Failed to pull image "velero/velero-plugin-for-gcp:v1.1.0" while installing Velero in GKE Cluster - kubernetes

I'm trying to install and configure Velero for kubernetes backup. I have followed the link to configure it in my GKE cluster. The installation went fine, but velero is not working.
I am using google cloud shell for running all my commands (I have installed and configured velero client in my google cloud shell)
On further inspection on velero deployment and velero pods, I found out that it is not able to pull the image from the docker repository.
kubectl get pods -n velero
velero-5489b955f6-kqb7z 0/1 Init:ErrImagePull 0 20s
Error from velero pod (kubectl describe pod) (output redacted for readability - only relevant info shown below)
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal Scheduled 38s default-scheduler Successfully assigned velero/velero-5489b955f6-kqb7z to gke-gke-cluster1-default-pool-a354fba3-8674
Warning Failed 22s kubelet, gke-gke-cluster1-default-pool-a354fba3-8674 Failed to pull image "velero/velero-plugin-for-gcp:v1.1.0": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Error response from daemon: Get net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
Warning Failed 22s kubelet, gke-gke-cluster1-default-pool-a354fba3-8674 Error: ErrImagePull
Normal BackOff 21s kubelet, gke-gke-cluster1-default-pool-a354fba3-8674 Back-off pulling image "velero/velero-plugin-for-gcp:v1.1.0"
Warning Failed 21s kubelet, gke-gke-cluster1-default-pool-a354fba3-8674 Error: ImagePullBackOff
Normal Pulling 8s (x2 over 37s) kubelet, gke-gke-cluster1-default-pool-a354fba3-8674 Pulling image "velero/velero-plugin-for-gcp:v1.1.0"
Command used to install velero: (some of the values are given as variables)
velero install \
--provider gcp \
--plugins velero/velero-plugin-for-gcp:v1.1.0 \
--bucket $storagebucket \
--secret-file ~/velero-backup-storage-sa-key.json
Velero Version
velero version
Version: v1.4.2
Git commit: 56a08a4d695d893f0863f697c2f926e27d70c0c5
<error getting server version: timed out waiting for server status request to be processed>
GKE version

Isn't this a Private Cluster ? – mario 31 mins ago
#mario this is a private cluster but I can deploy other services without any issues (for eg: I have deployed nginx successfully) –
Sreesan 15 mins ago
Well, this is a know limitation of GKE Private Clusters. As you can read in the documentation:
Can't pull image from public Docker Hub
A Pod running in your cluster displays a warning in kubectl describe such as Failed to pull image: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Error response from daemon: Get net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
Potential causes
Nodes in a private cluster do not have outbound access to the public
internet. They have limited access to Google APIs and services,
including Container Registry.
You cannot fetch images directly from Docker Hub. Instead, use images
hosted on Container Registry. Note that while Container Registry's
Docker Hub
is accessible from a private cluster, it should not be exclusively
relied upon. The mirror is only a cache, so images are periodically
removed, and a private cluster is not able to fall back to Docker Hub.
You can also compare it with this answer.
It can be easily verified on your own by making a simple experiment. Try to run two different nginx deployments. First based on image nginx (which equals to nginx:latest) and the second one based on nginx:1.14.2.
While the first scenario is perfectly feasible because the nginx:latest image can be pulled from Container Registry's Docker Hub mirror which is accessible from a private cluster, any attempt of pulling nginx:1.14.2 will fail which you'll see in Pod events. It happens because the kubelet is not able to find this version of the image in GCR and it tries to pull it from public docker registry (, which in Private Clusters is not possible. "The mirror is only a cache, so images are periodically removed, and a private cluster is not able to fall back to Docker Hub." - as you can read in docs.
If you still have doubts, just ssh into your node and try to run following commands:
While the first one works perfectly, the second one will eventually fail:
curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 443: Connection timed out
Reason ? - "Nodes in a private cluster do not have outbound access to the public internet."
Solution ?
You can search what is currently available in GCR here.
In many cases you should be able to get the required image if you don't specify it's exact version (by default latest tag is used). While it can help with nginx, unfortunatelly no version of velero/velero-plugin-for-gcp is currently available in Google Container Registry's Docker Hub mirror.
Granting private nodes outbound internet access by using Cloud NAT seems the only reasonable solution that can be applied in your case.

I solved this problem by realizing that version of:
is not following the version of:
For example, now latest versions are:
velero/velero:v1.9.1 and velero/velero-plugin-for-gcp:v1.5.0


K8S PODS from workers can not access to private repository deployed on Master

I have created a K8S Cluster with 3 nodes ( 1 Master + 2 Workers / CNI flannel).
I have deployed a private repository localhost:31320 on Master using docker registry ( secret has been correctly defined in deployment registry file).
My issue is that I can not pull image from private registry ( it works correctly on Master)
I get error:
"Warning Failed 4m15s (x6 over 22m) kubelet Failed to pull image "localhost:31320/automation-platform/base:": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Error while pulling image: Get http://localhost:31320/v1/repositories/automation-platform/base/images: dial tcp [::1]:31320: connect: connection refused
I do not know how to investigate it and why my workers does not acces to private repo ( connection refused ?)
I don't see any error under kubelet logs of worker node.
Note that my deployment files have been already used on a previous network and all worked correctly. The difference I saw is that I used K8S 1.20.
Now, I use K8S 1.23
Does someone could tell how I can investigate to see the reason of my problem ?
try to edit /etc/containerd/config.toml and add your registry ip:port like this

401 Unauthorized error while trying to pull image from Google Container Registry

I am using google container registry (GCR) to push and pull docker images. I have created a deployment in kubernetes with 3 replicas. The deployment will use a docker image pulled from the GCR.
Out of 3 replicas, 2 are pulling the images and running fine.But the third replica is showing the below error and the pod's status remains "ImagePullBackOff" or "ErrImagePull"
"Failed to pull image "": rpc error: code = Unknown desc
= failed to pull and unpack image "": failed to resolve reference "": unexpected status code: 401 Unauthorized"
I am confused like why only one of the replicas is showing the error and the other 2 are running without any issue. Can anyone please clarify this?
Thanks in Advance!
ImagePullBackOff and ErrImagePull indicate that the image used by a container cannot be loaded from the image registry.
401 unauthorized error might occur when you pull an image from a private Container Registry repository. For troubleshooting the error:
Identify the node that runs the pod by kubectl describe pod POD_NAME | grep "Node:"
Verify the node has the storage scope by running the command
gcloud compute instances describe NODE_NAME --zone=COMPUTE_ZONE --format="flattened(serviceAccounts[].scopes)"
The node's access scope should contain at least one of the following:
Recreate the node pool that node belongs to with sufficient scope and you cannot modify existing nodes, you must recreate the node with the correct scope.
Create a new node pool with the gke-default scope by the following command
gcloud container node-pools create NODE_POOL_NAME --cluster=CLUSTER_NAME --zone=COMPUTE_ZONE --scopes="gke-default"
Create a new node pool with only storage scope
gcloud container node-pools create NODE_POOL_NAME --cluster=CLUSTER_NAME --zone=COMPUTE_ZONE --scopes=""
Refer to the link for more information on the troubleshooting process.
Hi you will setup role for cluster to access GCR images for pulling and pushing you can see

OKD unable to pull lager images from Internal Registry right after deployment of microservices through Jenkinsx

I am trying to deploy micro services in OKD through Jenkinsx and the deployment is successful every time.
But the Pods are going into "ImagePullBackOff" error right after deployment and comes into Running state after deleting the pods.
ImagePullBackOff Error:
The images are being pulled from the OKD's internal registry and the image is of size "1.25 GB". And the images are available in the Internal Registry when the pod is trying to pull it.
I came across "image-pull-progress-deadline" field to be updated in the "/etc/origin/node/node-config.yaml" in all the nodes. Updated the same in all the nodes but still facing the same "ImagePullBackOff" error.
I am trying to restart the kubelet service but that fails with kubelet.service not found error,
[master ~]$ sudo systemctl status kubelet
Unit kubelet.service could not be found.
Please let me know if restart of kubelet service is necessary and any suggestions to resolve the "ImagePullBackOff" issue.

kubernetes can't pull certain images from ibm cloud registry

My pod does the following:
Warning Failed 21m (x4 over 23m) kubelet, Failed to pull image "registryname/image:version1.2": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Error response from daemon: unauthorized: authentication required
but other images will work. The output of
ibmcloud cr images
doesn't show anything different about the images that don't work. What could be going wrong here?
Given this is in kubenetes and you can see the image in ibmcloud cr images it most likely going to be a misconfiguration of your imagePullSecrets.
If you do kubectl get pod <pod-name> -o yaml you will be able to see the what imagePullSecrets are in scope for the pod and check if it looks correct (could be worth comparing it to a pod that is working).
It's worth noting that if your cluster is an instance in the IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service a default imagePullSecret for your account is added to the default namespace and therefore if you are running the pod in a different Kubenetes namespace you will need to do additional steps to make that work. This is a good place to start for information on this topic.
Looks like you haven't logged into the IBM Cloud Container registry. If you haven't done this yet, You should login with this command
ibmcloud cr login
Other issues can be
Docker is not installed.
The Docker client is not logged in to IBM Cloud Container Registry.
Your IBM Cloud access token might have expired.
You can find more troubleshooting instructions here

Getting "x509: certificate signed by unknown authority" even with "--insecure-skip-tls-verify" option in Kubernetes

I have a private Docker image registry running on a Linux VM ( and a Kubernetes master running on a different VM running Centos Linux 7.
I used the below command to create a POD:
kubectl create --insecure-skip-tls-verify -f monitorms-rc.yml
I get this:
sample monitorms-mmqhm 0/1 ImagePullBackOff 0 8m
and upon running:
kubectl describe pod monitorms-mmqhm --namespace=sample
Warning Failed Failed to pull image "":
Error response from daemon: {"message":"Get x509: certificate signed by unknown
Isn't Kubernetes supposed to ignore the server certificate for all operations during POD creation when the --insecure-skip-tls-verify is passed?
If not, how do I make it ignore the tls verification while pulling the docker image?
Kubernetes version :
Client Version: v1.5.2
Server Version: v1.5.2
I have raised this issue here:
The issue you're seeing is actually a docker issue. Using --insecure-skip-tls-verify is a valid arg to kubectl, but it only deals with the connecition between kubectl and the kubernetes API server. The error you're seeing is actually because the docker daemon cannot login to the private registry because the cert it's using in unsigned.
Have a look at the Docker insecure registry docs and this should solve your problem.