How to create a StreamProvider and subscribe to it later, Flutter - flutter

I have an issue where I want to create a MultiProvider with some different providers, the problem is that two of those are StreamProviders that require first to have a firebase auth login, and after that subscribe to a Stream in firebase based on the result of the user logged in.
So if I cannot launch the StreamProvider before the login at the top of my MaterialApp.
If I declare those providers after the login is complete I get an error that the provider is not on the correct route because I need the data in several routes around all my app.
Here is my code:
class Neybor extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final textTheme = GoogleFonts.nunito;
return MultiProvider(
providers: [
ChangeNotifierProvider<Data>(create: (context) => new Data()),
/// Settings Stream
value: Globals.firebaseCaller.settings(),
/// Plans Stream
value: Globals.firebaseCaller.plans(),
child: MaterialApp(
For Globals.firebaseCaller.settings() and Globals.firebaseCaller.plans() I use the register user uid
Is there a way to declare a StreamProvider and subscribe to it later on my code?
Thanks in advance

Use create parameter in the StreamProvider to pass your stream and subscribe to it using Provider.of<T>(context)
class Neybor extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final textTheme = GoogleFonts.nunito;
return MultiProvider(
providers: [
/// Settings Stream
/// Globals.firebaseCaller.settings() should returns a Stream<SettingsDataModel>
StreamProvider<SettingsDataModel>(create: (context) =>
child: HomeView()
then in the HomeView()
import 'package:provider/provider.dart';
class HomeView extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
SettingsDataModel settings = Provider.of<SettingsDataModel>(context);
if (settings == null) {
return Align(child: new CircularProgressIndicator());
} else {
// your code


Provider to be initialized asynchronously from `initState()` but get `could not find the correct Provider`

I develop an ad app, with a message button on the detailed view.
When the user tap on it, the chats view (stateful widget) is pushed to the screen.
The initState() is there to call the asyncInitMessages() which asynchronously fetches the chats and related message from the distant database. The asyncInitMessages() belongs to the Chats class which extends ChangeNotifier.
/// A chat conversation
class Chats extends ChangeNotifier {
/// Internal, private state of the chat.
void asyncInitMessages(
{required ClassifiedAd ad,
required String watchingUserId,
required bool isOwner}) async {
// blah blah
The ClassifiedAdMessagesViewstateful widget class implementation is as follows (snipet):
void initState() {
// == Fetch conversation and messages
void asyncInitMessages() async {
// === Update all messages
try {
Provider.of<Chats>(context, listen: false).asyncInitMessages(
watchingUserId: widget.watchingUser!.uid,
isOwner: _isOwner);
} catch (e) {
if (mounted) {
setState(() {
_error = "$e";
_ready = true;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
// <<<<<<<<<<< The exception fires at the Consumer line right below
return Consumer<Chats>(builder: (context, chats, child) {
return Scaffold(
// ... blah blah
Finally, when running ll that, I got the exception in the build at the Consumer line:
could not find the correct Provider<chats>
Help greatly appreciated.
Here is the main (very far up from the messages screen)
Future<void> main() async {
//if (Firebase.apps.isEmpty) {
await Firebase.initializeApp(
options: DefaultFirebaseOptions.currentPlatform,
// } else {
//; // if already initialized, use that one
// }
FirebaseDatabase.instance.useDatabaseEmulator(emulatorHost, emulatorPort);
restorationId: 'root',
child: ChangeNotifierProvider(
create: (context) => StateModel(),
child: const App())));
class App extends StatefulWidget {
const App({super.key});
State<App> createState() => _AppState();
class _AppState extends State<App> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return PersistedAppState(
storage: const JsonFileStorage(),
child: MultiProvider(
providers: [
ChangeNotifierProvider<ThemeModel>.value(value: _themeModel),
//ChangeNotifierProvider<AuthModel>.value(value: _auth),
child: Consumer<ThemeModel>(
builder: (context, themeModel, child) => MaterialApp(
// blah blah
And the component just on top of the
/// Classified ad detail view
class ClassifiedAdDetailView extends StatefulWidget {
final User? watchingUser;
final ClassifiedAd ad;
const ClassifiedAdDetailView(
{Key? key, required this.watchingUser, required})
: super(key: key);
State<ClassifiedAdDetailView> createState() => _ClassifiedAdDetailViewState();
class _ClassifiedAdDetailViewState extends State<ClassifiedAdDetailView>
with TickerProviderStateMixin {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return ChangeNotifierProvider(
create: (context) => Chats(),
builder: ((context, child) => Scaffold(
// blah blah
onPressed: () => Navigator.of(context).push(MaterialPageRoute(
builder: (context) => ClassifiedAdMessagesView(
ad: ad,
watchingUser: widget.watchingUser)));
Providers must be located in the widget tree above the widget where you want to use them with Consumer or Provider.of. When you push a new route with Navigator, it won't be add the pushed route below the widget from where you push, it will add it at the same level where home of MaterialApp is located.
(I think the error message you get also states that you can't access the providers between routes.)
In general the tree will look like this if you push some routes (check it with the Flutter Widget Inspector):
In your code you create the provider in ClassifiedAdDetailView and then push
ClassifiedAdMessagesView from this in the onPressed method. You won't be access this provider from ClassifiedAdMessagesView because the tree will be like (simplified):
The solution is to "lift the state up" and place the provider above every widget from where you need to access it. It can be a part of your existing Multiprovider above MaterialApp but if it is too far, you need to find a proper place that is above both ClassifiedAdDetailView and ClassifiedAdMessagesView.

Could not find the correct Provider<...> above this ContactsPage Widget

I'm experimenting with Flutter and I'm trying to build a simple app using the Providers pattern.
My Problem
I am trying to access a provider in one of the widgets and I'm getting this error once I get the required provider in the stateful widget class. I can't figure out what am I doing wrong here.
Error: Could not find the correct Provider<ContactProvider> above this ContactsPage Widget
This happens because you used a `BuildContext` that does not include the provider
of your choice. There are a few common scenarios:
- You added a new provider in your `main.dart` and performed a hot-reload.
To fix, perform a hot-restart.
- The provider you are trying to read is in a different route.
Providers are "scoped". So if you insert of provider inside a route, then
other routes will not be able to access that provider.
- You used a `BuildContext` that is an ancestor of the provider you are trying to read.
Make sure that ContactsPage is under your MultiProvider/Provider<ContactProvider>.
This usually happens when you are creating a provider and trying to read it immediately.
The Code
import 'package:ProvidersExample/provider_list.dart';
void main() async => runApp(Home());
class Home extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MultiProvider(
providers: providerList,
child: MaterialApp(
home: ContactsPage(),
List<SingleChildWidget> providerList = [
create: (_) => ContactProvider(),
lazy: false,
The provider: contact_provider.dart
class ContactProvider extends ChangeNotifier{
List<Contact> _contactList = [];
// getter
List<Contact> get contacts {
return [..._contactList];
// setter
set contacts(List<Contact> newContacts) {
_contactList = newContacts;
The Widget contacts_page.dart
class ContactsPage extends StatefulWidget {
_ContactsPageState createState() => _ContactsPageState();
class _ContactsPageState extends State<ContactsPage> {
void initState(){
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
// This line throws the error
ContactProvider _provider = Provider.of<ContactProvider>
(context, listen:false);
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text(
I think the reason is that you are referencing a list of providers which were created outside in provider_list.dart which does not have access to your context from your widget tree.
Try this instead:
List providerList(context) {
return [
create: (context) => ContactProvider(),
lazy: false,
providerList() is now a method that takes in context, and uses that context to register your providers, and return it.
You should specify the type <T> when creating your provider so it knows which type you are looking for in the widget tree.
List<SingleChildWidget> providerList = [
create: (_) => ContactProvider(),
lazy: false,

Issue regarding nested MaterialApp.router() in Flutter Navigator 2.0

Ask the question denotes I'm trying to create a nested Navigator using Navigator 2.0 for my Flutter web app. Below is the starting point of my app.
void main() {
class App extends StatefulWidget {
_AppState createState() => _AppState();
class _AppState extends State<App> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp.router(
routeInformationParser: AppRouteParser(), routerDelegate: AppRouterDelegate(),
title: "Demo",
As you can see I've added a MaterialApp.router() to handle all the top layer navigations.
Now I wanted to add a nested navigator inside this one which will work the same way as above and will handle the url changes properly. That why I decided to use the same MaterialApp.router() widget inside as a child as my nested Navigator.
Everything is working fine after doin this but I am getting two debug banners like the image below :
This makes me wonder if I using the proper method to achieve the result.
The child Navigator belongs in Page1 widget of the root navigator like below is the Navigator widget of root MaterialApp.router:
class AppRouterDelegate extends RouterDelegate<AppRoute>
with ChangeNotifier, PopNavigatorRouterDelegateMixin<AppRoute> {
final GlobalKey<NavigatorState> _navigatorKey;
bool isPage1A = false;
bool isPage1B = false;
bool isUnknown = false;
AppRouterDelegate() : _navigatorKey = GlobalKey<NavigatorState>();
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Navigator(
pages: [
MaterialPage(key: ValueKey("Page 1"),child: Page1(_valueChangeCallback)),
MaterialPage(key: ValueKey("Page 1A"),child: Page1A(_valueChangeCallback)),
MaterialPage(key: ValueKey("Page 1B"),child: Page1B(_valueChangeCallback)),
/* if(isUnknown)
MaterialPage(key: ValueKey("404"),child: TestPage()) */
onPopPage: (route,result){print("Pop !!!!"); return route.didPop(result);}
_valueChangeCallback(bool value,String subPage,[String subPage2]) {
//print("Value change callback");
if(subPage2 == null) {
if(subPage == "A")
isPage1A = value;
else if(subPage == "B")
isPage1B = value;
else {
if(subPage2 == "B") {
isPage1A = !value;
isPage1B = value;
else if(subPage2 == "A") {
isPage1A = value;
isPage1B = !value;
And below is the Page1 widget where the child MaterialApp.router is located :
class Page1 extends StatefulWidget {
Function valueChangeCallback;
_Page1State createState() => _Page1State();
class _Page1State extends State<Page1> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
print("Page 1");
return Scaffold(
body: Column(
children: [
onTap: () {
child: Text("Move to Sub Pages")
Expanded(child: MaterialApp.router(routeInformationParser: NestedAppRouteInformationParser(), routerDelegate: NestedAppRouterDelegate())),
If you look into app.dart MaterialApp Is a convenience widget that wraps a handful of "widgets that are commonly required for material design applications."
If you were to use the default constructor a top level Navigator object is configured for you.
The MaterialApp.router() is another convenience.
"Creates a [MaterialApp] that uses the [Router] instead of a [Navigator]."
The router constructor provides you a way to create a MaterialApp and configure and return a custom Navigator.
What you are doing, when you use this constructor, is wrapping descendent widgets in all the convenience widgets that MaterialApp has to offer(Including the debug banner).
For Nested Routers what you want to do instead is just use the Router() widget directly, and you will avoid invoking all the extras that MaterialApp affords you during the initialization of your app.
Also of note, there should ideally only be one information parser per app.
as per the notes in router.dart you should pass null to the nester Router Wdiget.
"To opt out of URL updates entirely, pass null for [routeInformationProvider]
/// and [routeInformationParser]. This is not recommended in general, but may be
/// appropriate in the following cases:
/// * The application does not target the web platform.
/// * **There are multiple router widgets in the application. Only one [Router]
/// widget should update the URL (typically the top-most one created by the
/// [WidgetsApp.router], [MaterialApp.router], or [CupertinoApp.router]).**
/// * The application does not need to implement in-app navigation using the
/// browser's back and forward buttons."
class _Page1State extends State<Page1> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
print("Page 1");
return Scaffold(
body: Column(
children: [
onTap: () {
child: Text("Move to Sub Pages")
Expanded(child: Router(routeInformationParser: null, routerDelegate: NestedAppRouterDelegate(), backButtonDispatcher: ChildBackButtonDispatcher(Router.of(context).backButtonDispatcher),)),
Also providing the child back button dispatcher as shown will allow you to contact the parent router when executing back button presses...Hope that helps!

How to get StreamProvider data in children with new routes in Flutter (Dart)

I am using the StreamProvider method to wrap my widgets with certain data, such as Auth (which is working anywhere in my app) from Firebase Auth. I want to do the same with a Firestore value but it only seems to work one level deep.
I have a database call that finds an employees profile once the auth check is done. When I try get the employee from my Home() widget with Provider.of(context) it works great:
This is my wrapper widget (which is my main file's home: widget)
class Wrapper extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final user = Provider.of<User>(context);
// Return either home or authenticate widget
if (user == null) {
return Authenticate();
else {
return StreamProvider<Employee>.value(
value: DatabaseService().linkedEmployee(user.uid),
child: Home(),
The Database Service function from DatabaseService():
// Get Linked Employee
Stream<Employee> linkedEmployee(String uid) {
return employeesCollection.where("linkedUser", isEqualTo: uid).snapshots().map(_linkedEmployeeFromSnapShot);
Employee _linkedEmployeeFromSnapShot(QuerySnapshot snapshot) {
final doc = snapshot.documents[0];
return Employee(
docId: doc.documentID
I can access Provider.of<User>(context) from any widget anywhere in my tree. So why can't I do the same for Provider.of<Employee>(context) ?
When I try that in any widget other than Home() I get the error:
Error: Could not find the correct Provider above this Vehicles Widget
For example, in my widget Vehicles:
class Vehicles extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final user = Provider.of<User>(context);
final employee = Provider.of<Employee>(context);
The User Provider works fine, I can print it out, but the employee provider does not work.
Is it something to do with context? Thanks, any advice would be appreciated.
How I'm navigating to the Vehicles() widget from Home() with a raised button with this event :
onPressed: () {
MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => Vehicles())
Here is a more explained reply hence I think some encounter this issue and I also think it's a bit tricky to get the head around it, especially when you have rules in your Firestore that requires a user to be authorized to access the database.
But generally, you want to wrap providers (that you want to access around all of the app) around MaterialApp().
So I'll show you a simple example to easier understand it.
//The App() handles makes the providers globally accessible
class App extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return FirebaseAuthProviderLayer(
child: AuthorizedProviderLayer(
authorizedChild: MatApp(child: StartSwitch()),
unAuthorizedChild: MatApp(child: SignInScreen()),
//The MaterialApp Wrapped so that it not has to be rewritten
class MatApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget child;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
title: 'App',
home: child,
class FirebaseAuthProviderLayer extends StatelessWidget {
final Widget child;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return StreamProvider<User>.value(
value: FirebaseAuth.instance.authStateChanges(),
child: child,
//And the layer that decides either or not we should attach all the providers that requires the user to be authorized.
class AuthorizedProviderLayer extends StatelessWidget {
Widget authorizedChild;
Widget unAuthorizedChild;
AuthorizedProviderLayer({this.unAuthorizedChild, this.authorizedChild});
User user;
final FirestoreService firestoreService =
FirestoreService(); //The Service made to access Firestore
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
user = Provider.of<User>(context);
if (user is User)
return MultiProvider(
providers: [
value: firestoreService.streamUser(),
value: firestoreService.streamSettings(),
initialData: null,
child: authorizedChild,
return unAuthorizedChild;

How to create Login-Wall Views in Flutter

I am working on an app in Flutter and I'm pretty new to it/Dart. I already created the login, signup etc and everything works perfectly fine. Now I want to create a "Login-Wall" Template for every View that needs the user to be logged in. If the user is not logged in, he should be returned to the LoginView, if the api-call is still loading, it should not show anything but a loading screen called LoadingView(). I started by creating a Stateful Widget called AuthorizedLayout:
class AuthorizedLayout extends StatefulWidget {
final Widget view;
_AuthorizedLayoutState createState() => new _AuthorizedLayoutState();
The state utilizes a Future Builder as follows:
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return FutureBuilder<User>(
future: futureToken,
builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<User> snapshot) {
switch (snapshot.connectionState) {
case ConnectionState.none:
return NoConnectionView();
case ConnectionState.waiting:
return LoadingView();
case ConnectionState.done:
if( != null) {
print("User Data loaded");
return widget.view;
} else
return LoginView();
As you can see, it should load the userdata, and when it's finished it should return the view. The futureToken represents the Future that will return the User-Object from the server after an api-request. In any other case it should show the Loading/Error/Login Page.
I'm calling it like this:
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
backgroundColor: Theme.of(context).backgroundColor,
body: AuthorizedLayout(
view: DashboardView(),
In the Build method of the Dashboard view I have a "print('Dashboard View');". The problem I have is that in the output the 'Dashboard View' is printed before the 'User Data Loaded'. That means I can't access the loaded user data in that view. This means that this solution does not work the way I intended it to.
Now for my question: Is there any way I can build this "Login-Wall" and pass the user data to every view that is inside the login wall? I hope the code I posted explains the idea I'm trying to go for.
Is there any way I can build this "Login-Wall" and pass the user data to every view that is inside the login wall?
Absolutely! At a basic level, you're talking about state management. Once a user logs into your app, you want to store that user data so that it's accessible to any widget within the widget tree.
State management in Flutter is a hotly-debated topic and while there are a ton of options, there is no defacto state management technique that fits every app. That said, I'd start simple. One of the simplest and most popular options is the scoped_model package.
You can read all of the details here, but the gist is that it provides utilities to pass a data model from a parent widget to its descendants.
First, install the package.
Second, you'll want to create a model that can hold the user data that you want to be accessible to any widget in the tree. Here's a trivial example of what that might look like:
// user_model.dart
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:scoped_model/scoped_model.dart';
class UserModel extends Model {
dynamic _userData;
void setUserData(dynamic userData) {
_userData = userData;
String getFirstName() {
return _userData['firstName'];
static UserModel of(BuildContext context) =>
Next, we'll need to make an instance of this UserModel available to all widgets. A contrived way of doing this would be to wrap your entire app in a ScopedModel. Example below:
// main.dart
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:scoped_model/scoped_model.dart';
import 'login_view.dart';
import 'user_model.dart';
void main() => runApp(MyApp());
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return ScopedModel<UserModel>(
model: UserModel(),
child: MaterialApp(
theme: ThemeData.light(),
home: LoginView(),
In the above code, we're wrapping our entire instance of MaterialApp in a ScopedModel<UserModel>, which will give every widget in the application access to the User model.
In your login code, you could then do something like the following when your login button is pressed:
onPressed() async {
// authenticate your user...
var userData = await someApiCall();
// set the user data in our model
// go to the dashboard
builder: (context) => DashboardView(),
Last but not least, you can then access that user data through the UserModel like so:
// dashboard_view.dart
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:scoped_model_example/user_model.dart';
class DashboardView extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Column(
children: <Widget>[
child: Text(
Check out the docs on scoped_model for more details. If you need something more advanced, there are a number of other state management patterns in Flutter such as BloC, Redux, Mobx, Provider and more.
So I just got what was happening. I was passing the already-built widget to the AuthorizedView. What I actually had to pass was a Builder instead of a Widget.
class AuthorizedLayout extends StatefulWidget {
final Builder viewBuilder;
_AuthorizedLayoutState createState() => new _AuthorizedLayoutState();
Calling it like this:
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
backgroundColor: Theme.of(context).backgroundColor,
body: AuthorizedLayout(
viewBuilder: Builder(builder: (context) => DashboardLayout()),
Note that I recalled the final variable to viewBuilder instead of view, compared to the example above.
This will actually build the widget AFTER the userdata is loaded.