How to return multiple types of class types from single generic class in dart flutter? - class

I have multiple class like this:-
Class A {
static int xyz = 10;
int c;
int d;
static A getData() {
// Do something
return A()..c = xyz*5;
Class B {
static int abc = 10;
int c;
static B getData() {
// Do something
return B()..c = xyz*5;
So, here you can see that the the getData() is doing the same thing, but have different return types.
Is there any way to avoid duplicate implementation like this, can it be done by defining a single function which can reference the class and have multiple return type?

This has two parts: creating the object, and assigning to a field of the object.
Creating the object, you are mostly out of luck. The only way to create an object of a specific type in a generic method is by using reflection via dart:mirrors. However, you have indicated that this is for a Flutter project, and Flutter doesn't support reflection, so that isn't an option. The only way you are going to be able to dynamically create an object is to pass in a factory method that the generic method can call to construct the object.
Assigning to a field of the object is easier, but it requires that you either lose static type checking by using dynamic or by tying your classes together with inheritance. The latter is the preferable choice, but if you are working with a library than it isn't always an option.
Combining these two things, the code will look like this:
class Foo {
static int xyz = 10;
int c;
class A extends Foo {
int d;
static A getData() {
return modifyObject(() => A());
class B extends Foo {
static B getData() {
return modifyObject(() => B());
T modifyObject<T extends Foo>(T create()) {
return create()..c = * 5;
Before doing this, though, I'd take a look at whether your project actually needs it. If your use case is as simple as your example, I would argue that this level of generalization is overkill and you are hurting your code's readability more than you are helping its modularity.


Dart convert data to custom class

I have a function Future<T?> getDocById<T>(String id) aysnc {}, it gets the data from web and return the value with type T. How can I convert any incoming data from web to a given type?
use case - class User{ String name; User(;}
now, await getDocById<User>() how can I convert the data to type User inside getDocById function? in another case - getDocById<Boo> it should get data from web and convert it to Boo and return
Since I just answered a similar question I am copying the code into here. However, if you have an unknown T incoming, you need to distinguish cases based on what is incoming. Without this you want be able to convert a bool or int into a String name.
Create a method in one of the classes
class A {
final int a;
B toB() {
return B(
b: a,
class B {
final int b;
To be used like final bInstance = aInstance.toB(); meaning you declared somewhere aInstance = A(1);

Dart - Way to access a inherited static property from a parent class method

In PHP there is a way of accessing a static property value that is defined/overridden on an inheritor.
class Foo {
public static $name='Foo';
public function who(){
echo static::$name;//the static operator
class Bar extends Foo {
public static $name='Bar';
$bar = new Bar();
//Prints "Bar";
Is there ANY way of doing the exact same thing in Dart language?
Addressing comments:
About making it instance prop/method: There's a reason for the existence of static properties and methods and it's not having to create a new instance of the object to access a value or functionality that is not mutable.
Yes, but that's not how you are using it. Your use case is to invoke the method on an object, and therefore you really want an instance method. Now, some languages automatically allow invoking class methods as instance methods, and I see two choices for a language that offers that ability:
Statically transform fooInstance.classMethod() to ClassFoo.classMethod() based on the declared type (not the runtime type) of the object. This is what Java and C++ do.
Implicitly generate virtual instance methods that call the class method. This would allow fooInstance.classMethod() to invoke the appropriate method based on the runtime type of the object. For example, given:
class Foo {
static void f() => print('Foo.f');
You instead could write:
class Foo {
static void classMethod() => print('Foo.f');
final instanceMethod = classMethod;
and then you either could call Foo.classMethod() or Foo().instanceMethod() and do the same thing.
In either case, it's syntactic sugar and therefore isn't anything that you couldn't do yourself by being more verbose.
About the "meaning of static" and "only work because they allow invoking class methods as instance methods" : That affirmation is actually wrong. In the case of PHP, as per the example above, the Language is providing a way to access the TYPE of the class calling the method in the inheritance chain. A(methodA) >B > C. When C calls methodA, PHP allows you to know that the class type you're in is indeed C, but there's no object instance attached to it. the word "static" there is a replacement for the caller class type itself
All of that is still known at compilation time. That C derives from B derives from A is statically known, so when you try to invoke C.methodA, the compiler knows that it needs to look for methodA in B and then in A. There's no dynamic dispatch that occurs at runtime; that is still compile-time syntactic sugar. That is, if you wanted, you could explicitly write:
class A {
static void methodA() {}
class B extends A {
static void methodA() => A.methodA();
class C extends B {
static void methodA() => B.methodA();
Anyway, in your example, you could write:
class Foo {
static String name = 'Foo';
String get nameFromInstance => name;
void who() {
class Bar extends Foo {
static String name = 'Bar';
String get nameFromInstance => name;
void main() {
var bar = Bar();
bar.who(); // Prints: Bar

Dart Named constructor vs Static method what to prefer?

So after dart made new keyword optional,
we can initialize an object with exact same syntax but different internal implementation.
class Color {
int r = 0, g = 0, b = 0;
Color({this.r, this.b, this.g});
//Named constructors //Implementation
Color.cyan() //Implementation
// Static Initializers
static Color red() => //Initialze with parameter
static Color cyan() => //Initialze with parameter
We can use them like this regardless of being it a named constructor or static method:
Color red =;
Color cyan = Color.cyan();
What is the place to use each of them?
In practice there is little difference between a factory constructor and a static method.
For a generic class, it changes where you can (and must) write a type parameter:
class Box<T> {
T value;
factory Box.withValue(this.value) => Box<T>._(value);
static Box<T> fromValue<T>(T value) => Box<T>._(value);
var box1 = Box<int>.withValue(1);
var box2 = Box.fromValue<int>(2);
So, for generic classes, factory constructors are often what you want. They have the most pleasant syntax.
For non-generic classes, there is very little difference, so it's mainly about signaling intent. And deciding which category the name goes into in the DartDoc.
If the main objective of the function is to create a new object, make it a constructor.
If the main objective is to do some computation and eventually return an object (even if it's a new object), make it a static function.
That's why parse methods are generally static functions.
In short, do what feels right for your API.
Constructors and static functions are different. You usually create a named constructor that returns an instance of an object with some predefined values. For example, you have a class called Person which stores Name and Job. You can create this named constructor which you will return a Person object with Job = 'doctor'
class Person{
final name;
final job;
Person(, this.job);, {this.job = "doctor"});
Static functions or variable persists on all the instance of a class. Let us say, Person has a static variable called count. You increment the count variable whenever an instance of Person is created. You can call Person.count anywhere later in your code to get the value of count (Number of instances of Person)
class Person{
final name;
final job;
static int count;
Person(, this.job){
}, {this.job = "doctor"});
Another very useful feature of static class methods is that you can make them asynchronous, i.e. wait for full initialisation in case this depends on some asynchronous operation:
Future<double> getCurrentPrice(String ticker) async {
double price;
// for example, fetch current price from API
price = 582.18;
return price;
class Stock {
String ticker;
double currentPrice=0.0;
static Future<Stock> stockWithCurrentPrice(String ticker) async {
Stock stock = Stock._(ticker);
stock.currentPrice = await getCurrentPrice (ticker);
return stock;
void main() async {
Stock stock = await Stock.stockWithCurrentPrice('AAPL');
print ('${stock.ticker}: ${stock.currentPrice}');
Another benefit of the distinction between named constructor and static function is that in the documentation generated the function will be either filed in the construction section or the methods section, which further makes it's intentions clearer to the reader.
A person looking for a constructor in the constructor section of the documentation will easily discover the named constructors as opposed to having to also dig through the static functions section too.

In Dart I'm trying to extend a class while changing the TYPE of one of its properties

Class1 has a property List<ClassA> xyz = [];. ClassA has a number of properties and methods. ClassB extends ClassA adding additional properties and methods. Is there a way for me to create Class2 extending Class1 but change the TYPE of xyz to List<ClassB>? If that is confusing hopefully code below will give an example of what I'm trying to accomplish. Basically the same as overriding a method but overriding a property.
class Game {
int points;
String opponent;
int opponentPoints;
class FootballGame extends Game {
int touchdowns;
int opponentstouchdowns;
class BaseballGame extends Game {
int homeruns;
int opponentsHomeruns;
class Team {
String name;
List<Game> games;
double winningPercentage() {
int wins = 0;
for(var game in games){
wins += (game.points > game.opponentPoints) ? 1 : 0;
return wins / games.length;
class FootballTeam extends Team {
// How do I change the TYPE of the games property to <FootballGame>
You could use the covariant keyword in this case:
class FootballTeam extends Team {
covariant List<FootballGame> games;
However, be aware that doing so is potentially unsafe; the reason why you need the covariant keyword is to suppress the type error that arises because the override can violate the contract of the base class: the base class advertises that games can be assigned a List<Game>, but such an assignment would be invalid for the derived class. By using the covariant keyword, you disable the type-check and take responsibility for ensuring that you do not violate the contract in practice.
Note that if the games member were final (or were only a getter), then the override (which uses a more specific type) would be safe and wouldn't need to use covariant.
I had forgotten that I had written this answer when writing a more detailed answer for a similar question.

Typescript access static attribute of generic type

I have an abstract class Model with a static attribute and another generic class Controller<T extends Model>. I want to access the static attribute of Model in an instance of Controller. That should like this:
abstract class Model{
static hasStatus: boolean = false;
class MyModel extends Model{
static hasStatus = true;
class Controller<T extends Model>{
But TS says 'T' only refers to a type, but is being used as a value here.
Is there an easy way to achieve this? Or should i subclass Controller for each Heritage of Model and implement a method to retrieve the value?
There is no way to do that in typescript. Generic type parameters can only appear where types may appear in declarations, they are not accessible at runtime. The reason for that is simple - single javascript function is generated for each method of the generic class, and there is no way for that function to know which actual type was passed as generic type parameter.
If you need that information at runtime, you have to add a parameter to the constructor and pass a type yourself when calling it:
class Controller<T extends Model>{
constructor(cls: typeof Model){
if (cls.hasStatus) {
let c = new Controller<MyModel>(MyModel);
Here is how it looks when compiled to javascript to illustrate the point - there is nothing left of generic parameters there, and if you remove cls parameter there is no information about where hasStatus should come from.
var Controller = (function () {
function Controller(cls) {
if (cls.hasStatus) {
return Controller;
var c = new Controller(MyModel);