Slick:Insert into a Table from Raw SQL Select - scala

Insert into a Table from Raw SQL Select
val rawSql: DBIO[Vector[(String, String)]] = sql"SELECT id, name FROM SomeTable".as[(String, String)]
val myTable :TableQuery[MyClass] // with columns id (String), name(String) and some other columns
Is there a way to use forceInsert functions to insert data from select into the tables?
If not, Is there a way to generate a sql string by using forceInsertStatements?
Something like: {{ t => (,}.forceInsert????(rawSql)
P.S. I don't want to make two I/O calls because my RAW SQL might be returning thousands of records.
Thanks for the help.

If you can represent your rawSql query as a Slick query instead...
val query = => (,
...for example, then forceInsertQuery will do what you need. An example might be:
val action = => (row.someId, row.someName))
However, I presume you're using raw SQL for a good reason. In that case, I don't believe you can use forceInsert (without a round-trip to the database) because the raw SQL is already an action (not a query).
But, as you're using raw SQL, why not do the whole thing in raw SQL? Something like:
val rawEverything =
sqlu" insert into mytable (someId, someName) select id, name from sometable "
...or similar.


Expressing Postgresql VALUES command in SQLAlchemy ORM?

How to express the query
VALUES ('alice'), ('bob') EXCEPT ALL SELECT name FROM users;
(i.e. "list all names in VALUES that are not in table 'users'") in SQLAlchemy ORM? In other words, what should the statement 'X' below be like?
def check_for_existence_of_all_users_in_list(list):
logger.debug(f"checking that each user in {list} is in the database")
query = X(list)
(There is sqlalchemy.values which could be used like this:
query = sa.values(sa.column('name', sa.String)).data(['alice', 'bob']) # .???
but it appears that it can only be used as argument to INSERT or UPDATE.)
I am using SQLAlchemy 1.4.4.
This should work for you:
user_names = ['alice', 'bob']
q = values(column('name', String), name="temp_names").data([(_,) for _ in user_names])
query = select(q).except_all(select( # 'users' is Table instance

How to express window function in Slick?

I am new to Slick and I am having hard time to express SQL window function in Slick. My database profile is SQL Server so I cannot use slick-pg.
The problem that I want to solve is simple in SQL (below). Essentially, it is just to find the largest rowid for each destination. How to write in this in Slick?
select rowid, destination
from (
select rowid
, destination
, row_number() over (partition by destination order by rowid desc) as rowOrder
from DestinationTable
where rowOrder = 1
Check user defined functions in slick,
Here is an example, I achieved same requirement using SimpleLiteral, ideally SimpleFunction might be good choice, but SimpleLiteral works for my use case.
and used a subquery to filter over rowNum data.
val rowNumCol = SimpleLiteral[Int]("ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY replaceGroupByColumnName order by sortColumnName desc)")
val innerQueryRowNum = => (jb.guid, rowNumCol))
val resultQueryFilter = TableQuery.join(innerQueryRowNum).on((tb, tbs) => tb.guid === tbs._1).filter(tb => tb._2._2 === 1).map(tb => tb._1)
Slick does not support this functionality in its query DSL, so you'll need to use Slick's support for plain SQL queries.

SELECT from result of UPDATE ... RETURNING in jOOQ

I'm transforming some old PostgreSQL code to jOOQ, and I'm currently struggling with SQL that has multiple WITH clauses, where each one depends on previous. It would be best to keep the SQL logic the way it was written and not to change it (e.g. multiple queries to DB).
As it seems, there is no way to do SELECT on something that is UPDATE ... RETURNING, for example
I've created some test tables, trying to create some sort of MVCE:
create table dashboard.test (id int primary key not null, data text); --test table
with updated_test AS (
UPDATE dashboard.test SET data = 'new data'
WHERE id = 1
returning data
test_user AS (
select du.* from dashboard.dashboard_user du, updated_test -- from previous WITH
where du.is_active AND =
SELECT jsonb_build_object('test_user', to_jsonb(tu.*), 'updated_test', to_jsonb(ut.*))
FROM test_user tu, updated_test ut; -- from both WITH clauses
So far this is my jOOQ code (written in Kotlin):
.set(Tables.TEST.DATA, DSL.value("new data"))
.returning(Tables.TEST.DATA) //ERROR is here: Required Select<*>, found UpdateResultStep<TestRecord>
DSL.table("updated_test")) //or what to use here?
.select() //here goes my own logic for jsonBBuildObject (which is tested and works for other queries)
DSL.table("updated_test")), //what to use here
DSL.table("test_user")) //or here
Are there any workarounds for this? I'd like to avoid changing SQL if possible.
Also, in this project this trick is used very often to get JSON(B) from UPDATE clause (table has JSON(B) columns too):
with _updated AS (update dashboard.test SET data = 'something' WHERE id = 1 returning *)
select to_jsonb(_updated.*) from _updated;
and it will be a real step back for us if there is no workaround for this.
I'm using JOOQ version 3.13.3, and Postgres 12.0.
This is currently not supported in jOOQ, see:
The workaround is, as always, when some vendor specific syntax is unsupported, to resort to plain SQL templating
// If you don't need to map data types
dsl.fetch("with t as ({0}) {1}", update, select);
// If you need to map data types
dsl.resultQuery("with t as ({0}) {1}", update, select).coerce(select.getSelect()).fetch();

How to format a number in Entity Framework LINQ (without trailing zeroes)?

In a SQL Server database I have a column of decimal datatype defined something like this:
Number DECIMAL(9, 4)
I use Entity Framework and I would like to return column Number converted to a string with only the digits right of the decimal separator that are actually needed. A strict constraint is that a result must be an IQueryable.
So my query is:
IQueryable queryable = (
from myTable in MyDatabase.NyTable
select new
Id = myTable.Id,
Number = SqlFunctions.StringConvert(myTable.Number,9,4)
The problem with is that it always convert number to string with 4 decimals, even if they are 0.
3 is converted to "3.0000"
1.2 is converted to "1.2000"
If I use other parameters for StringConvert i.e.
SqlFunctions.StringConvert(myTable.Number, 9, 2)
the results are also not OK:
0.375 gets rounded to 0.38.
StringConvert() function is translated into SQL Server function STR.
This explains the weird results.
In the realm of Entity Framework and LINQ I was not able to find a working solution.
What I look for is something like C# function
String.Format("0.####", number)
but this cannot be used in a LINQ query.
In plain simple SQL I could write my query like this
Number = CAST(CAST(Number AS REAL) AS VARCHAR(15))
I have not managed to massage LINQ to produce query like that.
A workaround would be to forget doing this in LINQ, which is quite inflexible and messy thing, borderline on useless and just return type DECIMAL from database and do my formatting on a client side before displaying. But this is additional, unnecessary code and I would hate to di it that way if there perhaps is a simpler way via LINQ.
Is it possible to format numbers in LINQ queries?
I would absolutely return a decimal from he database and format it when needed. Possible directly after the query. But usually this is done at display time to take into account culture specific formatting from the the client.
var q =
(from myTable in MyDatabase.NyTable
select new
Id = myTable.Id,
Number = myTable.Number
.Select(x => new { Id = x.Id, Number = x.Number.ToString("G29") });

Postgresql array_agg of multiple columns with JDBC

I'm trying to join a table that might have multiple entries for the given id and aggregate the rows corresponding to this id in an array. This looks as follows in the SQL query:
SELECT * from data
LEFT JOIN (select id, array_agg(row(foo, bar)) AS foo_bar_data from foo_bar_table group by id) AS temp using(id)
This works as intended, but I'm having trouble reading out the result in JDBC.
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(...)
Array a = rs.getArray("foo_bar_data")
// Now I want to iterate over the array, reading the values foo and bar of each item.
My efforts so far always ended in a Method org.postgresql.jdbc4.Jdbc4Array.getArrayImpl(long,int,Map) is not yet implemented. exception. How can I iterate over a, retrieving the values foo and bar?
Edit: I should possibly also mention, that foo and bar don't have the same type.
Postgres JDBC driver does not support anything except basic types (numbers, date/timestamp, string) as JDBC array. You can call array_agg twice and get two arrays on each row:
try (Connection db = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres", "postgres", "postgres");
ResultSet rs = db.createStatement().executeQuery("select array_agg(i), array_agg(s) from (select 1 i, 'a' s union select 2 i, 'b' s) t")) {;
System.out.println(Arrays.toString((Object[]) rs.getArray(1).getArray()));
System.out.println(Arrays.toString((Object[]) rs.getArray(2).getArray()));