We have the Web Job implemented with .NET Framework which are pointing to Azure Data Lake Gen 1.
We moving to Azure Data Lake Gen 2. Here is the question, can we still use the .NET Framework to pointing to Azure Data Lake Gen 2 i.e. will Gen 2 will be supported with .NET Framework?
If you mean you're using code (based on the .NET Framework) to operate with ADLS Gen2, yes, it's definitely ok.
Please let me know if you have other concerns.
I have a .Net FW 4.6 web API project that I would like to upgrade to .Net core.
Currently the project is using ADO library to call stored procedures in the SQL database.
I see that in .Net Core everyone is using Entity framework. Do I have to use it if I want to just call stored procedures?
I have an application that uses Entity Framework, OData and SqlServer in a .Net core 3.1 scenario and it works great. Ultimately I want to use Cosmos DB on Azure in lieu of SQL Server.
While I can get the app to connect to Cosmos the application fails in calls to FromSqlRaw which the 3.1 compatible libraries do not support.
I've tried upgrading the project entirely to .Net core 6.0 and while this compiles without error I get problems loading assemblies using a package called MediatR (for injection) when the application starts.
My question is twofold: Do the .Net 6.0 compatible libraries for Cosmos DB correctly handle FromSqlRaw and/or is there a workaround for the problem if they do not.
If you are asking if you can send T-SQL or ANSI-SQL to FromRawSQL in EF with the Cosmos DB provider the answer is no.
Cosmos DB is a NoSQL database. The FromRawSQL is intended to allow users to send Cosmos DB's own dialect of SQL and was put in as a way to make the Cosmos provider higher compatible where the provider maybe lacked specific capabilities exposed by Cosmos DB itself.
I've found documentation on how to change a database schema for an Azure Mobile Service .NET backend, but I haven't found similar documentation for Azure Mobile Apps. For those who haven't been paying close attention, Azure Mobile Services was Microsoft's original backend-as-a-service, and it has now been replaced by Azure Mobile Apps.
The documentation I reference above mentions using ClearDatabaseSchemaIfModelChanges and ClearDatabaseSchemaAlways. Neither appears to be available in an Azure Mobile App.
How can I start with the quickstart ToDo app and modify the .NET backend to include an additional database column?
Behind the scenes, the Azure Mobile Apps SDK uses Entity Framework. You need to adjust your DTO / Model and then add a database migration.
I'm using an orientdb server for developments. Work great. Has classes, about to add support for files, etc. I'm about to provision a server on Azure for orientdb for testing by external people.
Question is
What is the database migration plan as in how to move data between the test database and the development database? Currently, it is just data but soon files will be added. coming from EF background
you can simply make a copy of db folder from test instance to develop.
Alternatively you can do an export (in.gz format) from test and then import in develop
I have a service that was developed in the .NET 2.0 framework. It is installed in several sites and works with my application. I would like the service to be able to "report" back to me with certain information about the application. I wanted to see if Windows Azure would be an option for me to be able to store reports in a cloud db and be able to pull them when I need to. One of my main concerns is it compatible with my .NET 2.0 service?
Thank you.
In a word: yes. Windows Azure can run code compiled against 2.0/3.5 and 4.0. You may not have access to all of the Azure SDK (some of the libraries require 3.5), but your service should run with no modifications.