Determining the size of a PNG from raw bytes - python-imaging-library

I'm trying to load a sequence of PNG images concatenated together as bytes; I know the number of images, but not their individual file sizes.
Loading the first image is easy with something like
import io
from PIL import Image
buffer = io.BytesIO(image_bytearray)
image =
However, I'm not sure how to handle the subsequent images. Two approaches that seem to work but might be too brittle:
Split the bytes based on the PNG header e.g. image_bytearray.split(b"\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n"). This seems to work, but I'm worried in some edge cases this could appear in a non-header location.
Use BytesIO.tell() to determine how much of the stream was read. This appears to be 4 bytes less than the actual file size; I can add 4 to account for this, but I'm not this won't change in a later version.
Here's a simple example that illustrates the two approaches:
import io
import sys
from PIL import Image
import PIL
def setup_bytes():
Concatenate the bytes of some images. The actual images don't matter
files = ["Tests/images/hopper.png", "Tests/images/test-card.png"]
bytes_out = bytes()
for file in files:
im =
buffer = io.BytesIO(), format="PNG")
print(f"writing {len(buffer.getvalue())} bytes")
bytes_out += buffer.getvalue()
return bytes_out
def read_split(bytes_in):
png_header = b"\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n"
images_out = []
image_byte_splits = bytes_in.split(png_header)
for image_bytes in image_byte_splits:
if len(image_bytes) == 0:
# add back the header
image = + image_bytes))
print(f"read {len(png_header) + len(image_bytes)} bytes")
return images_out
def read_streaming(bytes_in):
images_out = []
bytes_read = 0
# Read the images back from the bytes (without knowing the sizes).
while bytes_read < len(bytes_in):
buffer = io.BytesIO(bytes_in[bytes_read:])
image =
# Start the next read at the end of the current image.
# These extra 4 bytes appear necessary.
read = buffer.tell() + 4
print(f"read {read} bytes?")
bytes_read += read
return images_out
def main():
print(f"python sys.version = {sys.version}")
print(f"Pillow version = {PIL.__version__}")
b = setup_bytes()
My questions are:
Is splitting safe? Is there a chance that the header could also appear in the body of an image?
Is adding an offset to tell() safe? Is there a way to get the image loading to leave the position at the actual end of the file?
Is there a better way to do this in general? Some of the classes in look like they'd be useful to examine the chunks without actually decompressing.


Pillow Image.convert multiframe tiff mode 1 to 'RGB' - not saving all frames

I have a multiframe tiff image with mode 1 that I want to convert to a multiframe tiff with mode 'RGB'. It is only saving a single frame in the output. Am I missing something?
def q(file_path='test.tiff'):
with as image:
if image.mode != 'RGB':
n = image.convert('RGB')'new.tiff', format="TIFF", save_all=True, compression="None")
You need to iterate over the sequence of frames. See here.
Code attributable to above link:
from PIL import Image
with"animation.gif") as im: # skip to the second frame
while 1: + 1)
# do something to im
except EOFError:
pass # end of sequence

How to read and write bits in a chunk of memory in Swift

I would like to know how to read a binary file into memory (writing it to memory like an "Array Buffer" from JavaScript), and write to different parts of memory 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit etc. values, even 5 bit or 10 bit values.
extension Binary {
static func readFileToMemory(_ file) -> ArrayBuffer {
let data = NSData(contentsOfFile: "/path/to/file/7CHands.dat")!
var dataRange = NSRange(location: 0, length: ?)
var ? = [Int32](count: ?, repeatedValue: ?)
data.getBytes(&?, range: dataRange)
static func writeToMemory(_ buffer, location, value) {
buffer[location] = value
static func readFromMemory(_ buffer, location) {
return buffer[location]
I have looked at a bunch of places but haven't found a standard reference.
In Swift, how do I read an existing binary file into an array?
Swift - writing a byte stream to file
I would like for this to be as low-level as possible. So perhaps using UnsafeMutablePointer, UnsafePointer, or UnsafeMutableRawPointer.
Saw this as well:
let data = NSMutableData()
var goesIn: Int32 = 42
data.appendBytes(&goesIn, length: sizeof(Int32))
println(data) // <2a000000]
var comesOut: Int32 = 0
data.getBytes(&comesOut, range: NSMakeRange(0, sizeof(Int32)))
println(comesOut) // 42
I would basically like to allocate a chunk of memory and be able to read and write from it. Not sure how to do that. Perhaps using C is the best way, not sure.
Just saw this too:
let rawData = UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>.allocate(capacity: width * height * 4)
If you're looking for low level code you'll need to use UnsafeMutableRawPointer. This is a pointer to a untyped data. Memory is accessed in bytes, so 8 chunks of at least 8 bits. I'll cover multiples of 8 bits first.
Reading a File
To read a file this way, you need to manage file handles and pointers yourself. Try the the following code:
// Open the file in read mode
let file = fopen("/Users/joannisorlandos/Desktop/ownership", "r")
// Files need to be closed manually
defer { fclose(file) }
// Find the end
fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END)
// Count the bytes from the start to the end
let fileByteSize = ftell(file)
// Return to the start
fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET)
// Buffer of 1 byte entities
let pointer = UnsafeMutableRawPointer.allocate(byteCount: fileByteSize, alignment: 1)
// Buffer needs to be cleaned up manually
defer { pointer.deallocate() }
// Size is 1 byte
let readBytes = fread(pointer, 1, fileByteSize, file)
let errorOccurred = readBytes != fileByteSize
First you need to open the file. This can be done using Swift strings since the compiler makes them into a CString itself.
Because cleanup is all for us on this low level, a defer is put in place to close the file at the end.
Next, the file is set to seek the end of the file. Then the distance between the start of the file and the end is calculated. This is used later, so the value is kept.
Then the program is set to return to the start of the file, so the application starts reading from the start.
To store the file, a pointer is allocated with the amount of bytes that the file has in the file system. Note: This can change inbetween the steps if you're extremely unlucky or the file is accessed quite often. But I think for you, this is unlikely.
The amount of bytes is set, and aligned to one byte. (You can learn more about memory alignment on Wikipedia.
Then another defer is added to make sure no memory leaks at the end of this code. The pointer needs to be deallocated manually.
The file's bytes are read and stored in the pointer. Do note that this entire process reads the file in a blocking manner. It can be more preferred to read files asynchronously, if you plan on doing that I'll recommend looking into a library like SwiftNIO instead.
errorOccurred can be used to throw an error or handle issues in another manner.
From here, your buffer is ready for manipulation. You can print the file if it's text using the following code:
print(String(cString: pointer.bindMemory(to: Int8.self, capacity: fileByteSize)))
From here, it's time to learn how to read manipulate the memory.
Manipulating Memory
The below demonstrates reading byte 20..<24 as an Int32.
let int32 = pointer.load(fromByteOffset: 20, as: Int32.self)
I'll leave the other integers up to you. Next, you can alos put data at a position in memory.
pointer.storeBytes(of: 40, toByteOffset: 30, as: Int64.self)
This will replace byte 30..<38 with the number 40. Note that big endian systems, although uncommon, will store information in a different order from normal little endian systems. More about that here.
Modifying Bits
As you notes, you're also interested in modifying five or ten bits at a time. To do so, you'll need to mix the previous information with the new information.
var data32bits = pointer.load(fromByteOffset: 20, as: Int32.self)
var newData = 0b11111000
In this case, you'll be interested in the first 5 bits and want to write them over bit 2 through 7. To do so, first you'll need to shift the bits to a position that matches the new position.
newData = newData >> 2
This shifts the bits 2 places to the right. The two left bits that are now empty are therefore 0. The 2 bits on the right that got shoved off are not existing anymore.
Next, you'll want to get the old data from the buffer and overwrite the new bits.
To do so, first move the new byte into a 32-bits buffer.
var newBits = numericCast(newData) as Int32
The 32 bits will be aligned all the way to the right. If you want to replace the second of the four bytes, run the following:
newBits = newBits << 16
This moves the fourth pair 16 bit places left, or 2 bytes. So it's now on position 1 starting from 0.
Then, the two bytes need to be added on top of each other. One common method is the following:
let oldBits = data32bits & 0b11111111_11000001_11111111_11111111
let result = oldBits | newBits
What happens here is that we remove the 5 bits with new data from the old dataset. We do so by doing a bitwise and on the old 32 bits and a bitmap.
The bitmap has all 1's except for the new locations which are being replaced. Because those are empty in the bitmap, the and operator will exclude those bits since one of the two (old data vs. bitmap) is empty.
AND operators will only be 1 if both sides of the operator are 1.
Finally, the oldBits and the newBits are merged with an OR operator. This will take each bit on both sides and set the result to 1 if the bits at both positions are 1.
This will merge successfully since both buffers contain 1 bits that the other number doesn't set.

loading images into an array python

i am trying to read my own images which are 28 x 28 dimension: the images are stored in a folder called, my_own_images. and the image name is 2828_my_own_3.png, 2828_my_own_7.png etc...
i am using the imagio.imread(image_file_name, as_gray = True). However i get an error for the as_gray. I am trying to convert them into grey scale
*import imageio
import glob
import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
my_dataset = []
for image_file_name in glob.glob('my_own_images/2828_my_own_?.png'):
print ("loading ... ", image_file_name)
# use the filename to set the correct label
label = int(image_file_name[-5:-4])
# load image data from png files into an array
img_array = imageio.imread(image_file_name)
# reshape from 28x28 to list of 784 values, invert values
img_data = 255.0 - img_array.reshape(784)
# then scale data to range from 0.01 to 1.0
img_data = (img_data / 255.0 * 0.99) + 0.01
# append label and image data to test data set
record = numpy.append(label,img_data)
The ERROR im getting:
open() got an unexpected keyword argument 'as_gray'
It seems we are reading the same book (Make Your Own Neural Network), I have encountered the same error with anaconda (I have imageio 2.2.0 Install), so I updated the imageio to 2.3.0, re-launch jupyter Notebook, re-run the code again it work for me. (hope it help you)

How to apply LSTM-autoencoder to variant-length time-series data?

I read LSTM-autoencoder in this tutorial:, and paste the corresponding keras implementation below:
from keras.layers import Input, LSTM, RepeatVector
from keras.models import Model
inputs = Input(shape=(timesteps, input_dim))
encoded = LSTM(latent_dim)(inputs)
decoded = RepeatVector(timesteps)(encoded)
decoded = LSTM(input_dim, return_sequences=True)(decoded)
sequence_autoencoder = Model(inputs, decoded)
encoder = Model(inputs, encoded)
In this implementation, they fixed the input to be of shape (timesteps, input_dim), which means length of time-series data is fixed to be timesteps. If I remember correctly RNN/LSTM can handle time-series data of variable lengths and I am wondering if it is possible to modify the code above somehow to accept data of any length?
You can use shape=(None, input_dim)
But the RepeatVector will need some hacking taking dimensions directly from the input tensor. (The code works with tensorflow, not sure about theano)
import keras.backend as K
def repeat(x):
stepMatrix = K.ones_like(x[0][:,:,:1]) #matrix with ones, shaped as (batch, steps, 1)
latentMatrix = K.expand_dims(x[1],axis=1) #latent vars, shaped as (batch, 1, latent_dim)
return K.batch_dot(stepMatrix,latentMatrix)
decoded = Lambda(repeat)([inputs,encoded])
decoded = LSTM(input_dim, return_sequences=True)(decoded)

How to convert ASCII array (image) to a single string

My metadata is stored in a 8 bit unsigned dataset in a HDF5 file. After importing to DM, it become a 2D image of 1*length dimension. Each "pixel" stores the ASCII value of the corresponding value to the character.
For further processing, I have to convert the ASCII array to a single string, and further to TagGroup. Here is the stupid method (pixel by pixel) I currently do:
String Img2Str (image img){
Number dim1, dim2
string out = ""
for (number i=0; i<dim1*dim2; i++)
out += img.getpixel(0,i).chr()
Return out
This pixel-wise operation is really quite slow! Is there any other faster method to do this work?
Yes, there is a better way. You really want to look into the chapter of raw-data streaming:
If you hold raw data in a "stream" object, you can read and write it in any form you like. So the solution to your problem is to
Create a stream
Add the "image" to the stream (writing binary data)
Reset the steam position to the start
Read out the binary data a string
This is the code:
number sx = 10
number sy = 10
image textImg := IntegerImage( "Text", 1, 0 , sx, sy )
textImg = 97 + random()*26
object stream = NewStreamFromBuffer( 0 )
ImageWriteImageDataToStream( textImg, stream, 0 )
string asString = StreamReadAsText( stream, 0, sx*sy )
Result("\n as string:\n\t"+asString)
Note that you could create a stream linked to file on disc and, provided you know the starting position in bytes, read from the file directly as well.