How can I mount a remote server just like raspbian does it? - raspberry-pi

I can manually connect to a remote server by going to the File Manager and select "Connect to Server" under the "Go" tab.
Then I can type in the ip and username and I am ready to go. And I dont need to add a password because I have set up ssh-keys.
As shown in the images below:
After that I can access the remote folder at this location:
My question is, how can I achieve the same result, but without the UI, just with the CLI?
(What command is used by the raspberry OS?)
And further, how can I unmount the volume after using it with the CLI?
Thanks for the help : )

You can simply type the following command in the console to connect to the remote server. When you are finished, you can close the connection with the command exit.
ssh username#address
You can find a very detailed description here.

So looking at the comment you wrote in the other answer, I think you're looking for an SFTP server, this is basically a server where you can manipulate directories and the files in them remotely by mounting it.
The image you showed however, does show an SSH server, as #flaxel said in his/her answer.


how does ssh connect to master node on GCP?

I got the problem about how to connect to the master node on GCP. I want to build a directory in this master node,so I need to connect to it via ssh or any other method.But I found so many pages on browsers ,they can't work for me . This is following situation I met:
enter image description here
Above is the terminal I entered command on GCP VM . when I wanted to ssh into this master node , I got the permission error. Could anyone help me ?I will appreciate with you very much.
i think it's due to the Wrong SSH key or Default key permission being denied.
If that node is running into the GCP itself you can go to the instances section and there will be an option to SSH directly instead of running the command from the browser shell.
Go to instances to list all running instances and find the one and click on the SSH button it will do the SSH for you without the key.

bash: powershell: command not found

For a node project I will have to work on a remote server and for that I will use filzilla for file transfer and ssh for console.
I use Visual Studio Code, I installed a remote ssh extension,
I did the hostname and user configurations as well as secretkey,
because before that I had another error The process tried to write to a nonexistent pipe ,
which I finally solved but now after I start ssh and log in with the password in cmd from Visual Studio Code, I get this error bash: powershell: command not found.
I tried one day to search the internet for that error.
I've talked to people who have more experience but within the time limit my advice could be, but I still couldn't solve the error, either it's something from windows or ssh or I don't know.
You are the first time I try to do this in general I used heroku or aws that had some facilities.
I changed host machine in the settings JSON file windows to linux
When you got the option to Select Linux, Windows or Mac did you make sure that you know exactly the type of server you are connecting to. Bcs if you choose the wrong one this error gets thrown.

Can't connect to my server with restric RSYNC (RRSYNC)

I explain my problem:
I used backuppc for remote some database on an other server and for saving my data I used rsync which uses ssh. On my remote server I put the ssh key of backuppc and it worked.
But I wanted to secure this connexion, so I used rrsync (a perl script for restrict the access), for a "read-only" access with copy.
So now, in the remote server I have in root/ssh/authorized_keys
command="/usr/local/bin/rrsync -ro /" ssh-rsa
But when I try to connect I have this message:
/usr/local/bin/rrsync: Not invoked via sshd
It's a message from the perl script, but I don't know what it means or what can I do for this to work.
As far as I can tell, this message appears when you try to access the server with the restricted key without using rsync. It may be possible to edit the script to allow other programs, but I'm not skilled enough to attempt that.

Giving matlab code sudo permissions? Unconnectable-connected ftp port

I'm trying to use this code to pull a bunch of data from the ModelNet data base located at I'm using the already written matlab code from the website itself; however, I'm encountering permissions errors whenever I run the code because wget (which the code uses) is located in a restricted directory in the server. Normally I would just use sudo; however, I can't seem to run sudo matlab as a command. My question is does anybody know a way to remotely run matlab code from a server and somehow give it permissions that sudo normally would give? Also, could someone try ftping to at port 80? For some reason I'm able to connect to that port, but the connection seems to be closed and I can't ping that address either I get 100% package loss.
Use urlread instead of wget, this should fix your issues.

Connect Eclipse RSE with remote Linux server using public key attained from Amazon ec2

I want a easy way to save, copy and edit files on a remote server. I'm using Eclipse as an IDE, what could be better for these tasks than RSE(Remote System Exlporer) plugin for Eclipse. The thing is that I dont know how to make a connection using a public key. I have file that I downloaded from my Amazon account, *.pem. But I don't see any forms or inputs for this, when I try to connect to my remote Linux server. It is just User-id and password. I also tried to open the public key using the system's text editor and copy everything to my password field, but it didn't worked. Pls help me
this was baking my noodle for a while too. you put the keys in a folder not in the RSE config but in the whole of eclipse
check this:
Not mentioned (at least in explicitly) is the fact that RSE (and for what I've seen, Eclipse in general) only seems to work with 1024 bit keys
I also had issues, because my privatekey was 2048, but I added a new key to authorized hosts and then I could connect.
I added my local computer's ~/.ssh/ to the remote /home/ec2-user/.ssh/authorized_keys.
Then just set the user to connect in RSE to ec2-user when connecting.
Someone asked for root login. It works too: update /root/.ssh/authorized_keys, and edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config to allow root login:
#PermitRootLogin forced-commands-only
PubkeyAuthentication yes
Then reload the sshd daemon: service sshd restart