Adding remaining filed in $project after adding lookups in mongoose - mongodb

I'm doing a $lookup from an _id in Order schema, and its working as expected. But in $project how to add remaining keys. I have added my code below.
Product Collection:
"_id": "54759eb3c090d83494e2d804",
"product_name": "sample product",
"image": "default.png",
"price": 55,
"discount": 5,
Order list Collection
"user_name": "sample1",
"product_id": "54759eb3c090d83494e2d804"
"quantity": 5
from: 'product',
localField: 'product_list.product_id',
foreignField: '_id',
as: 'product_list.product_id',
model: 'ProductModel',
user_name: true,
product_list: {
$map: {
input: '$product_list.product_id',
as: 'product',
in: {
product_name: '$$product.product_name',
Current Result:
"user_name": "sample1",
"product_name": "sample product"
In this current result, the quantity field is missing. How to add in $project?. The expected result shown below
Expected Result:
"user_name": "sample1",
"product_id": {
"product_name": "sample product"
"quantity": 5

You need to do $unwind before $lookup, because it will not work directly in array fields, and here you don't need $map inside $project,
$unwind product_list deconstruct array
{ $unwind: "$product_list" },
$lookup with pipeline, this will allow to use pipeline inside lookup, here $project to required fields
$lookup: {
from: "product",
as: "product_list.product_id",
let: { product_id: "$product_list.product_id" },
pipeline: [
$match: {
$expr: { $eq: ["$$product_id", "$_id"] }
$project: {
_id: 0,
product_name: 1
$unwind with path product_list.product_id because you need it as object
{ $unwind: { path: "$product_list.product_id" } },
$group by _id re-construct your product_list array
$group: {
_id: "$_id",
user_name: { $first: "$user_name" },
product_list: { $push: "$product_list" }


MongoDB aggregate $lookup with _ID's from array

I have two collections in MongoDB: "carts" and another "products"
"_id": {
"$oid": "62af0fefebc0b42a875c7df1"
"uuid": "6ca05ae0-522a-4db3-b380-2d2330ee1e27",
"cartitems": [
"created": "2022-06-19T14:00:47.846958537+02:00[Europe/Brussels]",
"lastupdate": "2022-06-19T14:01:06.15165564+02:00[Europe/Brussels]"
"_id": {
"$oid": "62a0b24680cc2891148daf7b"
"name": "Product1",
"created": "2022-06-11T09:41:54.461308647+02:00[Europe/Brussels]",
"category": "Workshops",
"pricein": "28900",
"lastupdate": "2022-06-17T16:09:53.385655474+02:00[Europe/Brussels]"
I would like to use Aggregate:
{ $match: { uuid: "6ca05ae0-522a-4db3-b380-2d2330ee1e27" } },
$lookup: {
from: "products",
localField: "cartitems",
foreignField: "_id",
as: "output"
This is not working because localField: "cartitems" should be converted:
"$addFields": {
"convertedIdStr": {
"$toString": "$cartitems"
But I don't manage to convert because cartitems is an array.
Any help would be great, Thanks a lot!
Use $lookup with pipeline. In $lookup pipeline stage, add $match stage by filtering the (converted to string) product's _id is in cartitems (array) variable.
$match: {
uuid: "6ca05ae0-522a-4db3-b380-2d2330ee1e27"
$lookup: {
from: "products",
let: {
cartitems: "$cartitems"
pipeline: [
$match: {
$expr: {
$in: [
$toString: "$_id"
as: "output"
Sample Mongo Playground

How to lookup for nested property?

Let's say i have 2 collections
// Post collection:
"_id": "post1",
"title": "Some title"
// User collection:
"_id": "user1",
"posts": {
"voted": [
"_id": "post1",
"vote": 3
"_id": "post2",
"vote": 2
And i need to get this result:
"_id": "post1",
"title": "Some title",
"voted": 3
How can i make a request with aggregation, which will display this output ?
Here what i've tried:
simple option:[
$match: {
_id: "post1"
$lookup: {
from: "user",
localField: "_id",
foreignField: "posts.voted._id",
as: "Results"
$unwind: "$Results"
$unwind: "$Results.posts.voted"
$match: {
"Results.posts.voted._id": "post1"
$project: {
"voted": "$",
title: 1
$match the posts for post1 only
$join(lookup) with the users collection
$unwind the arrays.
$match only the voted for post1
$project the needed fields.

MongoDB: Optimal joining of one to many relationship

Here is a hypothetical case of orders and products.
'products' collection
"_id": "61c53eb76eb2dc65de621bd0",
"name": "Product 1",
"price": 80
"_id": "61c53efca0a306c3f1160754",
"name": "Product 2",
"price": 10
... // truncated
'orders' collection:
"_id": "61c53fb7dca0579de038cea8", // order id
"products": [
"_id": "61c53eb76eb2dc65de621bd0", // references products._id
"quantity": 1
"_id": "61c53efca0a306c3f1160754",
"quantity": 2
As you can see, an order owns a list of product ids. When I pull an order's details I also need the product details combined like so:
_id: ObjectId("61c53fb7dca0579de038cea8"),
products: [
_id: ObjectId("61c53eb76eb2dc65de621bd0"),
quantity: 1,
name: 'Product 1',
price: 80
_id: ObjectId("61c53efca0a306c3f1160754"),
quantity: 2,
name: 'Product 2',
price: 10
... // truncated
Here is the aggregation pipleline I came up with:
$match: {_id: ObjectId('61c53fb7dca0579de038cea8')}
$unwind: {
path: "$products"
$lookup: {
from: 'products',
localField: 'products._id',
foreignField: '_id',
as: 'productDetail'
$unwind: {
path: "$productDetail"
$group: {
_id: "$_id",
products: {
$push: {$mergeObjects: ["$products", "$productDetail"]}
Given how the data is organized I'm doubting if the pipeline stages are optimal and could do better (possibility of reducing the number of stages, etc.). Any suggestions?
As already mentioned in comments the design is poor. You can avoid multiple $unwind and $group, usually the performance should be better with this:
{ $match: { _id: "61c53fb7dca0579de038cea8" } },
$lookup: {
from: "products",
localField: "products._id",
foreignField: "_id",
as: "productDetail"
$project: {
products: {
$map: {
input: "$products",
as: "product",
in: {
$mergeObjects: [
$first: {
$filter: {
input: "$productDetail",
cond: { $eq: [ "$$this._id", "$$product._id" ] }
Mongo Playground

perform lookup on array from another collection in MongoDB

I have a collection of Orders. each order has a list of Items, and each Item has catalog_id, which is an ObjectId pointing to the Catalogs collection.
I need an aggregate query that will retrieve certain orders - each order with its Items in extended fashion including the Catalog name and SKU. i.e:
Original data structure:
Orders: [{
_id : ObjectId('ord1'),
items : [{
catalog_id: ObjectId('xyz1'),
qty: 5
catalog_id: ObjectId('xyz2'),
qty: 3
Catalogs: [{
_id : ObjectId('xyz1')
name: 'my catalog name',
SKU: 'XxYxZx1'
_id : ObjectId('xyz2')
name: 'my other catalog name',
SKU: 'XxYxZx2'
ideal outcome would be:
Orders: [{
_id : ObjectId('ord1'),
items : [{
catalog_id: ObjectId('xyz1'),
catalog_name: 'my catalog name',
catalog_SKU: 'XxYxZx1' ,
qty: 5
catalog_id: ObjectId('xyz2'),
catalog_name: 'my other catalog name',
catalog_SKU: 'XxYxZx2' ,
qty: 3
What I did so far was:
$match: {merchant_order_id: 'NIM333'}
$lookup: {
from: "catalogs",
//localField: 'items.catalog_id',
//foreignField: '_id',
let: { 'catalogId' : 'items.catalog_id' },
pipeline: [
$match : {$expr:{$eq:["$catalogs._id", "$$catalogId"]}}
$project: {"name": 1, "merchant_SKU": 1 }
as: "items_ex"
but items_ex comes out empty for some reason i cannot understand.
You need to first $unwind the items and reconstruct the array back using $group to match the exact position of qty with the catalogs_id inside the items array
{ "$match": { "merchant_order_id": "NIM333" }},
{ "$unwind": "$items" },
{ "$lookup": {
"from": "catalogs",
"let": { "catalogId": "$items.catalog_id", "qty": "$items.qty" },
"pipeline": [
{ "$match": { "$expr": { "$eq": ["$_id", "$$catalogId"] } }},
{ "$project": { "name": 1, "merchant_SKU": 1, "qty": "$$qty" }}
"as": "items"
{ "$unwind": "$items" },
{ "$group": {
"_id": "$_id",
"items": { "$push": "$items" },
"data": { "$first": "$$ROOT" }
{ "$replaceRoot": {
"newRoot": {
"$mergeObjects": ["$data", { "items": "$items" }]
You're missing a dollar sign when you define your pipeline variable. There should be:
let: { 'catalogId' : '$items.catalog_id' },
and also this expression returns an array to you need $in instead of $eq:
$lookup: {
from: "catalogs",
let: { 'catalogId' : 'items.catalog_id' },
pipeline: [
$match : {$expr:{$in:["$_id", "$$catalogId"]}}
$project: {"name": 1, "merchant_SKU": 1 }
as: "items_ex"
Mongo Playground

How to access the fields from arrays of a object in two different collections?

This is locations collection data.
_id: "1",
location: "loc1",
sublocations: [
_id: 2,
sublocation: "subloc1",
_id: 3,
sublocation: "subloc2",
_id: "4",
location: "loc2",
sublocations: [
_id: 5,
sublocation: "subloc1",
_id: 6,
sublocation: "subloc2",
This is products collection data
_id: "1",
product: "product1",
prices: [
_id: 2,
sublocationid: 2, //ObjectId of object in sublocations array
price: 500
_id: 3,
sublocationid: 5, //ObjectId of object in sublocations array
price: 200
Now I need to get the sublocation in product schema in the prices array. Expected result is as below.
_id: "1",
product: "product1",
prices: [
_id: 2,
sublocationid: 3,
sublocation: "subloc2",
price: 500
_id: 3,
sublocationid: 5,
sublocation: "subloc1"
price: 200
To achieve it, I did it like in the following way.
First, performing aggregation on locations collection - $unwind the sublocations array and store the $out in the new collection.
Second, perform aggregation on 'products' collection - $unwind the prices, $lookup the sublocationid from the new collection and $group them.
Third, after getting data delete the data of new collection.
Is there any other simplified way? Please let me know if there is any.
If you want to stick with 3.4 version, you can try this query:
$unwind: {
"path": "$prices"
$lookup: {
"from": "locations",
"localField": "prices.sublocationid",
"foreignField": "sublocations._id",
"as": "locations"
$unwind: {
"path": "$locations"
$unwind: {
"path": "$locations.sublocations"
$addFields: {
"keep": {
"$eq": [
$match: {
"keep": true
$addFields: {
"price": {
"_id": "$prices._id",
"sublocationid": "$prices.sublocationid",
"sublocation": "$locations.sublocations.sublocation",
"price": "$prices.price"
$group: {
"_id": "$_id",
"product": { "$first": "$product" },
"prices": { "$addToSet": "$price" }
It's not as nice as 3.6 version though, because of a higher memory consumption.
You can try below aggregation query in 3.6 version.
Since both local field and foreign field are array you have to $unwind both to do equality comparison.
For this you will have to use new $lookup syntax.
$match with $expr provides comparsion between document fields to look up the location's sublocation document for each product's sublocation id.
$project to project the matching sublocation doc.
$addFields with $arrayElemAt to convert the looked up sublocation array into a document.
$group to push all prices with matching sublocation's document for each product.
"$unwind": "$prices"
"$lookup": {
"from": "locations",
"let": {
"prices": "$prices"
"pipeline": [
"$unwind": "$sublocations"
"$match": {
"$expr": [
"$project": {
"sublocations": 1,
"_id": 0
"as": "prices.sublocations"
"$addFields": {
"prices.sublocations": {
"$arrayElemAt": [
"$group": {
"_id": "$_id",
"product": {
"$first": "$product"
"prices": {
"$push": "$prices"