Backpack 4.1 doesn't have "prefix" option for columns - laravel-backpack

I wanted to add an icon to a column in the LIST operation depending on a condition. I know about the prefix attribute for fields but it doesn't exist for columns, although in the docs it is stated:
Checking the code in github, prefix support for columns has disappeared from 4.0 to 4.1.
Does anyone know if there is a reason for that? And how do you do it in the official way? I know I can override the view...


TYPO3 Extbase field names with numbers

I’ve got problematic use case:
I’ve got a field something_10_somotherthing in my database, and it seems that extbase experiences some issues mapping $something10Someotherthing to this field, though I don’t know why.
I’m importing the data from a json file into my mysql database 1:1 and mapping it with extbase afterwards, so I’m not that flexible on field names (but I could implement a mapping in my import if needed). I tried mapping the field using the techniques from the documentation ( but even when adding this to ext_typoscript_setup.txt and ext_typoscript_setup.typoscript, nothing happened. Any thoughts?
I think I’ve got an issue because of the 10 and that extbase might not be able to map it properly to a lowerCamelCase name but really unsure about it.
Thanks for any help!
Hi as your property can not automatically maped bacause of the _10_ part. You havr two options
Define an explicit property mapping see
Rename your fieldname to something10_somotherthing
Explanation: expbase uses upercase letters as seperators to generate the field name. And numbers are lowercase. So it does not insert an underscore seperator thus ending with field name something10_somotherthing

Change the name of an item in a custom field using API

I am looking for a way to change the names of the items in a custom field I created in studio, without changing their display labels.
I used the field editor (still in studio) to change the associations between names and labels, but despite my modifications, I am still getting the former names (those that were defined before my modifications) when I'm using the API.
How can I make the new names be effective?
Thank you for your help.
When you change the keys in a dropdown list (you called them 'names'), it will change the language file in SugarCRM, but will not change the existing values in your database. So a query to existing records that used the old keys will still return those old key values.
You will need to perform UPDATE queries in your database similar to:
UPDATE contacts_cstm SET mydropdownvalue_c='NewValue' where mydropdownvalue_c = 'OldValue';

Manual sorting of sys_category

On my TYPO3 7 site, i'm not able to choose an order to the categories of a page or a news (plugin tx_news). I can only choose what categories that page or news have, using the checkboxes to select them.
Is there any configuration for that?
Alternatively, I may override these fields with my own TCA, but have no ideas on how to get a sorting tree of categories. Any hint?
On my sites running previous TYPO3 versions with tt_news plugin, its category tree allows to change the sorting after selecting the categories.
I coudn't find anything about it on the "select" documentation ( Looks like MM relations doesn't support sorting.
Does anyone knows how to get it?
Make sure you have the "extended view" checked at the end of the page. You can then sort the sys_category-entries using the up/down arrows.
If you need to sort your categories per item and not globally then a default MM relation will not work as it doesn't support sorting. You're on the right track. Override or extend the TCA, don't specify a MM relation and don't use the tree view rendering. Use a standard select like you would select pages. This should store the values as a comma-list string in the database and so represent the sorting like you would see it the backend.

Magento filter products by custom attributes

I think I tried everything and read everything, but I'm pretty confused about filtering product collection in Magento. I created a new product attribute 'syncron_state', but I can't manage to filter the product_collection by this filter. When I try to filter by core attributes it works and that's clear.
$productsCollection = Mage::getResourceModel('catalog/product_collection')
->addAttributeToFilter('sku', array('eq' => '000001'))
But if I try to filter by my attribute I get nothing.
$productsCollection = Mage::getResourceModel('catalog/product_collection')
->addAttributeToFilter('syncron_state', array('eq' => '1'))
The syncron_state is a Yes/No Attribute, as far as I know it has an integer value in database (but i tried true/false and yes/no in filtering also).
I tried all versions of addAttributeToFilter and AddFieldToFilter.
Oh, and I'm fighting with Magento
Your collection using syncron_state as a filter should work as expected, at least for products having syncron_state set to yes.
One possible reason for not getting products would be, that you failed to add the new syncron_state attribute to the proper attribute set (which is a must).
Another possible reason would be, that you simply forgot to set the syncron_state attribute of at least one product to Yes.

How to make a field "autocomplete"?

I can't figure out how to make a field autocomplete in ATK.
I guess it has something to do with the type "reference" but still not sure.
Suppose I'm looking for a client name in a "line" type field, then the autocomplete should list me all/topXX matching names.
Scenario 1:
Once I hit [Enter] I'd need all that row from DB loaded in a form fields so I can edit the record.
I guess this requires getting the client ID first then posting to an "edit" page then calling "loadData()" method for that ID and populate fields.
Scenario 2:
I'm assignig a job request to a client. First I find the client then I could store its ID in a hidden field to be posted then.
Any advice?
I would suggest you to go with 2 forms. First form with a single field, and when field is changed it automatically reloads second form including the parameter.
You will also need an autocomplete field. Autocomplete is somewhat buggy in 4.0, but it have been polished up in 4.1 by using a technique in
For use with models and controllers and also dropdown, example is here:
Alternative example:
Since 4.1, you can also use autocomplete fields instead of reference: