Spring Boot Reactive MongoDB API with GraphQL - "Java class is not a List or generic type information was lost" - mongodb

I was browsing through a lot of articles and blogs to find the proper way to get the following running. I already achived the following:
Spring Boot Application - works
Imperative Spring Data MongoDB Connection to my Mongo Atlas Cluster - works
Spring GraphQL Starter implementation (Resolvers, etc.) - works
Now I want to implement my last requirement. To have GraphQL subscriptions working I need to integrate the Spring Data MongoDB Reactive dependency and create a new GraphQL Resolver for Subscriptions. Here is the code that I added to the already working app (hopefully the code fragments give enough info to help me out).
#EnableReactiveMongoRepositories(basePackages = ["com.myapp"])
#EnableMongoRepositories(basePackages = ["com.myapp"])
class MyApp
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
class SubscriptionResolver(
private val characterReactiveRepository: CharacterReactiveRepository
) : GraphQLSubscriptionResolver {
fun allCharacters(): Flux<Character> {
return characterReactiveRepository.findAll()
interface CharacterReactiveRepository : ReactiveMongoRepository<Character, String>
type Subscription {
allCharacters: [Character]!
SchemaClassScannerError: Unable to match type definition (NonNullType{type=ListType{type=TypeName{name='Character'}}}) with java type (reactor.core.publisher.Flux<com.backend.domain.Character>): Java class is not a List or generic type information was lost: reactor.core.publisher.Flux<com.backend.domain.Character>
Detailed Exception
Edit 1
class SubscriptionResolver(
private val characterReactiveRepository: CharacterReactiveRepository
) : GraphQLSubscriptionResolver {
fun allCharacters(): Publisher<Character> {
return characterReactiveRepository.findAll()

According to the sample, you should return:
class SubscriptionResolver(
private val characterReactiveRepository: CharacterReactiveRepository
) : GraphQLSubscriptionResolver {
fun allCharacters(): Publisher<List<Character>> {
return characterReactiveRepository.findAll()
Example application you can find here https://github.com/graphql-java-kickstart/samples/tree/master/spring-boot-webflux

My problem was that I defined the subscription's method's return value as [Character]! meaning an array. But since Flux<Character> or Publisher<Character> is not an array but a single type in that context the resolving failed all the time.
Changing the schema to the following helped:
type Subscription {
allCharacters: Character


Call not propagating to the service method from Spring Reactive Controller

I am a beginner to the spring webflux. We are currently migrating our application to Spring Webflux. No I have stuck with a problem. The following is my scenario.
The main service class is calling the following service classes for data
StudentService - return Mono<Student>
StaffService - return Mono<Staff>
Here I have a wrapper class StudentWithMentor to store the result from these service classes.
public class StudentWithMentor {
private Student student;
private Staff mentor;
Now in controller I am calling the above 2 services and map it into 'StudentWithMentor' in the following way
Mono<StudentWithMentor> studentWithMentorMono = Mono.just(new StudentWithMentor());
return studentWithMentorMono.map(s->{
return s;
But when I call this endpoint I am getting the following result in postman
"student": null,
"mentor": null
Note: I am getting result from the underlying services when I debugg. But the call is returning before it process.
How can I achieve this in a complete non-blocking way.
Appreciates any help.
The easiest way will be to to use a zipWith operator to merge the results into StudentWithMentor object.
See the code below:
Mono<StudentWithMentor> studentWithMentorMono = studentService.getStudentById(id)
.zipWhen(student -> staffService.getStaffByGrade(student.getGrade()), StudentWithMentor::new);

Neo4j 3.0.3 Stored procedures in Scala

Is there any sample Scala code available for creating stored procedures in Neo4j-3.0.3 ?
I have been trying to create one simple Scala based stored procedure. Below is the Error message I get when I copy my scala-jar file to the neo4j-plugins directory and start the neo4j server :
Caused by: org.neo4j.kernel.lifecycle.LifecycleException: Component 'org.neo4j.kernel.impl.proc.Procedures#1ac0223' was successfully initialized, but failed to start. Please see attached cause exception.
at org.neo4j.kernel.lifecycle.LifeSupport$LifecycleInstance.start(LifeSupport.java:444)
at org.neo4j.kernel.lifecycle.LifeSupport.start(LifeSupport.java:107)
at org.neo4j.kernel.impl.factory.GraphDatabaseFacadeFactory.newFacade(GraphDatabaseFacadeFactory.java:140)
... 10 more
Caused by: org.neo4j.kernel.api.exceptions.ProcedureException: Unable to find a usable public no-argument constructor in the class `neoscala`. Please add a valid, public constructor, recompile the class and try again.
The scala class that I have used is :
package neoproc
import org.neo4j.graphdb.GraphDatabaseService
import org.neo4j.procedure.Procedure;
import javax.ws.rs.core.{Context, Response}
class neoscala(#Context db: GraphDatabaseService) {
def alice():String = {
String.valueOf(db.execute( "MATCH (n:User) return n" ));
Your Scala class declares a constructor with a GraphDatabaseService argument, and the exception tells you that it only wants a no-argument constructor.
It's documented in both
the user documentation:
Only static fields and #Context-annotated fields are allowed in Procedure classes.
the Javadoc:
The procedure method itself can contain arbitrary Java code - but in order to work with the underlying graph, it must have access to the graph API. This is done by declaring fields in the procedure class, and annotating them with the Context annotation. Fields declared this way are automatically injected with the requested resource. This is how procedures gain access to APIs to do work with.
All fields in the class containing the procedure declaration must either be static; or it must be public, non-final and annotated with Context.
Apparently it's not possible to create a class with a public field in Scala, so you'll have to create a parent Java class with the public field, and extend it with your Scala class:
// ProcedureAdapter.java
public abstract class ScalaProcedureAdapter {
public GraphDatabaseService db;
// neoscala.scala
class neoscala extends ScalaProcedureAdapter {
// ...
Here is the solution for this :
We will create Class in scala :
class FullTextIndex extends JavaHelper {
def search(#Name("label") label: String,
#Name("query") query: String): Stream[SearchHit] = {
//declare your method
val nodes: Stream[Node] = db.index.forNodes(index).query(query).stream
val newFunction: java.util.function.Function[Node, SearchHit] = (node: Node) => new SearchHit(node)
nodes.map {
private def indexName(label: String): String = {
"label-" + label
Procedure in Neo4j always return result in Stream and it is a latest feature in Java8 so we will also used Java Class for return the final result and For defining the public variable.
We will create Java class for result :
public class JavaHelper {
public GraphDatabaseService db;
public Log log;
public static class SearchHit {
//your result code here
You can refer knoldus blog for Neo4j User Defined Procedure for creating and storing Neo4j Procedure with Scala. Here you will also find sample code with git hub repository.

Custom event listener example in Grails documentation

I'm trying to add a custom GORM event listener class in Bootstrap.groovy, as described in the Grails documentation but its not working for me. Here is the code straight from the docs:
def init = {
application.mainContext.eventTriggeringInterceptor.datastores.each { k, datastore ->
applicationContext.addApplicationListener new MyPersistenceListener(datastore)
When I run it, the compiler complains that application and applicationContext are null. I've tried adding them as class level members but they don't get magically wired up service-style. The closest I've got so far is:
def grailsApplication
def init = { servletContext ->
def applicationContext = servletContext.getAttribute(ApplicationAttributes.APPLICATION_CONTEXT)
grailsApplication.mainContext.eventTriggeringInterceptor.datastores.each { k, datastore ->
applicationContext.addApplicationListener new GormEventListener(datastore)
But I still get errors: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property 'datastores' on null object.
Thanks for reading...
EDIT: version 2.2.1
If you do:
ctx.getBeansOfType(Datastore).values().each { Datastore d ->
ctx.addApplicationListener new MyPersistenceListener(d)
This should work without needing the Hibernate plugin installed
That looks like it should work, although I'd do it a bit differently. BootStrap.groovy does support dependency injection, so you can inject the grailsApplication bean, but you can also inject eventTriggeringInterceptor directly:
class BootStrap {
def grailsApplication
def eventTriggeringInterceptor
def init = { servletContext ->
def ctx = grailsApplication.mainContext
eventTriggeringInterceptor.datastores.values().each { datastore ->
ctx.addApplicationListener new MyPersistenceListener(datastore)
Here I still inject grailsApplication but only because I need access to the ApplicationContext to register listeners. Here's my listener (simpler than what the docs claim the simplest implementation would be btw ;)
import org.grails.datastore.mapping.core.Datastore
import org.grails.datastore.mapping.engine.event.AbstractPersistenceEvent
import org.grails.datastore.mapping.engine.event.AbstractPersistenceEventListener
class MyPersistenceListener extends AbstractPersistenceEventListener {
MyPersistenceListener(Datastore datastore) {
protected void onPersistenceEvent(AbstractPersistenceEvent event) {
println "Event $event.eventType $event.entityObject"
boolean supportsEventType(Class eventType) { true }
Finally stumbled onto a working Bootstrap.groovy, thanks to this post but I don't think its the best way to do it, rather its a work around.
def init = { servletContext ->
def applicationContext = servletContext.getAttribute(ApplicationAttributes.APPLICATION_CONTEXT)
applicationContext.addApplicationListener new GormEventListener(applicationContext.mongoDatastore)
So basically I'm hard-coding the MongoDB datastore directly as opposed to iterating over the available ones, as the docs suggest.
To save you reading the comments to the first answer, the adapted version I provided in the Question (as well as Burt's answer) only works if the Hibernate plugin is installed but in my case I was using the MongoDB plugin so had no need for the Hibernate plugin (it in fact broke my app in other ways).

Grails MongoDB doesn't save in afterUpdate

I'm trying to put some of my domain classes into the MongoDB using the mongoDB grails plugin. Some of the classes stays in MySQL. Everything works fine even the saving of domain class instances into the MongoDB (for example in service on controller code). However, If I try to save the instance from the afterUpdate() of certain not-mongoDB class it doesn't work. It doesn't throw any exception or whatever...
My not-mongoDB domain class:
class CarState extends AbstractCarState {
def afterUpdate() {
def logItemInstance = new CarStateLogItem(this.properties)
logItemInstance.save(failOnError: true)
MongoDB domain class:
class CarStateLogItem extends AbstractCarState {
ObjectId id
static mapWith = "mongo"
The weird thing is that if I run the afterUpdate() code from controller it saves into the MongoDB. Am I something missing? Or why I cannot save the instance?
Thanks for any advice,
I think you need to initiate a new transaction in order to save in mongodb. If you notice, the transaction for CarState will be of MySQL. In order to transact with mongodb from the afterUpdate event there has to be a new mongodb transaction. Try this.
def afterUpdate() {
CarStateLogItem.withTransaction{status ->
def logItemInstance = new CarStateLogItem(this.properties)
logItemInstance.save(failOnError: true)

How to call Grails from Scala

Is there a way to call a method in a Grails service, from a Scala class that is running on the same JVM?
I have seen something similar done from Groovy/Griffon but cannot figure out how to accomplish that in Grails. (http://www.jroller.com/aalmiray/entry/griffon_groovy_scala_working_together)
Basically, one of my Grails controllers calls some Scala code, which should return some values asynchronously. So, I guess, the only way to return those values is by calling back a method in a Grails service.
I found a way of doing it, inspired by the link in the question above, and one of the FAQs in the Grails website.
On the Scala side:
Declare an object similar to the following:
package scalaCallback
object ScalaCallback{
var cback: {def callback(example: String)} = null
def setCallback(cb: {def callback(example: String)}){
cback = cb
def invokeCallback(example: String){
if(callback != null) cback.callback(example)
On the Grails side:
Create a class in src/groovy similar to the following:
package groovyCallback
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.ApplicationHolder
class GroovyCallback{
private GroovyCallback() {}
private static final INSTANCE = new GroovyCallback()
static getInstance(){ return INSTANCE }
void callback(String example){
In your BootStrap.groovy init add the following:
scalaCallback.cback = groovyCallback.GroovyCallback.getInstance()
When you call invokeCallback("example") in Scala, it will call yourService.yourMethod("example")
Note: the jar file with your Scala class should be in the lib folder of you Grails application
Your Grails service is a Spring bean. #Autowire the service into your Scala class (it will need to be a bean/#Component) and call the method.
EDIT - added example:
For example (using Java, not Scala but the approach is exactly the same):
Java code calling service:
package grailstest;
public class ServiceInjectionTester {
#Autowired TestService testService;
public String testTheService() {
return testService.serviceMethod();
class TestService {
String serviceMethod() {
return "success"
In Config.groovy:
grails.spring.bean.packages = [ "grailstest" ]
You can also wire your Java/Scala bean into your Grails classes:
class TestController {
ServiceInjectionTester serviceInjectionTester
def index = {
render(text: serviceInjectionTester.testTheService())
Grails Reference 8.4 - Using Services from Java
Spring: The Foundation for Grails