How do I choose tabs to include in MultiExec of MobaXterm? - mobaxterm

By default all open tabs are included in the MultiExec.
While inside MultiExec environment I can check a box to exclude a tab.
Is there a clever way to choose the tabs to be included in the MultiExec environment to begin with?
I am always scared of accidentally running a command in production.


How can I write to the setup file from Navigate - Open Setup?

The new Eclipse, I don't know from which version, has in Navigate menu the access to different, local and global setups.
Navigate - Open Setup - choose local/global/user setup
Even recent Eclipse documentation has not a word about that feature. And when I open any property by Text Editor or somehow else, it is not editable.
How can I edit the Eclipse setups using the special feature, obviously introduced for that aim?
You can add items to Workspace setup by opening it, then right click on Workspace and select an item to add
Same option could be available when you open a resource in editor. Not all the items offer the New Child option.
On closing the setup, it will ask to save it.

How to set which extensions are enabled when opening a new folder or workspace?

So I have a great many extensions, and on any given project, I find myself using maybe a third of all of them (If I'm working on a Python project, I don't really need JavaScript related extensions now do I?). The problem is that right now VS Code loads and enables every single extension installed at the start of each new project. I find it a pain to then have to manually go and disable all the extensions I won't be needing for the project.
Is there a way to setup VS Code to only enable certain extensions when opening a new folder / workspace? I couldn't find anything in the docs on that subject and when looking at the extension section of the preferences I couldn't find such a functionality.
As of Feb 2023, it is now possible to create different Profiles in VS Code.
A Profile can include extensions, settings, keyboard shortcuts, UI state, tasks, and user snippets. You can customize VS Code for different development scenarios like data science, documentation writing, or for multiple programming languages like Python or Java. If you have different VS Code setups based on workflow such as "Work" or "Demo", you can also save those as different profiles. You can open multiple workspaces (folders) with different profiles applied simultaneously.
The following image demonstrates a folder opened with a Work profile that is customized for a work setup.
To my knowledge, the best you can do is use the Enable, Enable (Workspace) and Disable, Disable (Workspace) options.
Here is how ended up doing this:
Open a new workspace / folder.
Disable all extensions using Disable.
Enable all extension that you want to have enabled in every new project with Enable.
Enable extensions that you only want to use in this particular workspace / folder with Enable (Workspace)
From then on, when you open a new workspace, only the "default" extensions should be enabled. If ever you want to disable one of these "default" extensions in a particular workspace but still want it to be a "default" extension, make sure to use the Disable (Workspace) option.

VSCode Filter Problems tab for currently opened file only

I'm looking for a linter feature like-atom that shows the problems by either line, file or project.
Is it possible to filter the Problems tab to only show the errors and warnings in the file being visualized or in the files opened in different tabs instead of from the entire project?
VSCode v.1.23 added the ability to filter the Problems panel by files, see problems view filtering in the release notes.
So you can include (or exclude via the usual glob negation !) only a certain file by entering its name (you may need only a part of it). The filtering is done only within opened tabs however. So you cannot get the entire workspace's problems listed when only some of its files are opened.
The ability to filter the problems panel by the current file has been added to the Insider's Build just recently (#mid-November 2019) so should be in the November 2019 update.. See and
More predefined filters are added to the Problems panel. You can now
filter problems by type and also see problems scoped to the current
active file.
The feature you describe is not currently in VSCode, (I miss it too having got used to it in Eclipse)
There is an open issue with VSCode for this:
Show problems only for currently active file / active line #30038

Cinnamon show an application in all workspaces

I have a number of monitors. I typically move between up to 4 or 5 workspaces for different areas of focus during the day (simply different projects, PyCharm for Python projects vs Eclipse for Java projects, e-mail and project management activities, etc.)
I would like to throw a chat application up on a monitor that would be mapped into all workspaces so that it's always up attracting my attention and doesn't change when I change workspaces.
I don't see in Cinnamon any option to do this and find no search expression getting me help in Google to solve it.
At the moment, this is not possible in Cinnamon. It is a long standing feature request (since 2012!).
However, there are alternatives to it. Namely, the program devilspie2 (available in the repositories) allows one to manage windows and their placement, with the help of a small Lua script.
Here1 is how I stick my Firefox and Pidgin window on all workspaces, while some other windows in a given workspace WORK (because I don't want to see them when I'm not working (: ).
-- Make windows of all these apps visible on all workspaces
GLOBAL_WINDOWS='Firefox;System Monitor;Pidgin'
if (GLOBAL_WINDOWS:find(get_application_name())) then
-- Firefox should be tall maximised
if (get_application_name() == 'Firefox') then
-- Put the Sublime on their correct workspaces
if (get_application_name() == 'Sublime Text' and get_window_name():find('WORK')) then
This should be placed in a config file in your home directory. Check the documentation :). And don't forget to set devilspie2 as the first startup app.
1 also posted in that issue

How to enable a menu in Eclipse depending on the EXE file

I want to disable a context menu item in Eclipse plugin bases on the EXE file. I mean, I want to enable the menu only when my EXE file is installed in the user's system. Otherwise it should be in disable mode. What is the way to do it?
There are no easy way to do this.
The normal options are
have a special option in the test system (which can be spoofed...)
have a PropertyTester that can test some special different between the systems
The first option is very easy, but can also easily be spoofed.
To do the later, you must
create and declare a PropertyTester
add a activeWhen or visibleWhen expression to the relevant menu entries, which use test expression element to get the value from the property tester