Error saying "Module Not Found" when adding SPM which uses other SPMs as dependencies within itself - swift

I have been creating a Swift Package Manager. It uses 2 other SPMs within itself. SPM compiles fine when compiled independently. As soon as the project is imported into an Xcode project I get a compiler error saying that:
No such module 'ModuleName'
Note: The ModuleName in the above error corresponds to the package imported within the package that is being imported to my project.
I have been stuck on this for a pretty while now and have tried the following:
Removed and readded the SPMs to dependencies to my SPM, and then tried importing my SPM to my project (I did this before and after each of the other steps too).
Checked to see where these packages where being added as dependencies. It shows up in the SPM main target Module -> Build Phases -> Link binary with libraries. I additionally added it to the Dependencies section to see if it changes anything.
Tried adding SPMs to ModulePackageDescription target to Dependencies section.
Added the dependencies in the Package.swift file as follows.
dependencies: [
// Dependencies declare other packages that this package depends on.
.package(url: "package1_url", .branch("master")),
.package(url: "package2_url", .branch("master"))
Adding this would import the other dependencies to my Xcode project. I don't exactly want this to happen because in case I try to use another version of the SPM that is being imported within my SPM, it would cause conflict between the two versions. But I'm willing to do this if it's the right way to go. But even adding dependencies in Package.swift didn't work for me. How would I resolve this issue? Let me know if anyone has faced the same issue.

Are the libraries public classes also need to contain constructors?
public struct NumbersA {
public init () {
also add them to the dependency Package.swft->dependencies: ["NumbersA"]),


Can not declare dependency to bblanchon/ArduinoJson in my library.json (platform io)

I am creating a platform IO library for one of my projects, which depends on ArduinoJson from bblanchon.
I have declared the dependency in my library.json file (both with the name as well as with the git repository as reference - see below). But when I try to compile a project that is using my library, the ArduinoJson library is not added to the dependency tree and compiling fails as the header file ArduinoJson.h is not found.
If I add the ArduinoJson as a dependency to the platformio.ini it is added to the dependency tree and the software compiles without issues. However this is not a clean solution and I want to now how I should declare the dependency in my library so that I do not have to add ArduinoJson to every project I build with this library.
Do you have any ideas how I can make this work?
Thx Christian
Declaration of dependency as suggested by pio library finder:
"dependencies" :
"bblanchon/ArduinoJson" : "*"
As reference to the repository
"dependencies" :
"bblanchon/ArduinoJson" : ""
This one had me going for a bit as well. Here are the steps I took to solve.
Add to platformio.ini:
lib_deps = Arduino-libraries/Arduino_JSON # 0.1.0
Verify that you have the folder /.pio/libdeps/Arduino_JSON
Use #include <Arduino_JSON> in you code.

No such module in a Swift Package using Xcode - package listed in dependencies

I create a blank template package:
> swift package init --name Temp
> open Package.swift
Xcode Version 13.2.1 (13C100) opens the package.
I add a dependency to the package.
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", from: "0.7.0")
Xcode > Product > Build succeeds at this point.
I edit Temp/Sources/Temp/Temp.swift to insert the first line the package that is defined in dependencies.
import Publish
A build now generates the following error:…/Temp/Sources/Temp/Temp.swift:1:8: error: no such module 'Publish'.
I feel certain this is an Apple bug. Or I could be missing something.
There are several posts about this problem when there is an xcodeproj and the additional structure that provides. Some of them hint at workarounds that help some people.
Has anyone seen this and/or know of how to resolve it?
Apple's Creating a Standalone Swift Package with Xcode document doesn't provide any insight.
thanks for the chatter in the comments, #Larme & #koen, it helped
The issue was user error (and/or a documentation lapse). Living on the (bleeding) edge.
Sometimes updates from changes are slow or require a clean or a relaunch.
Xcode auto-generates Schemes from the targets defined in your package. My build was targeting MyTarget.
Two things were missing:
name: "Publish" was not included in the package dependency - it's needed so you can reference it below (or maybe this can be derived, it's hard to tell because of Xcode refresh issues), and
a reference is needed in the dependencies for each target using the package-dependency, i needed to add dependencies: ["Publish"] in the related target
dependencies: [
.package(name: "Publish", url: "", from: "0.7.0")
targets: [
name: "MyTarget",
dependencies: ["Publish"]),

Swift Package Manager (package successfully added, but Module not found)

I'm new in Swift. I want to create iOS app that can connect to PostgreSQL database. First I found library that should be added to my project via Swift Package Manager. Using tutorial I added required library to my project successfully (File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency):
list of added packages from SPM
But when I try to import this module into my view controller, Xcode shows error that module is not found:
not found
I tried several times to rebuild my project, created new project just for testing this issue. Also I found information about build phases and added this lib as a dependency:
build phases
But I still get error: "No such module PostgreSQL".
Can anyone help me?
I found solution by myself. I compiled C static library "libpq" (can be found in PostgreSQL sources) and added it to my swift project. Included this library by adding special bridging header file. Finally I got what I wanted.
P.S. If someone what to repeat, he or she should know: static C library must be compiled for iOS device architecture (and also in iOS simulator architecture which differs from iOS device arch.).

Local swift package with local dependency

I have a project that I plan on developing in modules, the final application will be any number of the modules built together based on a configuration. I have a swift package that has all of my common code it it, we can call that the platform package. I then went to create my first feature, this went just fine however when I created the wrapper application to pull in each feature, I got this error from SPM in xcode11:
package 'Platform' is required using a revision-based requirement and it depends on local package
'Feature1', which is not supported.
Looking at the code base for SPM here (line 72)
It looks like this is something that is just not supported, the mixing of local and remote dependencies? Is this a limitation of SPM / should I be trying to use another tool for this type of app architecture?
In my case, I was trying to add a package, which I was developing, and its Package.swift contained dependencies of the form:
dependencies: [
.package(path: "../PackageName"),
// etc
Changing the references to specific repos solved the problem:
dependencies: [
.package(path: ""),
// etc

Importing modules with Swift package manager

I am trying to use Swift's package manager to import external modules in my project. My first module come from the Vapor project. I cannot seem to get it working. I start with
swift package init
swift package generate-xcodeproj
My Package.swift looks like this:
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "OpenTools",
products: [
name: "OpenTools",
targets: ["OpenTools"]),
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", from: "2.0.0")
targets: [
.target(name: "OpenTools", dependencies: ["JSON"]),
I then run
swift package update
swift package generate-xcodeproj # to regenerate with dependencies
and then try to import the JSON package in my main file
import JSON
The modules are there as shown below but the import gets back with an No such module 'JSON' error.
Any thoughts?
Probably the problem lies within Xcode, as it does not know yet that JSON exists, because it was not built yet. This can easily be solved by just building your project (with cmd-B). With the generated xcodeproj, Xcode should know that it first needs to build JSON and then the rest, because JSON is marked as a dependency for your target.
You can check this, by navigating in Xcode to your target (when you click on the project description file) and afterwards to "Build Phases". Under Target Dependencies you should find your JSON module.
In addition you should find a JSON module under your targets, which compiles the sources you gathered from github.
Your project should also build when executing swift build in your project root.
With Xcode 11 you should be able to open Package.swift directly which will give you a proving ground for verifying the package manifest (aka: the Package.swift file) and compiling the target. This should help see what is actually causing the error that's preventing the module from being compiled.