Is there possibility to create a scheduled job that have dynamic Output To Host File System?
For example I wanna create a job that generate report evry weak and I wanna to have Output in a folder that is created for reports generated in specific date.
Hi i've been trying to execute a custom activity in ADF which receives csv file from the container (A) after further transformation on the data set, transformed DF stored into another csv file in a same container (A).
I've written the transformation logic in python and have it stored in the same container (A).
Error raises here, when i execute the pipeline it returns an error *can't find the specified file *
Nothing wrong in the connections, Is anything wrong in batch Account or pools!!
can anyone tell me where to place the python script..!!!
Install azure batch explorer and make sure to choose proper configuration for virtual machine (dsvm-windows) which will ensure python is already in place in the virtual machine where your code is being run.
This video explains the steps
I need it to automate modification of SQL Server Scheduled jobs and want to reuse functionality of SSMS Scheduled job wizard.
Is it possible to popup SSMS Scheduled job wizard using PowerShell, use it and then close?
Update: I am aware of how to modify jobs using SPs and PS. The wizard is just one step in automated process. The next steps are to read the job settings and generate job script as per company's standard (that is important as out of the box Drop and Create script is not good enough), set encoding of the file etc.
You call a job via integrated MS SQL procedure sp_start_job. You call this SQL via Invoke-SqlCmd.
To modify/create the job you have to use sp_add_job, sp_add_jobstep, sp_update_job and sp_add_jobschedule.
I've been tasked with creating a SSRS report that will automatically run every day # 2 PM and dump the results via excel format into a designated folder on the report server. Can someone point me in the right direction!?
Thank you!
When you Deploy your report to the Report Server, you can set up a Windows File Share Subscription to place a file in the folder you need.
The folder's permissions will be your nemesis.
I'm using Tableau Desktop 9.0 to create a visualization by extracting the data from DB2 database. But this database is updated everyday. That is, at the every time the data in the database changes. So is it possible for me to schedule a task of refreshing the extracted data source automatically at specific interval of time so that, after updating the report should reflect the results accordingly. Can this be done through Tableau Desktop automatically? The main thing is that it can easily be done on Tableau Server as known. But I cannot afford for a Server so I'm trying to get an answer is it possible with the Tableau Desktop or not.
Use the Tableau Data Extract Command-Line Utility in a batch script (like DOS/cmd or PowerShell) and schedule the batch script to run on the Windows Task Scheduler.
Assuming you're using Windows. Use Task Scheduler to schedule (a variation of) the following Powershell script on a daily basis.
C:\Program Files\Tableau\Tableau 9.0\bin>tableau refreshextract--server
https://blah_blah_server_name --username YourServerSignIn --password
YourServerPwd --datasource "Some_Table" --source-username YourDatabaseSignIn
--source-password YourDatabasePassword
I am currently creating reports with Eclipse embedded Report Designer for BIRT reports. In my next step, I would like to schedule this reports in such a way:
It will run once per day on a set time.
It will be produced as PDF.
It will be sent by email to a concrete email address.
I am working on Windows. Is it possible to do all of that by running bash script as a scheduled task in Windows Task Scheduler?
You can either do this yourself with the free BIRT runtime or download the free BIRT iHub F-Type server at
How to use the BIRT runtime:
Download the BIRT runtime and install it.
Test the runtime installation (if you use Windows it will look like the following)
C:\birt\ReportEngine>echo %BIRT_HOME%
C:\birt\ReportEngine>ECHO off
Help for ReportRunner
--mode/-m [run|render|runrender] [options] [rptdesign|rptdocument]
The default mode is runrender.
To see options for run mode, use:
--help/-h run
To see options for render mode, use:
--help/-h render
To see options for runrender mode, use:
--help/-h runrender
Print current message, use --help/-h
Test the runtime in console with a job like
C:\birt\ReportEngine>genReport.bat -o test.pdf -f PDF new_report.rptdesign
Create a batch file for your job (the sample you ran earlier).
In Windows Task Scheduler, make a task to run the batch file for your job.
Run your task on demand to make sure it runs correctly.
Windows task scheduler does have a simple email function but you will probably have to find a better program to send the generated file as email. Then add the script to run this program to your batch file. Make sure you read up on how to configure a task for Windows task scheduler correctly.
It sounds like you need a way of
running the a BIRT report, through the BIRT reporting engine,
using scheduler to control execution of the report a on a particular schedule
specifying output format
and specifying how the output should be delivered in the scheduled job.
You could role your own or you could use a Reporting/BI server that already has all of those capabilities. Depending on your other needs, this may be overkill or exactly right. I am using SpagoBI for that exact purpose. SpagoBI supports BIRT as one of the reporting formats and engines. It uses the quartz scheduler, and does support emailing a PDF version of a report to a specific email address (or list). You might also look into iHub or other products.
In SpagoBI, you would deploy your BIRT report to the SpagoBI server from SpagoBI Studio. Then, in SpagoBI Server you would setup the parameters on the report document and create a schedule for the report. On the schedule, you would specify the parameters (if other than default), a schedule, output format, and how you want the output stored/sent.