Open with code is not working in VSCode - Application not found - visual-studio-code

When i right click to open my project folder in VSCode, it is not opening, instead popup is shown as "Application not found". I tried reinstalling, but didn't work.

Try to open your project from File-> Open Folder menu in VS code. Than double click on your loaded project files.

I ran into this after a reinstall of VS Code. I had switched from the User Installer to the System Installer version.
Image of current download optons
The install didn't update the registry to change the Icon and "Open with Code" context menu to use the new path to Code.exe.
So you have a couple options. Reinstall your initial version (User vs System) or update your registry anywhere Code.exe is referenced.
User path: C:\Users[username]\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\Code.exe
System path: C:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code\Code.exe
Or perhaps even uninstall, clear out the references to Code.exe in your Registry, then install the version you'd like


Unity does not open scripts using vscode, even tho it is set as an external text editor

So becouse of my visual studio 2017 trial is about to end, i decided to switch to vs code and make a new project. The problem is that i cant open any scripts by double-clicking in that new project using vs code. Simply nothing happens. When i go to my older project and try to open scripts there using vscode everything works fine. When i try to create new projects the problem with scripts not opening persists.
Both of the projects run on the same unity version, and both of them have vscode set as an external script editor in the preferences. Task manager doesnt show anything related to vscode.
Thanks for any help!
I had same problem where it opened up VS but not the exact script I was trying to open. I found out I had to 'reset argument' under "Edit--> Preferences --> External Tools" and just press reset argument.
Or just copy my line below:
"$(ProjectPath)" -g "$(File)":$(Line):$(Column)
External tools
You need to change your external editor to VsCode.
Go to Edit -> Preferences -> External tools
Click on the External Script Editor and browse for vscode.

VSCode "Open With Code" in explorer menu throws error

After reinstalling vscode because I forgot to add it to start menu,
whenever I clicked "open with code" after right clicking in explorer menu, it gave me this error:
"Application not found"
I told vscode to add this option in explorer when installing!
Any help?
I ran into this after a reinstall of VS Code. I had switched from the User Installer to the System Installer version.
The install didn't update the registry to change the Icon and "Open with Code" context menu to use the new System path to Code.exe.
So you have a couple options. Reinstall your initial version (User vs System) or update your registry anywhere Code.exe is referenced.
User path: C:\Users[username]\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\Code.exe
System path: C:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code\Code.exe
Or perhaps even uninstall, clear out the references to Code.exe in your Registry, then install the version you'd like

Open folder in Explorer from VS Code

Say I have a project/folder open in VS Code and I want to open the folder in Windows Explorer, is there keyboard shortcut or a VS Code Extension for that? Sometimes I also need to go to the project folder in command prompt.
In Visual Studio 2017, there's a menu option to open the folder and an extension for quickly getting to the project folder in command prompt -- see below:
How do I handle these in VS Code?
Right click on a file or folder from the left side explorer of VSCode, then select "Reveal in Explorer". Now you can see the folder in windows explorer.

Empty Sidebar on Visual Studio Code on File -> Open

I have been using Visual Studio Code for sometime and its really amazing so far. But often I stumble upon an issue where if I import project through File->Open I end up with empty sidebar. If I do cmd+P to load files, files are available but its just not visible on sidebar.
Trying open projects with File->Open Recents or Ctrl+R also dint work out.
After reporting the issue to Visual Studio Code's github link, they have resolved the issue pretty fast.
Users who had file explorer hidden in 1.15 release might not see file explorer and also cannot retrieve it after upgrading to latest version. Workaround is to upgrade to insiders containing the fix or clear cache for that folder as follows:
Close the window opening the folder that has this issue
Open new empty Window
Run command Developer: Toggle Developer Tools
Go to Application Tab in Developer tools
Select file:// under Local Storage section in the menu on the left
Search for the key workbench.explorer.views.state using Filter inputbox
Select the folder with this key and Delete it
Now open the folder in VS Code and you should be seeing the file explorer.

Open Visual Studio Code's terminal in a root of current project, is it possible?

Webstorm has this feature, when I open terminal it's already at the root of current project. Unlike it, Visual Studio Code opens terminal in a home folder, can this behavior be changed?
It was frustrating for me as well, to go to my project's root folder via the integrated terminal in VScode. However, I installed this plugin and it worked for me:
VSCode Terminal Here Plugin
I'm not sure whether they have this feature in-built now.
This is link to the discussion how I got to know about the plugin.
Hope it works for you as well :)
PS - If you don't like to use a plugin, you can check this option in user-settings
"terminal.integrated.cwd": ""
I have never tried it, but worth a shot.
My absolute fav #code shortcut is ⌘ + Shift + C : Opens terminal in the current project directory.
Just open a new terminal tab in VSCode and it will be located in the current project directory