Add sequence number to items from mongodb query - mongodb

I have MongoDB collection items with following documents:
{ "name": "First", "value": 8 },
{ "name": "Second", "value": 2 },
{ "name": "Third", "value": 5 }
I would like to sort them by name or value and then add sequence number (index property) to each of them (first item will have "index": 1, second "index": 2, etc.). So for this query:
db.items.aggregate([{ $sort: { "value": 1 } }])
result should be:
{ "name": "Second", "value": 2, "index": 1 },
{ "name": "Third", "value": 5, "index": 2 },
{ "name": "First", "value": 8, "index": 3 }
This should also works with $skip. With { "$skip": 1 }, result should be items with indexes 2, 3, not 1, 2. Is there any way to do this using pure MongoDB, without any application logic?

Note: Inspired by #turvishal's answer to meet the below things
Index starting from 1
Skip the way OP wants
$sort: {
value: 1
$group: {
_id: 1,
items: {
$push: {
name: "$name",
value: "$value"
$unwind: {
path: "$items",
includeArrayIndex: "index"
$project: {
_id: 0,
name: "$",
value: "$items.value",
index: { //Incrementing the index by 1
$add: [
{ //Addition of skip
"$skip": 1

Might be this is one option you can do with includeArrayIndex in $unwind,
$sort by value that you already did
$group by name and value and push in items
$unwind deconstruct items and set field index in includeArrayIndex
$project required fields and increment index with because it start with 0 zero
{ $sort: { value: 1 } },
$group: {
_id: 1,
items: {
$push: {
name: "$name",
value: "$value"
$unwind: {
path: "$items",
includeArrayIndex: "index"
$project: {
_id: 0,
name: "$",
value: "$items.value",
index: { $add ["$index", 1] }


get rank in mongodb with date range

I have following stat data stored daily for users.
"_id": {
"$oid": "638df4e42332386e0e06d322"
"appointment_count": 1,
"item_id": 2,
"item_type": "user",
"company_id": 5,
"created_date": "2022-12-05",
"customer_count": 1,
"lead_count": 1,
"door_knocks": 10
"_id": {
"$oid": "638f59a9bf33442a57c3aa99"
"lead_count": 2,
"item_id": 2,
"item_type": "user",
"company_id": 5,
"created_date": "2022-12-06",
"video_viewed": 2,
"door_knocks": 9
And I'm using the following query to get the items by rank
It's giving me the rank but with the above data, the record with item_id: 2 are having different rank for same item_id. So I wanted to group them by item_id and then applied rank.
It's a little messy, but here's a playground -
If you're going to sort by knocks after grouping, I'm assuming that you'll want the sum of door_knocks for a given item_id for this sort.
$match: {
company_id: 5,
created_date: {
"$gte": "2022-12-04",
"$lte": "2022-12-06"
$group: {
_id: {
item_id: "$item_id",
company_id: "$company_id"
docs: {
$push: "$$ROOT"
total_door_knocks: {
$sum: "$door_knocks"
$setWindowFields: {
partitionBy: "$company_id",
sortBy: {
total_door_knocks: -1
output: {
item_rank: {
"$denseRank": {}
stat_sum: {
"$sum": "$total_door_knocks"
$unwind: "$docs"
$project: {
_id: "$docs._id",
appointment_count: "$docs.appointment_count",
company_id: "$docs.company_id",
created_date: "$docs.created_date",
customer_count: "$docs.customer_count",
door_knocks: "$docs.door_knocks",
item_id: "$docs.item_id",
item_type: "$docs.item_type",
lead_count: "$docs.lead_count",
item_rank: 1,
stat_sum: 1,
total_door_knocks: 1
$facet: {
metadata: [
"$count": "total"
data: [
"$skip": 0
"$limit": 100
"$sort": {
"item_rank": 1

Single array of objects sort and slice not working

I have a single entry on a collection like this:
"_id" : ObjectId("60c6f7a5ef86bd1a5402e928"),
"cid" : 1,
"array1" : [
{ "type": "car", value: 20 },
{ "type": "bike", value: 50 },
{ "type": "bus", value: 5 },
{ "type": "cycle", value: 100 },
...... 9000 more entry something like this
"array2" : [
{ "type": "laptop", value: 200 },
{ "type": "desktop", value: 15 },
{ "type": "tablet", value: 55 },
{ "type": "mobile", value: 90 },
...... 9000 more entry something like this
Now I want to sort and slice the data for the pagination purpose.
For that I wrote the query which works well on slice case but not on sort case.
This is my query which works for slice case
let val = await SomeCollectionName.findOne(
{ cid: 1 },
{ _id: 1 , array1: { $slice: [0, 10] } } ---> its return the 10 data. Initially it return from 0 to 10, then next call $slice: [10, 10]
if (val) {
//console.log('Got the value')
This is my query When I add sort with slice
let val = await SomeCollectionName.findOne(
{ cid: 1 },
{ _id: 1 , array1: { $sort: { value: -1 }, $slice: [0, 10] } }
if (val) {
//console.log('Got the value')
Is there anyone who guide me where I'm wrong or suggest me what is the efficient way for getting the data.
I am getting the answer from the above question and looking for the same implementation for two array.
Everything is same. Earlier I was dealing with 1 array now this time I have to deal with two array.
Just curious to know that how these things happen
I wrote the aggregation query but one array results is fine but others are returning the same data throughout the array.
This is my query as per the suggestion of dealing with single array with sort and slice
"$match": {
"cid": 1
$unwind: "$array1"
$unwind: "$array2"
"$sort": {
"array1.value": -1,
"array2.value": -1,
$skip: 0
$limit: 3
The issue is that $sort is not supported by findOne() in its projection parameter.
You can instead use aggregation to achieve the expected result,
"$match": {
"cid": 1
$unwind: "$array1"
"$sort": {
"array1.value": -1
$skip: 0
$limit: 3
$group: {
"_id": "$_id",
"array1": {
$push: {
"type": "$array1.type",
"value": "$array1.value"
"array2": {
"$first": "$array2"
$unwind: "$array2"
"$sort": {
"array2.value": -1
$skip: 0
$limit: 3
$group: {
"_id": "$_id",
"array2": {
$push: {
"type": "$array2.type",
"value": "$array2.value"
"array1": {
"$first": "$array1"

MongoDB sum of all fields with integer values

inside the aggregation framework, it's possibile in some way, for each document like this below:
"Title": "Number orders",
"2021-03-16": 3,
"2021-03-15": 6,
"2021-03-19": 1,
"2021-03-14": 19
Obtain a new document like this?
"Title": "Number orders",
"2021-03-16": 3,
"2021-03-15": 6,
"2021-03-19": 1,
"2021-03-14": 19
"Total": 29
Basically, I want a new field that have inside the sum of all the values of the fields that are integer.
Another thing to take in consideration is that the date fields are dynamic, so one week could be like the one in the example, the following week the fields would become like
"Title": "Number orders",
"2021-03-23": 3,
"2021-03-22": 6,
"2021-03-26": 1,
"2021-03-21": 19
Demo -
$$ROOT is the entire document, add total using $addFields use $sum to add them up and remove allData using $unset
{ $addFields: { allData: { "$objectToArray": "$$ROOT" } } } },
{ $addFields: { "total": { $sum: "$allData.v" } } },
{ $unset: "allData" }
Based on your older question, I think this might help:
$group: {
_id: {
dDate: "$deliveryDay",
name: "$"
v: { $sum: "$plate.quantity" }
$group: {
_id: "$",
Total: { $sum: "$v" },
array: {
$push: { k: "$_id.dDate", v: "$v" }
$addFields: {
array: {
$concatArrays: [
[{ k: "Title", v: "Number orders" }],
[{ k: "Total", v: "$Total" }]
$replaceRoot: {
newRoot: { $arrayToObject: "$array" }
/* 1 */
"Title" : "Number orders",
"2021-01-16" : 2,
"Total" : 2
/* 2 */
"Title" : "Number orders",
"2021-01-14" : 1,
"2021-01-16" : 3,
"Total" : 4

MongoDB: Assign document objects to field in '$project' stage

I have a user collection:
{"_id": 1,"name": "John", "age": 25, "valid_user": true}
{"_id": 2, "name": "Bob", "age": 40, "valid_user": false}
{"_id": 3, "name": "Jacob","age": 27,"valid_user": null}
{"_id": 4, "name": "Amelia","age": 29,"valid_user": true}
I run a '$facet' stage on this collection. Checkout this MongoPlayground.
I want to talk about the first output from the facet stage. The following is the response currently:
"user_by_valid_status": [
"_id": false,
"count": 1
"_id": true,
"count": 2
"_id": null,
"count": 1
However, I want to restructure the output in this way:
"analytics": {
"invalid_user": {
"_id": false
"count": 1
"valid_user": {
"_id": true
"count": 2
"user_with_unknown_status": {
"_id": null
"count": 1
The problem with using a '$project' stage along with 'arrayElemAt' is that the order may not be definite for me to associate an index with an attribute like 'valid_users' or others. Also, it gets further complicated because unlike the sample documents that I have shared, my collection may not always contain all the three categories of users.
Is there some way I can do this?
You can use $switch conditional operator,
$project to show value part in v with _id and count field as object, k to put $switch condition
"$facet": {
"user_by_valid_status": [
"$group": {
"_id": "$valid_user",
"count": { "$sum": 1 }
$project: {
_id: 0,
v: { _id: "$_id", count: "$count" },
k: {
$switch: {
branches: [
{ case: { $eq: ["$_id", null] }, then: "user_with_unknown_status" },
{ case: { $eq: ["$_id", false] }, then: "invalid_user" },
{ case: { $eq: ["$_id", true] }, then: "valid_user" }
"users_above_30": [{ "$match": { "age": { "$gt": 30 } } }]
$project stage in root, convert user_by_valid_status array to object using $arrayToObject
$project: {
analytics: { $arrayToObject: "$user_by_valid_status" },
users_above_30: 1

Get count of records with field existing in MongoDB

I have a MongoDB collection with records in the following format:
{ "item1": { "a": 1 }, "item2": { "a": 2 } },
{ "item1": { "a": 3 }, "item3": { "a": 4 } },
{ "item1": { "a": 5 }, "item2": { "a": 6 } },
I want to get a count of records having the fields item1, item2, and item3 (They don't need to be dynamic. I have only a finite set of items). What I need is a count of records with field existing in the following fashion:
{ "item1": 3, "item2": 2, "item3": 1 }
For getting the count for item1, I do this:
db.collection.find({ "item1": { $exists: true }}).count()
Is there an easy way to aggregate the count of all three items in a single query?
You can use $objectToArray and $arrayToObject to count your keys dynamically:
$project: { root: { $objectToArray: "$$ROOT" } }
$unwind: "$root"
$group: { _id: "$root.k", total: { $sum: 1 } }
$group: { _id: null, obj: { $push: { k: "$_id", v: "$total" } } }
$replaceRoot: { newRoot: { $arrayToObject: "$obj" } }
$project: { _id: 0 }
Mongo Playground