Finding the smallest and largest numbers by single linked list and two classes - class

I got several numbers from user by single linked list and my program's task is finding the smallest and largest number in the linked list by two classes and print them on the sreen. But after a time, my program got closed and i didn't see anything. What went wrong?
using namespace std;
struct Node
double Number;
struct Node *Point;
} *End = nullptr;
typedef struct Node node;
namespace Min_Max
class Min
node *Result = End;
public: Min()
if(Result == nullptr)
cout << "You didn\'t enter anything!\a";
node *Counter = Result->Point;
while(Counter != nullptr)
if(Counter->Number < Result->Number)
Result = Counter;
Result = Result->Point;
node* Show()
return Result;
class Max
node *Result = End;
if(Result == nullptr)
cout << "You didn\'t enter anything!\a";
node *Counter = Result->Point;
while(Counter != nullptr)
if(Counter->Number > Result->Number)
Result = Counter;
Result = Result->Point;
node* Show()
return Result;
int main()
node *linker = nullptr;
register short int Counter = 1;
linker = new node;
if(linker == nullptr)
cout << "An error occurred during allocating memory." << endl << endl;
return 0;
cout << "Number " << Counter << ": Enter your number: ";
cin >> linker->Number;
if(linker->Number == 0)
delete linker;
linker->Point = End;
End = linker;
Min_Max::Min Min;
Min_Max::Max Max;
cout << "The smallest number is " << (Min.Show())->Number << endl;
cout << "The largest number is " << (Max.Show())->Number << endl;
return 0;
My C++ compiler is GCC-C++11 and my operating system is Windows 10.


invalid conversion from 'int' to 'int*' [-fpermissive]

I am new to C++ language and I have no idea of pointers and their usage. I'm facing the error "[Error] invalid conversion from 'int' to 'int*' [-fpermissive]" while compiling.
Here is the code.
#include <iostream>
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
using namespace std;
class tree
struct node
node *l;
int data;
node *r;
} *p;
void search(int n, int &found, int *&parent);
void insert(int n);
void traverse();
void in(node *q);
void pre(node *q);
void post(node *q);
int compare(node *pp, node *qq);
void operator=(tree t);
int operator==(tree t);
node *copy(node *q);
tree ::tree()
p = NULL;
void tree ::search(int n, int &found, int *&parent)
node *q;
found = FALSE;
parent = TRUE;
if (p == NULL)
q = p;
while (q != NULL)
if (q->data == n)
found = TRUE;
if (q->data > n)
parent = q;
q = q->l;
parent = q;
q = q->r;
void tree::insert(int n)
int found;
node *t, *parent;
search(n, found, parent);
if (found == TRUE)
cout << endl << "Such a node already exists";
t = new node;
t->data = n;
t->l = NULL;
t->r = NULL;
if (parent == NULL)
p = t;
parent->data > n ? parent->l : parent->r = t;
void tree::traverse()
int choice;
cout << endl
<< "1. Inorder" << endl
<< "2. Preorrder" << endl
<< "3. Postorder" << endl
<< "4. Your choice";
cin >> choice;
switch (choice)
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
void tree::in(node *q)
if (q != NULL)
cout << "\t" << q->data;
void tree::pre(node *q)
if (q != NULL)
cout << "\t" << q->data;
void tree ::post(node *q)
if (q != NULL)
cout << "\t" << q->data;
int tree::operator==(tree t)
int flag;
flag = compare(p, t.p);
return (flag);
int tree::compare(node *pp, node *qq)
static int flag;
if ((pp == NULL) && (qq != NULL))
if ((pp != NULL) && (qq != NULL))
if (pp->data != qq->data)
flag = FALSE;
compare(pp->l, qq->l);
compare(pp->r, qq->r);
return (flag);
void tree::operator=(tree t)
p = copy(t.p);
tree::node *tree::copy(node *q)
if (q != NULL)
t = new node;
t->data = q->data;
t->l = copy(q->l);
t->r= copy(q->r);
return (t);
int main()
tree tt, ss;
int i, num;
for (i = 0; i <= 6; i++)
cout << endl
<< "Enter the data for the node to be inserted";
cin >> num;
ss = tt;
if (ss == tt)
cout << endl
<< "Trees are equal";
cout << endl
<< "Trees are not equal";
return 0;
I was trying to implement Binary search tree using class and traverse the tree using any traversal scheme. In addition to it the class must have capability to copy the contents from one tree to another and compare the contents of two binary trees.

How do I change a pointer variable's value and keep the changes outside of a function without pass-by-reference?

I am doing a project for a class writing C-String-editing functions. 3/5 of the functions I have to write change the size of the char arrays I have to use, and they are being read through an ifstream input. Here is the program:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
void stringCopy(char *A, char *B);
bool stringCompare(char *A, char *B);
void stringConcatenation(char *A, char *B); //added const to make sure b is never changed
int stringPosition(char *A, char B);
int stringLength(char *A);
int cStringLen(const char*); //finds string length, but doesn't account for null char
void reSize(char*&, int len, int newLen);
void input(char*& A, istream& is);
void printMessage(const char* word1, const char* word2, const char* message);
int main()
ifstream ifs{"input.txt"};
ofstream ofs{"output.txt"};
char* word1 = "";
char* word2 = "";
input(word1, ifs);
input(word2, ifs);
printMessage(word1, word2, "stringCopy()");
stringCopy(word1, word2);
printMessage(word1, word2, "after stringCopy()");
cout << endl;
input(word1, ifs);
input(word2, ifs);
printMessage(word1, word2, "stringCompare()");
if(stringCompare(word1, word2))
cout << "They match!" << endl;
cout << "They don't match!" << endl;
stringCopy(word1, word2);
printMessage(word1, word2, "comparing after stringCopy()");
if(stringCompare(word1, word2))
cout << "They match!" << endl;
cout << "They don't match!" << endl;
cout << endl;
input(word1, ifs);
input(word2, ifs);
printMessage(word1, word2, "stringConcatenation()");
stringConcatenation(word1, word2);
printMessage(word1, word2, "after stringConcatenation()");
cout << endl;
input(word1, ifs);
input(word2, ifs);
printMessage(word1, word2, "stringPosition()");
cout << "Searching for 'm' in word1..." << endl << "position returned is: " << stringPosition(word1, 'm') << endl;
cout << "Searching for 'n' in word2..." << endl << "position returned is: " << stringPosition(word2, 'n') << endl;
cout << endl;
input(word1, ifs);
cout << "stringLength()" << endl;
cout << "word1: " << word1 << endl;
cout << "The length of word1 is: " << stringLength(word1) << endl;
cout << "after stringLength()" << endl;
cout << "word1: " << word1 << endl;
return 0;
void stringCopy(char *A, char *B)
int counterA = cStringLen(A) + 1;
int counterB = cStringLen(B) + 1;
if(counterA < counterB)
reSize(A, counterA, counterB);
reSize(A, counterB, counterA);
for(int i = 0; i < counterB; i++) *(A + i) = *(B + i); //each character is copied to A from B
bool stringCompare(char *A, char *B)
///getting length of one string
int counter = cStringLen(A);
///will move through string until diff char found
for(int i = 0; i < counter + 1; i++)
if(*(A + i) != *(B + i))
return false;
return true;
void stringConcatenation(char *A, char *B) //added const to make sure b is never changed
///getting length of both strings
int counterA = cStringLen(A)+1;
int counterB = cStringLen(B)+1;
///putting the length of both together for new string
const int COUNTERS = counterA + counterB - 1;
///making A the size of both strings - 1
reSize(A, counterA, COUNTERS);
///copying b to the parts of a past the original
for(int i = 0; i < counterB; i++)
*(A + (counterA - 1) + i) = *(B + i); //will override the '/0' char of A
int stringPosition(char *A, char B)
int counter = cStringLen(A) + 1;
///searching through string for char
for(int i = 0; i < counter; i++)
if(*(A + i) == B)
return i; //found!
///checking if b == '\0' and a '\0' isn't found somewhere before last spot of A
if(B == '\0')
return counter;
return -1; //not found
int stringLength(char *A)
int counter = cStringLen(A) + 1;
char* car = new char[counter + 1];
for(int i = 0; i < counter; i++)
*(car + 1 + i) = *(A + i);
*(car + 0) = counter;
delete[] A;
A = car;
* Will take string as param.
* Shifts all characters to the right by one and store the length of the string in position 0.
- Length doesn't include position 0.
return counter; //temp
//-----------------------------------------MY FUNCTIONS---------------------------------------------------------------------------
int cStringLen(const char* A) //finds string length, but doesn't account for null char
int counter = 0;
while(*(A + counter) != '\0')
return counter;
void reSize(char*& A, int len, int newLen)
char* car = new char[newLen];
for(int i = 0; i < newLen; i++)
if(i < len)
*(car + i) = *(A + i);
else if(i >= len && i < newLen)
*(car + i) = '\0';
delete[] A;
A = car;
void input(char*& A, istream& is)
int wordSize = 0;
int arrSize = 1;
char c = 'o'; //checking char
char* car = new char[arrSize];
while((!(is.eof())) && (c != ' ' && c != '\t' && c != '\n'))
is >> c;
delete[] A;
A = car;
if(c != ' ' && c != '\t' && c != '\n')
if(wordSize == arrSize)
reSize(car, arrSize, arrSize * 2);
*(car + wordSize) = c;
delete[] A;
A = car;
void printMessage(const char* word1, const char* word2, const char* message)
cout << message << endl;
cout << "word1: " << word1 << endl << "word2: " << word2 << endl;
I thought I got it all done just fine. Keep in mind that I added the "&" operator after each of the pointer parameters already. Here is how they were before:
void stringCopy(char *&A, char *B);
bool stringCompare(char *A, char *B);
void stringConcatenation(char *&A, char *B); //added const to make sure b
is never changed
int stringPosition(char *A, char B);
int stringLength(char *&A);
But, when I got to class, my teacher said we weren't allowed to change the function headers in any way. So, I am stuck passing by value for the assignment. The problem is that I have no way of changing the c-strings outside the editing functions now. Any changes I do to them stay inside there.
It all compiles just fine, and, if I make the pointers pass-by-reference, the program runs flawlessly. I am just wondering how I could change the values of the c-strings outside of the editing functions. This assignment is starting to become a pain (so many f***ing restrictions).
I think what your teacher wants you to do is to change the value at the character pointer instead of creating a new string.
So instead trying to reassigning parameter A to a new char* you change the value that A points to in memory. That way the method that called your function still points to that same memory and when they access that location the get the value you changed from within your function.

Function Pointers in C++ Class Files

I've been trying to work with function pointers for quite a bit now, and to no avail. I've been working with a few friends to create a C++ 11 library to make creating ASCII games easier, and I've personally been working on creating a menu class. The beef of the class is complete, but one issue - I can't get the buttons to call functions. I always get the error:
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_function_call'
what(): bad_function_call
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
Please contact the application's support team for more information.
Obviously the error lies somewhere in the pointers, but I can't solve it for the life of me. Thanks for the help in advance.
#ifndef MENU_H
#define MENU_H
using namespace std;
#include <functional>
#include <string>
#include <map>
class Menu {
int numberOfOptions;
map<int, string> options;
int currentSelection;
string title;
Menu(int initialNumberOfOptions, map<int, string> initialOptions, int initialSelection);
void display();
void waitForInput();
void attachOptionAction(int option, void (*function)());
map<int, void (*std::function<void()>)> optionActions;
void executeOptionAction(int option);
#include "Menu.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
Menu::Menu(int initialNumberOfOptions, map<int, string> initialOptions, int initialSelection) {
title = "";
numberOfOptions = initialNumberOfOptions;
options = initialOptions;
currentSelection = initialSelection;
void Menu::display() {
SetConsoleCursorPosition(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), {0, 0});
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
cout << " " << endl;
SetConsoleCursorPosition(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), {0, 0});
if(title != "") {
cout << title << endl << endl;
for(int i = 0; i < numberOfOptions; i++) {
if(i == currentSelection - 1) {
cout << "[ " << options[i] << " ]" << endl;
} else {
cout << options[i] << endl;
void Menu::waitForInput() {
char input;
input = getch();
if(input == 72 && currentSelection > 1) {
} else if (input == 80 && currentSelection < numberOfOptions) {
} else if (input == 13) {
if(currentSelection == 1) {
void Menu::attachOptionAction(int option, std::function<void()> function) {
optionActions[option] = function;
void Menu::executeOptionAction(int option) {
#include "Menu.h"
#include <unistd.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <map>
void test() {
cout << "Hello, World!";
int main() {
map<int, string> options;
options[0] = "Play";
options[1] = "Help";
options[2] = "Quit";
Menu menu(3, options, 1);
menu.title = "ASCII Game Library 2015";
void (*actionPointer)() = NULL;
menu.attachOptionAction(1, (*actionPointer));
return 0;
This is wrong. I'm not even sure what's that supposed to be.
map<int, void (*std::function<void()>)> optionActions;
It should be:
map<int, std::function<void()>> optionActions;
This here is also wrong. It would be correct if you hadn't imported std into your current namespace.
void attachOptionAction(int option, void (*function)());
It should be:
void attachOptionAction(int option, const std::function<void()> & action);
This here is also wrong. You can't name your argument function after you imported std into your namespace.
void Menu::attachOptionAction(int option, std::function<void()> function)
It should be:
void Menu::attachOptionAction(int option, const std::function<void()> & action)
This here is also wrong. You don't check if the function exists or that a valid function pointer was assigned to it. Which you haven't.
It should be:
// Attempt to find the action!
map<int, std::function<void()>>::iterator action = optionActions.find(option);
// Did we find anything?
if (action == optionActions.end())
// Is the function assigned to this action valid?
if (action->second)
You are attaching a null function pointer to an action and try to call it. And since there's no validation it does exactly that. Which is why you get that exception:
void (*actionPointer)() = NULL;
menu.attachOptionAction(1, (*actionPointer));
But I'm not even sure how even managed to compile it :/
I hope you can find this example to be informative on what you're looking for.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
class Menu
typedef std::function<int (Menu &)> Callback;
typedef std::map<int, Menu> SubMenus;
: m_Id(0), m_Name(""), m_Handler(nullptr)
Menu(int id, const std::string & name, Callback clbk)
: m_Id(id), m_Name(name), m_Handler(clbk)
Menu & operator [] (int id)
int Enter()
int result = 0;
if (m_Handler)
result = m_Handler(*this);
return result;
void Insert(const Menu & menu)
m_Childrens[menu.m_Id] = menu;
void Insert(int id, const std::string & name, Callback clbk)
m_Childrens[id] = Menu(id, name, clbk);
void Remove(int id)
int GetId() const
return m_Id;
const std::string & GetName() const
return m_Name;
const Callback & GetHandler() const
return m_Handler;
bool IsChildren(int id) const
return (m_Childrens.find(id) != m_Childrens.cend());
Menu & GetChildren(int id)
const SubMenus & GetChildrens() const
return m_Childrens;
int m_Id;
std::string m_Name;
Callback m_Handler;
SubMenus m_Childrens;
void ClearScreen()
int SharedMenuDisplay(const Menu & menu)
std::cout << "Welcome to " << menu.GetName() << std::endl;
for (const auto & m : menu.GetChildrens())
std::cout << "> " << m.second.GetId() << " - " << m.second.GetName() << std::endl;
std::cout << "> 0 - Go Back" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Please select a sub menu: ";
int choice;
std::cin >> choice;
return choice;
int Menu_Home(Menu & menu)
int choice;
int result = 0;
do {
std::cout << "Welcome to " << menu.GetName() << std::endl;
for (const auto & m : menu.GetChildrens())
std::cout << "> " << m.second.GetId() << " - " << m.second.GetName() << std::endl;
std::cout << "> 0 - To Leave" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Please select a sub menu: ";
std::cin >> choice;
if (choice != 0 && menu.IsChildren(choice))
result = menu.GetChildren(choice).Enter();
} while (choice != 0);
return result;
int Menu_A(Menu & menu)
int choice;
int result = 0;
do {
choice = SharedMenuDisplay(menu);
if (choice != 0 && menu.IsChildren(choice))
result = menu.GetChildren(choice).Enter();
} while (choice != 0);
return result;
int Menu_A_SubMenu_X(Menu & menu)
std::cout << "You have selected " << menu.GetName() << std::endl;
std::cout << "> Type something and press Enter to go back..." << std::endl;
std::string str;
std::cin >> str;
return 0;
int Menu_A_SubMenu_Y(Menu & menu)
std::cout << "You have selected " << menu.GetName() << std::endl;
std::cout << "> Type something and press Enter to go back..." << std::endl;
std::string str;
std::cin >> str;
return 0;
int Menu_A_SubMenu_Z(Menu & menu)
std::cout << "You have selected " << menu.GetName() << std::endl;
std::cout << "> Type something and press Enter to go back..." << std::endl;
std::string str;
std::cin >> str;
return 0;
int Menu_B(Menu & menu)
int choice;
int result = 0;
do {
choice = SharedMenuDisplay(menu);
if (choice != 0 && menu.IsChildren(choice))
result = menu.GetChildren(choice).Enter();
} while (choice != 0);
return result;
int Menu_B_SubMenu_X(Menu & menu)
std::cout << "You have selected " << menu.GetName() << std::endl;
std::cout << "> Type something and press Enter to go back..." << std::endl;
std::string str;
std::cin >> str;
return 0;
int Menu_B_SubMenu_Y(Menu & menu)
std::cout << "You have selected " << menu.GetName() << std::endl;
std::cout << "> Type something and press Enter to go back..." << std::endl;
std::string str;
std::cin >> str;
return 0;
int Menu_B_SubMenu_Z(Menu & menu)
std::cout << "You have selected " << menu.GetName() << std::endl;
std::cout << "> Type something and press Enter to go back..." << std::endl;
std::string str;
std::cin >> str;
return 0;
int Menu_C(Menu & menu)
std::cout << "You have selected " << menu.GetName() << std::endl;
std::cout << "> Type something and press Enter to go back..." << std::endl;
std::string str;
std::cin >> str;
return 0;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
Menu home(-1, "Home", &Menu_Home);
home.Insert(1, "Menu Item A", &Menu_A);
home.Insert(2, "Menu Item B", &Menu_B);
home.Insert(3, "Menu Item C", &Menu_C);
home.GetChildren(1).Insert(1, "Sub Menu Item X", &Menu_A_SubMenu_X);
home.GetChildren(1).Insert(2, "Sub Menu Item Y", &Menu_A_SubMenu_Y);
home.GetChildren(1).Insert(3, "Sub Menu Item Z", &Menu_A_SubMenu_Z);
home[2].Insert(1, "Sub Menu Item X", &Menu_B_SubMenu_X);
home[2].Insert(2, "Sub Menu Item Y", &Menu_B_SubMenu_Y);
home[2].Insert(3, "Sub Menu Item Z", &Menu_B_SubMenu_Z);
return home.Enter();

Printing a singly linked list using classes

I am making a program for singly linked lists using multiple files and classes.
I have to have a Node.h, LinkedList.h, Node.cpp, LinkedList.cpp, and a main.cpp
I was having other problems but now my printList() function just prints "List()" instead of "List(node 1, node2, etc...)"
I think my insert might be the problem because my searchNode() doesn't work right either, it always says node not found.
Here is the code I have: (I can't change the Node.h and LinkedList.h files)
// Node.h
// Linked Lists
#ifndef Linked_Lists_Node_h
#define Linked_Lists_Node_h
class Node
Node(int data);
int data;
Node *next;
// LinkedList.h
// Linked Lists
#ifndef Linked_Lists_LinkedList_h
#define Linked_Lists_LinkedList_h
#include "Node.h"
class LinkedList
Node *head;
void addNode(int data);
void removeNode(int data);
bool searchNode(int data);
void printList();
// Node.cpp
// Linked Lists
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "LinkedList.h"
#include "Node.h"
using namespace std;
Node::Node(int data) {};
// LinkedList.cpp
// Linked Lists
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "LinkedList.h"
#include "Node.h"
using namespace std;
head = NULL;
void LinkedList::addNode(int data)
Node *newNode;
newNode->data = data;
newNode->next = NULL;
Node *tmp = head;
if(tmp != NULL)
while(tmp->next != NULL)
tmp = tmp->next;
tmp->next = newNode;
cout << "Node added" << endl;
void LinkedList::removeNode(int data)
Node *tmp = head;
if(tmp == NULL)
cout << "No node removed" << endl;
if(tmp->next == NULL)
delete tmp;
head = NULL;
Node *previous;
if(tmp->data == data)
previous = tmp;
tmp = tmp->next;
while(tmp != NULL);
previous->next = tmp->next;
delete tmp;
cout << "Node removed" << endl;
bool LinkedList::searchNode(int data)
Node *tmp = head;
while(tmp != NULL)
if(tmp->data == data)
cout << "Node found" << endl;
return true;
tmp = tmp->next;
cout << "Node not found" << endl;
return false;
void LinkedList::printList()
Node *tmp = head;
if(tmp == NULL)
cout << "List()" << endl;
if(tmp->next == NULL)
cout << "List(" << tmp->data << ")";
cout << "List(" << tmp->data;
cout << ", ";
tmp = tmp->next;
while (tmp != NULL);
cout << ")" << endl;
// main.cpp
// Linked Lists
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "LinkedList.h"
#include "Node.h"
#include "LinkedList.cpp"
using namespace std;
int main ()
LinkedList list;
int data;
int choice;
cout << " Select:" << endl;
cout << "1 to add a node" <<endl;
cout << "2 to remove a node" << endl;
cout << "3 to search for a node" << endl;
cout << "4 to exit" << endl;
cout << endl;
cin >> choice;
case 1: //insertion
cout << "Enter node: ";
cin >> data;
list.addNode(data); //add a node
case 2: //deletion
cout << "Enter node: ";
cin >> data;
list.removeNode(data); //remove a node
case 3: //search
cout << "Enter node: ";
cin >> data;
list.searchNode(data); //search for a node
case 4:
exit(0); //exit the program
default: //default case
cout << "Please enter a valid choice (1 - 4)!" << endl;
return 0;
If you could help me figure out my problem I would greatly appreciate it.
You're not adding any nodes. If head is NULL, your add Node becomes:
void LinkedList::addNode(int data)
Node *newNode;
newNode->data = data;
newNode->next = NULL;
Node *tmp = head;
if(tmp != NULL)
//this never gets executed
cout << "Node added" << endl;
You need to treat this case (first insertion):
void LinkedList::addNode(int data)
Node *newNode;
newNode->data = data;
newNode->next = NULL;
Node *tmp = head;
if(tmp != NULL)
while(tmp->next != NULL)
tmp = tmp->next;
tmp->next = newNode;
head = newNode;
cout << "Node added" << endl;
This will create the head if it doesn't exist already.
Are you using a debugger? It would be much easier (for you) if you did.

Help to call overloaded insertion operator

I tried calling my overloaded inserter but it's not doing what it's supposed to do.
#include <iostream>
#include "SortedLinkedListInt.h"
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
head = NULL;
size = 0;
while (head != NULL) {
Node* ptr = head;
head = head -> next;
delete ptr;
SortedLinkedListInt::SortedLinkedListInt(const SortedLinkedListInt &obj){
for(Node* n = obj.head; n!=NULL; n=n->next)
void SortedLinkedListInt::add(int newElement){
if (head == NULL){
head = new Node;
head->next = NULL;
head->data = (newElement);
else if(head->data > newElement){
Node* node1 = new Node;
node1->data = newElement;
node1->next = head;
head = node1;
Node* node2;
for(node2=head; node2->next!= NULL; node2 = node2->next)
if(node2->next->data > newElement)
Node* node = new Node;
node->next = (node2->next);
node->data = (newElement);
node2->next = (node);
bool SortedLinkedListInt::exists (int element){
for (Node* n = head; n != NULL; n = n -> next) // how to write n.getElement() in c++
if(element == n->data) //analogous to compareTo (java)
return true;
return false;
void SortedLinkedListInt::toString(){
for (Node* n = head; n != NULL; n = n->next){
cout << n->data << endl;
cout << "\n";
void SortedLinkedListInt::operator <<(const int &sub){
for (Node* n = head; n != NULL; n = n->next){
cout << n->data << endl;
cout << "\n";
The function is at the bottom of the above header file. Below is the main.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include "SortedLinkedListInt.h"
#include <cstdio>
using namespace std;
int main(){
SortedLinkedListInt *sll = new SortedLinkedListInt();
//SortedLinkedList <int> *sll = new SortedLinkedList<int>;
/*SortedLinkedList<int> sll2 = *sll;*/
cout << 5;
cout << 3;
int n = 4;
printf("%d does%s exist in list.\n", n, sll->exists(n) ? "": " not");
cout << 5 or any number wont call the overloaded insertion operator. I wanted to have it do the same function as sll->(5). So instead of using sll->(x) all that will be done is cout << x;
I am not sure what you are trying to achieve but
cout << 5
calls the insertion operator of cout standard stream. If you want to call your own insertion operator at least left part of the statement must be your class.
I hope this helps.