it?
When you create a trigger, you will be asked to select a base branch (either main or any other branch that will be read after providing your GitHub repo). In my case, it listed two.
When you make changes in your repo and open a pull request, it will merge the changes from your head branch to your base branch (in this case your main).
You can check the full documentation on working with branches.

GitHub workflow is not triggered after pushing tags?

I have a GitHub workflow as below.
name: Releaser
- 'v*.*.*'
This workflow will be triggered when I manually push a new tag like v1.1.1-rc1. It works fine.
Now, I want to have another workflow to replace the "manually push".
name: sync-tags
- name: foo-example
uses: foo-example
This workflow will be triggered when there's a change made in the TAGS directory. The jobs will create a new tag like v1.1.1-rc1. It works fine as well. But, after the v1.1.1-rc1 is created by the sync-tags, the Releaser is not triggered.
I was wondering why the Releaser can be triggered by manually pushing tags but can't be triggered by tagging from other workflows?
I am having this same problem. It turns out this is intentional behavior from GitHub Actions.
… if a workflow run pushes code using the repository's GITHUB_TOKEN, a new workflow will not run even when the repository contains a workflow configured to run when push events occur.
Explicitly invoking the release workflow works! (Note: this needs GITHUB_TOKEN in the environment, which I happen to do for the entire workflow.)
- name: New tag & launch release process
run: |
echo "Tagging $new_tag"
git tag $new_tag
git push --tags
# Explicitly run our release workflow for this new tag
gh workflow run release.yml --ref $new_tag
My release workflow needed to be enhanced to allow manual runs. The workflow_dispatch: line in the on: section.
- 'v*.*.*'
To make sure we're building a release on a tag, I added if: github.ref_type == 'tag' to each job within the release workflow.

Have a GitHub Action run when a PR is merged

I am looking for a way to have a GitHub Action run when a PR is merged, the GitHub Action has to grab the PR description and store the data somewhere for later use.
Is there any way to do this through GitHub Actions without an API or webhook?
There are two approaches: Either run the workflow when a PR is closed with merge=true or run a workflow on the target branch if you know all pushes to the target branch go through a PR.
Run on PR Closed
You can trigger an action when a PR is closed like so:
types: [closed]
The above event is triggered whether a PR was merged or closed without merging. Therefore, you still need to check that flag when running a job:
if: github.event.pull_request.merged == 'true'
Run on Target Branch
If you know all your PRs are merged into main and users cannot directly push to main, you might as well trigger your workflow on push events on main like so:
- main
Answer is great but slightly outdated, using 'true' did not work for me.
The following did the trick for me:
if: github.event.pull_request.merged == true
Docs on this: jobs.<job_id>.if

Perform Github Action when trying to merge branch

I'm setting up Github actions for a few of my projects.
The flow I'd like to achieve is:
A developer clicks on the "Merge pull request" button
A Github action testing workflow will take place
If the tests pass - The merge is executed
The reason for this kind of flow, is I wouldn't like the tests to run on each commit pushed to the branch. I want the flow to run only when trying to merge.
My question is:
Is there a way to manually execute a workflow only when trying / wanting to merge, and making sure the branch can be merged into master if and only if the tests have passed?
Unfortunately, there's no merged or merge_attempt activity type on the pull request event (yet). Even if there was, I don't believe GitHub has a way to block merges on the completion of a workflow (yet).
What I would suggest as a workaround here is to run your test 1. after the fact on pushes to the master branch, and 2. on pull_request events with certain activity types which indicate that the user is likely to attempt a merge soon. For example, ready_for_review or review_requested.
Something like this:
name: tests
- master
- master
- ready_for_review
- review_requested

Push Build status to GitHub

I'd like to push the build status automatically from Azure Devops to the github repository, so that pull requests can check for a build success before they can be merged.
I realise this can be done writing some custom code and calling the github status api, but there is a checkbox for it in the edit pipeline stage. It doesn't seem to work with Github though. See this image .
Other build tools like Bamboo have an out of the box plugin for doing this.
You need to define branch policy. You can read about this on my blog. You need to selected existing pipeline here in GitHub settings:
and then when you make PR you will get this:
You need to correctly define trigger options in your yaml file. For isntance:
this will run for all non master branch (with each commit pushed to GitHub pipeline will run)
for each merge to master will trigger pipeline too
- '*'
- master
- master
- gated-checkin/*
- gated-checkin/azure-pipelines.yml