How to find unicode character in text? - unicode

How can we find any Unicode control character(U+001D 0x1d ) in sublime text or any text editor in mac?
list of control character


Print non-printable character (VS Code)

I am writing a batch file in VS Code and I have a question. What are the ways to insert a non-printable character other than copying it from somewhere.
I have tried Alt+27, Alt+027, Alt+001b... but it doesn't work.
The question is not only in terms of echo, but in general about VSC. What are the possibilities to insert a non-printable character in VS Code? In the command line console, I can do this:
where ^[ is the non-printable Esc character typed in Alt+027. But how to do this in VSC when there is a need to insert a non-printable character? Alternatively, I can always write an extension for VSC that will open, copy and paste such characters, but it is useful when it is not possible to simply print them.
It's not a good idea to have non-printable characters in a text file.
You can use the escape sequence \e instead:
echo "\e[32m color green \e[0m"

Can I prevent splitting words on a single space in editors like atom, sublime text, and visual studio code?

Most text editors for writing code have settings that define which characters break words for things like keystroke navigation and tab-completion. Atom has a Non Word Characters field in the settings, Sublime Text has a JSON setting word_separators, and Visual Studio Code has a JSON setting editor.wordSeparators. There is some variation, but they all default to something similar to this backslash-escaped string
None of them appear to include whitespace characters as word separators. This makes complete sense to me, but is it possible to prevent any of these editors (or an editor I haven't listed) from treating a single space as a word separator? I want to change this behavior because I have a special case where I'd like to tab-complete strings that contain single spaces.

vscode The character U+0647 "ه" could be confused with the character U+006f "o", which is more

vscode after update (November 2021 (version 1.63)) Unicode highlighting#
vscode highlight same persian words, I want add persian characters to allowed characters. but how?
Thank you if you can help me
"The character U+0647 "ه" could be confused with the character U+006f "o", which is more common in source code."
In the Editor > Unicode Highlight: Allowed Characters setting if you click on
Add Item you can paste or type your character in - but it appears you have to do it one by one which is sub-optimal. I tried inputting some unicode ranges but nothing worked.
I tested it for your ه character and it works. Once you paste it in, the value field will populate with true which is what you want.
The Ambiguous Characters setting shouldn't flag characters "common in the current user locale." Is ه such a character?
I don't see a Persian Language Pack in the Marketplace so perhaps there is no way to change your vscode language to Persian.
More on locales here:
You can also uncheck Settings > Editor > Unicode Highlight: Ambiguous Characters
It's so much easier than adding characters every single time.

Fix issue With VS Code: yellow orange border box around characters

When I type a ا letter in the Arabic language it is surrounded with a colored border box in vscode.
Any solution to this problem?
Your specific case - a series of Arabic characters - might no longer be highlighted in vscode (even with the following settings enabled) as vscode is getting a little smarter about strings of characters it would otherwise highlight.
Contextual Unicode Highlighting
To report fewer false positives, ambiguous and invisible unicode
characters are no longer highlighted if the surrounding characters
visually indicate a non-ASCII script.
Thus, in trusted workspaces, only characters that are invisible or can
be confused with ASCII characters are highlighted, except those that
are contained in a word of non-ASCII characters where at least one
character cannot be confused with an ASCII character.
from v1.65 Release notes; contextual unicode highlighting
Try disabling one or more of these settings (set to false):
Editor > Unicode Highlight: Non Basic ASCII
Editor > Unicode Highlight: Ambiguous Characters
also see for more on the Unicode Highlighting options. And and
There is also a way in vscode v1.64 to add another locale to your environment so that its characters will not be highlighted as questionable unicode characters.
New setting: Editor > Unicode Highlight: Allowed Locales
Use this when your display language is something other than the language you are using in your files, like French, Russian, Japanese, etc. that is causing the unwanted unicode warning highlights.
Download the language pack you need:
Search in the Extensions view for "language packs". I believe only the Microsoft language packs are supported in the Allowed Locales at this time. The picture above shows the French Language Pack. Install it.
Add its language code to the Allowed Locales setting.
To find the right "code", the easiest is to open your Command Palette after installing the language pack and search for Configure Display Language. You don't want to change your display language but it will show the available language codes:
We see we need fr as the code.
It will make a setting like this in your settings.json:
"editor.unicodeHighlight.allowedLocales": {
"fr": true
Before these changes:
After: In theory, with the default options for the other unicode highlight setting, the unicode highlighting should be gone.
[It still seems a little rough to me, you may have different results.]

How do I type an accented letter in VSCode?

I cannot find anything remotely resembling instructions for typing an accented character in VSCode.
On Windows, entering special characters (including letters with accents) can be done with ALT Codes. Pressing down the Alt key and then a specific series of numbers on the num pad will type the corresponding character.
Alt+0233 = é
Alt+0225 = á
On OSX, the method is a bit simpler:
Typing special characters on Linux is a bit hairy...
You can use the Insert Unicode plugin.
To type 'É'
(which is not easy to get, even on a French keyboard, unless you remember Alt+0201):
simply type E (shift+e)
then "Insert Unicode" (through the palette command), and select 0x301 COMBINNING ACUTE ACCENT
You can easily define keyboard shortcut to insert your favorite emoji
"key": "ctrl+e f",
"command": "insert-unicode.insertTextExact",
"args": "fire"
tape in command-line setxkbmap fr , and tape 2 for é , 0 for à and 7 for è