mongo dump and restore (when restoring in different os) - mongodb

I am working on a project, there I need to dump a database from windows and need to restore it on a centos server.
Whenever I do that, there is some error.
Like - error reading database: (Unauthorized) not authorized on mydatabase to execute command
error connecting to host: could not connect to server: connection() : auth error: sasl conversation error: unable to authenticate using mechanism "SCRAM-SHA-1": (AuthenticationFailed) Authentication failed.
Both os have the same mongo version that is 4.2
How can I correct it?

The error not authorized on mydatabase to execute command indicates that either you have not authenticated, or the authenticated user has not been granted the appropriate permissions to execute that command.
Authentication failed means just that. The server side log may have more detail, like the user and database names used in the auth attempt.
To fix these, make sure:
you are providing authentication credentials
the user account you are using has already been created in the server
the user account has been granted permission for that command on the correct database/collection
The Security page in the docs might be a good place to start.


cannot connect to mongo cluster - user is not allowed to do action [getLog] on [admin.]

I have created a user and added my IP to whitelist.
when trying to connect to a cluster through mongo shell, i am required to enter the following line: mongo "mongodb+srv://cluster0.****" --username --password
I have filled in credentials for username and password and replaced dbname with my database name(tried using non-existing one as well in case that was the problem). it connects to the shell, but then crashes with the following error:
Error while trying to show server startup warnings: user is not allowed to do action [getLog] on [admin.]
MongoDB Enterprise atlas-7cwf8s-shard-0:PRIMARY>
tried googling and youtubing the issue, but cannot find the match on how to fix it.
Many thanks
That message says that the shell is unable to show you server startup warnings. It's expected in Atlas environment.
Supposing that's your own cluster, then:
Check the user in Atlas > Database Access
Check the MongoDB Roles header in the table.
If it's not atlas Admin, you can't issue this command:
Or any admin command, which is issued or tested automatically in the connection, hence the error.
Edit MongoDB Roles to the highest privileges (atlas Admin)
But you can still work anyways.
If you're accessing someone else's cluster, then there isn't much to do.

MongoDB 3.2 - Admin user not authorized to execute command

I have created an admin level user and given the dbAdminAnyDatabase, userAdminAnyDatabase, readWriteAnyDatabase permissions on the admin database as well as my other database and I can create a successful connection to the client but when I try to run a command to retreive data I get an error saying 'Command find failed: not authorized on {database} to execute command'.
Any ideas on why this isn't working?
I found an example where the user was made to have "root" access and now I can successfully query data. The question still remains why the above credentials didn't work.

Problems with PostgreSQL and ESRI Geoportal Installation on CentOS

I am installing geoportal 1.2.4 on CentOS from the command line terminal...during my installation I am receiving a fatal ident error message for my user geoportal. The pg_hba.conf file has been altered to follow my credentials accordingly, yet I am consistently receivng this error for both the default user postgres and my created user geoportal.
I have created a geoportal db with geoportal user with a password. Trust and md5 authentication methods have been explored in this configuration. I have also installed the ident server, with no avail.
I am able to connect to the geoportal db as postgres user. Below is a screen shot of the error which is returned for both the postgres and geoportal user.....
A look at the PostgreSQL user manual would be well advised here, particularly pg_hba.conf and the rest of the client authentication chapter.
You're trying to use ident authentication but the user ID doesn't match or the ident daemon isn't running.
You probably want md5 password authentication instead.

Can't connect to local Firebird with ISQL

I'm trying to setup a local firebird instance to test against but am unable to connect to it with even ISQL. I have tried to following by following the quick start guide here:
CONNECT ..\examples\empbuild\employee.fdb user SYSDBA password masterkey;
Which resulted in:
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 08001
unavailable database
After some searching I tried modifying that to:
CONNECT "localhost:C:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_2_5\examples\empbuild\employee.fdb" user SYSDBA password masterkey;
Which resulted in:
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 28000
cannot attach to password database
After confirming I had the right directory path I decided to give on on connecting for now and try creating a new DB:
SQL>CREATE DATABASE 'C:\data\test.fdb' page_size 8192
CON>user 'SYSDBA' password 'masterkey';
Which also gave me the error:
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 08001
unavailable database
Are there any common pitfalls I might be hitting? I've also tried the commands above both with and without the firebird service running. Also is there a detailed reference on the SQLSTATE codes?
As already mentioned in my comments the problem is caused by running the Firebird server as an application. Firebird has its password database (security2.fdb) in C:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_2_5. As this database is (almost, but not entirely) a normal Firebird database, the server requires write access to this database (for the transactions, etc).
By default (with UAC) users do not have write access to the password database, so this requires elevation to Administrator. So access to Firebird requires that you either run the application as a service with sufficient rights (eg as done by the default installer), or when running the server as application to run it 'As administrator'. Another option is to not install it in Program Files.
This BTW applies double when accessing the example employee database as this database file is also located in the Program Files folder.
This is for macOS/OSX (mine is 10.15) firebird ver 2.5 users.
The installation process here does not ask for a sysdba password. Which means: the security database 'security2.fdb' does not exist after a new installation.
This seems to be intentionally for security reasons since > ver 2.5.
To create one, we use the demo database as a helper:
open sql as su: >sudo isql (we don't have user rights on dir)
Connect to a existing db:
" user 'SYSDBA' password 'masterkey';
Now we created the missing file 'security2.fdb' in the folder:

Problems in executing a query in mongodb

I have this exception being thrown with mongodb connection
Wed May 11 10:39:33 Assertion: 10057:unauthorized for db [inbox] lock type: -1
where inbox is the database. I am using the PHP driver for the connection. The problem is I am using the admin username and password for the connection but still it is throwing unauthorized. Can you please provide some insights.
Authenticating as an admin requires you to run the authenticate command in the admin database before changing to the regular database. Authenticating your admin user from say, test will not work.
For your case, connect to admin, run authenticate as the admin user, and then get a handle on inbox. Alternately you should create a user specific to the inbox database for safety. Connecting as a superuser for an application isn't the best idea.