Installation of ibm mq chart version 1.2.0 using helm in Gcp,created a error during pod creation “Creashloopbackoff” - kubernetes

IBM Mq Helm chart installation failed to create Pod showing "Crashloop Backoff error".
Pod error Message:
Error setting admin password: /usr/bin/sudo: exit status 1: sudo: effective uid is not 0, is
/usr/bin/sudo on a file system with the 'nosuid' option set or an NFS file system without root privileges?
Infrastructure: Google Cloud Platform
Kubectl version:
Client Version: v1.18.6
Server Version: v1.16.13-gke.1.
helm chart:
helm repo add ibm-charts
Helm command:
$ helm install mq --set license=accept --set service.type=LoadBalancer --set --set . --set security.initVolumeAsRoot=true


AKS nginx-ingress controller ACR

I'm unable to install the nginx ingress controller on AKS.Since I'm using userDefinedRouting as outboundType for egress when running
helm install nginx-ingress nginx-stable/nginx-ingress -n ingress --set controller.service.annotations."service\.beta\.kubernetes\.io/azure-load-balancer-internal"='"true"' --set controller.service.annotations."service\.beta\.kubernetes\.io/azure-load-balancer-internal-subnet"=x-x-x-aks-ingress-sub01 --set controller.service.loadBalancerIP="" i can see that it failed to download the image because the root CA is not on the worker node and hence is unable to verify the SSL certificate. This is actually good and I've uploaded the nginx image to my ACR:
docker pull nginx docker tag nginx/nginx-ingress:2.2.2 and docker push If it look in the values.yaml file I see this:
values.yaml I've followed how to - helm install using private registry and think that I've added the tag as required but I can't figure out how to run the command now so that it will pull the image from my ACR.
What I've tried:
helm install nginx-ingress -n ingress --set controller.service.annotations."service\.beta\ .kubernetes\.io/azure-load-balancer-internal"='"true"' --set controller.service.annotations."service\.beta\.kubernetes\.io/azure-load-balancer-internal-subnet"=x-x-x-x-aks-ingress-sub01 --set contro ller.service.loadBalancerIP=""
failed with Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: failed to download ""
helm install nginx-ingress --set nginx/nginx-ingress -n ingress --set controller.service.annotations."servi ce\.beta\.kubernetes\.io/azure-load-balancer-internal"='"true"' --set controller.service.annotations."service\.beta\.kubernetes\.io/azure-load-balancer-internal-subnet"=x-x-x-x-aks-ingress-sub01 --s et controller.service.loadBalancerIP="" resulted in Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: failed to download "nginx/nginx-ingress"
I can't get this to work. Any help please?
Use this chart : ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx. You have an official documentation that explain how to import images to private ACR.
You can use this commands to import images :
az acr import --name nameofacr --source --force
az acr import --name nameofacr --source --force
Also try to fix the helm chart version helm install nginx-ingress ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx --version 4.1.3, to be sure you use the images related to a specific values.yaml.

Not able to install istio with helm on my digitalocean kubernetes cluster

I have downloaded the latest stable release of istio i.e.1.11.4 and am executing the below command inside the root of the istio release folder:
helm install istio install/kubernetes/helm/istio --namespace istio-system --set grafana.enabled=True --set kiali.enabled=True
When I do, I get the error:
Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: failed to download "install/kubernetes/helm/istio"
My helm version: version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.7.1"
How can I resolve this error?
You are using some old command to install Istio.
Check out the latest installation docs:
Additionally, the addons (grafana, kiali, or prometheus) are not part of Istio anymore and need to be installed separately as shown here:

Trying to install Kong using the Helm chart

Trying to install Kong using the Helm chart using the following command using this post
>helm install --version 0.26.1 --name kong stable/kong --namespace kong --set ingressController.enabled=true --set image.tag=1.4 --set admin.useTLS=false
But getting the following error
Error: unknown flag: --name
Solution I tried
Removed -- name then I am getting the following error
Error: failed to download "stable/kong" (hint: running helm repo update may help)
Can anyone please help me with this?
In helm version 3 --name flag is removed. You can give a name without --name flag as shown below
helm repo add kong
helm repo update
helm install --version 1.7.0 kong kong/kong --namespace kong --set ingressController.enabled=true --set image.tag=1.4 --set admin.useTLS=false
Find more details here

Gitlab-installed Helm: Error: context deadline exceeded

I've a Kubernetes cluster installed in AWS with Kops. I've installed Helm Tiller with the Gitlab UI. The Tiller service seems to be working via Gitlab, for example I've installed Ingress from the Gitlab UI.
But when trying to use that same Tiller from my CLI, I can't manage to get it working. When I helm init it says it's already installed (which makes totally sense):
helm init --tiller-namespace gitlab-managed-apps --service-account tiller
$HELM_HOME has been configured at C:\Users\danie\.helm.
Warning: Tiller is already installed in the cluster.
(Use --client-only to suppress this message, or --upgrade to upgrade Tiller to the current version.)
Happy Helming!
But when trying to, for example, list the charts, it takes 5 minutes and then timeouts:
$ helm list --tiller-namespace gitlab-managed-apps --debug
[debug] Created tunnel using local port: '60471'
[debug] SERVER: ""
Error: context deadline exceeded
What I'm missing so I can use the Gitlab-installed Tiller from my CLI?
Are you pretty sure that your Tiller server is installed in "gitlab-managed-apps" namespace ? By default it's installed to 'kube-system' one as per official installation instruction on GitLab website, which would mean this is what causes your helm ls command to fail (just skip it)
The best way to verify it is via:
kubectl get deploy/tiller-deploy -n gitlab-managed-apps
Do you see any tiller related deployment object in that namespace ?
Assuming your can operate your KOPS cluster with current kube context, you should have no problem with running helm client locally. You can always explicitly use --kube-context argument with helm command.
I think I know what causes your problem, Helm when installed via GitLab UI is using secured connection (SSL) between helm and tiller (proof here).
Knowing that, it means you should retrieve set of certificates from Secret object that is mounted on Tiller Pod:
#The CA
#The Helm client files
#The Tiller server files
and then connect helm client to tiller server using following command, as explained here:
helm ls --tls --tls-ca-cert ca.cert.pem --tls-cert helm.cert.pem --tls-key helm.key.pem
Here's the way I've been doing this.
First open a shell in the gitlab tiller pod:
# replace the pod name, tiller-deploy-5bb888969c-7bzpl with your own
kubectl exec -n gitlab-managed-apps tiller-deploy-5bb888969c-7bzpl -it -- sh
Then use the pod's native helm and certs... to connect to tiller
$ env | grep TILLER_TLS_CERTS
#cd to the result, in my case /etc/certs
$ cd /etc/certs
# connect to tiller with the certs using the native helm (/helm) in my case:
$ /helm ls --tls --tls-ca-cert ./ca.crt --tls-cert ./tls.crt --tls-key ./tls.key

Installing jupyterhub in minikube on a linux machine

I'm using the instructions from Zero to jupyterhub with kubernetes to install a jupyterhub in a minikube:
When I run the command in step 2 shown below:
~/minik$ helm upgrade --install $RELEASE jupyterhub/jupyterhub --namespace $NAMESPACE --version 0.7.0 --values config.yaml --debug --dry-run
I get this error:
[debug] Created tunnel using local port: '42995'
[debug] SERVER: ""
[debug] Fetched jupyterhub/jupyterhub to
Release "jhub" does not exist. Installing it now.
[debug] CHART PATH: /home1/chrisj/.helm/cache/archive/jupyterhub-0.7.0.tgz
Error: render error in "jupyterhub/templates/proxy/autohttps/service.yaml": template: jupyterhub/templates/proxy/autohttps/service.yaml:1:26: executing "jupyterhub/templates/proxy/autohttps/service.yaml" at <.Values.proxy.https....>: can't evaluate field https in type interface {}
I have deployed Jupyterhub on minikube correctly using the provided tutorial, then I deleted it using helm delete, and tried to deploy it again with helm upgrade --install. I got similar error as you have posted. For me using:
helm delete --purge jhub solved the problem.
PS: If this will not help you, please provide some more details, like helm version, kubectl get pods --all-namespaces