Agora Video Resolution In Unity - unity3d

I'm working on an app that uses agora sdk for unity. I'm rendering video on UI Raw Images and using a video resolution of 480x480. The thing is that the video in those images looked a bit stretched and to handle that I set the orientation to fixed portrait and it looks better but not perfect. So I want to ask, do I need to resize the images according to video resolution i.e. if video resolution is of 480x480 then the raw image size should be 480x480 in width and height as well? I also need to present a user's video in a much larger image so what video resolution should I choose given the size of raw image 980(w) x 1600(h). I just need the videos to best fit the images so it looks good. Any help would be much appreciated.

Yes, you should resize the image according the resolution in general. There is a callback method that tells what the video resolution size is. You may find that information in VideoSurface's code where reference to UpdateVideoRawData() is. The actual Raw Image itself doesn't have to match the size and the data will fill in within boundary. You should maintain a width/height ratio. Or if you want to crop the image, you may need to apply some masking technique. Crop the video data itself maybe another approach but that will add CPU overhead for you.


Image quality downgraded after resizing in AEM 6.3

I'm very new to AEM and I'm trying to reduce the image size by using named transform image servlet in AEM 6.3. After reducing the image size using resize property, the image quality goes down terribly.
I've also tried using attributes sharpen and quality however I'm not able to understand their proper usage even after going through the adobe docs.
This is the original image resolution
1600 x 530
This is the image configuration that I've tried so far:
bounded-resize:width=1423&height=471&upscale=true (using this only reduces the image quality a lot)
quality:quality=82 (this changed nothing)
sharpen:op_usm=3.5,20(this distorted the image completely, sort of oil paint effect)
Above configuration maintains the aspect ration but not the quality.
You should check the order of Image Transformers in your transformer configuration. The documentation states:
Order matters when defining your image transformation rules. For example, a resize then crop can yield significantly different results than a crop then resize.
I am not a 100% sure which makes more sense: Resize and Crop or Crop and Resize. But that would be easy to validate:
Create two transformer configurations. Both should just contain the resize and crop setting but in a different order. Call both of them (with the right URL) and then compare the resulting images.
As a best practice, to achieve a high image quality and small file size, start with the following combination of parameters:
This combination of settings products excellent results under most circumstances.
For further reading and learning, Refer to this

Image size incorrect in Unity

I have a Unity 2D project with a fixed screen size of 800x450 pixels.
I have imported a background image that is also 800x450 pixels.
When placed on the stage, the image only takes up half of the screen.
The scale of the image is set to 1,1. The Z position is 0.
Why is the image displayed too small? How can I display the image at the correct resolution?
Does this mean that I have to design all my game assets at 2x the required size? Or that I somehow have to set the scale for all imported assets at 2? What is the recommended workflow?
I have added a screenshot of the camera settings:
I would trying making your camera orthographic, and set the size of the camera (not the transform) to be half the height that you would like it to be (225)
Also if you are looking for pixel perfect game. here is a pretty good article from Unity about how to make that work and it explains some of the camera aspect ratios and scaling

Preloading a large image

I have an image with the dimensions of 5534 × 3803, and size of 2.4mb. The UIView references notes that:
"In iOS 3.0 and later, views are no longer restricted to this maximum
size but are still limited by the amount of memory they consume."
When the image loads, it lags for half a second, then slides in. The image sits in the UIImageView at 1024x704, but can be scaled up to 4x that size for the purpose of my app.
Are you able to preload the image in the AppDelegate? Or is there another way of working around having such a large image?
EDIT: The scaling is done via UIPinchGestureRecognizer, and scales up and done (scale x4 - x1) based on the image's center point. There is no panning of the image when zoomed in.
Personally, I would try to write a tile-based system (think Google Maps) that slices your big image into a grid of small images to avoid loading in that gigantic image all at once into RAM. I don't really know what your user interactions are for this image, or whether the images are changing or baked into your project, but I'd assume you can let users scroll around since that image is bigger than any iOS screen. With a tile-based system, you only load the images that are on-screen. CATiledLayer is an Apple class for doing just such a thing. That's probably what you want to look into.
See this StackOverflow question for some different approaches. The accepted answer uses code from Apple's sample PhotoScroller project, which may work for your needs and uses CATiledLayer.
This ScrollViewSuite Apple code might also get on your way (check out the Tiling code).

converting the thumbnile image into original size

i am converting the image into thumbnail format and sending it to server and i want to convert it back to original size while receiving can any one please tell me how to resize the image to original without loosing quality.....
i tried directly to displaying the image in image view but the quality of the image is missing ...
can any one please help me how to maintain the quality of the image .......
Downscaling is irreversible, some information lost forever.
What you're asking isn't possible. You can't enlarge an image while maintaining the same quality. If you think about an image as a mapped array of pixels (literally, a "bit-map"), this makes sense. The image is saved with a fixed amount of data, and that's all you have to work with when you resize it. Any examples to the contrary (like TV shows) are purely fictional.
Investigate using vector graphics instead, which can be resized at will without a loss of quality.
you simply can not convert an image from thumbnail to original size and retain the quality it had in its original size.
if you want to display the image full-size, you have to send the full-size image.
You could think about using a Vector image? They do not lose quality when resized. But I have no clue whether you can use them for thumbnails in iOS.
See this wiki page for more info about Vector graphics.

iPhone - save image at higher resolution without pixelating it

I am using the image picker controller to get an image from the user. After some operations on the image, I want the user to be able to save the image at 1600x1200 px, 1024x1024 px or 640x480 px (something like iFlashReady app).
The last option is the size of image I get in the UIImagePickerControllerDelegate method (when using image from camera roll)
Is there any way we can save the image at these resolutions without pixelating the images?
I tried creating a bitmap context with the width and height I want (CGBitmapContextCreate) and drawing the image there. But the image gets pixelated at 1600x1200.
This is non-trivial. Your image just doesn't have enough data. To enlarge it you'll need to resample the image and interpolate between pixels (like photoshop when you resize an image).
Most likely you'll want to use a 3rd party library such as:
This performs this and many other image processing functions.
From faint memories of computer vision class from long ago, I think what you do is to blur the image after the up-convert.
Before drawing try adjusting your CGBitmapContext's antialiasing and/or interpolation quality:
CGContextSetShouldAntialias( context, 1 == 1 )
CGContextSetInterpolationQuality( context, kCGInterpolationHigh ) ;
If I remember right, antialiasing is turned off on CGContext by default.